Private Roleplay Foetida for the Win [Achilles] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Balls of Steel
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He snorts, spits. Oncoming winter does not settle oppressively in the Valley as it may elsewhere, but the mucous between his mouth and nose says the seasons are changing. While the heathens fatten up and bed down, Oukoku-Kai readies itself for war. Garrison has put on a bit of weight himself, just from what prey has fled to follow the warmth. The Inner Ring of the Forest Maze is home to many disoriented animals this time of year, and the Officer sinks teeth into the flesh of some hooved thing, all that's left to identify the dead.
Thick blood mixes with his drool, oozing from powerful jaws as he gorges. He doesn't like to be over encumbered, but there is safety in excess, especially when leaving the pack-lands. When Ragnarok comes, Garrison will be ready. He snaps tendon between teeth and claws, satisfied with the reverberation. Shame he missed the last battle. The dire chokes down another chunk of meat, and blue eyes narrow contemplatively at the figure he spies. Sand and coal colour his pelt, a wolf at the height of his breed, deceptively pale eyes. It's the only light thing about him, if Garrison is anything to go on. Black tongue hastily swipes at his muzzle, a perfunctory sorting of his appearance, a modicum of respect despite the burgundy that has sunken into his skin. He stands, bark brassy and direct from the diaphragm. He doesn't know who he's speaking to, besides the power stacked on his frame, the pride in his stride. That's all he needs to know. Garrison stands still on the crest of a rock outcrop, stance wide, bones of the kill visible even from below. He sniffs, still staring at Achilles. Decisions. A warrior meets a veteran, stands at attention, and says, "You hungry?" |
Death Valley
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The scent of blood and death brought him, it was not an unfamiliar smell in the Valley, if anything it was a staple of it. It brought him because it was also joined by the scent of a wolf, meaning a fresh kill. He was curious to see who wanted to dine near the borders and if they were feasting on wolf like he knew some of the more...deranged members might. Thankfully it was neither of the things he pondered and simply an officer enjoying one of the grazing animals that got a little too close the teeth of Oukoku-Kai.
He approached, slowly, not wanting to upset the other unless the need arouse. He was happy to find the beast rise to greet him properly rather than ignore him, it was a good sign, one of respecting the laws, something born of Foetida's children. Achilles stopped a few feet away and regarded the meal offered, licking his lips but shaking his head. "No, I'm not hungry." He sat down, a sign that the other could also be at ease and return to his feast. "Thank you though." He truly wasn't hungry, having eaten not long before, no interest in slipping into a food coma, sloppy when things got dicy. Because they always would in Oukoku-Kai. The Yellow Seour now found himself regarding the wolf before him and frowned thoughtfully. "Tell me about yourself." It was more an order than a request, Achilles did not recognize this beast and he felt a need to change that. |
Balls of Steel
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He flops back down with a shrug, laps at the seething meat. He'll finish it off in time; he can finish just about anything with enough time. The order comes, and Garrison looks over with a squint. He better have some sort of clout-- probably does, built as he is. He snorts, wets his nose. "Name's Garrison, Slaver and Officer. Follower of the Yellow Order. Founder of House of Garrison," he tears into what may have once been a flank, muttering, "or I will be, soon."
He looks Achilles over for fresh wounds, guessing, "You miss the war too, eh?" He nods to an agreement or explanation otherwise. "Somebody has to watch the slaves, and my number came up." A few times in a row. Maybe he pissed off the Warden; he pisses off a lot of people. "Who're you, then?" |
Death Valley
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Achilles blinked at the name, he didn't recognize it either so this wolf was just new to him through and through, a disappointment considering he claimed to be one of Foetida's loyalists. He should have been more attentive, more aware of those that walked Yellow's path, they were so few. "Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance Garrison," He raised a brow at the mention of a house that would be. "Have you not taken a bond for yourself yet?" Surely a slaver would take advantage of their position and help a Heathen or two in the path to righteousness? Or was that not the way they thought? Achilles forgot how harshly the outsiders were looked upon by those of Oukoku-Kai. He felt the tingle of his scarred chest, long ago healed and hidden by the fur of his chest.
"Auctions of slaves or the bondless; they are yours to persuade if you can form an appealing contract." He offered a sly looking grin, "Your house may grow if you want it enough." When the other brought up the War, Achilles lifted his head, eyes narrowing slightly. "I did not miss it, I was charged to remain incase Ragnarok fell upon the people of the Valley while our Gods fought for glory." It was obviously a sore subject, especially for one such as him. He longed for glory and battle, it was the desire that pumped the blood in his veins. But Foetida, in all her unequalled wisdom, was right. Of course. He grumbled about it but he followed her orders. Garrison hadn't earned his ire, Achilles was just frustrated that his Goddess was without him to defend her in strange lands surrounded by Heathens. Not to mention the White and Red, he never felt she was safe while she was with them. "Achilles, Foetida's Seour." |
Balls of Steel
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When Achilles offers his advice, Garrison is quick to respond, "Oh, I want it." He pushes the remnants of his meal aside, gnaws at a tangle of dense fur and ichor by his elbow, makes himself a bit more presentable. "I have a few Bonds in mind, but none so easily taken as with an order." One he'll have to challenge a Shogun for her release, one child of a Rosa he will probably bid his firstborn for, and a slave so willful he wouldn't disgrace her by bonding the woman to an empty house.
He chuffs at the explanation of Achilles' detainment. Garrison was charged to remain in the territory as well. They served important purposes here. Behind. He's yawning when the introduction finally comes. Garrison's teeth click audibly together. "Yellow Seour?" Throat clears, and he chokes down the mucous that dregs up. "Achilles. It's an honour." |
Death Valley
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Achilles believed him, about wanting his own house. It was proof within Oukoku-Kai that one was worth their place in the Valley. You could build a group and keep said group as a strong working organ within the body of the pack. He found himself nodding while he listened, grinning even when he recalled his own group of bonds. "I offered each of my own bonds the opportunity to be in my own house, to see if they felt it was home for them." He never told them he owned them though, they were his loyal and equal comrades, they were invited by him and accepted of their own accord. He felt it best this way, allowing them to make the choice themselves, it bred devotion that he wanted.
Loyalty over fear. Garrison made a sound which Achilles raised his brow. Of course it was silly to think one was being cheated or dealt a disservice, being made to stay behind when all you wanted to do was help and contribute. But Achilles knew the other was right, which is why he didn't lash out verbally or physically. It was childish to argue with the wisdom that sometimes, strong bodies had to remain in order to keep the home safe. He and Garrison were among these bodies and it was a privilege. It had been Foetida's wisdom that barred him from following her into war, for all he knew, she'd saved his life...again. When the other finally learned who he was speaking to, his posture and manners changed, Achilles turned his head slightly and narrowed his eyes. "Knowing who i am distresses you Garrison?" Why else would he suddenly be so up tight about himself, "Why is it suddenly an honor?" He wasn't angry, only curious. He'd seen it before though, how others reacted to the White Seour but that was more fearful than anything and rightfully so. Achilles would never feel at ease near that beast, Seour or Kyuu, the old wolf was just dangerous. "Was it not an honor before?" He grinned faintly, at this point he was just teasing but still, it amused him. "Were you born here Garrison?" Achilles wanted to see what made this wolf tick now, things might get a little personal from here on out. |
Balls of Steel
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November 23, 2017, 01:11:45 AM
(This post was last modified: November 23, 2017, 01:11:59 AM by Garrison.)
He takes the advice to heart; Achilles must know what he's doing to be where he is. Garrison, however, knows he isn't quite so pleasant as the Seour; his support alone won't be enough to hold comrades. It's fear of him that makes his allegiance worth anything. If anyone wants to leave his house, they'll have to fight him for it. If they fail... why were they in his house anyway?
His shoulders slack, just the slightest, as he catches on to the jest. "Your rank carries the potential for godhood, Achilles. Isn't that an honour?" Despite Garrison's insubordination, he truly does believe. He sniffs at his leftovers, corpse gone cold. "There's a slave I see making Ashigaru some day. Came in on his own, but brought to me missing bits. He was found with the Youth, while they were playing Seours." Pale eyes fix frozen on the sandy colours of Achilles. Not all are so understanding as you. "Were you born here Garrison?" The ridge of his brow raises. Interest, no anger. He owes Achilles the same respect that has been shown to him. Tail sweeps the ground, and then moves out of the way. An invitation. "No. To the north, where fur like mine might be useful." In both colour and density. His pelt is too light for the desert, texture too soft for a place called Death Valley. Tovelo is too small for a Slaver, and a child of White can't grow up to follow Yellow. See how well that works. "I don't talk about myself much. I wasn't always as I am now." And he rarely thinks on it. "You first." |
Death Valley
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November 23, 2017, 02:34:37 AM
(This post was last modified: November 24, 2017, 12:25:54 AM by Achilles.)
Achilles smiled, not because he was reminded that maybe, one day, he'd be called Foetida but because the mention of Godhood brought the image of his Goddess before his minds eye. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply the air around them, the air of Oukoku-Kai. he shivered, shaking his pelt and letting out a contented, shifting ever so closer to his company now that they were getting to be more familiar. He loved it here, honestly and that was even before he'd beheld Her. "Yes, I suppose it does carry weight but I've always like to gauge my fellow people on how they are before my status changes their attitude." It was useful knowing someone's true colors, information was just as important as strength, even warriors knew that. "I agree without a shred of doubt that Foetida has honored me beyond measure." He couldn't help but smile at the memory.
"She came to me, not long after her return many seasons ago and offered me a true bonding that meant being her Seour." He opened his eyes and turned them on Garrison, a heat seething from them. "There was nothing in my life more important than that single moment." He listened intently as the other explained something he felt important, Achilles nodded when he finished. He moved his tail closer, covering his paws while picking his words. "It is dangerous, to speak or act like something your not." He smiled gently, "Once I saw a wolf i never met but had been a long standing citizen of Oukoku-Kai, call out to the people and claim she was our Red Rose..." He waited for a moment, like the many that had gathered to listen to her words that depressing day. "I also witnessed her plummet into the Pits a breath later while the people tore her to pieces." He shrugged, "The White Seour hadn't liked her lies." He never learned whether she was the Seour or not, it hadn't mattered at the time. He was honest, Achilles respected that, it was never easy admitting that one was once a filthy Heathen. The Seour watched the wolf as he explained, vaguely, his origins. "I can see that, we've had a few from the colder reaches, our own Pathos' mother came from a frigid realm i believe." He blinked then nodded when Garrison requested he start their exchange. "I was once a Heathen too actually, I felt a pull at the edge of the Maze when I happened upon it." It was another fond memory to him, the day he was indoctrinated. "Like you i can from a far away place, warmer of course, and as i wandered the maze like the fool i was, a Hawk came to aid me, challenging me to test my worth." He rolled a paw as if to fast forward his tale. "The scar fades but i will never forget it." He sets his paw back down and smiles once more. "I felt like something was missing, though I knew I was now home. it wasn't until She came that I knew what it was i lacked." Foetida, the War Chief, a Yellow Goddess. "I saw the most awe inspiring creature, a beast that knew no physical equal and i loved her the moment my unworthy eyes were graced with her image." He watched Garrison's face, wondered if he understood. "Foetida saved my life that day, for without her i would have wandered aimlessly within our home, a ghost among the people." He owed her his life and so he'd devoted his in service to Hers. |
Balls of Steel
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He listens quietly, picking at his teeth, nodding when necessary, but for the most part listening. When not scathingly sarcastic, his silence can almost seem polite. It's usually disinterest, but he retains the information. When the story comes to its conclusion, Garrison licks his nose, clears his throat, and starts.
"My sister was taken as a slave. I was tasked to find her, became bonded to an Officer, took up training in the rank, and fit in rather well. " He takes one paw to brush back the fur at his throat, expose the three slashes not long healed. It's been only a year, but he has taken to Oukoku-Kai as easily as he left the tundra. "Killed during the Great Party." At long last. He's neglected her name, severed all ties. He is a child of the Valley, by blood, not birth. Pity will be met only with violence. She deserved it. |
Death Valley
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Achilles watched him, eyes drifting lazily to the offered vision of his scar, similar to Achilles' own though his would be basically impossible to find at this point. He tilted his head, hearing the missing name as clearly as if it had been offered, Garrison had no regret for his fallen sibling, much like Achilles rarely remembered his own brother whom he had no clue was alive or dead. "It's a shame that those pulled into the Valley do not see the gift they are offered and embrace it." He offered no pity, only stated the fact that their home was indeed a gift and any slave, any heathen could grab the offering and run with it, two such beasts sat here talking this very moment.
"Most don't understand, most try to argue but that only leads to a death, wasted or not." If she'd died during the Great party, then her death was no waste. The Seour sighed contentedly, shifting to his paws to shake out his pelt, jaws widening in a quick yawn to relieve the soreness. he wasn't the most out spoken wolf but when he did, when he was prompted, he liked to hold conversations. The lack of interested parties meant his voice seldom was heard, he didn't mind though, if they were keen, they could find him, he never hid. "Have you any concerns then, feel free to share with me when ever you have a need Garrison, I am a servant of our people, provided they serve as well." He wasn't about to give the wolf any hand outs but knowing that Garrison was a follower of his beloved Foetida, it earned him enough favor from the Seour. They could be...were comrades. |