Acceptance thread Tiny Terror | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Repost/Continuation of Tiny Terror
Ghost Quote: |
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Quote:Her delicate paws once fumbled the grooves and slopes of the shrub lands, but now they moved in liquid precision, righting themselves over irritations and obstacles without an ounce of hesitation. The land her aunt had found (no matter what type of person she turned out to be) claimed them all in time, and a short amount of time at that. Her pack did not put down roots so much as the roots came up to meet them. It was... a sensation both invigorating and empowering, to know that you are precisely where you were meant to be, right that second, on this particular patch of Earth. It made her feel nostalgic for things that hadn't even happened yet. |
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Quote:Why was she always out here? She was starting to feel like she was out here more than she was in the pack... Perhaps she didn't realize it was just the nature she'd adapted, to stay on the edge of big goings on, to survive. The nail that stuck out was hammered down, at least that was how it went as far back as she could remember. Living in the village, Iaera was the epitome of the Sesame Street game, "one of these things is not like the others". Staying at the edge of Gemini offered her peace and quiet, it offered her less opportunities to embarrass herself more than she already had, and it offered her the chance to be picky about who she let in. As much as she fretted while on the borders, and about the strangers, somewhere deep down in her, she enjoyed the idea of getting to choose. It was such a high power, whispering sweet nothings to a little narcissistic monster that slept deep in Iaera's heart. |
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November 04, 2017, 09:58:10 AM
(This post was last modified: November 04, 2017, 10:16:57 AM by Jonas.)
He follows, as he always has. Sometimes it is just a step behind. Sometimes he is only just within sight. He gives her as much space as he can while maintaining his own comfort—here beyond the wall, letting her roam where vagabonds and ill kept rats who lurked in shadows and forfeit honor. His was a mostly silent vigil, though less than it might have once been. Akira liked to talk, and, well, the odd thing was, he found that he liked to talk to her, too.
She’d been talking about the goat all day. In fact, she spoke of it in a way that seemed excessive to him, like it was all that occupied her mind. He knew that to be false, and so the way she dangled it before herself like something sweet on a stick gave him pause. Of course, he said nothing. It was not his place to question the Don. Still, he wondered what she was trying to distance herself from. It was… distracting. Being driven to distraction was DANGEROUS. He knew that better than anyone. Still, it rankled him like a tickle in the back of his throat. He’d swallowed more than he could handle and he DIDN’T LIKE IT. Turns out he let himself be distracted, too. By what Akira was trying to distract herself from. The wind changes. He blinks slowly. And, as if in dreamy sunlit water, he notices through the motes of distraction shining in dazzling beams of light that SHE’S GONE. He blinks dust and its distractions from his eyes and scans the scrublands for her but in the end the only scrub to be found amongst the plains was HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM. “Akira?” he whuffs, and when there is no immediate response because of course she is nowhere near you and is thinking about goats and not being anywhere near you. His whiskers fan out and his mane fluffs more than was dignified. He picks up his pace and with claws extended a little more than was necessary, he carries on in the direction he last saw her. He, of course, knew where she was going, and there was no cause for such alarm. He would find her in short order and this would be a long since forgotten thorn in his paw. Still, nervous energy surges through his muscles, ripples down his coat, and ends in a testy flick of his tail. That girl really knew how to get his goat. It was… frustrating. Still, she was fresh on the wind. Some other things were, too. Distraction was no longer a problem. The unknown intertwined with the King was, though. Death, decay, friend, stranger. He takes off in the direction of her buried treasure and arrives with all the pomp and circumstance a bristling lion can. Despite his undeniable presence, he was far from the elephant in the room. He notices it immediately. Oh. Oh, no. The goat. Or what cracked bones remained. She’d been talking about it all day. She’d been talking in that confusing infuriating way and the goat was gone, and for just a moment he is taken back to a day that happened long ago and far away in which the last rib of the kill was stolen from him by a sister. He’d wanted it too. It hadn’t been fair. Sometimes that’s life. “I will get you another one,” he hears himself say, because accepting that life was not fair was okay for him but a failing in those that served the Don. “It will be fatter.” |
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Quote:Oh, how he absolutely yearned for sleep. |
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The bones were broken and the wolves were upset. He knew that much to be true. The one responsible was clear—not the Don, for she had been with him dreaming of gamier things. Not the stuttering border guard ranging on today’s duties. Not him. So it must be this scurrying thing with claws like daggers and an irreverent look on his foolishly foolish face. The thing that proceeded to bump into his legs as if he was not there. But. BUT. He was. Ghost realized it in short order as well as the consort tucked his chin into his mane and looked down his nose at the offensive cause of this mess. He wanted rest? DON’T WE ALL? A fitting punishment would be having to listen to the King lust after her love lost, alas, poor goat, we hardly knew ye—but that wouldn’t be what the wolverine faced.
No, instead, he’d deal with the lion. Don’t worry, ladies. He’s got this under control. “Yes,” he says simply, you got it in one, right after sucking the marrow from the King’s afternoon snack. “A fat goat and a pile of fish.” A feast for the three of them, because the wolverine wouldn’t be hungry anymore, WOULD HE????? Poor Ghost, all he wanted was his post-meal nap, but nothing quite got the blood pumping like the threat of imminent death, right? Wake up and smell the lion, mister! On your feet! His lips lift slightly and he smiles with a sliver of teeth, sidestepping out of the wolverine’s way and indicating with a twist of his head that it was little guys first. “Let us hunt.” ‘No’ was not an option. He would fall in behind their house guest if the wolverine complied. “You may have her name when we are done,” if they got that far, “If she gives it to you.” The names of Dons and Kings were precious things, and like blue roses plucked from towers high, they were a GIFT. Given. Not taken. This was hardly his fault, but he took it personally—surely he could have guarded the Don’s kill better or otherwise prevented this from happening. If there were more of him, say, three Jonases stacked on top of each other, he was certain that Akira would not only be kept safe, but so too would her desires. Alas, he was but one Jonas. So he had to make it count. “I am Jonas,” he adds at length—his name was nothing special, but nevertheless, it had weight. Like the fat goat they were going to catch. “Until we are done, you do not worry about anyone but me.” Well, that was an unmistakable threat, wasn’t it? Hopefully they were out of Akira’s hearing, or she might take umbrage with that—he might even care. Still, if anyone here owed apologies, it was THIS strange creature—and he owed them in the form of several pounds of succulent flesh. |
Glowy Wolverine Creature
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November 04, 2017, 12:49:51 PM
(This post was last modified: November 04, 2017, 12:50:27 PM by .Ghost..)
Oh, he was absolutely in some deep trouble.
When the small, stocky creature ran into the massive lion with a small 'thud' was when the realization finally dawned upon him. He quickly backpedaled away from the giant beast to he was what he felt to be a comfortable distance and doing what anyone his size may have in that situation: grovel and plead. While he was rather confident he may be able to elude the wolves in the pack, a lion was certainly a much different story. His cyan eyes widened and his licked his blue lips for a moment searching for his lost voice before finally offering his proposition before the council before him. "Yes. A fat goat and a pile of fish. Let us hunt." "Yes?" His racing thoughts came to an abrupt halt as the lion agreed to his case and in turn a sly smile crossed his lips with the thought of maybe slipping away once again; however, that quickly became scarce when he caught a glimpse of the lion's massive teeth. "I mean, yes, of course, sir." He said after a few moments lifting one paw and stepping back as the lion neared him: watching and waiting for him. Yet, at the same time he couldn't help but feel the challenge of hunting for a fatter goat and a pile of fish be a bit rewarding, let alone, an easy punishment. Obviously, there would be no slipping away from this one and honestly, perhaps it would be best he did not try. Not only due to the massive lion nearby threatening his life and the fact he was absolutely terrified: but the land was actually quite beautiful. But, honestly this massive lion was terrifying. Ghost soon looked up and met eyes with the lion for a moment before giving one last glance to the remainder of the group who watched him angrily. He inhaled a deep breath of air through his nostrils before releasing a deep, dramatic, sigh. His cyan gaze met the lion whom watched him expectantly and in turn he started to take a few steps forward toward the direction of the valley in which he pointed and instead of arguing was silent. “You may have her name when we are done, If she gives it to you. I am Jonas. Until we are done, you do not need to worry about anyone but me." The wolverine felt the giant paws of the large creature behind him and before long he opened his mouth to speak, "Very well, Jonas." He said addressing the lion and not bothering to look back, "I'll show you what I'm made of." He said grinning defiantly before an idea hit him, "...maybe if I get you more, you'll let me stay?" He said after a few moments looking back to him, "What if we bring back what we owe you and then some?" He said after a few moments, "What say you Jonas? Two goats and several pounds of fish in exchange for letting me slide off of this problem and letting me stay?" He tried to reason. After all, it's not too bad here. |