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the brave
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![]() It had been a challenge for Sveyn, traveling with a pup. But a lesson that he would come to appreciate. Being with Reath taught him the virtues of patience. Of nurturing. It helped his conscience, though, to know the boy was with him rather than alone. Sveyn had to remind himself he was doing a good thing, even if it was slowing him down. Curiosity led him to wonder if the boy was enjoying himself, if Sveyn's tough-love was too much for him. He hasn't disappeared, yet. That must have been a good sign. As the two came near to the border, Sveyn stopped in his tracks. The smell was pungent, this was surely one of his many stops on his trek. He wasn't positive what territory they were entering, and therefor was unsure of the culture they'd be exposing themselves to. It wasn't just himself he had to protect now. "Not much closer, Reath. Some do not take well to crossing their borders. Allow yourself to relax," Knowing that these wolves would not see the pup as a threat, Sveyn did not see the harm in educating the boy on proper etiquette. To give an example, he lowered his shoulders, taking a seat in the spot he stood before. When he watched to see if the boy would mimic properly, he then threw his head in the air. A deep bellow allowed the border-patrol, and whoever else was listening, know of their arrival. Again, he relaxed, a close proximity to Reath. If he had to, he would come to life again at the defense of the boy. But until then, they'd wait. ▌note: please wait for @Reath to post. Requesting someone higher up on the hierarchy here, lol! And anybody else that would like to join. If you want another RP with Sveyn while he is in Inaria please lemme know! I think I'll do 1-2 other threads
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Orphan pup
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It had been a few days since Reath had been traveling with Sveyn. His life in the forests of the neutral lands was no more and, instead, he followed behind the large male with barely kept glee. The cool morning air wasn't threatening to give his little nose frostbite every time he took a breath or cause his brilliant blue eyes to water as the wind pushed against his face. It was a wonderful place thought the silver pup as his cast his eyes around the towering trees seemed to stretch endlessly up towards the bright blue expanse above. Some branches were bare of leaves but those who still had said foliage hanging from them couldn't boast much more than dry, crinkled brown shells which were falling off as a gentle gust of air glided amongst the treetops. Those that lost purchase on the twigs that they had bloomed on preformed a graceful dance as they twirled, flipped and swayed down to the wild growths down below. It had been an early morning start this morning. Reath had barely gotten any sleep that night his thoughts racing at the knowledge that they were meeting the pack leaders that lived within the heart of these woods. Images of large figures, powerful but mystical, played in his minds eye. They had to be amazing to lead a pack. Little Reath didn't know how a pack worked but he did know that there were a lot of wolves in a decent pack, or so Sveyn had told him, and they all obeyed the alphas words. So for the alphas to have the respect of so many wolves was quite astounding to a six month old pup who lived alone in the forest with his parents. Well...who had lived in the forest with his recently deceased parents.
Looking at the small pup bounding behind the large white wolf; a smile lighting up his face. You would have never known that Reath had gone through such a tragic event. It had all happened a month ago. His parents, both amazing and wonderful people, had taken Reath out to hunt with them. It had only been the third time they had brought him along to hunt with them so of course he was excited. The event that occurred afterward haunted the pups dreams. Turning them into horrid nightmares that had scared him so terribly that he woken Sveyn a few times. As Reaths parents stalked a small rabbit they were unaware that two saber cats were, in turn, stalking them. Reath watch confused as the felines would follow his parents every step cautiously but he figured that they were helping them hunt. Although they had never been with them on any of their other hunts and he was sure that everyone hunted alone. When it happened he couldn't do anything. The sabers broke silence and charged after his parents. His parents were alerted to the running but couldn't prepare themselves fast enough. Reath spent days shaking in his hiding spot after their deaths. He didn't go look for them or go see if they were alright. His mind was numb as he stumbled away from the spot where they laid. Indeed Reath, today, look just as happy and healthy as any other child. "Not much closer, Reath. Some do not take well to crossing their borders. Allow yourself to relax." The pup watched curiously as Sveyn sat purposely where he was and saw his eyes looking at Reath expectantly. Reath, having been taught to listen to his elders, did the same thing and looked to the large male for some sort of reply. A nod of the head or a word of praise. The area where they sat was dotted with sunlight and quiet; not the scary quiet but a calm quiet. had been quiet until Sveyn let out a loud howl that pulsed in his tiny ears. His face screwed up as he flattened his ears to his skull. Trying to tone down the sound. "Why'd you do that," he asked curiously to his traveling companion. For the past few days Sveyn had been telling Reath what was the right thing to do in front of the pack alphas but Reath always had questions afterwards. Right now he just wanted to know how long they would have to wait but thought that it would sound rude and get him a swift nip to his rump; a punishment his mother enforced whenever he was out of line. Which was actually quite often. |
Orphan pup
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I'll leave my reply as is. C:
Someone feel free to join in. |
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The lands had been rather quiet, seemingly barren, lately but with the weather being what it was well..he supposed it was no surprise that individuals stayed within their warm dens and out of the chill air as much as possible. That would likely, or at least hopefully, change come spring. For now though he would continue to patrol in the quiet that being alone tended to create. Until that quiet was broken by a call from the borders which was part of his duties to monitor so he be turned and began to head towards the call at a brisk pace which allowed him to arrive rather quickly. The sight he came upon was an adult and a young pup sitting near the border. It was interesting to say the least and made him wonder if the pair wished for acceptance or perhaps sanctuary but it would be best to not assume as such just in case. Instead he stepped close enough to be heard without having to shout but not close enough to alarm either of the pair and calmly began the procedure that he had performed several times now to determine what the pair might wish of Inaria.
"Greetings, you have reached the border of Inaria. I am Aeolus. What is it you seek?". He watched them carefully as he asked what the purpose was for their being here. Not that he expected a pup to cause trouble but if the pair were fleeing trouble well that was something that would need to be known. Of course it wasn't the only possibility but it would be better to be prepared just in case. ((short but since Aeolus is a Sentry as well as Page figured he should come greet them's his job to greet strangers at the borders)) |
Sparkles a Lot
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((is this being continued or?...))
Advertiser Extraordinaire
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I'd like more Inarians to join, maybe some higher ups?
Sparkles a Lot
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((um idk who is left that is higher up than Aeolus other than the alphas....))