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Pawprint she
10% Sweet Tea
Posts: 122
Pronouns: she

(This post was last modified: January 27, 2018, 02:08:24 AM by Pawprint.)


Rooter was in free loading territory.  He wasn't going to earn his keep like this.

A strong bear can fight.  Nothing needed fighting for.  A bear can hunt.  Food was around, herded in fact, which confused him to no end.  He hunted other things in order to leave herded food alone.  There were no other baby bears to grow numbers.  The last fact made him sad.  He missed the mating season.  His thin size, living in Alteron, it was impossible.  He could make a case.  No.  Too crowded for a family of bears and a mother to boot would be dangerous.  Dangerous for the wolves.

Rooter grabbed a medium thick tree trunk and shook it.  The whole thing tree rattled and squirrels almost fell, but gripped the tree for dear life.  They were getting smarter.  The grizzly stepped back and stood at almost full height on hind feet.

"Next time!" he barked.  He rammed the tree with the less tender shoulder, vibrating the trunk.  The squirrels jumped to the surrounding trees, fleeing.


Still got it.

OOC: painfully short

8/3/18: Might be slow for the foreseeable future

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Pawprint she
10% Sweet Tea
Posts: 122
Pronouns: she



8/3/18: Might be slow for the foreseeable future


Pawprint she
10% Sweet Tea
Posts: 122
Pronouns: she


OOC: I'm sorry for not posting. Would you like to continue this?

8/3/18: Might be slow for the foreseeable future

Hayley she/they
Sparkles a Little
Posts: 84
Pronouns: she/they


@Pawprint sorry for replying so late but we can definitely continue this!
Pawprint she
10% Sweet Tea
Posts: 122
Pronouns: she

(This post was last modified: July 13, 2018, 11:31:59 AM by Pawprint.)


The sound of something startled the bear.  He growled and looked around quickly, his nose going in overdrive to find who it was.  One would think a wolf wouldn't sneak up on a grizzly.  A few seconds later it showed itself.  There.  A...cub.


Rooter winced as she squeaked.  Scared little thing.  Well, the bear landed on his front paws, shaking the ground around him.  He still had a good two feet on the child's height as he walked towards her.  He kept his head lower to seem half as intimidating.  The last thing Rooter needed was the cub calling for help and being attacked by wolves who were unaware a bear was a citizen of Alteron.

Rooter curled around her, his body blocking the right side of her as he sniffed her cheek and the top of her head.  His wet nose was an inch from her before pushing into her fur with the aim to tickle her if she didn't move.  Being silly was annoying, but it was better than the alternative.  If she didn't move, Rooter would speak into her ear with a voice he hoped was quiet and not scary.

"Little cub.  Never sneak up on a bear."

With that out the way he moved back and stared at the grey marked child for a moment.  Then he turned his head to the side.

"Go ahead.  Memorize my scent."

Better a cub near his face and neck than a grown wolf with teeth.  Was she brave enough?

8/3/18: Might be slow for the foreseeable future

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