Private Roleplay Little Bird (Kimster) | ||||||||||||||||
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He had heard the rumors of the return of recent members. Hakan was antsy to reacquaint himself with Aylie, Mercury, and Raka. But there was another that he felt especially pulled to meet for the first time. A young girl with a familiar scowl on her face, a specific pattern to her coat. Was she a daughter of his apprentice and his own daughter? He hadn't seen Jase and Sal since long in the exile. Their brood of boys going along with them. Would this girl bring news? Was she his own granddaughter? Or perhaps, like his own Kyra, those boys had grown up and fathered their own children?
Sal was his adopted step-daughter, and not blood related. It made no difference to him however, he had always loved Sal like his own. Then there was Raka. He had yet to see the shadow but also had heard of her return. He had long wondered if he could have helped her during or after the birth of her pups. He was half convinced she had taken a turn for the worse soon after her birth. It made sense since she disappeared so soon after. That time of the exile though, was fraught with chaos itself. He had nearly killed himself from neglect trying to take care of the scattered Nardiri with only Jase to help him. The chaos of recent events had prevented him from making these meetings, but as things quieted down and he found himself more and more at ease again he was itching to find these women. Guilt wracked him at the thought of the dark queen Mercury. She had fought so valiantly against the White Demon Loathe, and yet when she lost he was too busy with the aftermath of losing their home and caring for the pregnant mothers, his mate and daughter among them, to search and tend to Mercury, relying instead on Alexander, the only other apprentice besides Jase, and brother to the queens to care for her. He had gone missing as well in the chaos. So much history. So much loss. He didn't know where to start, he wondered if this, potential Storm relative, girl might be hovering around the Clan dens. Should he howl for her? He didn't have her name, just a description. Raka at least he assumed would likely be close to Byakko. Might as well stop there and see what they were up to. Maybe they can point him in the direction of this girl and hopefully catch Raka there as well. The clan dens were a hub of activity usually. Even his own daughter had been hanging around it, understandably to stick close to Akutan and heal up herself. He didn't want to just waltz in and demand attention. He decided to stop and take a drink from the stream close to the dens. Maybe the ones he was looking for would come to investigate. ((I suuuuuuck at starting threads omg )) |
Sparkles a Little
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(Haha no you're great! Love the opening. I'll sort of have Hakan meet Raka and then move him on to Schimmah.)
Raka lounged near the rock Byakko always slept on. She was in that half-life between sleep and wakefullness, her ears well aware of the goings on around her but her mind pleasantly relaxed. From afar it looked as though she were merely a shadow of the rock, however when she lifted her head you could spy the silvering of hairs around her muzzle and throat. Indeed, the shadow now has splinters of moonlight in her coat. Age catching up to her. She gave a yawn and looked around, noticing herself to be alone in the clan dens. Clan dens - she savoured the term. Since coming back and reuniting with her mate, and his extended family, she had settled down quickly. Though her memory was still as patchy, it tended to yield more glimpses and snatches than it had in months. Names were anathema - she either got them wrong or plain just couldn't remember. Smell, yes, that was a reliable way to memories, sometimes even the fur of the beast, or a phrase that triggered a memory. Whether she held on to that memory was completely random. At least she was not as confused and aggressive as she had been. Those memories were huge blur. Byakko and Akutan and Sara had to help her with them. But even then it was shapen by the teller and his/her subjective view. All she really could remember was the feeling of all consuming anger and mistrust. And had only been through association with Schimmah that she had started healing. Little Schimmah was still a nervous, jumpy wreck, and never visited the clan dens while everybody was there. But she seemed to be doing allright. Raka hoped the girl would find her feet, this pack was perfect for her. Her nose wrinkled and her pale gaze blinked lazily. Smell. Hmm. New smell? New smell! No, not really new, vaguely familiar. Standing up slowly - yeesh since when had her knees started creaking like that? - the black female padded towards the stream on silent paws, effortlessly blending into the background. A mere shadow among shadows. Hovering behind the cover of trees and bushes, she paused and watched the male drinking from the stream. Did he know there were dens here? Well, obviously. This wasn't a secret place. A quick intake of his scent made her memories snap and fizz - could this be someone that she remebered? Thus far she didn't recognise him on sight. And he was older than she was, so no physical threat. Reminding herself that she was safe within Nardir, Raka took a few steps forward, deliberately making a noise to alert the strange male to her presence. Pale orbs watched him intently, her face giving no clue as to the thoughts in her head. Her body posture was neutral, waiting for him to show his rank. |
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The old healer felt refreshed from the stream. It was nice to see the water clear again, the world, though changed dramatically, healing and finding its new sense of balance. He heard a rustle behind him and lo! A pale eyed-shadow came nearly creeping toward him. He knew if he put out the intentions to the Moon he would be rewarded for his endeavors.
She was wary, as if she didn't quite recognize him. His bi-colored eyes softened from his surprise, his gaze warm and inviting, a gentle welcoming smile on his dusty brown significantly frosted nose. Had it really been that long, she was getting her own frosted points! "Raka! I was wondering when I would run into you again. I'd heard you returned!" The cord at his neck lifted as the wind caught two ragged feathers. The tattoos on his face had faded and nearly blended into his muddy brown fur, he smelled strongly of herbs and earth. "I remember when Sara and your girls were born. The storm broke with a crash of thunder as Vienna came into the world." He hoped to spark her memory of his involvement in her life. He remembered every birth he had attended, even the ones in the middle of the Exile. Even back when he was a young man, tending to his first Nardiri birth, he tended to the Late Queen Shenandoah and helped the Current Queen and her Sister into the world. He regretted dearly missing Alana bringing her own children into the world. ((Thank you for the compliment! I think that turn of events was what I was hoping for! <3 )) |