Higher Calling (Acceptance/Finished) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Acolyte Apothecary
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January 01, 2018, 11:29:33 AM
(This post was last modified: January 16, 2018, 08:26:22 AM by Reath.)
![]() Drip. Drip. Drip. The cathartic sound of falling rain drummed against his eardrums and his body; causing his previously thick coat to begin clinging greedily against his broad frame. Each move made was emphasized by his muscles contracting and retracting. Paws landing against the soft wet mound of earth that had become drenched and moist by the onslaught of the growing storm. The squelch of the mud giving way to his weight and ooze between his toes made his nose scrunch in distain. He never felt such a revolting sensation and he knew that it would be a constant event until he reached his destination. Not wanting to drag out this mental torture the fringe dire pick up his pace from a steady walk to a brisk jog. Running was out of the question. Last thing he needed was to break a leg because he didn't feel like prolonging the feel of muck rising between his toes. It had been days since Necros started his journey and it had been a peaceful calm since his adventure began but now as he was drawing closer to his end the weather had turned foul. Infact he was certain that it had taken a turn once he was within five miles of the packs border. The male wondered idly if this was a sign of what he was to expect from now on. A loud crack of thunder broke through the symphony of the steady drum of the rain and caused the large male to flinch as he was not expecting the sudden explosion. Fiery amber eyes cast their wrath skyward as the rolling mass of granite clouds rolled over and under each other. The lone wolf knew that he didn't want to be caught within the full force of this storm and decided to let out a howl to see if a patrol would respond. He'd be surpised if anyone was out in this type of weather but since it came on so suddenly he was hoping for the best. Until then he'd have to wait out the storm in some sort of shelter. Sweeping a searching gaze over his surroundings the large fringe dire spotted a decaying tree leaning against its stronger neighbor forming a tent that he could take advantage of and Necros did just that. Seeking a place to escape the falling rain he made a beeline for the dry underbrush beneath the decaying tree. The sound of crunching leaves and twigs never sounded so heavenly before. Shaking his coat out he rid himself of the extra weight he had been hauling around only to lay down on his patch of dryness and wait for an answer to his prior call...if the sound of the storm hadn't drowned it out that is. Gods had better be merciful and give him that much at least. Seeing as the storm was gaining power Necros prepared to wait out the worst of it alone. Well at least the log above him was large enough to provide shelter for two it just meant he had more room in which to stretch out his legs and rest. The howling of the wind played as a lullaby and slowly the male began to feel drowsy but forced himself to remain awake. God he hoped nothing else would interrupt his plans for joining the Gemini pack. For all he went through he had no plans on not becoming a member. |
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![]() How had she heard the howl over the rolling of the thunder and the down pour? Beats me, but Sybella wished she hadn't. "Oye, for fuck's sake, mate. In the rain?!" The Aussie was contemplating a serious change of scenery in regards to her den. Maybe closer to the heart of Gemini, rather than within the wall. When she'd first arrived, being close to the wall meant she'd be able to leave whenever the feeling overcame her. But an entire season later, and she was still here. Only now, she had the pleasure of taking on an immense amount of acceptances. This was out of her job description, you see. She accepted the job of caring for the pups (which was her entire hearts desire, truly) but because Gemini was short on rangers, it was out of the kindness of her heart when she'd volunteered herself to accept recruits or banish those who were a threat to her newfound home. But this was becoming quite the handful for her, all of these acceptances. Maybe she'd ask Iron if she could cozy up with him in his forests. A question for another day. She dragged herself out from the cover of her teeny ragged den, immediately becoming soaked to the bone. The small girl looked even further from intimidating when wet. Quick step brought her to the tree that the stranger had called from, but she kept her distance as the sky lit up with lightning and the thunder boomed. "Not a safe place for ye to be hidin' during a storm, mate!!" She called to the stranger, lowering her head and peering closer to see who it was that beckoned her from her shelter. The tan and charcoal colors resonated with her, and her ears perked and eyes widened. "IRON? What the hell are you doing!" Stress strained her, knowing that her dearest friend would have to be seriously, mentally ill to be hiding in a tree during a storm. Sybella drew closer, and when she reached her head within the dying tree she blinked twice. Fuck, this wasn't her Iron. Reflex made her jump back and caused her to curdle a high-pitched, genuinely frightened scream. Who was this look-alike?! "WHO ARE YOU?!" She demanded, crawling backwards slowly, but keeping her eyes on the doppelganger. ▌note: uh oh! silly sybella has confused your boy for her MCM, Iron!!
Acolyte Apothecary
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January 02, 2018, 07:31:17 AM
(This post was last modified: January 02, 2018, 01:00:26 PM by Reath.)
![]() A loud bang of thunder echoed throughout the territory as the gray rolling mass of clouds traversed across the wide expanse above; accompanied by the ear splitting crack of lightening. Damn, it was turning out to look like a hot mess, Necros joked to himself. The wind whipped up debris from the treetops and unfortunate twigs and leaves were left to the mercy of the mindless chaos that was spreading. The air was thick with humidity now and the wind brushing through his hiding spot stole the breath from his lungs as the heat from his body was stolen away and replaced with another bout of shivers. He cursed the humidity. His coat would have dried out a bit more if not for the moisture hanging in the air. Trying to save his poor toes the fridgid fate of his bulky mass the lone male dug them into the dry earth beneath him. At least he was safe from the down pour currently pounding down on the world outside of his hidey-hole. Speaking of he was rather proud of how the trees were holding up against the fury of both the wind and the rain. It seemed that, even though decaying, the tree still was anchored enough to not give way against the onslaught. To this Necros was immensely grateful. He'd rather be a bit wet and cold than be soaking wet and freezing. Idly he wondered if anyone would brave the conditions to answer his call. Anyone with a brain would have huddled down for shelter but there must have been some thrill seekers among the ranks? Every pack had one member who acted before thought; or so Necros had been aware of thus far. So, instead of settling down and warming up, the dark wolf kept his eyes and ears focused on his surroundings. After a few moments, weaving in and out of alertness, Necros heard a noise carried through the wind. His head whipped around to the general location he thought he head heard the voice but he couldn't make out much of anything against the downpour of rain. "IRON? What the hell are you doing!" Eyes zeroed in on a figure moving closer to his shelter. He couldn't make out the figures colors but he saw that they were quite a bit shorter than he was. Although he felt slightly more at ease he didn't allow himself to fully put his guard down. The other came close enough for him to make out details now and he was startled when the other jumped backwards emitting a shrill shriek that echoed loudly in his ears. "WHO ARE YOU?!" Amber clashed with emerald as Necros looked at her eyes and he slowly answered her question, " I am Necros," he said in his calmest voice but his voice was naturally low and rough so he just hoped that she didn't mistake it for a growl, "are you a member of the nearby pack?" He inquired of her. Pack leaders changed often and pack names changed with them so he had to assure himself that he was in the right place because he didn't want to linger in a land that held no interest to him. Yet watching the small female reel away from him like he had, in some way, accosted her was like a slap in the face. He hadn't done anything unbecoming had he? After all he had just been waiting out the storm from his safe place there had been no growling, snarling or disregard for authority...or had there been? All these different packs with their different customs it was difficult to keep up with them all. To be on the safe side he added, "I apologize if I have done something unbecoming miss I'm not privy to the customs of this land." He looked over her soaked form, "There is plenty of shelter here from the rain," he pointed with his nose, " you'll catch a cold standing out there," he said with a smidge of worry. The female looked like she had seen death and he was already dealing with quite enough suspense at the moment, " I am hoping to speak to someone about my possible acceptance." Now to see how this exchange would go. Would this stranger be as civil as him or was she more a person of conflict. Hopefully not the latter he didn't think he'd handle that personality too well. |
Advertiser Extraordinaire
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(Hey, babs! Gemini has a very strict in character rule, here!
Quote:Gemini is driven by IC, down to its very creation (you can even follow the entire papertrail of how and why Gemini was formed through Serrate’s threads). It does not abide by “common heresy/knowledge”. Everything in Gemini must be learned ICly, including its rules, its ranks, its characters, and its events. If your character was not present, for example, during Fluffy’s Violent Death By Hellgophers, and your character did not hear about it via another character ICly, then your character cannot know about Fluffy’s Violent Death By Hellgophers. There are some workarounds though: NO WORRIES, THOUGH! Just go ahead and edit your post and I'll respond after you're finished! The in character aspect of Gemini is what makes it SO FUN, trust me!! <3 Thanks!) |
Orphan pup
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Ummm, what part should i fix???
Advertiser Extraordinaire
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Necros wouldn't know about Gemini prior to discovering it, unless he was told ICly by another character who had knowledge of Gemini. So:
Quote:"Are you a member of Gemini the pack?" - He wouldn't know of Gemini, or that it was a pack. He wouldn't have "seeked out" Gemini because, in character nobody knows of Gemini unless they are told about it ![]() Hope that helps. |
Orphan pup
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K fixed.
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January 03, 2018, 09:47:33 PM
(This post was last modified: January 03, 2018, 09:47:57 PM by Sybella.)
![]() "I am Necros, are you a member of the nearby pack?" Sybella's scare wasn't quite over yet. Still laying low in the rain, she stared in disbelief at the stranger she misidentified as Iron. It was strange to even hear Necros speak as his voice even closely resembled his. This had to be some sort of joke, a prank that Iron was pulling. Was he even capable of pulling a prank, did he know what a prank was? She looked around briefly to make sure no one was watching, then quickly back to the stranger in case he tried anything funny himself. She nodded slowly. Yes, she was a member of this pack. She spoke up to reaffirm, remembering that the hard falling rain may make it hard to see her gesture. "Yes, I am... You've reached Gemini. We are known for our great weather!" There was never a bad time for a little laugh, especially after she'd already made a joke of herself. She finally pulled herself into a standing position, still weary of the much larger opponent a few feet away. "I apologize if I have done something unbecoming miss I'm not privy to the customs of this land." She shook her head at the start of his apology, quickly responding to interject, "Please, no reason to apologize. I just thought you were another bloke I know." Calmly she explained, still a morally respectful gap between them. At his offer of joining him under the tree, she shook her head again. "I'm okay out here, just a bitta rain. I may be able to help you with recruiting ye to our home 'ere. What makes you so interested, mate?" The thunder roared, the lightning lit up the sky, and the rain kept falling. But Sybella was focused on figuring out why exactly Necros was here, and why now. ▌note:
Acolyte Apothecary
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January 05, 2018, 10:20:18 AM
(This post was last modified: January 05, 2018, 10:33:46 AM by Reath.)
![]() Necros waited patiently as the smaller female glanced him over. She didn't say anything for as she stared mindlessly at him. He wondered if she was really looking at him or if her emerald gaze was going through him or if it was even him that she was looking at. He took a moment to look her over seeing as nothing had been said for a time and gave her a once over. She was smaller than him by a foot or so and her slender frame was made more apparent by the fact that her fur now clung to it instead of providing cove for her. He felt a bit remorseful that he had called this small lady out into this storm instead of waiting after the weather had cleared. Add it to the list of things he'd regret later; they were adding up already. His attention returned to her face as she painstakingly nodded in confirmation to his question. "Yes, I am... You've reached Gemini. We are known for our great weather!" He smirked at her attempt of humor. She was spunky he'd give her that, "My sentiments exactly I was walking about before and I decided sit here to enjoy the view," he chuckled. The fringe dire remained huddled down where he was and felt a bit bad that she was just standing outside in this downpour while he remained safe within his little hiding spot. Not one to allow someone to suffer while he stood idly by Necros grunted as he got to all fours and stepped out into the sheets of rain. Immediately he was drenched. Water streamed around his eyes and nose; if he had been cold before he was freezing now. The all disgusting feel of mud rising between his toes greeted him but he held back his scowl and blinked rapidly as the rain pattered around his face. He hoped that his joining her out in the torrential downpour didn't make her even more on edge. "Can't let a lady stand by herself out in this storm," he said jokingly trying to ease any stress that she might have about him joining her. "Please, no reason to apologize. I just thought you were another bloke I know." "Ah, is that a good thing or a bad thing," he questioned over the sounds of the storm. He wished to keep the conversation light and respectful but he thought that it wasn't helping that they were outside rather than somewhere warm. Well, at least he made an impression, he thought to himself as he smirked at his joke. "I'm okay out here, just a bitta rain. I may be able to help you with recruiting ye to our home 'ere. What makes you so interested, mate?" "Well, I want to help in anyway I can and I don't find myself keen on dying alone," he said honestly, "I don't really know if I have a certain skill set to contribute to the pack but I'm a hard worker and don't like doing things half-arsed," he continued, "Pardon my language," He added as an after thought. "I like to learn new things, helpful things," the words just poured out now, "survival, medicine and a few fighting techniques; not that I've done much fighting," he admitted. "If theres somewhere you can put me I won't say no to anything." |
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![]() Keeping her cautions with her, she watched as Necros stepped out from the cover he took refuge in. As he came closer, she noted the similarities that he shared with Iron. Their coat and size was much the same, but Necros didn't share the red eyes of her love interest. Iron was also less likely to stand out in the rain with her. It helped to ease her anxiety when she accounted for how different Iron was, or perhaps just the thought of him alone was a good aide. "Can't let a lady stand by herself out in this storm," She tried to give a sentimental smile, but the fur hanging off her skin would probably make it hard to tell. She was still unsure of the gentleman, so she didn't provide any other outlet for her sentiments. Sybella was worried of letting her guard down, and would note that if she continued to take acceptances she should try and project herself to be more firm. Less friendly. Fewer jokes. "Ah, is that a good thing or a bad thing?" That she confused him for Iron? Depends on who you're asking, she thought. Some may be intimidated or off-put by Iron. "Uh... neither!" She decided, shouting over the falling rain. It made her uneasy to speak about him to a stranger, anyway. Uncertainty clouded her mind in regards to what Iron and her were even to be considered, and it made it even worse to say it outloud. He was very hard to read. She listened as he voiced his interest to be a part of a pack, apart of something whole. Something bigger. He advertised his usefulness, and his ability to work wherever they needed assistance. How about a ranger? She would appoint him to his post immediately if she had that sort of power, one more body to help her take care of these acceptances that she felt so unprepared to handle. "You seem to have lots of skills that we'd find use of here in Gemini! We would be happy to have you, but know that we don't take kindly to anyone with hidden agendas. There are lots of us beyond the wall, and only one of you," It was foreign of her to give such a threat, it made her feel a lot bigger than she was in comparison to the brute. "I'm in no position to appoint you to any rank, but you will find yourself with responsibilities in no time so long as you show your worth." She motioned towards the wall's entrance. "Let's get out of the rain, shall we?" ▌note: consider Necros accepted! look over the rules and all of the ooc information to get yourself comfortable with gemini :) if you want to continue this, we can! my replies will just take longer due to school.
Orphan pup
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Naw, lets call it good. I don't want to overburden you when you have so much school work. We can always rp at a different time. X3
Advertiser Extraordinaire
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(Aw, it's no problem, bud! As long as you don't mind waiting we can keep this going.
Or, if you prefer, we'll just set something up with them later!) |
Orphan pup
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We can have them meet up again later. I think they'd like to get out of the storm and dry off now tough. XD