Saboro Ring 2 glass [sheikra] | |||||||||||||||||
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Eras end above us
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January 27, 2018, 04:22:25 AM
(This post was last modified: January 27, 2018, 04:22:51 AM by Hidalgo.)
![]() ![]() #997a8d
And in this moment, I was pretty pleased with the person I was pretending to be When Hidalgo had followed that large group of wolves, she didn't exactly asks any questions as to where they were going and how long it'd take them to get there. The days seemed to blend together into weeks and suddenly they'd found much cooler lands. It was different than what she was used to, different than the valley or the rest of the world outside. The air crisper, fresher, and the water much clearer. Unbeknownst to her that it was also different for the older members of Saboro as well, the tropical rain forest, lush with rain and humidity. But perhaps this new home wouldn't be so different for them to adapt to, they traded their perennial warmth for actual seasons now, but the greenery remained the same even if it came in a different form. She was sure that she'd never get used to the chilly air however, but I've been told, I was born to endure this kind of weather. Waiting for went the sun was at it's highest point in the blue, cloudless sky, she walked among the green grass. Golden eyes would glance over wildflowers in passing, but as she made here way through the dense spruce forest to a clearing that gave way to a sunny knoll that was absolutely covered in the bright hues of blues, reds, yellows, oranges, and light purples of flowers. Briskly, Hidalgo made her way over, perching on the top of it and letting the sun warm her back, in the not so far off distance she spotted a winding river, and even from all the way where she was seated, the female could see how crystal clear the water looked. "Stuff looks like it could take years off of ya just by drinking it." She snorted softly to herself. Indeed, this new home sure was weird, but not as weird as the figure that caught her attention, tilting her head curiously the slab blinked for a moment before a wide grin stretched across her face. "Lookie lookie, company for lil ol' me?" |
spiteful daughter
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Eras end above us
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January 29, 2018, 08:18:40 PM
(This post was last modified: January 30, 2018, 01:07:52 AM by Hidalgo.)
![]() ![]() #997a8d
There were just somethings in this world that made you go YIKES, and this minty girl was one of them. Hidalgo was a hot mess, of course she was a hot mess, but her company was far worse than her, but didn't that just help to stir the pot and make things that much more interesting! The blue female leaned forward, blinking wide eyed like an owl as the other female went on her tirade. A fragment from her past flickered in her mind like a flame trying to coax life back into itself. Of all she could remember, there was no such type of person back in that place. They'd sooner rip out your tongue, or worse. I must be fucking blessed to be in the company of lil ol' you. I killed my own father, y'sure you really wanna be here today? "I mean if you're just in the business of killing dads, I don't think I have much to worry about. AND, don't worry! Your kink is safe with me." Hidalgo sneered back, raising a paw to press against her own chest to feign a noble oath. "Daddy issues, huh? No wonder why you're acting like you've got a nest of hornets wedged so far up your ass that they're just flying out your mouth." The problems of other people, what glorious fuel, what great ammunition. A golden distraction. "I'd like to think of myself as a nice, patient girl," there was a gleam in her eye, an unmistakable hunger, no matter how subtle she was, it always tried to make itself known. Good ol family genetics, thanks Dad... and Grandpa. "I'll forgive you for this one trespass, minty." It was said with all the suaveness one of her bloodline could muster, perfectly chilled and yet in the same vein, threatened for fire to rain down. Eyes would glance away from the female sharing her space, to look at the clear river water and the shadows of fish that caught her attention for quite sometime. "If your dad is dead, what are you so angry about?" Even if the information would be useless, it'd fill a void for the time being. She'd even make a note to herself, hold off on sharing your name juuuuust yet. |