Private Roleplay  It's funny, isn't it...[Sveyn]
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Yseult She/Her
Posts: 15
Pronouns: She/Her
Location [IC]: Bacchus
Rank [IC]: Police Officer & Immigration Officer
Played By: TranquilTempest

All Accounts Posts: 336

There are times when the universe tends to catch you by surprise. Just when you thought you lost something, or someone, the universe turns it right back around in your face, as if it were all just a practical joke made to psych you out, like the universe suddenly crying out "April Fools!". Sometimes, it isn't as quick. There are times where the joke is drawn out, stretched so thin that it no longer takes on the semblance of a joke, but rather, a sorrowful truth.

A she-wolf sat in the open, shoulders hunched, allowing her thick fur to fluff up around her face, shielding her from the winter breeze. The smallest of flakes were undulating down, ushering in the beginnings of winter. Sea-foam eyes gazed ahead, yet saw nothing. Her mind was far off beyond this time, unconcerned with the images of reality. This was a woman who had been played by the joke, a joke that had stretched nearly to the truth. All those moons ago, she thought she had truly lost her family, her home. She had grown cynical over the years, her loneliness doing nothing to ease her wounded spirit. She had hardened, closing herself off from others, only granting those who were worthy passage into the fortress she set up for herself. You could count the number of worthy individuals on one hand.

Psych. Bacchus wasn't gone.

It was never gone.

Ah, if only the universe had provided the delivery of the joke sooner, instead of finding the humor in letting her struggle. But, perhaps she should be thankful that the delivery had come at all.

Truth be told, she was thankful. Beyond thankful, even. Just a few moons ago, she never fathomed the return of her pack, yet here it stood, growing stronger as each day passed by. They were still quite small, but she could feel the sparks igniting, working to shroud the darkness in the light of a blazing fire. Bacchus would be great once again, just as she remembered it from her childhood...and one thing that would ensure the pack's survival, was new life.

She had been given a task she never thought she'd have to bear, not in her wildest dreams. It was never a role she imagined herself in, or pined for, but must see through to the end. For Bacchus, born anew.

How funny this all was.
ooc: Liquid timing before Sveyn leaves on his trip.
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Sveyn he/him
the brave
Posts: 41
Pronouns: he/him
Location [IC]: Bacchus
Rank [IC]: Diplomat
Played By: Vixxie

All Accounts Posts: 727

[Image: Kjn9Xus.png]

Bacchus was much different in the eyes of an adult than it was through the lens of a child.

That's funny, isn't it?

It was the same mountains, the same trees, but a new perspective. He appreciated it so much more today than he remembered as a boy. He took advantage of the longer routes, always chose the less-traveled path. There was always something new to discover. The heights the mountains provided were larger than he remembered, and he felt a strange accountability to protect and contribute to what was within the valley.

So, when Rainer approached him and asked him to father one of the Winter litters, Sveyn didn't even think twice before accepting the task. He wasn't acquainted with Yseult, which was not a matter of debate, but was ultimately concerned for her comfort. The customs of Bacchus were respected by Sveyn, but would Yseult be okay with conforming after being gone for so long?

They didn't talk about that, either.

When Sveyn was retreating back to his den, he saw the girl sitting besides herself, the wind blowing against her tri-colored coat. To himself he negotiated whether he should leave her alone, but ultimately decided against it and changed his course to approach her slowly. With plans of leaving, he thought it'd be best to inform her of his absence.

"Yseult," He called to her gently as he advanced. "How are you? I am leaving tomorrow at sunrise. I want to make sure you are well before I go," Sitting beside her, he hoped that she did not feel as if he was intruding on her time of solitude. He'd leave if she asked.

Waiting for her answer, he looked at the premise before them. How the beauty remained, even in his younger years. He thought about when the litter would arrive, how he would make sure each of his kin (and those who weren't his own) grew to experience the land of Bacchus in the ways he never was able to. The new generation of Bacchus would grow to treasure their home from birth, if Sveyn could help it.

And if he lived to return from his journey.



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Yseult She/Her
Posts: 15
Pronouns: She/Her
Location [IC]: Bacchus
Rank [IC]: Police Officer & Immigration Officer
Played By: TranquilTempest

All Accounts Posts: 336


An ear twitched, and her head turned toward the direction of the familiar voice. She had been wondering when she would see the blue-eyed male again. Truthfully, she didn't think they would be alone again after the job they had to do. She wasn't one for attachment; the less you had, the less you could get hurt, and so for much of her life, taking on a mate had been out of the question. Sveyn had been the only individual she had ever come that close to, and it was for a job that needed to be done. No attachments, no pain.

Just business.

"Sveyn," she said as she acknowledged him with a slight nod. Part of her was relieved that he came, because she believed no awkward feelings should be felt between pack-mates. It was harder to get work done otherwise.

"How are you? I am leaving tomorrow at sunrise. I want to make sure you are well before I go."

His concern was very much appreciated, and she gave him a small smile to show it. "Thank you very much, Sveyn. I am faring well. I'm not that far along yet, but I'll have the rest of the pack by my side the further I get." This would be a huge step in her life, one she wasn't all that into, but it was necessary. She could hold her own and didn't need to rely solely on others, but she had to admit, it probably would've been a little easier with him here. Oh well, got to make due with what you have.

The woman gave a nod at what he said. "Ah yes, your journey. Are you ready for it?" It wouldn't be easy. She knew from experience how tough the outside world can be, and she had to be sure that Sveyn wasn't one of those gung-ho adrenaline junkies that threw themselves into danger and got themselves killed. Those fools are damn annoying. However, Sveyn didn't come across as the type, and he was only a little younger than her. There was some experience under his belt as well. She wasn't the only one who had survived in an unforgiving world.
ooc: ~
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