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And when you die I won't be at your wake No eulogy from me Just a smile on my face actions - “speech” - thoughts
What the hell man... All he wanted to do was be a cranky, grouchy, shadow. Just patrol up in the mountains and try to keep all the bigger threats like bears... Knowing there was a wolf always up here. Guess nature had other plans. He'd been caught in a bit of a landslide but, anyone who knew him would know he'd not die so easily, nah. Not this sarcastic prick. Sycon had pulled himself from the rubble, limped off to sniff out some drugs, least he knew what to find. Thank god. Last thing Nardir needed was a giant wolf trippin balls. Sycon now with his aches numbed, began making his way to the lowlands. Heh. Would anyone even remember the giant? He could smell blood in the air, see the destruction and his heart skipped. Puffin, Kastra, Terebellum, the three he'd grown most fond of. He was off, tearing across the lands of Nardir, sharp gaze searching now. He would risk life and limb for those three. “PUFFIN!?” He ran more, listening to his loud-ass voice echoing, least he still had that and damn was he lookin built up again, that fever that swept the lands got him weak but, oooooh buddy, the tank was back. “TEREBELLUM!?” Were they alright? HAd they made it through? He had to keep calm, no use in going into a panic, that wouldn't help and if he lost his damn mind, it'd take a few of them to ground him or worse. A grow tore from him as heavy paws carried his massive form to a small hill, bright eyes scanning about. “KASTRA!?” That last bellow sounded desperate, how had he gotten so attached? Fuck. He needed to see those three, the second he saw them he would be alright, everything would be alright. Sycon let a snarl tear from him, large body seeming to chew up the earth as he then began seeking out piles of debris, hell if he save someone looking for his friends, maybe he'd make a new one? He was pacing about a large pile of rubble and crusing under his breath. “Knock, knock mother-fucker! I'm commin in!” He'd snap with a laugh, paws digging at the mixture of earth, rock, and wood. If there was anyone trapped inside and alive, least they knew they had someone digging them out, if he got in and no one was there well, at least someone would know this pile was dug into and checked. Only time would tell if anyone was trapped.
ooc: Not sure if anyone else needs to be rescued or needs a thread but, here have hulk-wolf dig ya out if ya need. :3 Just keep in mind he's got a horrible mouth.
coding © vixxie's codes
Sparkles a Little
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Dark. Shaking. Noise. Falling. Flailing. Dirt. Rocks. Hard. Ouch. Dark.
Schimmah blinked - err was she blind? She couldn't see a darned thing! Help she was blind! Wait... no it was very dark. And very close. The small wolfess panted and heard her breaths echoeing back at her. Where the hell was she? She tried to stand up but banged her head and then her back and butt. Ouch. Low ceiling. Too low ceiling. Toooooo low. She tried turning around but almost got stuck in a jumble of paws. She scrambled backwards for three pawsteps, scrabbled forwards for four. Trapped? TRAPPED??? Ok what had Raka said? No Raka hadn't said anything they'd never talked about what she had to do if she was FUCKING BURIED ALIVE! Whoops language - Raka would bite her ear...oooo where was she? Schimmah whined and started scratching at the wall in front of her. It wasn't solid, but felt loose, craggy and full of rocks and soil. Could she dig herself out? Yeah of course dig herself out! Um. What if she was the wrong way up? What if instead of digging she was only going deeper into the earth? She started crying, indecision and fear freezing her limbs. Damned if you do damned if you don't. What had happened? Her breathing grew ragged - was there less air in here? And then - then! She heard a muffled bellow like some animal in pain. Faintly felt the thudding of pawsteps above her head. "HELP!" she screamed, but it didn't seem to go through "HELP!" she did again, and maybe this time it was heard - for there was the scrabbling of big paws digging and ... what did he say? Knock knock motherfucker? Schimmah giggled, surprised and shocked that she giggled at such horrible language, she giggled again, snorting dirt out of her nostrils. One blue paw scratched at the dirt in front of her, trying to tell this hero where she was. |
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November 11, 2017, 06:38:08 PM
(This post was last modified: November 12, 2017, 11:26:05 PM by Sycon.)
And when you die I won't be at your wake No eulogy from me Just a smile on my face actions - “speech” - thoughts
It was the faiintest of scratching and the smell of fear and wolf which drove him on. Whoever this was, they were about to meet the big bear of a neon marked wolf. He continued to dig and pull things out of the way, grunting as he grabbed at a heavy branch. Holy fuck this thing was..... Wait... Was the scratching getting louder? “Yo!! I dunno who th'fuck you are in there but, I'mma get'cha out!” He shouted wondering if he knew whoever was in there. Probably not. If he did then they wouldda called to him hearing his usual banter. Sycon let out a growl, putting his weight down on the branch, moving it and moving a big ol rock out of the way. Though.... He did take a small tumble himself. He got back on his feet and got back to digging. Sycon grunted as he dug and pulled at rocks and branches clearing things and just.... Ugh. He finally broke through and dug out the hole to make things wide enough to let a wolf through. “Lets go Buttercup! This shit aint gonna hold forever!” He'd bark pulling himself back, giving the poor soul some room. Sycon was dirty yeah... Panting... Winded and boy oh boy did he burn. He shook out his coat and stared at the figure once she showed. “Yo.” He greeted, tilting his head. Huh. Another colorful figure in this lame place. Blue.... Blue was nice... He liked brown more though. “T'name is Sycon. Nice ta meetcha.”
coding © vixxie's codes
Sparkles a Little
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Shouting answered her whimpering. Something about a yoo and a th'fuu and OUT yeah that's a word she heard and wanted to hear. OUT OUT OUT! She didn't recognise the voice, but then there was, like, a ton of earth between her and freedom. She managed to shout: "OK HURRY!" and continued to scratch, trying to let the saviour know where to dig for her. Relief made her choke back a sob - she was so sure she was going to die here, prematurely buried.
What was taking so long? For Schimmah it seemed an eternity before the sound of digging paws came closer. Woah what was that thud? Was the saviour trying to move rocks? Oh shit the saviour didn't fall in himself did he? But before she could give a panicked shout, she heard the digging commencing. She would have loved to give a sigh of relief, but it was getting difficult to breathe. Spots danced in front of her eyes. Hey how can she see spots but it was so dark she couldn't even see her own paw? And then light! Air! Light! "Lets go Buttercup! This shit aint gonna hold forever!" Schimmah barely registered the words before she was scrambling out of there, her paws on autopilot while her brain was still occupied with getting oxygen to her lungs. She tottered forwards a few paces till she felt safe enough and then collapsed to the ground, sucking in air like a vacuum cleaner. She was aware of the other wolf shaking himself off and panting. A he? She cracked open an eye and stared. Yup. A he. Veeery definately a 'he'. And...big. Massive. Um. "Yo." As if a shock went through her she jumped onto all fours, instinctively hunching her shoulders to make the long ruff around her neck poof up and make herself look bigger, scowling at him through one green eye as her long fringe obscured the other eye. the total effect was ruined, however, by all the dirt caked onto her, and as her ruff poofed a small puff of dust framed her face. "T'name is Sycon. Nice ta meetcha." Whuu? Suddenly she smiled - he talked almost as bad as she did sometimes! That means he can't be all that bad and he HAD just saved her. In a lightning flash of a mood swing she forgot her fear and beamed at him: "Hi Psycho ma' names Schimmah gottrappedohmanitwasdarkan'then-a-couldn't-a-see-lessbreathingIwasfucking T-E-R-R-I-F--I-E-D!" She gulpmed air, remembered what Raka always told her, and continued in a more normal speed: "Uh.. thanks for'a savin' me, yeah? Uh..big.." she couldn't help whispering as she stared up at his figure, glimpsing green markings on a black pelt. (lol I'm loving Sycon!) |