Private Roleplay look mom, i'm making friends [rook] [FINISHED] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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resident daydreamer
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November 26, 2017, 03:17:31 PM
(This post was last modified: December 17, 2018, 03:05:44 PM by Harriette.)
![]() It was winter, and the wind was biting. Temperatures had dropped low enough to allow the formation of dazzling snowflakes, and Gemini had quickly become coated in a thin spread of white. It wasn’t Harriette’s favorite season, she was not afraid to admit that. It was cold, it was dark, and the snow muffled many sounds, making things seem oddly quiet around the pack land.
As the days grew shorter, Harriette found it harder to get herself out of her den in the mornings. She’d rather stay within the cozy warmth of her bed than make the chilling trek to the healer’s tree. There was typically a large amount of internal debate before she found the ambition to get to her feet and make her way to the ill. This morning had taken a little while to get herself there, but eventually she did. A younger packmate had shuffled to the tree shortly after Harriette arrived, looking for something to help a pesky cough. It was definitely the season for it, and Harriette had no shortage of licorice root to offer the adolescent. Grabbing a good piece of root with her mouth, Harriette lowered it to her paw and peeled back a few layers of the outside flesh, then gave it to the young one. “Just chew this for a while, it will help soothe your throat and will help with the cough. Come back tomorrow for another piece and you should be feeling better in no time.” She smiled, using a paw to push the leftover licorice root pieces into a pile against a thick root of the healer’s tree, so that they could be used in a potion later on should anyone need it. “Keep yourself warm and hydrated, alright? It’s chilly out there today.” The adolescent chewed the root a few times, making a slight face at the taste, but nodded and smiled. Harriette nodded, motioning for them to carry on and go rest up. And so her first patient of the day turned and left. She watched them depart for a moment or two, until the darkness swallowed them whole and Harriette could no longer see. A yawn escaped her maw and a strong thirst rose within her. She realized she hadn’t stopped for a drink before coming to the tree, and after instructing her patient to stay hydrated, Harriette decided she needed to follow her own advice. Looking around, she saw another acolyte a ways away and Harriette briefly told them she’d be back soon, unsure if they really cared to know. She walked to a nearby stream where the water wouldn’t be frozen yet, kicking up clusters of snowflakes as she went. She imagined the snowflakes turning into lightning bugs as they floated upwards, so light and airy. She watched as their rear ends lit up, watched as they ascended into the slowly brightening sky. She used a paw to throw more snow into the air, smiling as each flake transformed into those little flashy bugs, watching them go higher and higher until they became stars in the morning sky – bright flecks of yellow splattered on a deep pink and purple canvas, streaks of orange beginning to stretch further and further from the horizon. Harriette came upon the stream at last and she drank deep and long. The water was so shockingly cold on her tongue and throat, forcing her to take a break before she was fully satisfied as she waited for a small bout of brain freeze to pass. Squeezing her eyes closed for a moment, she pushed her tongue to the roof of her mouth, trying to relieve the ache in her skull and throat. She imagined an intricate pattern of frost spreading over her brain, delicate patterns growing larger and larger as she squeezed her eyelids tighter. Once it passed, she breathed a sigh of relief and opened her eyes, the frosty coating melting away. Suddenly, across the stream, someone had appeared. Harriette almost jumped lightly, surprised by their sudden appearance. Perhaps they were there all along and she didn’t even notice. “You scared me…” She said, her voice small, a nervous chuckle following her words. “The water is … Cold.” Of course this was common knowledge, but the words simply fell from her mouth without giving her mind enough time to really think about what she was saying. Still thirsty, she bent her head down to take another drink, this time not for quite as long, to avoid the brain freeze. She wasn’t a huge fan of that – it hurt her fragile brain. When she brought her head up again, she smiled lightly at the stranger. “I’m Harriette,” she offered, hoping the stranger was friendly enough to stick around for a conversation. She found herself becoming more open to social interactions, and she figured it had to do with the amount of time she spent talking with patients who came and went at the tree. It opened her mind to social situations and helped her to overcome her slight anxiety around the whole situation. She was growing, and it was evident in the way she carried herself around the pack the older she got. It did make her feel proud of herself to some extent, but it was also still exhausting to spend so much time meeting new people and making conversation. She was still getting better, however, and that was a win any day. |
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She'd lived through many winters, of course, but it didn't mean she enjoyed any of them. Food was scarce, and often Rook had to scavenge for frozen corpses that failed to find fresh greens, or try and sustain herself on nuts and winter berries like some damned squirrel.
Still, it wasn't every winter she was able to find fresh water, with most sources frozen over until spring, so finding a stream still trickling through affirmed her thoughts that, maybe, her life wasn't all drama and what-the-fuckery after all, and someone or something up there was looking out for her. Perhaps, if this stream still ran strong, there would be fish ripe for the picking ... Rook stepped into the water lightly, her fur buzzing with cold as if electricity ran through her, eyes trained for sudden movements in the water ... and started when Harriette spoke to her. Rook scared her? "Likewise!" she would laugh, adding, "I didn't see you either, sister. Your fur is white as the snow around us. That's pretty damn lucky this season." Rook thought of all the rabbits and hares that shed their summer coats to camouflage within the paleness of the land. She wondered if wolves were capable of the same thing ... "Hey, Harriette. I'm Rook. What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" After meeting wolves, lions, and humans, oh my, Rook was beginning to get used to the idea of randoms making this ... unique ... pack their home, and she absentmindedly looked around the waters for signs of flashing scales, while her ears pricked towards Harriette's story, if any. |
resident daydreamer
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December 06, 2017, 08:14:32 PM
(This post was last modified: September 02, 2018, 04:01:23 PM by Harriette.)
![]() It seemed as though Harriette was not the only one who was feeling particularly jumpy today, as the brown female before her chuckled lightly, fur slightly on end. Harriette smiled awkwardly as Rook commented on Harriette’s camouflaging capabilities. She had never thought of it that way, and she supposed that Rook had put a positive spin on things. She never realized shed been able to blend in so easily with the pale surroundings that came with the winter season, snow blanketing the world around her.
Harriette nodded. “I never thought of that...” Rook then introduced herself and Harriette widened her smile in a way of being polite toward her new … Acquaintance. “Nice to meet you, Rook.” Rook then asked what Harriette was doing in Gemini, and for a brief moment, Harriette pondered. The simple answer was that she was born here, but why hadn’t she left? It was a thought to consider, and a thought that made Harriette’s mind whirl with thousands of answers. The scenery. The people. The opportunities. Her family. The faerie pools. Her den. The familiarity… It would be so easy to leave it all behind, to ditch this place and try something new. There was a whole world out there - that she knew. Why didn't she want even a taste of what was out there? What exactly was it that was keeping her locked down here so tightly, keeping her completely satisfied with where she was in life? “Well,” she began, clearly deep in thought, her fire and ice eyes drifting from Rook as she wondered. “I was born here, my mother is Serrate, our Queen. Akira- King Akira is my sister.” She beamed, staring up into the hazy sky. “I guess the simple answer is that I could never leave them – or any of my family, for that matter.” Lowering her head to gaze toward Rook now, she continued. “But honestly, I love it here. Gemini is a special place, Rook. There’s so many absolutely wondrous things about my home. The people here are so loving and warm, and the sights are breathtaking. I love the views, all of them. I love this place so ferociously, with all of my heart.” And that was the start of the longer answer. “I could never leave. I don’t know where I’d go – I’d miss my home every step of the way. I’d be terribly lost.” She had to stop herself before she carried on for hours, taking a deep breath and nodding slowly. “That’s what a girl like me is doing here.” Harriette then tilted her head slightly. “What about you, Rook? You’re not from here, I assume?” Her scent still hid the smallest fragrance of a world unknown to Harriette, and she was hoping that Rook would enlighten her on the story of where she came from. Maybe Harriette could learn a bit about what life outside of Gemini was like, to give the pale girl a sense of what possibilities lay beyond the borders here. But on the other hand, it had potential to spook the sensitive girl, as she simply saw the world as rainbows and butterflies, blocking out all things dark and sinister to keep that imagination of hers pure and untouched. |
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A glint, and Rook dashed her jaws into the stream, snapping only at water and air bubbles as the fish slipped through too fast. No matter; she would wait and try again.
What Harriette said next gave her pause, however, and Rook hung her head low, mouth hanging slightly agape, eyes boring into the girl’s own pair. Rook had heard so much of these Queens and Kings, and she finally met someone related to them! What luck … probably. After all, she still wasn’t certain what this monarchy sustained on, exactly; for Alteron, it was blood and war and loyalty. For Gemini …? “No kidding, huh? So you’re a Princess, then? Yeah, if I was royalty, I probably wouldn’t want to leave my home either …” Rook stepped out of the stream, the chill beginning to creep through her toes, but fish was no longer on her mind. There was a feeling even stronger than the cold, or even hunger, now - curiosity. Gemini is a special place, Rook. “Yeah, I’m starting to believe it’s a special place as well, Harriette.” Rook thought of Francisca, of Sybella. Even the fact that this place employed the ranks of lions and even humans … it truly had to have something special about it. “You’re correct. I’ve been living wild for all my life - lost track of the years though, heh - and Gemini would be my first … uh …” Home? Pack? She struggled with the words - “... place. That I. Have stayed in. For longer periods of … time.” Yes. Totally eloquent and understandable. Good work using your words. “... but the concept of packs has always been on the edge of my mind. My mother left me to join one, for example, so I kind of always wondered what the appeal was, and, well, now I know. “The outside world is pretty ruthless, and lonely, and you must always be light on your feet and sleep with one eye open. Here, I’ve slept for a full night for the first time since I was a pup, probably. And I suppose I’ve also made … friends.” She shook her head to let the droplets rain from her muzzle to the ground. “But the outside is also thrilling. New. And there are no Queens and Kings ruling over you. “So I guess, both sides have their pros and cons, huh?” What do you think, Princess? |
resident daydreamer
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December 09, 2017, 02:02:33 PM
(This post was last modified: September 02, 2018, 04:00:07 PM by Harriette.)
![]() She watched in complete awe as Rook studied the stream between them, her eyes darting this way and that, when all of a sudden the girl shot her face into the water with surprising speed, her jaws parted wide in hopes of coming out with a gift. But all they received was a mouthful of water, and Harriette was shocked to see that Rook did not seem disappointed. She seemed patient, understanding of the fact that it might take more than one try.
Harriette had never fished before, and she made a note to ask Rook to teach her, if she was feeling up to the task. It seemed like an excellent way to stay sustained in the winter when a lot of the prey had gone to warmer places for the bitter cold months. She was patient though, as Rook was, and their conversation took priority. Harriette felt grateful for how carefully Rook listened to the pale girl’s words. It wasn’t often she captured the full attention of someone else – her mother and father were the main ones who graced her with that privilege. Not that other people didn’t listen to her, but she took note of how absorbed Rook seemed to be in Harriette’s words, how her eyes were focused, how her jaw hung slightly ajar. It was simple, but it gave Harriette a feeling of warmth on this blustery day. ”So you’re a Princess, then?” Rook commented, to which Harriette could feel herself blush lightly beneath her fur. ”Yeah, if I was royalty, I probably wouldn’t want to leave my home either…” Harriette shrugged. “It’s more than that, though. I don’t … Really care about the royalty thing. It doesn’t really mean anything. It’s great, yes, and I take pride in it. But … It doesn’t change anything. I’m just like you, Rook. I have to contribute to the pack just the same. I had to work for my rank.” She offered a half smile. The term “Princess” seemed to make her skin itch more than it didn’t. She couldn’t even recall Serrate or Hawthorne referring to her as such, and if they did, it wasn’t often. The true royalty were her mother and sister. Their status mattered. They had royal duties. Harriette was just the same as Rook. At least, that’s what she believed. When Rook took her turn to tell her own story, Harriette gave her the same undivided attention that she had received from the tawny female. She stumbled on a few words, but Harriette didn’t poke fun. She was in awe at Rook’s back story, hearing that she came from the outside world, simply wandering and doing what she pleased. At the mention of her mother leaving her, Harriette felt her heart ache for her. She couldn’t imagine if her mother ever left her. Sure, she wasn’t doting on Harriette any longer, but Harriette took comfort in the fact that if she ever needed her, she was short walk away, or she could always holler and her mother would be there for her. Not having mother around would be … It would be awful. She’d be so alone, she’d worry so much about her. Who would take care of her when she got old? Or hurt? Who would Harriette talk to about her dreams and concerns? She couldn’t imagine it. She simply couldn’t imagine being away from her mother. Rook touched on the fact that the world outside of Gemini was unforgiving, but also offered surprises and excitement. She mentioned as well that there was no Kings and Queens, just … People. Living their lives. Nodding slowly, she decided she agreed. “Yes… That does sound like there would be ups and downs.” She thought about this for a moment, and tried to think about what she would do if she had the freedom of the outside world. No one looking after her. No duties to tend to, just feeding herself and finding a source of water. She’d be alone with her thoughts all day, every day. It was a chilling thought, what she might become if she didn’t have people around her to help ground her when she floated too far from reality. She feared she might get lost in her own mind, and that wouldn’t necessarily be a good thing for her. “Well, I’m sure glad you found Gemini. I know we’ll take great care of you here. I’m also glad you’re able to sleep through the night now.” She smiled widely at Rook, a genuine smile to compliment her honest words. She stood upright and nodded toward the lake now, her ears perked in interest. “Now, Rook…” she began, her head tilting slightly. “What would you say to teaching me how to fish? That looks like fun – and it seems like a smart idea in the winter.” She met Rook’s eyes and waited for her response. |
s/he, they
..........slime man
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ooc: Sorry for the wait!!
Rook FARTS in Harri's face before whispering "Your Gay" and runs off into the woods ooc: Sorry for the length x.x;;; |
poutine goddess
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I’m banning you.
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She hadn’t given much thought on her mother like Harriette did; Jasper was once a figure in Rook’s life, sure, but now she was only a ghost. Unimportant, like her father. Rook couldn’t remember the last time she spoke her mother’s name; it had been years, and, at some point, not knowing when, her anger of the abandonment dulled.
Life marched on. I’m just like you, Rook. Hm, humility in a Princess. That was new. But how could a royal child, born silver spoon in mouth and wanting for nothing in this plentiful land, be just like a pauper from the woods living day to day on scraps? She kept these thoughts to herself, naturally; Harriette was a sweet thing, and Rook didn’t want this sweetness. I had to work for my rank. “Oh? What rank is that?” Rook peered over the girl’s face, down from her round ears to the tips of her claws, trying to gauge what suited this youth best for royal work. She knew there were ranks like Rangers and Vanguards, but the soft-eyed girl seemed like no brawler Rook had ever met. Still, can’t judge a book by its cover, and all … What came next surprised her, though, and Rook had to take a moment to think of her next words slowly. She was no teacher, and if this was any other time with any other wolf, a simple gesturing at the water and saying “you uhhhh just sort of grab them when you see them?? with your mouth???” would have sufficed, but … she supposed … she could TRY … using her words … “’Course, of course! I wouldn’t say it’s fun, though, but, hmm, you’ll definitely need a lot of practice, and a lot of patience. It’s fine to get frustrated, but don’t get mad if you don’t catch anything the first couple of times. It’s kind of an art you need to hone, y’see. “It’s all about standing like this – just so, right – and waiting as still as you can be. This can take a while – and I’ve heard stories of folk waiting for hours! – but there’s a good spawning ground for salmon not too far off, so there’s plenty of them passing through here. Ignore the small ones; they’ll slip right through your teeth. As soon as you see a big, fat one, just kind of dive down quick as you can and … catch it. “It’s what bears do, y’know. I always thought they were wolf- and cat-eaters, until I saw one catching fish in its mouth as they jumped right out of the water!” A flash glimpsed under the surface of the water a ways off, and Rook locked her eyes onto Harriette. “Okay, Princess – one’s coming this way. You know what to do, right? Go for it.” |
resident daydreamer
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February 07, 2018, 08:50:19 AM
(This post was last modified: September 02, 2018, 03:58:45 PM by Harriette.)
![]() Harriette could see the gears working in Rook’s mind as the pale girl ensured her that she was no different than any other young wolf in this pack. Harriette waited for Rook to speak on that point, but the thoughts simply spun in her mind, revealing no hints as to what the red girl was thinking. But when Harriette informed Rook that she had to work for her rank, just like everyone else, she finally got a reaction out of the girl.
“Oh? What rank is that?” She asked as she gave Harriette a once-over, perhaps making an educated guess of her own. A playful smile tugged at the mask-faced girl. “Acolyte.” She spoke with pride, very obviously happy with her decision. There was nothing she’d rather do for this pack, and even if it came with its fair share of hardships – like tending to your broken and beaten family members – she wouldn’t change it for anything. “So if you find yourself under the weather, you know who to come to.” An honest, genuine offer. She loved caring for her pack mates, and it was her highest priority to be sure that everyone is in tip-top shape. Even Rook. Harriette clearly caught Rook off guard when she asked to be taught how to fish, but the hesitation was short lived and Rook quickly dove into the basics with no further prompting. The pale girl listened intently, absorbing every word that flowed from Rook’s mouth, watching as she positioned herself in the correct ways. Harriette’s eyes darted from Rook to the water, trying to envision what this whole scenario would play out like. “Okay, Princess – one’s coming this way. You know what to do, right? Go for it.” Rook told her, and Harriette didn’t have time to protest the title she had given Harriette. Icy hot eyes gazed into the water, scanning for the fish that Rook spotted nearer to her. Then she saw it, the glimmering light dancing off of the scales on the salmon beneath the surface. Harriette didn’t even blink – she couldn’t, she’d miss it! Her mouth parted slightly, body tensing in great anticipation, crouching as she coiled her muscles, preparing them to spring into action. The fish grew nearer, nearer, nearer. It was almost in front of her. Her heart pumped faster, her blood coursing through her veins as the sheer adrenaline of fishing took over her. It was coming. It was almost here. There – NOW! Lunging forward, Harriette made her move, launching herself toward the fish. Too far – too much of her body. With jaws parted wide, the young girl threw herself face first into the water, her entire body following suit. Her eyes slammed shut as the water soaked her face, then her chest and legs, but she felt something wriggle between her teeth. Scrambling, fighting with the water that sucked her in, she struggled to reach the surface, breaking through the water at last. By only its tail, she had managed to catch the fish – but its fight was strong, and it flopped mercilessly, dangling from her jowls. Slipping from her grip, it plopped back into the water and swam away, quickly. Effectively soaked, and now situated in the middle of the stream, Harriette floundered. Thankfully, the current was not strong enough to pose as a threat. She swallowed hard, and she could almost hear her brother’s voice ringing in her ears – “Aw, Harriette, ya klutz! Jeez!”. Ears, back, she grimaced slightly and shook the water from her sopping head. Perhaps not her most graceful moment, but maybe that was her own fault, for not taking more time in her childhood to play with her siblings and acquire that expert level of coordination. “S-sorry,” she murmured, staring at her sad situation. Then she remembered she was here with Rook, and Tauro was nowhere to be seen. Lifting her eyes, she looked up at her new friend, and a wide grin suddenly split across her face as she recalled what had just happened. “But did you see!? I had the fish! I had it!” She exclaimed, pure glee in her voice. “It just … It just, got away, or, whatever.” Her voice lowered slightly as she looked in the direction the fish took off. She dragged herself across the stream, crawling up on the shore, the side Rook was on, and once on solid ground, she gave her whole body a hard shake. And then she realized how cold she would be once she got out of the water. It was winter, after all, and that meant it was definitely not the season for swimming. Shaking once more then shivering, she peered over at Rook. “It’s c-c-cold. I think I’m d-d-done practicing-g-g for t-t-today.” |
poutine goddess
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So if you find yourself under the weather, you know who to come to.
Rook chuckled. If only Harriette were there when Rook first stumbled on the pack’s borders, all bloodied and chewed up from a saber ambush. She stretched the leg that hid the scabbed-over puncture wounds from the cat’s tusks; misty mornings brought with them stiffness in the joints, but, well, she couldn’t fault the saber for that … she was getting on in years … Nodding, she replied, “I’ll remember that, Princess.” (If Harriette was expecting to be promoted to the proud pet name of “Acolyte” instead of one alluding to her royal provenance, she’ll be sorely disappointed; Rook was, if nothing else, as cheeky as they come.) Suddenly, the girl splashed into the water with such force Rook thought impossible for such a skinny body; she had to turn her head away to stifle a howl of laughter, and to give dearest Princess a chance to regain some modicum of her dignity while no one was looking. Turning back to see a sopping wet girl with blubbering lips before beaming with pride at having just barely scraped the scales off a fish, Rook conceded, “I – okay, yes – that, that was a good start! We’ll, we’ll work on it,” before yelping and jumping back as Harriette dragged herself up on shore and gave a good, hard shake, unaware or uncaring of those in the splash zone! “Yeah, maybe middle of snow-capped winter isn’t the best time to figure out the nuances of fishing. Look, head southeast until you hit a black tree that was felled some time ago. Turn right and keep walking until you hit a dense growth of dried out blackberry bushes. You’ll catch my scent then, and it’ll lead you to my den. Rest up and get warm – I’ll be there right quick.” Just gotta do what I came here to do. Steadying herself on copper-burnt paws as she entered the stream, she let her lower jaw glide over the surface of the water, pinching salmon heads between teeth and throwing them back on land where they can writhe and flop to fatal exhaustion. Once she counted four of them – and once they were all sufficiently dried out and breathless – she rowed them up in her mouth like a line of ducklings and set off for her den, where hopefully Her Illustrious Highness was ready to receive her on an empty stomach. |
resident daydreamer
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![]() Shivering, fishless, and humiliated, Harriette stared at Rook with wide eyes. When Rook agreed that perhaps swimming in the winter wasn’t such a great idea, Harriette nodded. She noticed that her new friend was still calling her by her royal title, but was too preoccupied with maintaining as much warmth as possible.
Next, Rook gave Harriette directions to her personal den, instructing that she head over there. “O-o-ok-k-kay… A-are yo-y-you g-g-gonna meet m-m-me ther-r-re?” She asked, words squeaking out between chattering teeth. She was honestly afraid of being taken over by hypothermia if she didn’t get somewhere warm, but something in her didn’t want Rook to know how afraid she was of something that could be avoided. “I’ll be there right quick.” Rook assured her, and so Harriette simply nodded and scurried off. She took small steps, not wanting her legs to part too far from her body, feeling the cold air cutting through her fur to pierce her skin. God, she was absolutely drenched – she just wanted to be dry and not so damn cold. And she was admittedly still sore about not having caught that fish. She replayed Rook’s directions in her head, hoping she was going in the right direction. Black tree, black fallen tree, she reminded herself, keeping her eyes peeled. Once she found it, she kept going. Blackberry bushes, lots of them, her words even chattered in her mind. Then turn right, and so she did. Just as Rook had told her, she caught her new friend’s scent and quickly found herself nestling into Rook’s den. Harriette hoped Rook wouldn’t take too long – she could really use the extra body heat right now. She lay shivering, curled in on herself, pulling pieces of bedding close to her. Despite feeling so terrible in this moment, Harriette found herself smiling slightly, happy to have made a new friend who seemed to be genuinely kind – albeit a little bit questionable. |
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“Goo’, yuh f’nd i’.” Rook appeared at the lip of the den, mouth full of fishmeat, with the widest grin on her face. She was trying to say “Good, you found it,” and she was lucky enough that the slippery bastards didn’t drop unceremoniously right to the dirt while she said it.
She crouched over to Harriette and let the salmon fall in front of them both, then moved and nestled herself by the Acolyte for some much-needed warmth. Rook slid a paw over to a fish closest to herself and began ripping away at it with an eagerness she hadn’t felt in quite some time.
It had been a while since she had hunted for someone. It had been a while since she shared a meal with someone.
It felt nice.
“Feeling better?” She asked of the younger girl, between gulps of food. “Salmon tastes the best this time of year.”
And when shared with a friend.
ooc; I’m ok with ending this thread here if you want! Unless you wanna finish up with a Harri post too :eyes emoji: I LOVE THESE GIRLS
now Harri knows where to find Rook if she ever needs her, wink wonks
poutine goddess
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We can end it here
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