Ranks. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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June 20, 2017, 06:27:40 PM
(This post was last modified: February 26, 2018, 09:32:39 PM by Puffin.)
![]() ![]() Color Key Purple = Main branch of the royal family. Orange = Viceroy & children of the Viceroy. Cyan = Advisory & children of the Advisory. Pale Blue = nobility & children of nobility. * = holds multiple ranks (three max). Italicized = in-training for rank. Member Tally: 44. ![]() THE STAR COUNCIL ![]() ADVISORS Byakko
GROUNDSKEEPER Buckshot | Tallulah ![]() ![]() THE CORE ![]()
![]() ![]() THE BASE ![]()
![]() Layout by Puffin and Uri w/ edits by Hayley. |
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() THE SUMMIT ![]() >> of, determined by, relating to, or resembling the moon << Lunar Queen Alana and Lunar King Julek lead the pack, make the big decisions, and are charged with the duty of keeping their home and their pack safe. They may accept or deny outsiders, promote/demote/exile members, create or retire ranks, send envoy parties outside the pack, hold pack or council and zenith meetings, organize celebrations, send its members off to war, or anything else they might imagine. All members lower than the Summit must ask their permission to have children, and all other major decisions must go through them.
Viceroy >> a regal official who runs a country in the name of the monarch of the territory << Third in command of Nardir after the Queen and King, the Viceroy is someone that both of the Lunar leaders trust a great deal. This person has the power to promote and demote in and out of the core working ranks, may call Star Council meetings (as they are essentially head of the Star Council, in a way), can accept and deny potential pack members, and are tasked with the job of making sure that the Star Council and the rank leaders are doing their duties. In times where the Lunar leaders are absent, the Viceroy is acting alpha until they return; in the event that no heir is chosen and both Lunar leaders perish, the Viceroy will assume command of Nardir until a royal child is ready to take the throne. It is implied that anything the Viceroy does is done with the consent and support of the Lunar monarchs.
Oracle >> ... << Coming Soon.
The Advisory/Star Council >> a person who gives advice, typically someone who is expert in a particular field << The Advisory (also known as the Star Council) is made up of wise and level-headed creatures who can spot potential in each wolf they see, as well as know the downsides to each potential rankee. They check in on the core ranks and help out with tough decisions, suggesting whom to promote and demote and acting as advisers to the Lunar leaders. They have the power to promote Astronomers into ranks, but can only demote those that they have personally promoted. They can also accept and deny recruits. Anything the Advisory does can be overruled by the Lunar leaders or Viceroy.
![]() ![]() THE ZENITH POINT ![]() Hydra >> a many-headed serpent in Greek mythology<< The Hydra is a rank unto itself, answering exclusively the the Lunar Monarchs. Officially, the Hydra is charged with protecting and organizing the protection of the royal family in whatever way they see fit and at their own autonomous discretion. They have the authority to assign Mantlepieces to stations and positions in accordance with any Royalty Protection Plan deemed necessary. They have the authority to overrule judgments made by Parallaxes and Jovian Winds regarding the borders, visitors, and all non-Nardiri. They have the authority to come and go from Nardir however and whenever they please. They have the authority to personally oversee the training of any Parallax or Jovian Wind whom they decide requires their attention. While they do not have the authority to overrule the Parsec or Maelstrom's decisions to promote or demote within their own ranks, the Hydra may keep tabs on any Parallax or Jovian Wind whom they deem necessary to watch. While the Hydra is expected to communicate and coordinate with the Parsec and Maelstrom any decisions or concerns that interfere with the inner workings of the Parallaxes and Jovian Winds, for the purpose of maintaining positive relationships throughout the pack, it is to be assumed that any decisions the Hydra makes are with the authority and approval of the Lunar Monarchs. While not officially a member of the Star Council, the Hydra may take part in or sit in on any Star Council meetings.
Unofficially. Parsec >> a unit of length used to measure astronomically large distances to objects in space<< The Parsec is the captain of the Parallax. They report directly to the Hydra, and also work closely with everyone in the Zenith Point to make sure everyone has the right up-to-date information. The Viceroy also takes a personal interest in the Parallax, and so may request regular meetings with the Parsec to stay up-to-date. The Parsec is charged with recruiting and training new Parallaxes, and overall maintaining the rank. They may promote/demote anyone within their rank at their own discretion. This individual is usually chosen from the most trusted and proven of the Parallax, since they are the face of Nardir's ambassadorial unit to other packs.
Quasar >> an unusually bright and energetic object found in the remote areas of the universe << The Quasar is the captain of the Halos. They are charged with recruiting and training new Halos, and overall maintaining the rank. They may promote/demote within their rank at their own discretion. Like any good doctor, the Quasar makes the rules when it comes to the health of the Nardiri, and so they answer only to the Lunar Queen. This individual is usually chosen from the most knowledgeable and dedicated of Nardir's Halos, since they are responsible for juggling the long list of herbs and their uses and potentially working long hours to heal the sick and wounded.
Centaurus >> a large constellation of a centaur << The Centaurus is the captain of the Mantle. They report directly to the Hydra and are charged with recruiting and training new Mantlepieces, and overall maintaining the rank. They may promote/demote anyone within their rank at their own discretion. This individual is usually hand-picked by the Lunar Monarchs, and is generally considered their right hand, especially in times of war. They work closely with the Maelstrom and Jovian Winds to ensure our borders are well and truly protected.
Maelstrom >> a very powerful whirlpool << The Maelstrom is the captain of the Jovian Winds. They report directly to the Hydra and are charged with recruiting and training new Jovians, and overall maintaining the rank. They may promote/demote anyone within their rank at their own discretion. This individual is usually chosen for their intelligence and diligence at the border, since they are responsible for ensuring that no threats are allowed to enter the pack. They work closely with the Centaurus and the Mantle so that their Jovians always have backup if they need it.
Weaver >> a person who engages in creating through weaving << The Weaver is the captain of the Artisans. They answer directly to the Viceroy and Lunar Queen, and are charged with organizing members of the rank and potentially training new Artisans in their chosen field. They may promote/demote within their rank at their own discretion, and may delegate the training of any new members to any of the Artisans they oversee. This individual is usually chosen by the Viceroy for their versatility in crafting, perhaps for being able to operate in several different fields, and for their overall leadership ability. They may frequently leave Nardir to visit ally packs for the purpose of trading crafting materials or swapping craft designs.
Groundskeeper > a person who is responsible for the care and maintenance of a particular tract of land < The groundskeeper specializes in the actual landscape and environment in the land. It is a one-wolf job, but that's not to say it's an easy job. The Groundskeeper must traverse the land daily and check up on any concerning landscapes. They might decide to map out the territory using paints on a cave wall. Overall they're the one in charge of making sure everything is going according to plan and no particular patch of herbs is being overused and no non-wolf species is going extinct. If there's trouble or migration out of the land, they must tell the alphas immediately. While there is only one Groundskeeper, they may choose an apprentice to learn their craft and take over the rank once they either die or retire. ![]() ![]() THE CORE ![]() >> a spinning neutron star that emits energy along its gravitational axis << Those wise in all their years, holding ten years or more under their belts, may retire into the Pulsar rank. It is suggested that they work as mentors or advisers for those who need ranks or a voice of understanding, but they are not required to do this. These creatures have done their time and may rest in their retirement. Often they will be met with by those who seek to learn Nardir's past to map out the history, and they are urged to give as much information as they can so that the history of Nardir can be kept forever.
Parallax >> the apparent change in position of two objects viewed from different locations << The Parallax are our ambassadors and emissaries; they will work very closely with the Star Council and the alphas to ensure that allies and enemies are kept in check. They must be creatures who can take care of themselves in foreign lands as well as intelligent beasts with an eye for potential. While in Nardir, the Parallax will make certain that the Mantle and Jovian Winds are properly prepared, based on the knowledge they've gained outside of the borders. Their captain is the Parsec, who answers directly to the Hydra. Parallax may also take acceptances.
Halos >> the spherical region surrounding the center, or nucleus, of a galaxy << Otherwise known as healers, these wolves are knowledgeable in useful - and dangerous - plant life. They are the doctors of Nardir, and help keep our family healthy. They are recruited, trained, and lead by the Quasar who reports directly to the Lunar Queen. Depending on the task at hand, they might work with the Artisans on special projects, but overall they work on their own. They can also be assigned as caretakers for particularly feeble Pulsars. A specialized sub-rank of the Halos, the Aphelion, acts as a therapist to members of Nardir who need someone to talk and vent to. There is only one Aphelion, and while the Halos as a whole are well-versed in giving advice, the Aphelion specializes in that particular field.
The Mantle >> layer inside a terrestrial planet between the core below and the crust above << When addressed as an entirety, the body of this rank is called the Mantle, though individuals are often called Mantlepieces. They serve as Nardir's formal army, usually being the primary rank to leap to defend the pack against an enemy. They are charged with supporting the Jovian Winds at the border and protecting Nardir's members while afield. Their captain is the Centaurus, who answers directly to the Hydra. They are occasionally sent out to help defend our allies, as in the war between Inaria and Saboro.
Jovian Winds >> bands of wind on the planet Jupiter containing vortices, storms, and lightning << The Jovian Winds, or Jovians, are Nardir's scouts and border guards. They are the ones who accept and deny wolves seeking acceptance, and act as the first line of defense to keep our home safe. The Jovians train with the Mantle sometimes, and can call in a Mantlepiece if acceptances get risky or there is a sizable threat on the borders that requires backup. Their captain is the Maelstrom, who answers directly to the Hydra.
Artisans >> a worker skilled at crafting things by hand << The crafters of Nardir, these are the individuals who have dedicated their time to creating, building, and inventing. Artisans come with highly varied skill sets, depending on their chosen field. Puffin, for instance, builds sleds out of wood and leather cords, and Kestrel has produced mead from fermented honey and fruit. Another Artisan might specialize in tattooing, or leathercraft, or they might be particularly good at fashioning jewelry from bones. Practitioners of the art of brewery also fall into this rank. Artisans are encouraged to travel and seek out new things to make and new ways of making them from our crafty allies, and may frequently travel to trade crafting supplies. They are led and kept somewhat organized by the Weaver, who answers directly to the Viceroy and Lunar Queen.
Witches >> ... << Coming soon. ![]() ![]() THE BASE ![]() > a scientist in the field of astronomy who studies celestial objects < The Astronomers are the subordinates of Nardir. The newly accepted and recently aged-up Sprites make up the bulk of this rank, and they're expected to begin training for a Core rank as soon as they are able. Without a formal duty to perform, Astronomers are expected to hunt for the pack, babysit Nardir's youth, and fill out Nardir's informal militia in support of the Mantle when necessary.
Sprites > red flashes that appear above active thunderstorms in conjunction with lightning < The future of Nardir, the children. Whether born on Nardir soil or adopted in, they are taught of the Moon Mother and are protected by all of Nardir. They can go into trainee ranks at the age of six months and are expected to have a rank by the age of one year. If they don't, they may be placed in one they seem to best fit in, even if they don't want it.
Prisoners: > a person held in prison as a punishment for crimes they have committed < While Nardir rarely has prisoners, sometimes it is something they cannot avoid. They are watched closely and kept away from the Sprites and the borders, but they are treated kindly in the hopes that they will one day join the ranks of Nardir and become respectable parts of society. If they fail to meet the expectations and are seen as a waste of space and resources, they will be chased from our land and refused reentry. |