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December 25, 2017, 08:23:53 AM
(This post was last modified: December 25, 2017, 08:13:14 PM by Zach.)
There was a crescent moon hanging faintly in the violet sky, waiting for the setting sun to sleep. Zach sat alone, staring off into space, his golden body occasionally swaying. He couldn't remember how much fairy fruit he'd consumed, but he didn't feel too worried. Instead, his mind felt oddly light in that moment, as if he were floating on a cloud, raining all his worries down somewhere far where they couldn't reach him.
(Actually, that probably meant they were raining on someone else, which sucked for them. He had a shitload of problems, and even he knew they didn't fall lightly.) Gemini was alright, he supposed. Things seemed to be a lot more open out here. The land was mysterious, and the people were friendly. Or, well. He assumed they were. He hadn't really strayed too far from his group since they'd been invited to join the party, and even then he only really knew a select number of people who lived here. Seeing them again was, dare he admit it, nice. An idea suddenly struck him, and he stood up fast, barely considering the logic behind his plan (he would have been horrified by his actions if he were sober) before his body was already moving, the black bandana secured around his neck fluttering faintly at the abrupt motion. He needed to find his friends, he decided. He wanted...he wanted to cuddle them. This new mission was a matter of utmost importance. It was crucial, his brain severely told him, that he did not fail. His bright golden fur flashed in the setting light as he walked, his paws (which would have normally made nary a sound) crunching loudly against the snow. He stumbled down a rocky slope, cursing quietly, before veering towards an adjacent white field, where his non-blind eye quickly honed in on a figure resting there. Bingo. Determined, and more than a little intoxicated, the young Alteronian stumbled towards them, not even bothering to double check if they were a friend or stranger. "Don't move," he ordered, his voice slightly slurring, before he dropped unceremoniously to the ground, wrapping his paws snugly around them. He buried his face in their fur, sighing softly, his breath no doubt reeking heavily of the fairy fruit he'd partaken in earlier. "You're warm," he hummed happily, thumping his tail against the snow in a slow, content wag. This was nice. He wouldn't mind staying like this forever. |
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December 25, 2017, 12:20:16 PM
(This post was last modified: December 25, 2017, 03:08:28 PM by Oleander.)
Oleander was the quiet sort (when he wasn’t wrapped up in anger) and he remained so even now, in spite of Alteron’s good fortune in being granted admission into Gemini’s small celebration. The event was neither here nor there in the tepid wolf’s world. As he viewed it as having little use for his people, at least that the young man could easily see, the black and white creature slithered off into some secluded place and used the free time to toiled at something he saw as meaningful. The jars of glass he’d acquired (ooc: I’ll post this thread later) sat before him, some already filled with a shimmering mixture he’d concocted through squeezing what he could out of a foreign plant and mixing it up with some water. Whether or not it was "fine work" had yet to be seen, but it was a start he supposed, a beginning when it came to getting where he wanted to be in the future. He would learn no better way than with trial and error, he thought, running his tongue pensively across the front of his pointed teeth. A firm idea floating into his head as a blue bottle reflected moonlight up into the pair of eyes focusing intently on it. So caught up in this serious thought was he, Ollie only noticed the rustling of inebriated paws when the clatter of noise was right on top of him. Not literally so...not yet anyway, but the figure must have come from somewhere up above, seeing as Oleander did manage to overhear it crashing down. He blinked slowly, horns of cartilage rolling forward as he beheld Zachariah, in all his glory, drunk off his ass and headed his way. "Don't move," The golden canine said, words rolling out of his mouth as if speech were a foreign concept to him, and even if Ollie wanted to, his travel companion sought to make any attempt at that a hassle...Denying Oleander the time required to do the exact opposite of what was instructed just then. Tossing his legs around the younger wolf's hefty body, he anchored Oleander in the awkward moment, causing the sharp, slanted eyes of the accosted to grow unusually wide. No, unnaturally huge, rather. His brow knitted together, a snort ejecting from his nostrils as he instinctively attempted to shirk off the grip but failed. Zach only pulled himself nearer...which say the least. "You're warm," They purred, tail wagging, completely oblivious. Did Zach even know who he was cozying up to right now? "And you've lost it," Oleander hissed, throat suddenly horse, and overtaken by his shock. "Zachary...What the hell have you gotten into?" Was all the young man could work out, before trying to focus on his bottles again, the grass, anything besides the sloshed form of his crush nestling into his shoulder. |
The Mad Hatter
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「R a z i 」
My mind loomed in a cold darkness, voices echoing against the hollowness of the air around me. I felt like I was in an endless forest of nothingness. It was as if the world around me was ready to engulf me. The shadows edging closer, ready to wrap their fingers around me, ready to drag me away into the belly of the pit. I should have been afraid..if only I had been a naive little pup with her tail between her legs; but I was not. The darkness had been my home since the day I was shoved out of my mother's womb. The darkness was a welcoming sight to me, a welcoming feeling. It was a feeling that one might feel at being home.
In was in this darkness that the voices were clearer, louder if that was even possible. They had always been loud in my head, but then again I suppose I was partially to blame for this. Yet, when I drifted off into a world beyond this one, they had the upper ground. I was no longer in control as they beckoned to to my soul. I seemed so happy, so enthralled by their words. It was like they had a bone dangling from a string and I was a little puppet aching to grab it only to be jerked down by strings I could not see. Did I hate it? Yes. No. It was a duality of answers I could have thrown out; but I was powerless to it all. I had learned to stop fighting it all together a long time again. Should have I had kept fighting? It was a probability that I should have kept fighting, but the efforts only exhausted me further. The less energy I used in this world, the more energy I had to use in the other world. In the end, I learned that living in this world was far more important than trying to survive in the other. After all, they needed me more than I actually needed them. I was their living host, their God, their savior. Every time I left that world, their essence always came back with me, haunting me but praising me all the same. Hissing and worshiping the life I had given them. Darkness slowly started to recede as light began penetrating from the outside. I could hear voices licking on the edges of my ears as I slowly shoved them forward. I caught movement beyond the reflection of emerald eyes. They have come to take us! Hurry we must rip out their throat before they see us! "Huh?" I softly said, still half asleep as I lifted my head. What the hell were they going on about? I could hear the voices get a little louder as I shoved myself onto all fours. I made my way closer to where I thought the voices were coming from. I halted, my eyes gazing upon something I was unsure what to make of. A gold colored wolf was trying to cuddle with another whom seemed disinterested in wanting to be touched..was the cuddler drunk? I tilted my head to the side as glass caught my attention. Not just one glass, but several lined up in front of the black and white wolf. Some had something in them, something blue? What was it? It was actually probably the more interesting of the two wolves doing God knows what. It's poison! Quickly be rid of it before they use it against us! I heaved a silent sigh and mentally shook my head, "We'll be fine," I softly assured them, my words heavily low under my breath. I turned my attention back to the males as I pushed forward. "The two of you look like you are having a blast," I mused them with a light chuckle as I halted a few paces in front of them.
ooc: |
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January 01, 2018, 09:35:42 PM
(This post was last modified: January 01, 2018, 09:44:04 PM by Sybella.)
![]() Sybella loved fairy juice and Sybella loved to cuddle. So when she saw the long-haired, pretty Alteron guest (who may have had almost as much juice as she had) cozying up to his friend who had an assortment of glasses before him, it was an open invitation to join them. Except this pretty brunette stranger was definitely not a he, but rather the most darling sheila she'd ever laid eyes on. Sybella had to be her friend. Running quickly to catch up on the small, exclusive cuddle fest that was happening, Sybella called loudly, "YOoooooohooo!! Wait fooor me, pretties!" She tried her very best to slow down as she grew closer, but underestimated the distance between them and accidentally bumped one of the glass jars being showcased before the black and white male. "Whoops! My apologies, mate." She looked at the tipped jar quite cross-eyed, seeing doubles. "I was worried I'd miss the snugs," She melted against Zach, letting her face get lost in his luscious hair. "You are the prettiest sheila I've ever seen," she marveled at the long brown hair, the golden fur, the beautiful turquoise eyes. "I'm gonna have to keep you away from Iron!" For a moment her mind drifted to her anti-social hunk of a man that she found herself becoming infatuated with. She wondered where he was, and if she should go find him rather than cuddling with these strangers. But they were so warm, "Is this your woman? You've got excellent taste. Are all of the ladies so pretty where you come from?" She rolled onto her back, legs draped over Zach's body and looking deeply into Oleander's eyes. Gaze wandering again, she saw a distorted, upside down image of Razi coming into view. Her fur was a magnificent red that she couldn't look away from. "Oye, hello there! Come join us, won't you? There's plenty of room!" ▌note: