moon chatter [spam v. new forum]
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Posts: 46
Location [IC]: Nardir

All Accounts Posts: 617

put yer grubby paws on the new forum and sp am it up friendos

[Image: summit2_by_preimpression-d83tp0g.png]  [Image: crust_by_preimpression-d83tpkc.png]  [Image: core_by_preimpression-d83tpke.png]  [Image: broadcast_by_preimpression-d83trxi.png]  [Image: baseline2_by_preimpression-d83tsx6.png]
please direct all questions involving Nardir to EhwaAzi/Scy. thank you.
[-] Likes: DustyForgotten
the stupidest dog!™
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shouts into the abyss

[Image: 6o7UhBX.png][Image: 8t0lJRC.png]
[Image: L1PyDou.png]
[-] Likes: DustyForgotten
Uri They
kissed by the moon
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the abyss shouts back

[-] Likes: DustyForgotten
Puffin she/her
one old dog
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runs in circles

[-] Likes: DustyForgotten
Uri They
kissed by the moon
Pack Alpha
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All Accounts Posts: 655

circles? in MY spam bin? it's more likely than you think

[-] Likes: DustyForgotten
Witch. She
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NARDIR when arey ou coming to hang out with gemini!?

Remember your name.
Do not lose hope — what you seek will be found.
Trust ghosts. Trust those that you have helped
to help you in their turn.
Trust dreams.
Trust your heart, and trust your story.
When you come back, return the way you came.
Favors will be returned, debts will be repaid.
Do not forget your manners.
Do not look back.

- Neil Gaiman, Instructions

Uri They
kissed by the moon
Pack Alpha
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All Accounts Posts: 655

The stars haven't aligned for it yet

Hayley she/they
Sparkles a Little
Posts: 84
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i love everything about this new forum tbh
[-] Likes: Witch.
Sekirei She/Her
Resident Changling
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Location: Toledo


*takes a flying leap and slams into the bin*

*looks around, wags tail, deflates, then groans audibly*

I have so much work to do. *headdesk* Just getting my mains up is going to take a while, never mind my rather large bin. One bit at a time and I should be able to manage. I'm thinking about using a different profile outline since the one I've been using 5ever just isn't doing it for me because the one section where you describe the appearance (fur color, eye color, etcl) is too extensive for my relatively basic designs. I need an outline that's a bit simpler. 

Or I could do it all from scratch from my own head. Decisions, decisions. *brain starts smoking*

I'm definitely trimming some characters (mainly the inactive and dead-ICly ones) down by not reposting them but I'm going to transfer my entire bin over. The inactive/dead ones will just have their icons left in place so I have them on record. That way, if I decide to get active with the currently-inactive ones (Jawahar, Rebellion, Sandusky, Ieyasu, Ayasha), they'll be in place in the bin and all I'd have to do is repost their profiles and go from there.

If Roman Reigns has millions of fans, I am one of them. If Roman Reigns has only one fan, that is me. If Roman Reigns has no fans, I'm no longer in the world.

Hail the Roman Empire. Hail the Guy. Roman Reigns fan for life.
Rieal .
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Yeah I decided to re-do Aylie's profile since the one I have for her on the .org forum has seemed too small for her for awhile now..same with Aeolus..only this forum doesn't seem to like Aeolus..I mean he was perma stuck in the Inaria group until Ark changed it for me and then when I was trying to do the coding for his profile it wouldn't save the coding I had for him so I finally had to just use the coding for Aylie's profile just so I could get his basic info up and posted. I haven't finished it though mostly since I've been working on trying to finish Aylie's..her profile is already at two pages and I still don't have everything on her profile that I want to have on there and haven't really decided on the order the info should go in either especially since the forum seems to be telling me that Aylie needs to go to's like every time I log on here her account will be showing as being Saboran I'll reset it to not be Saboro but when I log out and then come back..she is back in Saboro so yeah. Aeolus is apparently meant to be an Inarian and Aylie is apparently meant to be Saboran or something lolz

~The raven strikes at midnight~
*Servicemen don't make MISTAKES, they make DECISIONS.*
±Credit cards aren't money..just wishful thinking±

If you want to understand me go Here and Here and also Here
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[Image: 205a2ib.jpg]
I survived the Snowflake
Christmas Name Change 2010

the New bin
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Sekirei She/Her
Resident Changling
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Location: Toledo


Got all my mains transferred over here. Going to start on my Charrie Bin either now or tomorrow after work.

If Roman Reigns has millions of fans, I am one of them. If Roman Reigns has only one fan, that is me. If Roman Reigns has no fans, I'm no longer in the world.

Hail the Roman Empire. Hail the Guy. Roman Reigns fan for life.
Charley She/Her
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I'm here!! ITS SO PRETTY
I've been on general hiatus from everything for a minute and half so I have some catching up to do. I also got a new desktop that can run Skyrim, Oblivion and Sims (and Stardew Valley) and then I finally got a 3ds and have been playing a Harvest Moon -aaand guess what I do when life gets rough and I need to escaaaape ;D
Can we rp on here yet?

Uri They
kissed by the moon
Pack Alpha
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All Accounts Posts: 655

Hey, welcome!!
Nah, we can't rp here yet but we can make profiles and bins and stuff like that Smile

Rieal .
Sparkles a Lot
Posts: 271
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All Accounts Posts: 271

(August 15, 2017, 10:37:21 PM)Charley Wrote: GLOMPS ON EVERYTHING!
I'm here!! ITS SO PRETTY
I've been on general hiatus from everything for a minute and half so I have some catching up to do. I also got a new desktop that can run Skyrim, Oblivion and Sims (and Stardew Valley) and then I finally got a 3ds and have been playing a Harvest Moon -aaand guess what I do when life gets rough and I need to escaaaape ;D
Can we rp on here yet?

Like Uri said we can't do threads here yet but there are banners/backgrounds for profiles! I love Aylie's! I have no idea where it came from but I think the great big alligator/crocodile mouth suits her but Imma go with Alligator so she can be an Aylie-gator now!

~The raven strikes at midnight~
*Servicemen don't make MISTAKES, they make DECISIONS.*
±Credit cards aren't money..just wishful thinking±

If you want to understand me go Here and Here and also Here
My Charries
[Image: 205a2ib.jpg]
I survived the Snowflake
Christmas Name Change 2010

the New bin
Kimster Eh
Sparkles a Little
Posts: 76
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*sidles into spam bin, curls up in corner enjoying new forum smell*
Uri They
kissed by the moon
Pack Alpha
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All Accounts Posts: 655


Kimster Eh
Sparkles a Little
Posts: 76
Pronouns: Eh


*stuffs Uri into blanket fort* Orlo!
Uri They
kissed by the moon
Pack Alpha
Posts: 567
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All Accounts Posts: 655

Blanket forts are the best tbhh

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Sekirei She/Her
Resident Changling
Posts: 185
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: Toledo


That moment when someone I decide to connect with via a Roman Reigns fan page on FB via Messenger and they decide to open up their first convo with me by saying they wanna f*ck me and I clap back like a boss., dude. Being a foreigner who probably got his impression of American women from movies doesn't give you a free pass to make stupid overtures like that. And liked the comment I made about the Shield reuniting. That's kind of what I thought was going to be the conversational centerpiece. I also don't quite buy you being 28, either. I know I look young for my age but you look like you're about 18-20.

Fortunately, he backed off REEEAAALLL quick. Shows a good amount of decency. He's just lucky my mood is pretty chill but I'm in full Sarcasm Mode at the moment because he chose a really bad way to open up a dialogue, I'm tired from work, AND I have to be up at 3:30 AM tomorrow for work.

But on the flip side, this is a very, very rare thing for me because I'm a hermit. Glad to know I have the chops for this sort of thing if it happens again.

If Roman Reigns has millions of fans, I am one of them. If Roman Reigns has only one fan, that is me. If Roman Reigns has no fans, I'm no longer in the world.

Hail the Roman Empire. Hail the Guy. Roman Reigns fan for life.
[-] Likes: Charley
Pawprint she
10% Sweet Tea
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SO late to everything.

I'm back for the most part. I put up my profiles and now I need to re-link them. So quick question: for the threads I haven't replied to on the .org site (Spirals in particular), would you guys like me to respond there or should the thread be brought over here? I'd rather not leave another thread hanging because I disappeared. Also, am I needed elsewhere on the old or new forum? As for the earthquake, Buckshot is clinging to family, Beatrice too. I was going to have Adolph underground where the new plants are, but if that's an issue since there is a list of missing members, he can be safe on the surface.

8/3/18: Might be slow for the foreseeable future

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