Acceptance thread Heartache [OPEN] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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January 19, 2018, 01:10:23 PM
(This post was last modified: January 19, 2018, 01:11:02 PM by Sincate.)
![]() And so, they traveled south along the mountains, curving beside each hill until they could no longer see the jungle and it's monstrous volcano. The journey would be long and treacherous, none of them expecting this time to come. The jungle had been their home for generations, but the fog that spilled into their lands had taken loved ones in greed (or so they thought.) Each step felt like agony, for hours, days, weeks they had traveled until finally, they would reach the peaks that dipped into the valley with a sparkling blue lake.
The story written begins while traveling between the destination, picking up anyone along the way, possibly losing a few. Sincate tried to keep everyone in a group, circling like a guard dog with sheep. Lagging behind could mean being left behind, and the Sabora didn't mind. This was their opportunity after all, to leave and never return. It meant they weren't loyal, that they had no place in Saboro. So be it. Those who continued or joined them were welcome. Sincate wasn't much of a talker, but they would nod if they seemed friendly enough and interested. They would grant them welcome. Would explain that they were a pack moving to new lands, that they were to start anew. To the mountains — a barrier from the fog, an entity that seemed to swallow bodies and souls. If any desired to follow, the Sabora would tell them to come. Help us rebuild Saboro. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
Mass acceptance!! Anyone can join. Once you post here, you can consider yourself accepted and can post into the new territory. Also please link your character's profile so I can add them to the ranks list! You can also have Sincate say whatever to your character if you want!! ![]() |
Sir Aspen
Almost Sparkles
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He had nothing, no home, no friends or family to call his own. Lonely would be another word that would sum up the hell beast quite nicely as well. His bright eyes flicker as he travels, no set distenation set as he moves about. That, was the one good thing about not being tied down. Freedom, but, the lonely nights that follow that freedom are quite rough. No one to talk to about his problems, no one to share a nice warm meal with. Freedom was nice, but it's got it's chains as well.
Although, that changed on that night he stumbled upon that strange group of wolves. Talking about finding a new home, a new place to be safe. Interesting, Aspen thought. Intrigued that a pack would be walking past on one of his many days of traveling. Right as he was feeling his loneliest. An so, Aspen grabbed his key and unlocked those chains that were wrapped around him. Allowing for a new set of freedom to take him over. Allowing him to be in a cage, but one that had others of the same like minded creatures in it. He'd allow himself to be controlled for a while, it's not like he had anything else to do anyways. Profile |
Eras end above us
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January 26, 2018, 03:32:43 AM
(This post was last modified: January 26, 2018, 05:43:42 PM by Hidalgo.)
ooc: current threads outside of saboro are liquid timed
profile ![]() ![]() #997a8d
You need a means to an ending I need a spiritual cleansing This is what I want, motherfucker make it happen for me Her mind was constantly toiling on with old conversations, fragments of what once was and would never be again. That person is dead, how many times are you going to keep coming back to that shit? How many times? Then why did the memories remain? There were definitely better things to find out here in more green pastures (not literally) cause these mountains were anything, but green. She'd always been a wandering spirit, she had her mother's soul, and she'd be damned to know if that were a good thing or not. That past of hers always came creeping back and opening up like a wound trying to heal. You tore yourself apart so many times, believing that reinvention would save you, Hidalgo. What a mistake that was. Running away would do nothing, it had done nothing. "I'm better, I am." Something she loved to tell herself, but was getting and being better the goal in mind? Ears flicked forward as she caught the sound of hushed voices and foot falls, turning a corner and carefully climbing down a crag, the forms of others came into her sights and her golden gaze would light up. There was hesitation, what felt like an eternity as she watched them until they faded out of her view, the cold mountain winds nipping and howling at her. Without little more of a huff and snort, paws gripping carefully against loose earth and rock she'd bounded for them. It was only when she was out of breath and wheezing that the blue girl finally caught up with them. "I.. I'm going with you." She said and the wolf leading the group would hardly bat an ear, but Hidalgo knew they had heard her. Introducing herself would have to come later. |
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January 27, 2018, 12:51:42 AM
(This post was last modified: January 27, 2018, 12:53:43 AM by Ezra.)
|| saboro ||
the kind heart & slab "Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one."
-Marcus Aurelius
He had seen it all hadn't he? In the world of the strays and vagabonds Ezra was as snug as a bug in a rug. In a less dishonorable sense the boy had gotten around, made friends and interesting allies and seen all sorts of comings and goings and intriguing events. Ultimately, despite all the cruelty and depravity he had witnessed (and almost been a victim of) Ezra was intent on a single belief, the world still was fundamentally good. Bad was easy, very easy but the easy way was not always the right way and it seemed enough of the world around him still knew that. It pleased the young wolf; perhaps it was not that anyone one being could completely eradicate evil and cruelty, but that everyone could chose to keep the good course and it would die on it's own? Was that his goal in life? The mixed breed boy chewed the inside of his cheek as he thought himself a great scholar of good and evil.
His thoughts would be interrupted however by a train of travelers being moved along by a very not border collie looking creature. Ezra watched the procession and listened as a couple or some spoke as they passed by. The one keeping them grouped together was not a talkative one, but the information they gave was enough for the boy to think on. A pack, a real wolf pack like he'd heard of, moving from an old miserable territory to a new fresh one. Of course Ez was improvising with the description words but he got the indication from the red speckled wolf that those would have been accurate ones. Since the boy had bid his family farewell a few weeks ago, he had been getting a sense of who he was and had decided he was not a solitary man. Far too extroverted for a life of only meeting people in chance encounters and hoping they would be interesting like he was. Just then he watched a blue and orange woman charge up from the behind, for a moment Ezra assumed that she was part of this party and simply lagged behind but he was wrong. What was it dad had said about assuming? The green boy smirked lightly and turned his head back towards home one last time. She said she was going with them and the leader seemed to be fine with this, which was good because Ez was interested as well. "Yeah... Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. I'm very tired of being alone..." Clearing the uncertainty from his throat, he stood up from his seated resting spot and shouted after Hidalgo, Sincate, and the group, "Hey, me too! I'm coming as well." He would gallop up then, watching as Hidalgo fell into line, falling into line near her."Heya, name's Ezra." Bright blue eyes would twinkle at her past his curly locks of light green hair, a boyish grin on his face that oozed with good intention. To each and every other that appeared on the scene and joined the caravan of Saborans he would offer the same. ooc| profile is here.
if anyone else joining would like to say Ezra greeted them/introduced himself/made menial smalltalk, feel welcome to. |
Scorched King
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![]() Cancer
Cancer had wandered far from his home. The mountainous jungle and trees that looked like they were set ablaze were no longer his shelter. He wandered from one smoldering husk to the next. Powerful legs propelled him forward. Sharp green eyes observed the bodies moving, the caravan of lost souls. There was a flicker of familiarity, a spark of what it had felt like as a child to join a bloated diseased pack in search to make it better. Yet the great dire didn't move to leave them be, he followed a distance away. Compelled to watch the hive follow their leaders. He could hear bits and pieces of their story. The fog ate their lost, they needed a new home. Cancer would hold back a snort. Such high tales were cute, but they only masked the bitter truth that some wanted to cut the rotting limb off and be whole elsewhere then let it fester. As he approached with heavy paws he was a man of few words, he'd give as much as they would take from him. A name seemed to suffice for now. He would follow these creatures to their new home. He had grown weary of traveling, weary of being alone for so long. Yet with little protest they accepted his presence among them and he'd give them no reason to rebuff him. Walking in broody silence, he merely surveyed those who were already present and those who like him would join the sea of faceless wolves in need of something more. The burgundy male let himself blend in with the rest of the crowd, content for now. Watch me.
I will go to my own Sun.
And if I am burned by its fire,
I will fly on scorched wings.