Tests Never Really End (Finished) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Orphan pup
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December 12, 2017, 01:53:49 AM
(This post was last modified: January 09, 2018, 12:42:14 AM by Reath.)
A new day once again graced the landscape with its warm glow; allowing the frost covered foliage to soak in the dancing sunlight greedily and they were eager to cast off their icy prisons. Yet the creatures that roamed around the forest floor cared little, if not at all, for the plants plight as they were all focused on providing for themselves. Life was ever flowing onward so one had to stay in constant motion in order not to be left behind. Everyone else was on their own. No one knew this truth more than the owner of a cramping stomach.
Another wave of pain washed over the small canine as his stomach twisted and rolled in agony. The pup was stuck in a reoccurring loop of need and ability. He needed food, he knew it, but he was in too much pain to hunt. Every minute seemed to be torture as he was battered with wave after wave of gut wrenching pain. Blue eyes clenched shut as he wobbled on unsteady legs. In his drained state he tried to recall the last time he had a decent meal. A week ago? No good; he couldn't remember. The six month old silver dire pup knew that he wasn't in any shape to hunt. Sighing to himself he knew that he'd have to scavenge if he wanted to see another sunrise. While scavenging in the summer months were easy and met with little to no aggression. Winter was a whole 'nother beast itself. Slowly making his way between the large trunks of evergreens and oaks the pup scented the air in hopes of picking up a scent. Nothing. Reath knew he'd have to travel a mile or more before possibly finding something. That mile proved to be the most difficult travel he could possibly remember having to make in his short life. Hopefully he'd be able to avoid this scenario in the future...yeah, he would definitely be a better hunter when he grew up. The pup kept imagining himself as the most respected and well liked hunter of his pack. Loved and admired by all who gazed upon him. Everyone would want to know his secret and want to be his friend to just have the honor of watching his prowess in action. In no time at all the pups tired mind traveled along this avenue of thought as his body was set to auto pilot. Stopping every so often to scent the air before moving onward. The small dire didn't know how much time, or distance, passed before a delightful scent wafted through his flared nostrils. Pupils dilated as the brain alerted to the promise of an easy meal. Carefully the pup approached the area in which the scent was originating. Hopefully it wouldn't be his last meal. Sticking to the foliage for cover the pup circled the area and his eager blue eyes landed on the carcass of a half eaten doe. Steam could be seen dancing in the cold winter air as it stole the warmth from the formerly living creature. He knew that whatever had killed the doe could possibly still be lingering around the pup scanned the surroundings and listened for a few moments before approaching the unguarded meal. When he was close enough he began to gnaw and tear off pieces of flesh and soon lost himself in desperation to fill his hunger. Carelessly forgetting the possible danger that lurked in the shadows. |
the brave
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![]() He was nearly out of the nomadic territories, he could smell it. It was faint but the smell of civilization was becoming more potent than it was the day before. This was a huge relief to him, as he'd grown tired of the same scenery and the lack of socialization. It was a mystery to him how he'd grown to live here for so many years after the attack. The appreciation that he had for Rainer grew with each day he spent back here. It was rare since his travels began that he stopped for a rest, but after devouring the large deer carcass that he nailed earlier in the morning, his swollen belly called for a break. He was a few yards beyond his game, preparing to return to his feet again, when he heard small pattering foot steps in the distance. He chose to ignore it at first, assessing that the steps belonged to a creature much smaller than he was, and therefor was in no way threatened. But when he heard the steps cease, and the sound of a small mouth being fed, he was instantaneously intrigued. At once he stood, ears swiveling back towards his deer. His eyes narrowed to try and capture a better image of what was going on between the trees that cloaked him. When he set eyes on the small boy, Sveyn's ears lowered. He related with the small boy immediately. Alone. Hungry. Scavenging. Weak. Carefully and with anticipated caution, worried he'd scare the boy, Sveyn approached the deer and the half-year old. He attempted to make himself appear smaller, letting his head hang low to the ground. Stepping out from the shadows, Sveyn stared at him and the clearing he stood before. After he was sure that the boy was alone, Sveyn came near. "Eat slow now, boy. And not too much," He warned, "You'll get sick." ▌note:
Orphan pup
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December 13, 2017, 10:27:44 AM
(This post was last modified: December 13, 2017, 10:39:06 AM by Reath.)
(Writing this on my tablet instead of my laptop so I'm not sure how long this is but I apologize if it's too small.)
The muscle had to be wrestled off the bones of the motionless doe. Small teeth, although sharp, were not strong enough to rip off great chunks of flesh to devour. So the lone pup opted for speed instead of mass. Quickly peeling off small pieces of bloody tissue with his all mouthfuls with gusto; after all he didnt want to be found by the rightful owner of his current meal. Fangs scrapped against bones as he eagerly stripped off another mouthful of tender red flesh. His jaws repeatedly opening and closing in repetition to make the morsel easier to swallow. Blood stained his nose and cheeks as he dug his head into the chasm the the previous hunter created and continued his desperate race against time. Once more his small teeth found purchase on a fair bit of meat but he struggled to get the fat to separate from the body. Unknowingly he let out a growl as he braced his forepaws against the frame of the doe and yanked at the strip of flesh with his full body weight. He was gaining ground when he was caught off guard by a voice calling him from behind. "Eat slow now, boy. And not too much, you'll get sick." A small yelp escaped from his throat as the silver pup whipped around to face the newcomer. Blue eyes widened as they landed on the crouched form of a large white wolf. At first Reath couldn't grasp the prospect of speech as his brain processed the possible danger he had gotten into but he instead stuck his small tail into the air and let out a small growl, his back fur standing on end, and weakly said, " Who are you?" His voice cracked and he certainly felt as brave as he was portraying himself to be. Insert sarcasm. The small dire felt like he was going to pee himself but dad had always told him to stand his ground. So he did. "Are you the one who killed the doe?" He asked never letting his gaze stray from the massive bulk of muscle before him, "I'll just eat a few pieces and leave," slowly his tail lowered til it was parallel behind him, "You won't even know I was here." A practiced speech that he had used on a few before but it was a fifty-fifty shot of being a peaceful encounter. Though surely this beast had eaten his fill why could the hungry pup not eat a bit? The rest of it was going to be left for the crows and buzzards anyways. Brain once again rambling on the pup waited anxiously awaited the others response. Fight or flight which would he be forced to choose if confronted? Hopefully Reath wouldn't be finding that out today. Still the guy was looked harmless enough but the foolish would let their guard drop when greeted with a friendly face. A foolish wolf was a dead wolf...another of dad's lessons. The irony of it would be funny if the wounds were not so fresh. |
The Wayward Daughter
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December 13, 2017, 12:41:07 PM
(This post was last modified: January 03, 2018, 12:59:25 PM by Lyrium.)
「M i k e r r a 」
I kept repeating those words over and over in my head as I pushed myself forward. He had asked me to come back with him. Back where? To his home. To be once again apart of a pack. To actually feel like I belonged; but I was afraid. I dared not speak such fear out loud to him. I did not need his pity or his sorrow. I had enough of that on my own. I was afraid I was going to succumb to the curse of my blood. It was such a tragedy that I just wanted to laugh it away. Yet, something like that was no laughing matter. It was dangerous, life changing. I could not hide behind a brick wall and pretend it was all going to be okay because it was not going to be okay. I had the cursed blood and I can never escape what I am.
A scent tickled my noise and I stopped for a brief moment. I allowed the wind to carry the sweet taste to my nostrils, licking my muzzle. Yet, my ears perked forward as the scent of two wolves, one familiar, and one not, hit me full blast. It was then the sound of a puppish growl reached my ears and voices could be heard. I tilted my head from side to side, skeptical if I should go any further. I took a deep breath to take in the scents again, trying to figure out why one of them was familiar. It took me a brief moment to realize that the scent belong to someone I did not think I would run smack back into again. I snorted as if trying to push the scents away. This was definitely my lucky day, note sarcasm. I trudged forward, finally making my decision. I was a big girl and I needed to handle myself properly. My weight shifted on each paw as if they were being weighed down. It felt like each step hurt as I tried to face my fears, my reality. I knew I was going to have to face this one way or another. "And I thought I was a scary sight," I mused as I pushed myself into the clearing. I turned my gaze towards the deer carcass as a little silver pup positioned himself near it. I turned fiery eyes towards the blue eyed wonder of a wolf that I had just recently met. He was kind, I had to give him that, "Sveyn," I nodded to him, acknowledging him. I turned back to look at the little pup. He was bracing himself, holding his ground as if he was ten feet tall. I could not help but smile, "My father taught me to stand my ground too," I paused for a brief moment. It had been awhile since I had spoken of my father. He had been scarce since our mother had died. I had wondered if seeing us brought too much painful memories of a love he had cherished and lost. "Square your shoulders and try not to sound like you're about to pass out from freight, he used to always say," I shifted my weight. "You can relax, we aren't going to hurt you," I motioned to the carcass, "Go on, eat, I can hear your stomach rumbling."
ooc: Hope you don't mind the join <3 |
Orphan pup
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December 13, 2017, 01:23:41 PM
(This post was last modified: December 13, 2017, 01:24:47 PM by Reath.)
I don't mind; the more the merrier :3
the brave
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![]() Blue eyes followed the boy meticulously, guilt striking him like a blow to the heart. He did not wish to bring fear onto the boy, only comfort. Safety. Things that he did not feel closely to his age many years ago. A paternal instinct, that he did not often feel or yearn, was setting over him as he watched the boy jump and then retroactively stand strong. "Who are you?" Funny he asked, he wouldn't know even after he'd explained. The questions children asked were always proper entertainment to him. "Sveyn of Bacchus. Do you have a name, boy?" He answered simply, withholding any emotion in his tone. He remembered hating receiving pity from strangers when he was young. He wanted to be noticed as a strong man. An independent man. Even when he was not. "Are you the one who killed the doe? I'll just eat a few pieces and leave, you won't even know I was here." Mirroring his gaze, Sveyn still did not lift his eyes off the boy. Even when a scent he'd recognized became formidable. "I did kill the doe, earlier this morning. I took what I needed, the rest is yours." He assured, but adding again, "So long as you eat slowly." For the first time since he'd saw the boy, he let his gaze break from him, turning his attention towards Mikerra who had just made her entrance. He was surprised she'd come to him after declining his offer to Bacchus. Sveyn was confident that she would have avoided him after that encounter. "And I thought I was a scary sight," Not quite, Sveyn thought. Very intriguing, but not scary. Maybe the boy would think otherwise, though if he'd never seen a hellion before he may be interested, too. He had little words for her, not wanting to offend or push her further towards irritation. He wasn't interested in causing any sort of chaos or disgruntled feelings in front of the boy. He'd likely been through enough. Instead, he listened to her give him advice, and he smiled. "Mikerra." He offered, his pitch only loud enough for the girl to hear. ▌note:
Orphan pup
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"Sveyn of Bacchus. Do you have a name, boy?"
The question hung in the air. No other sound penetrated the silence that encompassed the clearing in which this exchange was taking place. It was somewhat eerie. As if nature itself was holding its breath for the confrontation that was possibly in the making. The small dire looked the bigger wolf over and wondered if he should take the chance and head for the hills or take the risk and hang around. Wiser wolves would have chosen the first but he stuck with his guns and took the path less traveled. "Reath," he said shakily, "my name is Reath," licking his lips he shifted his weight from side to side. A bad habit he had when he was anxious or nervous and he was currently marinating in both sensations. "I did kill the doe, earlier this morning. I took what I needed, the rest is yours." At this saliva began pooling in his mouth as he cast a weary glance toward the bloodly carcass behind him. The pup wanted to trust the elder but he knew he shouldn't let his guard down around strangers but going hungry for another day seemed like a more horrid fate then anything that 'Sveyn' could do to him. Swallowing the lump that developed in his throat the pup smacked his lips briefly before the deeper baritone spoke from behind him once more, "So long as you eat slowly." Adolescence overpowered the young pup and a sarcastic sounding huff escaped through his nose before he could stop himself. Sveyn was acting like a dotting older brother constantly on him about every little thing for fear of something bad happening. "Yes sir," he mumbled as he turned happily to the fresh kill and was about to take a mouthful, ever the rebel, when a new voice startled him. "And I thought I was a scary sight," Turning around he saw a dark slender figure gracefully stepping into view from the surrounding forest. She didn't look like anything he had ever seen before. There was a wolf like quality about her but there were features that she had that normal wolves just didn't have. Like wolves weren't that long, didn't have a long neck like hers or whiskers?? Well, he guessed they were whiskers. For a moment she looked otherworldly but when Sveyns name came out of her mouth it carried the most foul note to it. Like she was spitting out a taboo word or something. Then her otherworldly aura vaporized and she became more 'wolf' like. He probably should have been more cautious now that there were two large wolves watching him instead of the one but he just wanted to eat. He eyed the female with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. Ears perk forward and head tilted to the left he squinted his eyes and rolled his head to different angles however he soon shrugged his shoulders; only to jump when a smile spread across her face. "My father taught me to stand my ground too," Reath could have sworn his heart leapt into his throat when those words came out of her mouth "Square your shoulders and try not to sound like you're about to pass out from freight, he used to always say." With that his appetite abandoned him and a horrible ache replaced it instead. He missed his father. He had protected him from the dangers that lurked in the world and had taught his son to do the same but he always made things fun. Mother was so gentle and warm. He missed curling into her soft fur at night and the sound of her voice singing sweet lullabies to her little warrior as he drifted off to sleep. The burning sting alerted Reath to the threat of tears causing him to fight back the memories and keep his composure. The last thing he wanted to do, besides dying, was looking like a sad little orphan. Which he was but his dad had taught him to be brave and strong. He couldn't turn away from those teachings because he was sad. Stop crying, stop crying....no more tears. A few inhales later he regained his composure. "Your dad sounds like a cool guy," he said smiling. "You can relax, we aren't going to hurt you, Go on, eat, I can hear your stomach rumbling." "Thanks," he said as he whipped around and began to dig into the now hardening flesh of the carcass. HE didn't want to talk about his past. What had happened had happened and talking about it wouldn't help him. He needed to keep moving and survive. For now he would take what he could get and hope that everything would work out...if not then he wouldn't be lonely anymore. The future was a scary thought but he kept going day by day. Something great had to be waiting for him after all this torture right? A few moments, and hiccups, later the pup licked his chops and plopped down on the ground. He was SO full. He was pretty sure he was going to explode...so much meat. A pathetic groan crawled its way out of his throat and into his ears. Pain forgotten and a stomach filled to the brim the silver pup felt his eyelids grow heavy with fatigue. Reath struggled to get onto his feet. The full stomach not cooperating with the pups will and turned to the adults. "I'mma leave," a yawn broke the sentence, "have a good day Sveyn and Dark lady." He only made it past the bushes before he tripped and just layed there fighting to stay awake. Why was he suddenly so tired? After a few seconds he tried to get back up but became tangled in the branches. "Sveyn..........I'm stuck," he whined somewhat pathetically. Now he had to wait for his 'knight in shining armor' to come rescue him. |
The Wayward Daughter
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December 17, 2017, 07:22:08 PM
(This post was last modified: January 03, 2018, 12:56:46 PM by Lyrium.)
「M i k e r r a 」
I tilted my head slightly as I heard my name briefly fall off the lips of the Bacchus. Was he just cautiously avoiding to make conversation with me? It did not seem like a strange effort or one out of spite. I do not think it was even out of hatred. I held no ill feelings towards the blue eyed wolf. He had asked me to join him on his way back to his pack, but I had respectfully declined. I never stressed my disdain for what he had offered, did I? I did not think my decline was one of annoyance, was it? My mind loomed over the last time we talked. I had told him I had no thoughts of where I wanted to go. He said 'Mikerra, you should come back to Bacchus.' I had looked at him with a look of shock. Maybe it was fear? Sadness? How did I look to him at that time?
Yet, the words fell off my lips without a moment's thought. I had thought I had said 'I will think about it'; but now I realized I told him straightforwardly 'no'. Did the words fall off too harshly for a wolf such as he? He was almost as big as I was, surely I was not an intimating sight, was I? No, I was as harmless as a fly. I mentally laughed. Who was I kidding? I had fucking Fringe Dire blood in my veins. The cursed bloodline. I was fucking murderous. I could kill someone without a moment's thought and I would not remember a damn thing. Would I feel remorse? Would I feel regret? Of course I fucking would. Yet, I never told him who I was exactly. I did not tell him of my ties to Swiftkill's line. I never confessed I was cursed, doomed to the rage of my kin. He could never know. He could not ever possibly understand. "Don't act like a stranger," I teased him with a half hearten smile. I turned fiery colored eyes to the little dire pup as he stared up at me. He had the expression on his face that said 'what the hell are you?' The pup also looked suspicious, with good reason. I mean I would be weary of two strange wolves jumping out at me as well. Especially one that looked like a hellion just like me. There were scarier things in this world than me. If the boy had seen the things I have seen...he would probably wet himself. Not that he was literally on the verge of doing so earlier, but he seemed to have kind of gathered himself. I was a cupcake compared to the things I have seen. I tilted my head, shoving my ears forward. A weak smile crept along my muzzle, "Yea, I guess he was," I twisted my features slightly. Where ever my family was, where ever the pack dispersed too, I hoped they were safe. I snapped from my train of thoughts as I heard the smacking of lips as the little pup dove into the carcass. I watched for a brief moment until he was full. His stomach was round and plump and he looked content. I listened as the little dire instructed that he was leaving now before he tripped and entangled himself in branches. I heaved a sigh, "The name's Mikerra," I trudged forward despite the fact the pup was calling out to Sveyn. I am sure he will help me free this poor thing anyways. I snapped my jaws on a few branches encircling the pup, shoving the things towards me until they snapped. I kept snapping branches until I felt sure I could shove the pup out of the bush. I nudged my muzzle against his side to attempt to shove him out. "Along with slowing down, you should probably not gorge yourself either," I remarked almost sharply, nosing his full belly, "It makes you an easy target for other predators," I warned, settling myself back into a sitting position as I watched him. "You are lucky, you know, Reath," I mused to him.
ooc: |
Pack Alpha
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A shiver rippled throughout Ivaylo's body as she trudged onwards through the grass, a rabbit dangling from her jaws. It had been days since she'd eaten last, and although she was doing well on her own for now, her mind was constantly scattered and elsewhere. She felt almost no hunger, no exhaustion, and couldn't keep her thoughts from racing in her head. Hunting was the only thing that could keep her busy enough. She couldn't remember the last time she spoke. Of course, she didn't really need to if there was no one to speak to. Her mother was the only one she would have real conversations with, and she was gone now. She couldn't save her from whatever took her. Ivaylo shook her head, images of her mother choking on her own blood and soaking in the dirt taking over, but she carried on. However restless she was, she couldn't keep focused on anything but her grief and the thought of her brother suffering the same fate-- wherever he may be.
She had been searching for weeks now. After her mother finally passed, she stayed by her body for days, not wanting to leave her side ever again. But Seva was still out there somewhere, and she knew he needed her. She gathered herself and found the courage to begin her journey. He had to be close by, and she would not give up. She placed the rabbit on the frosty ground for a minute to stop for a break, sitting down and panting for air, then quickly scooped it up and leaped over the fallen tree in her path. Maybe today was the day. After so long of endless walking in circles, maybe today was the day that she would find something. A scent, a trail, his pawprints. Anything that would give her hope that he was still alive. She didn't question his own strength, for whenever they would play-fight it was fairly even who would win, but she was still the eldest and could not help fearing the worst. Now the thoughts were becoming more intense. What happened that night? That night. What happened? Ivaylo shook her head again, more aggressively this time. Stop it. What if he got hurt? She was remembering rain and thunder, darkness surrounding her. It was so loud. Stop. Her pace quickened. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going anymore. Holy shit, stop! Ivaylo skidded across the ground, grass and mud flying. Too late. Her leg caught on a thick branch and she tumbled head over heels, her rabbit soaring through the air and landing with a great thump. She felt anger bubbling inside her, and she gritted her teeth. How long would she be able to hold in this frustration? She began to untangle herself from her awkward position. After finally pulling her legs free of the vines and sticks that clung to her still and sitting up to find where her caught prey had flown to, she came to the sudden realization of where she herself had arrived. A group of other wolves stood across the way. Two adults and a young one, who was just in that moment being assisted out of a bush by a strange looking female. Wait. Were they all wolves? The scents coming towards her were a strange mixture. Her green eyes widened and her lips parted, a wave of anxiety engulfing her. Fuck. What did she just stumble into? She hoped nothing dangerous. She had never fought before, and wasn't exactly in the mood to start today. But there was no way these canines wouldn't notice her now. Her eyes darted side to side, looking for a possible quick and easy escape route, and at last spotted her dead rabbit a few feet away. She looked up again at the others, not knowing what to do. She couldn't form words. These were the first wolves she had come across in so long. Maybe they have seen Seva? Ivaylo licked her bloody jaws and stood up, keeping her head low, and began circling around the clearing to draw closer to her food. She moved slowly, awaiting to see whether these ones were good-natured or threatening. [ooc: hope it's okay if i join in as well!] |
Orphan pup
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Sorry for not replying to this sooner! I dont mind you joining so hop right on in!
the brave
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![]() "Don't act like a stranger," He'd heard Mikerra tease, but his eyes were still fixated on the pup. He wasn't sure what to say in response, after assessing what he know of the girl, and what she knew of him, he'd determined they still were strangers to each other. But maybe not? Did Mikerra consider him an acquaintance now? A friend? Should he make more of an effort at conversation with her? Sveyn was worried about making her uncomfortable, especially after their first encounter. First he'd interrupted her in the middle of the night, and then stared a lot longer than he was invited, and then afterwards invited her to Bacchus and she promptly refused. This girl seemed to have a bit of a short fuse, and Sveyn was pretty good at setting it so far. Instead of repeating past offenses, he shared a glance and offered another smile. It was the best he could do, considering all that has applied and his growing concern for the young boy. The apprehensiveness grew double in size as he studied the young boy while he listened to Mikerra speak of her father. It was subtle, but he noticed the boy was coming undone. It may not have been much for the hellhoundress to recognize, but Sveyn knew that hurt. It was too familiar to him. That pain was his home once. He shifted his position, coming up on his front-quarters to a sit that readied him to jump up at a moments notice. He wanted to console the boy, but was careful not to intrude. It wasn't his place, after all. It was like a light turned on inside the boy, Reath. After an instant passed, he straightened up and had a smile while responding, "Your dad sounds like a cool guy,". Sveyn was grateful for Reath pulling it together, as he was unsure as to how he would even comfort the child in that situation. No one had ever been there for him when he was suffering, he supposed he'd just mimic what he'd yearned for all those years ago. Familiarity. Solace. Warmth. He relaxed again, and allowed Mikerra to give further advisory on the importance of avoiding over congestion, and began to wonder if maybe she'd had kids herself once? She seemed motherly enough, caring enough. It was somewhat taboo for him to understand the way around a child. In Bacchus they weren't treated much different than adults, he remembered. The whelp were all raised as one, no single father or mother recognized. His thoughts entangled his concentration while the boy ate, up until Little Grey rose and announced that he was... leaving? Where? Why? Before Sveyn could protest, Reath was off and then he was stuck. Prior to Reath calling for him, Sveyn was there, staring down at Reath with something close to amusement. Maybe even pitied him a little, too. Mikerra followed close after and with her voluntary assistance they pulled Reath out of the bush. Sveyn took a moment to pull stray leaves and twigs out of the boy's thick fur. "You need rest before you go anywhere, boy." Just as Sveyn spoke, more company rolled in. Literally. Quick to defend the boy, Sveyn stood above Reath, his body easily towering over the child. A small, slight side-step brought him closer towards Mikerra, as well. The she-wolf across the clearing brought a rabbit's carcass flying with her. A meal and a show, Sveyn thought only to himself which caused him to smirk. She said nothing, but seemed to be on guard; and especially concerned with her food. "Relax," He called to the acrobatic female, "We've already eaten here..." He couldn't speak for Mikerra, but he'd assumed. "Are you hurt?" He let his paw touch Reath's shoulder briefly, to make sure the boy was still at his feet. ▌note: yay finalllllllllllyyyyyy!!
Orphan pup
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"The name's Mikerra."
Well, at least he wouldn't have to be calling her 'dark lady' anymore...well; maybe. Right now he was too out of it to bother organizing the information that she had just given him; instead he was too caught up in trying not to start nodding off on the spot. Boy was he full though. As he felt the female, now known as 'Mikerra', break the twigs that held him in place the pup could feel his enlarged stomach struggle to hold in the meal that he had just consumed. It was quite a challenge to hold in that much meat inside such a small space but Reath cared little for his stomachs plight. He just wanted to huddle somewhere warm and sleep. "Along with slowing down, you should probably not gorge yourself either," the tone she spoke in should have caused the pup to whimper pathetically but once her wet nose nuzzled his fat tum-tum he just let out a shriek and busted out in giggles and attempted to push her nose away, "stop!," he chortled, " that tickles!" Luckily for the small dire pup Mikerra seemed to relent and pulled back. Sparing the pups round underside the wrath of her cold moist nose. Instead he was further chastised for his over eating but he didn't pay mind to the scolding. Instead a mighty yawn escaped into the chilled morning air. A cloud of curling air dissipating into nothingness as he did so. "Too tired," the pup mumbled as he rubbed the side of his face with a limp white paw. Blue eyes began to loose their focus on his surroundings and the eyelids began to droop. At this point he felt someone pulling at his fur and shifted to his side in order to shield himself from the sensation only to feel the pull now migrate to the other areas of his twig covered coat. Peeking at the figure standing over him Reath realized that it was not Mikerra that was grooming him. It was Sveyn, "You need rest before you go anywhere, boy." The wittiest response to the large males statement was a exasperated huff as the pup remained immobile. But it was cold on the ground and he didn't have any protection against the winter chill that encompassed the land. So, albeit unwillingly, the pup sat up and pawed at Sveyns long leg. "Its cold," he muttered looking up at the males equally blue eyes, "your warm lay down with me," he half demanded half pleaded to the adult only to be startled by the snapping and rustling of more twigs. Then, like some horrific magic trick, a streak of brown flew across his field of vision only to stop and stare back at them. Reath didn't realize that his mouth was agape as his mind tried to process just what was going on. THREE WOLVES?! This one seemed more on edge than Mikerra did when she appeared, even Sveyn was calm and relaxed, but this wolf seemed to be wound up so tight that she looked like she could possibly be the first space cadet if she were to spring up into the air. Jokes aside. The pup once again wondered if Sveyn was actually in a pack, or maybe even was an alpha of one, and his head tilted up to the said male that was hovering above him. "Relax, We've already eaten here..." Reaths attention was focused on the newcomer once again and he felt his ear twitch in anticipation. It was odd how the brown wolf slowly siddled up to the fallen corpse of a rabbit while keeping her eyes squarely on them. He wondered if she saw the root that was sticking up out of the hardened earth just seeming to have been planted there for this very moment. He idly thought it might be funny if she tripped or stumbled because everything seemed to be so quiet now...well aside from Sveyn talking that is. "Are you hurt?" Reath felt the weight of Sveyns paw on his back. As if to keep the pup from straying from his current seat. "Lady," he piped up, "you might wanna watch your feet," he warned but whether or not she took his advice would remain to be seen but for now the traces of sleep that once threatened to entrap him was no more. Instead he was wide awake and alert to the unfolding situation. However, the pup plopped over on his side to escape the weight of Sveyns paw on his back and pawed at the males other leg in retaliation while his tail thumped rhythmically on the ground. Little growls and yips were accompanied by a few of these assaults on the white males leg. Seriousness could be saved for later he wanted to play now. |
The Wayward Daughter
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December 28, 2017, 11:29:27 AM
(This post was last modified: January 03, 2018, 12:57:06 PM by Lyrium.)
「M i k e r r a 」
My head turned sideways in confusion and almost amusement as the pup exclaimed loudly for me to stop nosing his full, plump belly. I had no idea a little one could be so ticklish, but for a moment I found it rather hilarious. I honestly could not remember if my siblings were ticklish. It had been some odd years since I had last seen them. I would like to think that almost anyone had a ticklish spot. Some more so than others. I know I was ticklish, but that was something I would never admit out loud. I remembered the humans used to rub me constantly there cause they thought the sight of me flailing was hilarious. It was annoying at first, but then I slowly grew used to it. It made them happy so in turn it made me happy.
Thinking about the humans kind of brought a cloudy haze above my head. I had not thought of them in so long that my heart started to ache very hard for them. They were another kind of family to me. They were a place I could have always called home. The humans, the dogs, they always made feel so welcomed. They did not care about what I was or where I came from. All they cared about was what I could bring to them. How I made them feel. On long nights I ached so damn much for them..the village I had thought would be my permanent home. I thought I would never have to wander anymore. I still had ongoing nightmares about the night where my life ended, figuratively of course. I still had no idea what had happened or what I was. I tilted my head at the pup, "Ticklish huh?" A warm smile slid along my muzzle as I had finished helping Sveyn clear away the branches from the pup. The burly Bacchus still acted as if I had slapped him across the face. I hated how our last encounter ended and it was slowly eating at me on the inside. I felt my insides going raw, numb at the sight of him. Was it the right thing to do to apologize how I had reacted? I was not too good with interacting with others since the village. He did not deserve how I had treated him. The white he wolf was a kind soul and deserved every damn kindness given to him this stupid forsaken world. What do I say? Before I could even muster up something to say, my gaze was directed at the little dire pup as he complained that he was cold. He then almost demandingly told Sveyn to lay down with him as he was warm. Pups were so demanding, it was ridiculously hilarious now that I thought about it. I shifted my weight and draped my long, fluffy tail around the pup. Two bodies were just as a warm right? I would like to think my tail was a nice little blanket for a small pup his size. I contemplated if I should lay down as well to assist with keeping this little boss warm. "So demanding for such a cold little pup," I dipped my muzzle down to touch noses with him. I grinned with a light chuckle escaping my throat. He was cute..thoughts raced forward in my mind before I shoved up a wall. No, I was not going to allow darkness to cloud my mind. I slowly lifted my head as I looked to Sveyn. I had to say something to thaw out the wall that held between us. I had no ill feelings towards him. After all it was not his fault for the way I was or how I came out. He needed to know, but the question was what do I say? I shifted my weight slightly, confused in my thoughts. "Sveyn," I began to say, "I'm not upset..or anything..I plan to--" My head jerked as something caught off my attention. Fiery colored eyes turned themselves to gaze upon a she wolf and her not so graceful entrance. A rabbit was flung somewhere in the air and then I jerked my attention as the burly white wolf felt so much closer. Upon a closer glance it would have appeared he was closer to my side than he originally was. Of course I did not mind. He was rather handsome in his own way, especially with those blue eyes. I quickly shoved other thoughts away. At this point, Reath seemed bored of what was going on and had quickly moved himself in a way he was playing with Sveyn's leg. It was rather comical and I was on the verge at laughing at the little one's antics; but a sharp gaze was turned back to the other she wolf. My blue eyed companion was rather nice of her, too trusting. I on the other paw stood protectively over our little grey wonder as I watched her intensively.
ooc: About damn time Vix lawls ![]() |
Pack Alpha
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Powerful paws trod carefully over the ground, as if in slow motion, towards the dead rabbit. Unbeknown to Ivaylo, every step she took with her front left paw left a bloody trail behind her. But she felt no pain. She was afraid and on edge, cold and exhausted. She must be such a horrific sight to them, she thought. Anyone who took a glance at her would think that she had gone mad. Maybe she was going mad. She couldn't tell, really. She was too in shock to be that self aware.
The group of wolves across from her seemed startled by her entrance, and she took a few moments to pause and look up and around, not wanting to appear intimidating. Though, she didn't exactly know how she wanted to appear either. She had no idea. How does she approach this? Does she say something? What to say, how to say it? She didn't want them to know how terrified she was. She stopped for another moment to catch her breath. She was shaking, from the cold and from the adrenaline, her front leg especially jittery. She began forward again, this time her gaze fixated on the rabbit. Just pick it up and back away slowly, she told herself. She didn't know what else to do. She was so close to it now, after what seemed like an eternity of silence and tension. "Relax," Ivaylo froze and swung her head up immediately, lifting her bleeding foot and staring at the group. She couldn't stop shaking. She hated herself for being in this position of vulnerability. If only she hadn't been so stupid and watched where she was running... "We've already eaten here..." Her ears twitched, and she turned her head slightly as she noticed the carcass laying not far from where she stood. She looked back at the white male and lowered her head, embarrassed. She would relax if she could, but that wasn't why she was uneasy. She wished she could communicate so that she could relieve herself of this situation quicker, but she still felt paralyzed and unable to speak. Why was she like this? She could almost feel herself begin to whimper. "Are you hurt?" Ivaylo stood up straight for a second, surprised by his concern. She had never come across any strangers that cared for her safety before. This sentiment was foreign to her. She slowly shook her head, not taking her eyes off of him. This made her miss her dear mother. She wasn't very affectionate, but she always took care of her and Seva. Ivaylo always appreciated the small distance they had between them. She always felt that her mother knew how strong Ivaylo was, even if she didn't herself sometimes. Her heart began to feel heavy. She didn't feel strong now. If her mother could see her, what would she even say? What would she say, she thought... She perked up, looking at the older ones in the eyes. Her mother would tell these strangers that she is lost and needs help. That is what she'd say. "I... ah," Ivaylo stuttered, trembling still. Come on, talk! She shook her head again. This was humiliating. Giving up, she backed away a few steps. She couldn't believe how impossible it was for her to use her voice at such a dire moment. These wolves and... wolf-thing, could possibly help her. She just needed to be brave. "Lady, you might wanna watch your feet," said the little one. Ivaylo remembered he was there, and gazed at him curiously. Was he... theirs? She glanced around, and then noticed the root poking out of the earth. Looking back at him, she tried to grin nervously and nodded, then limped over it drew closer to them. She figured if they were dangerous they would have hurt her by now, but she didn't think they meant any harm. And neither did she. Forgetting her prey, she hobbled a little closer to them. She had to try again. No wimping out. "I'm... lost? A-and, ah... looking. For my brother." |
the brave
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![]() Sveyn watched attentively as the pup squirmed under Mikerra's touch. The playful exchange they shared was something unfamiliar to Sveyn, he wasn't sure how to counter or if he should comment or participate. He thought it'd be best to just allow Mikerra the reigns of playing with the boy. If need be, Sveyn would be more interested in teaching the boy the ways of becoming a man. Affection wasn't his expertise. Not that he was distant or cold, just was never sure how to demonstrate that he cared. So when Reath poked at his legs and demanded to be cuddled, Sveyn was perplexed. "It's cold. You're warm, lay down with me." He immediately looked to Mikerra for assistance, unsure of what to do next. Raising a paw, he patted the boys head gently. This was not the time to lay down, he had a job to do. He had to set off on his trek once again. What was he to do with the boy, then? Would it be outrageous to bring him along the way? Maybe he'd find his mother on their journey. Or maybe he could leave the boy with a wet nurse in one of the packs he'd visit. Perhaps the boy would like to stay with Sveyn, and he could return to Bacchus with a new apprentice... The feisty but pretty hellion interrupted his thoughts, though her interjection was also punctuated by the new comers entrance. Sveyn could only assume that the brown female wasn't much older than Reath. She was out here alone, too. By shaking her head, she declined that she wasn't hurt. Unsure of how honest the yearling was being, Sveyn kept a close eye on her posture, her movements. The hesitation in her walk could be due to fear, or did she gain a limp leg because of her fall? Deciding quickly not to push the matter further (lesson learned, accept the first answer you're given, Sveyn), if she says she isn't hurt -- then she's not. "I... ah, I'm... lost? A-and, ah... looking. For my brother." Sveyn sighed. Everyone seemed to have their own hurt here in the unclaimed territory. It was gut-wrenching to see that their were so many young bodies who had already experienced so much trauma. Frowning to show empathy, he continued, "I haven't seen any lone males, other than this one..." He motioned towards the young boy under his feet, who had already made his presence known by warning the girl to watch her feet. What a mouth! "I am Sveyn of Bacchus." Introducing himself, yet again, before asking any further questions. He didn't think the girl would confess any personal matters to a stranger. "When did you last see your brother?" The least he could do was get a description, maybe he'd run into the young boy and let him know his sister was searching for him. ▌note: holy cow you guys are fast.
Orphan pup
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Hi. Just letting you guys know that my internet is down. I dont know when itll be fixed but hoping sometime by tomarrow. Posting this with my moms phone.
Orphan pup
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January 02, 2018, 08:49:37 AM
(This post was last modified: January 02, 2018, 09:07:58 AM by Reath.)
The small pup didn't understand why the large wolf looked so confused at Mikerra like he had done. Was the word 'cold' new to Sveyn? Surely not. All adults, and babies, alike knew the meaning of the word but Sveyn didn't seem to want to help Reath with his current issue of staying warm. Honestly the pup felt a bit dejected; he knew that Sveyn wasn't his father but he had been expecting more than just a idle pat on the head that the white male had given him. Reath didn't make a retort about it but he placed his paws closer together in hopes of warming them. Suddenly the he felt a weight ghost over him and he turned his attention behind him and saw that Mikerra had draped her tail against his back. His body shivered as the clash of warmth against cold momentarily made him feel a bit colder but was beginning to eagerly take in the warmth that was offered.
"So demanding for such a cold little pup," She said sweetly as she leaned down and rubbed noses with him. Normally he'd either playfully snap at the others nose or he'd snuggled against the others soft underbelly but he did not know Mikerra that well and had been raised to not act that way to strangers. So not knowing what else he could do Reath just smiled widely and wagged his tail. "Umm, should I ask him to please lay down with me," he inquired innocently but looking at Sveyn he didn't seem to be privy on childcare but Reath didn't dislike him any less than before. So he looked up at Mikerra, "....or would you lay with me," he asked not wanting to be pushed away again. His toes were stinging and he was sure he couldn't feel his pads anymore. If he got denied again he began to eye his surroundings for possible shelters that he could hide in until he got hungry or thirsty once more. Day to day he lived because he couldn't comprehend anything beyond that unknown to him was the seriousness of his situation. Being six months old with no parents, due to their untimely passing, and with no hunting skills Reath was left to fend for himself. He no longer had a steady source of food or drink nor any protection against predators or weather. To the small dire he was just waiting...for what he didn't know because he knew nothing about the world around him. Logically he probably would not survive this winter. Still he was there now and looking at Mikerra with the most pathetic puppy-dog eyes ever displayed. Yet Mikerra was looking at Sveyn again and Reath wondered if they were like his mommy and daddy were. They acted weird with each other and hardly looked at one another in the eyes so Reath, child that he was, thought that they were acting that weird kind of sweet to each other that his parents seemed to do when Reath caught them in a romantic moment. "Sveyn, I'm not upset..or anything..I plan to--" Well what she had planned to do would never be known to Reath because she notice the other wolfs grand entrance and the playful nature of before was lost. The pup grunted at his loss of knowledge. He had wanted to know what the lady was going to say. What did she 'plan to' do? Reath had abandoned Sveyns leg as he wasn't getting any response from the large wolf to keep the pups interest. So instead he waddled over to Mikerra and curled up underneath her with his paws tucked against his stomach. He hoped to warm them this way but whether Mikerra laid with him or not would remain to be seen for her eyes were keenly focused on the newcomer slowly backing away. Reath let out a might yawn and laid his head down and his breathing eventually evened out and without any concern to the possible dangers surrounding him the dire pup drifted off into dreams. The adults were still dealing with the brown female but Reath remain silent and every so often his body would shake and twitch due to sights unbeknownst to those around him but Reath was warm and happy in his sleep. He was with his parents again and his mother laughed softly when the pup complained that he was cold and gently laid beside him and put her thick tail around his small body. She sang her lullaby to him as her tender brown eyes watched him as he slept and his dad chuckled and rubbed his nose against Reaths cheek and said something like, " 'night squirt, sleep tight." For the first time since their passing Reath didn't feel sad anymore he just wanted to stay with them and for a time he did. (Ooc: Someone will have to wake Reath up if they want to ask him something or move him. He hasn't slept well in days so he's a sleepy baby. X3) |
The Wayward Daughter
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January 02, 2018, 12:24:02 PM
(This post was last modified: January 03, 2018, 12:57:41 PM by Lyrium.)
「M i k e r r a 」
I was always curious about the way each pack raised one another. You know the whole mother, father thing and how they raised their children. I was not stupid and knew that each family, each pack raised their young a lot different than others; but the results were generally the same. There was the nurturing mother who cared for her young with the love that boiled at the bottom of her chest. Then there was the father who was stern and protective over his family. Then there was the pack who assisted the parents with hunting for the growing young. It was how nature worked when it came to the new generations. I always thought it was so common among every different living creature, no matter what kind of species they were. Apparently I was wrong.
Watching Sveyn interact with the pup was almost comical and I had to remind myself that I could come rude if I laughed at him. The way he looked at me when Reath asked him to lay down with him was amusing to say the least. It was as if the Bacchus was asking for my assistance on what he should do next. This was something that should have come naturally to him. It made me wonder how his pack raised their young. I tilted my head slightly as the white wolf decided to pat the little grey wonder on the head as if he was a stepping stool. I quirked a brow for a brief moment and shook my head. I have yet to have young of my own, but even I had some kind of nurturing instinct. While my attention had been momentarily caught by the strange brown she wolf, Reath was still talking to me. He wanted to grasp my attention and I caught his words briefly as I turned my ears to him. He wanted me to lay with him? I twisted my head to look at him for a moment, baffled; but then both of our attention was taken away as the other female spoke to us. I shoved my ears forward and jerked my head up as I listened to her. My fiery gaze studied her as she walked, noticing the way she limped despite her trying to hide it. I had always been trained to watch the little things as they were what mattered the most. They were also the easiest to hide. I nudged Sveyn's shoulders, "Sveyn, She's hurt," I motioned to the younger she wolf and straightened myself as I looked at her. "I can't say I have met any other younger males during my journey," I tilted my head slightly. I turned my gaze sharply to movement and a touch. I noticed the little pup had decided to make use of my tail and body as he snuggled underneath me. I heaved a deep sigh and adjusted my posture as I shoved myself towards the ground. I gently curled my body around his as I wrapped my tail to cover him like a blanket. It was big and fluffy enough to be considered a blanket for a pup his size. I swiveled my head back towards the brown female as I watched her, ears shoved forward in alert.
ooc: You know me Vix, I'm always bored xD and omg Reath is so fucking cute! |
Pack Alpha
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Though she was as uncomfortable as ever, she managed to lessen her shaking by just a little bit. She definitely felt safer now that she had spoken up. Ivaylo was still nervous, but she took pride in being able to use her voice after not having anyone to talk to for weeks. She hoped she never again had to forget how to talk to someone. It was such an awful feeling. She can do better now. This is her chance.
"I haven't seen any lone males, other than this one..." Ivaylo looked towards the small gray boy and a wave of disappointment washed over her. She sighed, looking down to gaze at her uninjured paw. Damn. It's not like she had much hope in the first place. But what little hope she had left was beginning to feel even smaller. If these strangers haven't seen Seva, he must be far away by now or maybe hidden somewhere. There had to be an answer. But this place was far too thick and wide for her to search alone. She choked back a sob. Was she going to be alone forever? No friends, no family? She had no clue what to do. She didn't think she could survive on her own, let alone want to. She was too scared. She considered that Seva very well could be dead. Ivaylo didn't want to think about it, but she couldn't help it now. Maybe he is just dead. She heard the strange looking she-wolf mutter something to the white male, and Ivaylo slowly picked her head up, but she couldn't quite make out what she said. She had this strange ringing in her ears that wouldn't go away. The world was slightly blurred. Maybe because she was exhausted, or maybe because there was water in her eyes. She didn't know for sure. She was almost motionless. She began to stare at the young pup, who was now curled up and looked to be asleep under the strange one's long tail. He looked comfortable. Not just warm and cozy, but safe. How she envied him. She didn't know their relations to each other, but they were definitely better off than her right now. She wished she had someone with her to help her feel safe. She wished with all her heart that it was her mother and her brother. But she felt them grow further and further away from her soul. They felt so far. "I am Sveyn of Bacchus." Ivaylo jumped, slightly startled by being able to hear voices again. She looked back to the white male, who she now knew as Sveyn. What was... Bacchus? It sounded like a home. "S-Sveyn... I'm Ivaylo. Of... this forest," she blurted, irritated with herself for how stupid she sounded. Of this forest? Nice one, she thought. "When did you last see your brother?" She took a moment to think carefully. How long had it been? It would be no use trying to figure that out, for she couldn't remember exactly. She brought herself back to that very night that she lost her mother. It was cold and dark, and she had returned from hunting when she found her mother sprawled out in the dirt, her eyes wide and glazed over and blood oozing from her mouth. She remembered crying out and searching for Seva, but he was nowhere to be found. He was supposed to be waiting there with her. She was supposed to come back to see the both of them alive and waiting for her. Was this why she couldn't stop running around recklessly, hunting for no reason, paying no attention to herself? Was she just losing her mind over this one night? She sighed again, beginning to shake once more. "I-I think a f-few weeks ago... I don't know how long it's been now. I left him with my mother so I could go hunt for them. My mother was very sick. But then it started raining so hard, so I gave up and went back... My mother was dead. And my brother, Seva, was g-gone. I-I don't know w-where he could've went," Ivaylo looked up to gaze right into Sveyn's eyes, a mix of desperation and sadness engulfing her. "I think... I think something happened to him." She sat down so she could catch her breath, wincing slightly as she put her bloodied paw down to rest. "He's not as strong as me, but he's smart. He wouldn't just leave my mother like that... I've been looking all over, but no trace of him is left," she tried to keep her voice level and not sound as if she were about to cry. She looked away. "I'm sorry... I know you don't know me and this is confusing. I'm just alone, and... l-lost." |
the brave
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![]() He was thankful for Mikerra's assistance with tending to the boy, he could focus briefly on helping the dazed yearling for the time being. Then, he'd need to go. There was an entire pack that was waiting for his return, his own family that was worried about his well-being. While he sympathized greatly for the girl, and for the boy, there was very little he could do for both... But for now, he'd do what he could manage. As he listened to Ivaylo's story, he could only come to one conclusion. A severely sad interpretation of what reality probably did with her brother that she was searching for. He started off slow, "These forests are uncaring, Ivaylo..." He breathed into the crisp air, his breath becoming a dancing fog before him. "I'm hoping that your brother did not fall victim to the trials that these woods bring, but it would be wise to prepare yourself for that possibility." This was what Sveyn was good at. Communicating, delivering the truths whether or not they are difficult to hear. He took a cautious step forward, not wanting to spook her. "Do you need to rest? Your paw may be injured from the tumble you took." He looked back at Mikerra and Reath, wanting to bid his farewell momentarily. He'd wake the boy, give him the option of traveling with him. He'd make it hard to say no. How could he turn away the promise of a meal each day? A warm body to lay next to at night? Looking back at the girl, he considered giving her the option as well. She could travel with him if he wished, he'd inform her of Bacchus if she was curious. She could leave for the mountains, and she'd be taken care of. And Mikerra, well. He already knew where she stood... He wouldn't beckon her any further. ▌note: