Don't Wanna Follow Death and All of His Friends [PRP Ayliyra] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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10% Sweet Tea
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November 20, 2017, 12:46:40 PM
(This post was last modified: December 05, 2017, 11:33:11 PM by Pawprint.)
[So I inserted that the fungus has healing abilities, so Adolph thinks he's dying, but he's not. I figured Aylie could tell him his leg was getting better and not worse. Can take place during or after the Tendrils thread. Short post.]
Adolph He had fallen underground. He was sure it was a day ago, but he couldn't tell in the darkness of the cave. Adolph had tried to stand, but his back leg was killing him. The relic had lifted himself up and gasped when he felt wetness on said leg. But when he turned, it wasn't just blood that covered it--it was glowing goop. Adolph looked around him and saw he had fallen into a plot of glowing fungi. He gasped. "No." Mushrooms and fungi were almost always fatal to wolves. Usually, one would have to eat them, but with it wrapped around his wounds and glowing, he was sure it was just as deadly. And of all things the relic could think of regarding the ending of his life, fungus poisoning was the last thing on his mind. Adolph dragged himself out the plot and made it about twenty feet before collasping in exhaustion. His leg tingled like pins and needles and he couldn't move it anymore. Now in the present, the old wolf opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. He was still alive. He couldn't feel his leg. And it was still glowing. Adolph closed his eyes and let out a few whimpering barks, covering his face. He was scared. |
10% Sweet Tea
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Sparkles a Lot
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((I haven't forgotten about this don't worry..I have it on my To-Do list but I wanna try wait and see how some of Aylie's other thread go and try and get them finished if I can or close to before I start on this since I already had to have Puffin and Hayley help me sort out Aylie's timeline due to zombies and time travel that I couldn't figure out how to solve or account for so..yeah. But as soon as I know something about her other threads I will get to this cause there is so much adorableness potential here ^^,))
she, her
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The exploration was progressing she supposed though how much was hard to say since she didn't exactly know how large the system was, which of course made sense since if she already knew the size there would hardly be any point in her trying to figure out what the size was to begin with. As it was an unknown however she continued to investigate. As she went she started to notice a familiar scent which stood out rather strongly from all the foreign ones and it was rather concerning that that particular individuals scent should be present especially as it seemed to be getting stronger which was a good indication of said individual being somewhere down here. That was not a good thing. She looked to her companion and quietly signaled she was going to check the scent out and once they nodded back she was off and moving. Winding her way through the dark and damp following the scent and then..then the sounds which only made her more concerned. There was fear in those whimpering barks and along with the individuals scent was the scent of blood.
Blood, fear, an earthquake and an underground tunnel system add up to nothing good as far she was concerned so she began working on tracking faster to try and reach the elder and make sure he was okay. She hadn't rescued him from a flash flood just for him to be lost to cave. She kept moving walking under and past what she might have considered an interesting wall configuration when she realized that the scent had suddenly started getting weaker again. She started backtracking immediately and realized that the closer she got to the curious wall the stronger Adolph's scent became. Well then. She had already been focusing and concentrating a great deal on the scent but she had also been trying to maintain a far reaching awareness to try and keep track of others in the system but now it seemed she would have to scale back her attentions, at least a little, enough so she could pinpoint exactly where the scent was coming from and how to reach it. So she began narrowing her field of focus inhaling the scents of the damp earthen walls, the tang of blood and Adolph's scent, the rather distinct glow scent and..wait..she couldn't see anything glowing from where she was and the glow things she'd encountered had been plants..plants that despite being underground still seemed to need air. That meant..there was air flow..that meant there was a ledge or an overhang or something similar somewhere above her which was probably where Adolph was. That meant she would have to figure out a way to get to him. She focused on the scent of the glow now while also working on detecting changes in the air that would indicate the flow and where it might be coming from and after a few moments..there..the curious wall. Well now she knew where sort of but how..the curious wall she noticed did seem to resemble a den with an opening and with a tunnel all its own but..she wasn't sure how that would help her to reach him. Tunnels tended to only work for travel in an out of dens and even then it could be..more cramped than she cared for. Hm..cramped. She had said earlier it was possible to get stuck and it was but..she'd been stuck in situations before..mostly mud, and had been able to get herself out and others when there had been the need so..maybe..maybe..if the space wasn't too large maybe she could wedge herself in it to keep from falling and would allow her to climb up and find a way to reach Adolph. She didn't want to just go bouncing around in the dark though..too many things her poor nose could bump into. Instead she carefully moved closer to the wall until the scent of it was so strong she figured it was close enough to touch and to rest against. She shifted her weight back and raised a single front paw reaching out with it until she felt the wall and placed the paw upon it and then standing on hind legs placed her other front paw on the wall as well. Once she was comfortably balanced she extended her head feeling with her nose for the edges of the tunnel but while she could smell them she could not feel them but they were close..just out of reach. She needed a way to extend her reach, to be able to get to the walls to use them. She recalled some of the ways she'd seen for getting higher up in her travels but those had used things she did not have but..there were others ways that maybe..she could replicate..with a bit of digging. Yes. She would dig her own pawholds in the wall itself to allow her to climb up to reach the tunnel. She tested positions to determine how much space she would need to allow her to balance and to make progress and once she was satisfied commenced to digging. It was a curious thing perhaps for a wolf to dig their own paw holds but she wasn't going to let something as simple as a wall prevent her from reaching a packmate in trouble, especially when it was probably one of the few that actually appreciated her for how she was rather than complaining and criticizing her for what she wasn't. The work was both incredibly slow yet also incredibly fast and finally it was time to begin climbing and hope her work would hold. She moved one step at a time, glad that each step had held up so far as she made her way up the wall until the could reach the tunnel. Now was the difficulty. She was at the wrong angle to just go from the wall to the tunnel and would have to turn somehow but she didn't fancy leaping and turning if she could help it but the tunnel walls were in reach of her jaws and she'd used such methods to dig out of places before so she began scraping with her teeth and lapping at one side of the tunnel with her tongue to create enough of a pawhold to use to make the transition. It took longer this time to make the holding point and by the time she was satisfied with it her mouth was dry and her tongue was sore but it was a small price to pay if it helped her achieve her goal. She moved up as close as she could and then reached a foreleg up to grab awkwardly onto the spot she had made. Then with a bit of awkward scrambling managed to get herself wedge, albeit precariously so, between the walls of the tunnel. She began moving up pressing hard against the opposing wall so that parts of it scraped her skin even through her fur but it was preventing her from plummeting back down and she was making progress that was at least steady, not that she had any choice on that, even if it was slow. Eventually she reached another opening, a tunnel that seemed more den like and that would once again require her to wedge herself in, namely her front half, to avoid falling. It took some effort but she managed and was now progressing crawling on her belly, there wasn't room to stand up, towards the glowing light she could finally see. It was an agonizingly slow process being in such a confined space for so long while trying to reach a packmate and if she'd hadn't been cured of it at such an early age she might have broken down in tears but instead she simply did as she usually did, when she was able, and kept moving until finally..finally..the roof opened up and she was able to stand and walk the last few steps to where she saw Adolph laying in glowing mushrooms. "Adolph?". She said as she tried to both access him for injuries while trying to figure out how she was going to get him out of here. "It's me Aylie..". She would have said she was here to rescue him but..seeing as how she hadn't figured out how to get him topside figured it was maybe too early to say something like that. ((and finally got this typed..sorry theres so little to work with)) |
10% Sweet Tea
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His eyes popped open at the sight of the child (at his age of course she was) and his breath caught. As she checked his vitals, Adolph tried keeping it together seeing Aylie alive and being here for real. Lost child. Enigma. Yes, what he heard about her insubordination wrinkled him.
He felt some responsibility. He spent more time with her as an adult than a pup and even then it wasn't as much interaction. What he knew before about the daughter of Storm was that she was inquisitive and persistent, but vulnerable. Perhaps she wanted only him to see that? Aylie was written off as a lost cause by the rest of the pack. His son had the rare thought of her as a hero for saving the old wolf's life. His daughter-in-law had a greviance with her, but would never directly mention her. All Adolph could feel was guilt. He could have stayed closer to her, he could have done something that prevented her from being missing for well over a year. She was part of old Nardir. A known among many new and semi new faces. In his mind, he wanted to make up for neglecting her. And now she was here. "Ooh daughter." All the questions about her circumstances flowed through his mind, but the answers could come later. There were more dire things to focus on in their predicament. Getting out. His injuires. The glowing potentially fatal growth around them and on him. He looked to his back leg and noticed the glow was half gone. The elder shifted his numb leg away with a whine. "My leg. The might be poisonous." But more importantly... "I don't want you to get killed. You should get out here. It's the least I can do for you." |
she, her
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As she carefully sniffed him over for injuries, mostly the ones where there was a blood scent she began preparing herself for a different assessment form. Touch. It was not something normal she knew but even when she was the one initiating touch it was difficult for her. It was a strange thing and something she had largely been able to keep hidden during her travels but then she had been posing as something far more timid then which meant her reluctance had perhaps been chalked up to shyness. That, unfortunately, was not going to be the case here. She could try and keep it hidden as long as she could but she didn't think she'd be able to keep it hidden forever. At least not from everyone and then..she didn't want to think about what sort of uncomfortable conversations might happen then. It didn't take long, just mere seconds, as the confines of the tunnels had already had working in close proximity to others at times and she was ready to proceed but just as she touched her nose to Adoph's leg to check for breaks he made a sound which at first she thought was a groan which caused her to quickly withdraw her touch out of fear she had caused him pain but the word that followed after caused her to freeze and the world seemed to stand still with the utterance of that single word. Daughter.
It didn't seem real to her being referred to as such without the 'adoptive' part that was so often tacked on to allow those who did so to make themselves look pious for taking her in while avoiding any connection, any real connection, to her..tainted blood. The blood of an outsider, of a traitor..a murderer. She would never be able to escape the blood in her veins, the tainted blood given? left? to her by her birth father. She had learned to use the taint for her benefit though. Its use though had left a mark, a permanent stain within her that she would never be able to wash out and be rid of and might not even be able to contain as always it sought to bleed and spill turn from a spot of darkness to a wash in darkness. It had not yet managed to do so but the spot which had once been small had managed to grow and expand over time and if it continued to do so.. It left her both wanting to just stay in the moment of being a daughter with no adoptive term being attached while at the same time not wanting to think about the darker side of things. The issue was solved for her though as Adolph's whine immediately drew her attention and focus back to the clearer and more present issues at hand. "The glowing fungus is a new discovery however others have come into contact with it and have not shown any signs of it being poisonous". She said to try and allay his fears as much as possible at least in that regard and she would even add. "And the possibility of it having healing properties is also being looked into and assessed so you needn't worry about being in any danger from it". So toxic fungus issue covered and addressed..the getting out part though..she looked around trying to see how she might get not only herself out but Adolph as well and was..disappointed? to not see any method that they could both use to regain the surface. She wasn't about to let that stop her though. No. She wasn't about to let such a thing not even such a thing as an earthquake just take someone from her. Not without a fight and she was going to fight. Her resolve and focus immediately went to determining the extent of Adolph's injuries first, namely the leg he mentioned. She once again touched her nose to it, still finding it somewhat uncomfortable but less so than before now that she was challenging and defying the ground, the very foundations of the earth itself to try and take Adolph away from her, to try and wrest him from her protections. She was still careful in her touch though, swiftly but gently running her nose along it lengthwise and breadth-wise and finding nothing that she would consider a break. Good. That was good. It seemed the issues with that leg were mostly from the cuts and scrapes which was the source of the blood scent. Not that a bleeding elder was a good thing but at least if he didn't have a broke leg he might be able to stand and if..when she figured out somewhere for him to walk to. Before she could go much further on that train of thought he spoke again telling her to leave out of worry she would perish with him. Her answer was swift and with the same determination that had seen her through so many other trials before. "No. I will not leave you. We are both going to get out of here..together". She would not abandon him to such such hopelessness. She was going to find a way. That meant scent work which was precisely what she proceeded to do focusing her attention on sifting through the varied scents for any that would indicate a possible way for them to get out. That didn't mean she excluded all other scents though so she as she sifted and searched she locked on to the scent trail Adolph had left when he arrived here. That warranted further investigation. She moved slightly being careful to leave the trail as intact and undisturbed as possible while also trying to remain as near to Adolph as her search for a solution would permit. She followed the scent until..yes! She could smell tress and grass and fresh air coming from what appeared to be another tunnel. She glanced quickly back to Adolph before gliding through to investigate the scents that shined like a beacon. At the other end of the tunnel she found debris and all the indications that this was a sinkhole caused from a tree being misplaced. The tree itself however was not in the hole but she could see other trees nearby. Good. That would give possibilities..options on what could be done. Before she started working on bringing any of them to fruition though there was something yet to be determined. She turned and walked swiftly back to where Adolph was and asked, "Do you think you can stand up? And possibly walk?". But then to prevent him from getting his hopes up and overexerting himself before she had things ready she quickly added, "I haven't found anything yet I just need to know what you can possibly manage so I know what to look for". Now to wait for his answer and then to get to work on making their escape a reality rather than hopes and wishful thinking. |
10% Sweet Tea
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February 11, 2018, 04:54:50 PM
(This post was last modified: February 11, 2018, 04:55:27 PM by Pawprint.)
"The glowing fungus is a new discovery however others have come into contact with it and have not shown any signs of it being poisonous. And the possibility of it having healing properties is also being looked into and assessed so you needn't worry about being in any danger from it."
Adolph sighed in relief and calmed down enough to let his body recover. He let Aylie check him and understood by her touch that his leg wasn't broken, but it still hurt a little. "No. I will not leave you. We are both going to get out of here..together." Her answer startled him. Once upon a time, his answer would cut to the point just like her. Technically he still spoke like that, though the bite behind it was gone like the sharpness of his teeth. Adolph watched the child as she backtracked his journey. Since he fell underground, that way back wouldn't work, but her stubbornness to find something tugged his muzzle to a small smile. Had it really been a year or more since he last saw her in the marshes? How much had she grown... Or was she like that the whole time... Again, he felt guilty for not knowing. Aylie looked at him one more time before disappearing into a tunnel and leaving him to his thoughts. If the fungus had healing properties, Adolph wondered how much healing it did. Was it just cuts or was his leg broken the day before and the gunk took care of it? He wouldn't know. Nonetheless, this discovery meant amazing things; nature was full of surprises. How many secrets nature hid boggled him despite sixteen years of life. So if it was healing his leg... Adolph shifted his back legs, bending them under him. Still hurt a little. However, as he pushed himself up, the pins and needles of sleep took its toll and he had to lay down again. He huffed. He waited a few minutes until the feeling disappeared and tried again. This time he was able to stand. This time it barely stung. Yes! Adolph sat down and yawned with a whine. He realized he was tired and so thirsty. He needed to get out of here. When Aylie came back and asked him about walking, he gave her a wrinkled smile, showing how out of it he was. "I haven't found anything yet I just need to know what you can possibly manage so I know what to look for." He stood up and hobbled up to her. He hesitated a moment, but then he shook his head. No more excuses, he thought. So Adolph pressed his head to her shoulder, trying to convey years of neglect he had given her. If Aylie resisted, he would accept that. If she rejected, he would accept that. All he wanted to do was to show he cared, even if it was so late in her life. "Thank you for everything daughter. Lead the way." |
she, her
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The unexpected but not unwelcome answer she got was Adolph standing and shuffling towards her. She moved to meet him so she would be near enough to help in case he fell as he seemed, unsurprisingly, to be not entirely steady on his paws. When he seemed paused she started to move even closer thinking the hesitancy might be an indication that he was about to fall, but he shook his head and she thought it was because he didn't want her assistance. There was more movement of his head and she thought she was going to have to try and catch him anyway but instead nothing more than his head made contact, pressing into her shoulder. It was not what she was expecting.The pressure wasn't enough for him to have caught himself and while she was certainly aware of how close his jaws and teeth were they weren't felt which meant the touch was..foreign. It was foreign and uncomfortable, with so many previous experiences of unpleasant touch and so few of the opposite it wore on her nerves as she didn't know how to handle it, how to respond, react or cope with this sensation. She wanted to pull away and put space but she was aware enough despite her nerves that jerking away might very well cause him to fall which was the very thing she had been wanting to prevent. So instead she froze becoming somewhat rigid from the uncertainty of what she was supposed to do. If she had known Adolph's thought's she might have worried about making him feel even more guilty as her reaction would certainly reveal just how neglected she had been to not even know how to handle a show of affection. As she could not peer into his mind to see his thoughts she was free to instead concentrate on the words he was saying and trying to answer them.
"I..I think you should rest, save your strength until..until there is a real way out". She struggled unsure how to respond to him thanking her when she hadn't gotten him out yet and she didn't know how to tell him that she would have to make a way for them to get out..or rather she would have to make a way for him to get out. If he had broken contact and was no longer resting his head she would start to move away, back towards the tunnel with opening above. If he still had his head on her shoulder she would wait for him to break contact so that she could move and return to the tunnel to begin the construction of a way for Adolph to get out. ((sorry this is so short it was longer but apparently even having a draft function can't save me..or my posts..from my accidentally hitting the wrong thing and..yeah.)) |
Sparkles a Lot
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((so..are we continuing this or?...))
10% Sweet Tea
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((Yes. My posts may be a little shorter though. Is that okay?)
Sparkles a Lot
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((of course it's fine..actually it's very fine as I tend to prefer short posts over no posts..I tend to get very stressed when threads just..die. So yeah short posts are absolutely okay with me ^^,))
10% Sweet Tea
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Adolph was aware the younger wolf wasn't reciprocating his action. She seemed nervous in his opinion. Well, he wasn't like this years before, more verbal wisdom than physical kinship. But he wished to do more than tell her, he still wanted to show her he cared. Still, it was new for both of them and perhaps now wasn't the time. He pulled back as she spoke, which only confirmed some of his thoughts.
"I..I think you should rest, save your strength until..until there is a real way out." He nodded. As Aylie left for the tunnel, he sat to rest up. If only he had the strength to help. He frowned and snorted through his nose. Those days...long gone. That still didn't mean he was going to sit around! So he followed her to where he could just make out where the debris she saw that could lead to the surface. He laid down on the floor watching her work. As she planned, he planned as well. The distance to the surface, especially with his leg, was going to be difficult. At this point, she may have to carry him out. Unless... "If you can get to the surface," he began, "if I can't climb out myself, maybe sliding a branch down or something else can help me walk up. Just throwing some options." He laid his head down. A small smile crept on his face. "Take your time daughter." |
she, her
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Despite thinking and working out a plan she was well aware when Adolph's scent strengthened that he had followed her. She wished he hadn't but there was nothing for it. Asking him to leave would not only be rude but it would cause him to use more energy that was needed to help him get out so she simply listened and nodded as he spoke his thoughts and ideas on what would work. They weren't bad ideas either and were ones she had already been considering herself. But those weren't her first choices so she would work on what was and what might be the most helpful. She needed to create a way for Adolph to be able to get himself as close to the surface as possible, at the very least, so that she could potentially get him the rest of the way out without being too exhausted to be able to do so. Of course she supposed that would also mean doing as Adolph advised and taking her time so that she could rest in-between doings. Not her favorite sort of method but it was one that she knew would work so that was what she would do. And with that thought established and in mind she got to work.
The debris was scattered all over the floor here creating an uneven mess of rocks, limbs, loose dirt and other assorted things that needed to be moved in order to allow a clear path to be made for Adolph. So she began moving the limbs and the rocks bit by bit away from what seemed like the best place to create what she hoped would be easy enough for Adolph to manage, an incline, that would stretch upwards towards the opening. It took time, time and effort, to move some of the larger pieces of debris with her efforts also gaining her more cuts and scrapes that stung and smarted with every touch. She ignored the stinging though refusing to allow that to stop her from achieving her goal and it wasn't as if she wasn't used to pain anyway considering the way her life had gone. Some of the pieces though seemed to be too big to move, at least she hadn't been able to drag them or shove them away but no matter. She would either figure out a way to work around that and use it or she would figure out some other way to move them. At any rate the first stage of clearing a path for the incline was done she supposed so time for a quick break to rest some, think some more and to check on Adolph and make sure she didn't need to begin working faster or needed to not take any more breaks. "How is your leg feeling?". She asked tuning to look in his direction trying to look for any signs that might contradict what he said and that might indicate whether he had gotten worse or better. And while she would prefer better she was very much concerned about him getting not just worse but significantly worse which would make the need to get him out that much more urgent and would require her figuring out how to move a mountain in an instant to get him help quick enough. When he didn't seem to be at risk of dying on the spot though she nodded and went back to work. The incline would need to be smooth as possible but it would also need to be as soft as possible just in case Adolph did fall and it needed to be sturdy. She glanced at the collected piles of debris assessing how suitable they would be and decided that the best thing to start the incline with was..dirt. The dirt was not something she had separated away in a pile but it had inadvertently been scraped away by all of her dragging and shoving of the other materials and now she would get to move it back. It would be a long and tedious process moving the dirt, especially as it wasn't just a matter of moving it but of forming it. Pressing and compacting it, shaping it into the form it needed to be in but she was willing to do it. So with shuffling paws, sweeping tail she moved the dirt into position sometimes even carrying it by mouth so that her saliva would help to give it a stickier consistency, like mud, to help hold it in place. As it grew and took shape she tested her weight on it, to check its stability and to press it down to try and prevent any shifting and crumbling. It was slow going but she was making headway and finally got to another stopping point. She had gotten the dirt as high as it was likely to go along with it being wide enough for them to walk on so now it was time to start integrating the other materials first though she would rest. And think. If the incline went straight up to the rim it would be rather steep. Perhaps steeper than Adolph would be able to manage which meant it would need to curve. Perhaps thats how she could use the debris she hadn't been able to move. She would simply use those pieces as they were as part of the incline. Yes. That should work. After all if she couldn't move them then they should be stable enough to hold weight. Of course she supposed she would have to test them first to make sure. In the meantime though she was working on how the curve would work. It didn't need to be too sharp either as she didn't want Adolph loosing his balance trying to navigate it and falling again. She thought she had it figured out now though so break time was over. It was time to start moving the rocks and putting them to use. They would help provide height and dirt could be added on top of them to help hold them in place and to provide cushioning and they would, at least in theory, be easier to turn into a curve than just dirt. So once again she began moving the rocks she had set aside, carefully getting them into position, and then rather than taking a break this time she started picking up mouthfuls of dirt to pack the rocks with to prevent shifting. That also was slow going and made her mouth dry which it turn caused the scrapes inside her mouth to hurt even more and even caused some of them to start bleeding but still she ignored it. Or at least she was trying to it was rather difficult with Adolph being concerned about it all though. She tried to reassure him that it was alright, that she was alright, and then went right on working. Rock by rock, mouthful of dirt by mouthful of dirt she curved the inclined and built it steadily upwards until she was finally at the point where she had to walk up the ramp herself in order to keep building on to it. It was just as well though as it would allow her to test the stability and to pack down any loose bits without endangering Adolph on something untried. The only thing was she wasn't sure if she would have enough material inside the hole to complete the ramp and while she might be able to get it high enough for her to jump out she doubted Adolph would be able to especially with his earlier comment. But she wasn't ready to go that route, not when she could try and lower the edges from inside while providing herself more material to work with. Though she should probably warn Adolph before she actually did it. Yeah. That would be good. She would rest a bit first to try and see if some of the dryness of her mouth would go away so it would be easier to talk. But after awhile with no real significant change in that she stopped waiting and walked over to where Adolph was and in a somewhat hoarse voice from the dryness of her mouth began her explanation of her plan. "I'm going to try and lower the edges here with a..controlled collapse. It will give me more material to work with as well but it might get a bit dusty and...". And here was the part she didn't like and didn't particularly want to admit to but it was a fact that she couldn't change. She could control the collapse but only to a certain extent. "It is a bit dangerous as I only have so much control over how it will collapse. I can control it as much as possible but not entirely so...". And well she didn't know what else to say. He would be further back from her work so technically he would safer but safer didn't mean safe and since she was going to be doing the digging to cause the collapse she was going to be in the immediate danger zone and didn't know if she'd be able to help if it went horribly wrong. But still..she was doing what she could with what she had. ((here it is..hope it's not too long..I had thought about just going ahead and having Aylie to finish the ramp in one post but then it would have been a real wall of text and theres already alot so..yeah.)) |
Sparkles a Lot
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10% Sweet Tea
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She tried so hard, it touched and concerned the Relic. Was she trying to prove herself? Surely she wasn't trying to impress him. Aylie worked like an ant on a mission as she cleared debris and it took a while before Adolph realized it was so he could walk without impediment. He wanted to tell her she didn't need to do it. Rocks and tree litter wouldn't make a difference with him. Then again, missing the debris that covered the hole he collapsed through got him in this predicament in the first place. It struck him in the dignity department.
Finally she took a break. "I'm fine." Adolph was old and grumpy for a brief moment. He groaned. "I'm sorry I'm putting you through this. It's...embarrassing." When she went back to work, he decided to sleep. It was a long and tedious process she was doing. The least he could do was get his strength back so she wouldn't work even harder to help him. After what he assumed was a long period, he heard her warning him of a collapse from the surface. No problem. No problem at all. "I'll step back." And he did. Surprise, surprise, he wasn't limping either! And while she went to work on that, "remember daughter, only my leg is injured. I'm not down for the count." He carefully stretched his body hearing a few satisfied cracks. He looked at his fungus wrapped leg before stepping in a circle and hopping a couple feet. Amazing. "I can still move with the best of the old codgers around here. This fungus is perplexing. This shouldn't be happening." He smiled. He felt good. "Save your strength. After the first collapse or two, push a branch down and let me do the rest. I'm not that, mmm, geriatric." Despite getting stuck here in the first place. |
she, her
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When she had gone over to check the first time he had..apologized? For needing to be rescued? That was..she wasn't sure if that was a first or not as she had been thanked in the past for successful rescues but didn't think she'd ever had anyone apologize for needing to be rescued. It was unexpected to say the least and well..she didn't really think an apology was needed for this kind of thing. Natural disasters were just that natural disasters. Now if he had needed to be rescued for doing something like..trying to swallow a rock whole all that..that was something that would possibly warrant an apology. Not getting caught by an earthquake though. That went for the embarrassment thing to. "Theres nothing to be embarrassed about, and theres no need for apologies. This caught everyone off guard". She thought about adding that she had been stuck herself for a bit but considering she had managed to rescue herself well..saying that to Adolph might just make him feel even worse. She didn't want to do that so she had left it at that and then returned to work.
She noticed he had apparently been sleeping when she went to warn him about the collapse which was good and she while she was glad he had replied that it was fine, agreeing to step back, she was even more glad that he seemed to be able to do so with much less hindrance than before. That wasn't going to stop her from worrying about him though. What she was going to be doing was dangerous, even for her, let alone an elder but there wasn't much she could do about it. She turned and went to work carefully selecting the first point to dig at and began doing so while listening as Adolph spoke. He tried to insist that it wasn't a big deal, that only his leg was injured and if she got herself out and got a stick for him he could get himself out. She wasn't buying it though, even with his remarks about the fungus healing him, she wasn't going to take any chances. She would still work on getting Adolph out first and would only get herself out before him as a last resort. She continued to work, digging not just for depth but also for area. It was a balancing act, trying to dig deep enough to bring the walls down but not so deep that it would bury them, which was why she was also digging other spots going around the sides so that there was a line, a series of shallow trenches of sorts along a small section of the walls. Then it was time to make the last spot, the one that would be used to trigger the collapse. She began to work carefully and quickly. This one would not only be horizontal but vertical and would, at least in theory, but enough weight on the trenches when it collapsed that it would bring down the sections of earth she had left between each of the trenches to prevent them from collapsing before she was ready. It wasn't long before she felt it loosen and knew it was almost time. She prepared herself to get as clear as possible and to try and shield Adolph as well if she could when with a few more swipes at the earth she felt it start to go and pushed off from the wall, to both give her extra space and also to help encourage the walls to collapse. "It's going!". She stated in a loud voice as the dirt shifted and while it wasn't as loud as the earthquake had been the collapsing earth wasn't exactly quiet either. With some quick paw steps she had maneuvered herself out of the way of the falling soil and in a better position to help the elder if need be, but for now she was watching the cascading soil waiting for it to stop. She also noted the additional trees limbs and what looked like a few more rocks. That was good. She could use the rocks and limbs both, of course the soil would also be put to good use. She wasn't going to waste anything. Before she got back to work though she would go check on Adolph, he had been out of the way of the collapse but she wanted to make sure anyway and also it would give the dirt time to settle so she could better determine what and where she would need to work at. "Are you okay?". She asked as she walked over to where he was hoping all the dust that had been kicked up wasn't bothering him or anything. Not that there was anything she could do about it if it was but still it would be good to know. Once she had made sure Adolph was fine it was back to work. Once again she was collecting the debris she'd won to use in continuing her build. It wouldn't be enough to finish the incline outright but it would certainly help and she would work to make it go as far as she possibly could towards getting them out. It was still a slow process though, but she was making process. She worked and worked positioning, shaping, building up the incline incorporating the larger bits of debris that she had been unable to move so that they too would help in the escape. Eventually there was only a few feet left between the ramp and the rim of the hole. It would be easy for her or anyone not otherwise held back by physical impairments to make the leap to freedom but Adolph was old and despite the insistence of the only thing being needed would be a stick was ridiculous. It was also far to risky. Only with the incline so close to the walls now another series of collapses was also risky as it could easily destroy all her work. She didn't like where this was going one bit, but as much as she hated the idea of it she still realized that if there was no more material in the hole for her to work with and if she couldn't get more material while in the hole the only way left for her to get more supplies to finish the incline would be by leaving the hole..but that would also mean leaving Adolph. She didn't want do that though so she figured she would rest, which she was supposed to be doing anyway, and see if she could think of some other way to finish the incline without having to leave Adolph behind..even if it would only be temporarily. |