Open  Aurora Storms
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Fawkes. He/Him
Posts: 2
Pronouns: He/Him

All Accounts Posts: 812

A cold night had turned into a cool dawn, evening spent curled against a long forgotten structure in the highlands to gaze up at the lights that danced above. Swirls of lime greens, purples, and pinks flashing like waves. Colours weaving into Fawkes' fur, and shining bright reflections on his eyes as he smiled upward. Crackles of static from the Aurora storm loudly echoed through the emptiness around him. At some point after a long fight against drowsiness, mottled nose tucked under a foot, long curly tail curled around over his face for warmth, and Fawkes had drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

A bundle of dark speckled curls were tugged by a breeze, that brushed them over the fluttering of deep rose eyes, a faint sunrise greeting him with a sky of pastels that had barely begun to appear. A few stars still peeking from behind thin clouds that moved quickly on the wind. A shiver ran up his spine, lifting his warm fur as an exhale puffed out from his nose. He'd raise up to his feet and begin to shuffle sleepily forward down a worn trail, heading in to direction in particular, but decided fairly quickly to tuck against the opposite side of the structure to watch the sunrise.

Out of the wind's grasp, and leaning firmly against stones, his body tucked into itself tightly for warmth. Lengthy tail curling back around the feet he'd just tucked against his chest, head stayed upright to watch the world begin to turn. Sun creeping closer to the horizon line as the navy blues receded the opposite direction, giving way to light that would burst through at any moment. Someone was approaching from the same direction, which had their figure silhouetted and wrapped in a warm light.

Cheerful, "Good morning." smiled toward them.
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Bellamy She/her
Posts: 14
Pronouns: She/her
Rank [IC]: Recruit
Played By: LK

All Accounts Posts: 259
(This post was last modified: December 21, 2018, 05:08:39 PM by Bellamy.)

The storm was nothing like she had seen before, colors she never could have fathomed weaving through the dark. She watched with her kin that night, all snuggled up, puppy to puppy, as so many pairs of eyes looked heavensward.

It was a lasting impression; a memory she would not soon forget. Little Bellamy could not have known that these very same lights coursed through her family's blood, that stardust made their legacy.

Dawn arrived, coloring the dilapidated castle in hues of red and yellow, connecting shadows to figures, and sister to brother. She wanted to be the first to rise, the first to rush out of their room, and the first to reach the top of the crumbling towers, so she could only huff in indignation when big bro Fawkes was there, all languid and cheerful and in her spot.

"Good morning."

"Yeah, it sure is." She grumbled, before waddling over to another spot a few feet away from him that had maybe the second best view on the tower. Hmph. 

[Image: 4mMgffS.png]

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Ahsoka She/Her
She spreads her wings when she's gonna fly, the crow
Posts: 15
Pronouns: She/Her
Rank [IC]: Youth
Played By: TranquilTempest

All Accounts Posts: 336

A h s o k a

#C11B17 * profile

The wispy colors that danced across the sky were mirrored in wide, scarlet eyes. The girl sat awestruck at the castle entrance as she stared up at the celestial show of lights. It was like the sky had transformed into the ocean, its waves rippling across the stars. She half expected to see fish jumping out of the colorful waters, but that was silly. There weren't fish in the sky! The thought made her screw her face up as she tried to imagine it, and giggled at the thought of flying fish.

It was a while yet before the dancing colors ended their cadence, and faded out of existence. Ahsoka, who had been sitting on the steps to the castle the whole time, groaned in disappointment. But it was just getting good! With a sigh, she knew it was time she needed to join the rest of her family in the cuddle pile, before she would get reprimanded for being outside instead. Pushing herself to her feet and turning toward the entrance, she turned her head once back toward the sky for one last fleeting hope that the swirling colors would return, but the stars had reclaimed the sky again. Like her sister, this was a moment she would never forget, for it resinated within her, and spoke of secrets about her family she had yet to discover. Resigned, the girl walked through the entrance, down a corridor, and joined her family in their room. Curling up among her siblings, sleep came swiftly. That night, she dreamt of herself swimming through the colorful waves, dancing among the stars. She smiled.


A faint light trickled in through the window. Ahsoka stirred before releasing a great yawn, poppy red eyes fluttering open. She looked around with half-lidded eyes, noticing one of her siblings had already awoken and left the castle. A sense of deja vu hit her, as this same situation happened before, but this time, with the process of elimination, it was Bellamy. Curiosity as usual got the best of Ahsoka, and so she got to her feet and stretched before, again, making sure she stepped carefully over the tangle of legs and tails.

She raced out of the castle and out into the cool morning air. Pausing for a moment to take in the coolness of the morning, she picked up her sister's scent. It was fairly fresh, and she had a feeling that Bell was nearby. She didn't have to go far when she discovered her sister sitting atop one of the towers, with an adult only a few paces away. The young girl suddenly became wary when realizing her sister wasn't alone, and with someone she had never met before. However, she didn't halt her approach, and she came close enough to hear the exchanges the other two gave each other.

"Good morning."

"Yeah, it sure is."

The young princess climbed up to greet her sister, eager for a chance to see Gemini territory from such an extraordinary viewpoint. "Hey, Bell!" she would say once reaching her sister. She was about to greet her with an affectionate nose to the neck, but cocked her head when noticing the expression on Bell's face. "What's up?" She then wondered if it had anything to do with the stranger, and she turned toward the other wolf. There was something about his scent that seemed familiar, but she couldn't be sure. With some hesitation, she spoke to the stranger. "Um, good morning." She remembered the way he had greeted Bell, and decided politeness would be the most ideal way to smooth over the tension that crackled the air. "...Who are you?"

[Image: EkoXdNa.png]
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