Holding out for a Hero (Seki/Open/Quake/Rescue) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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She had been little more than a ghost, even to her dear Ticon. She's dropped down, taken time to herself, taken time to clear her mind, her emotions. She was still a wreck, still in pain, still so very much hurt. Even so, she had been recovering but, she relapsed, she fell back into hiding, from everyone including herself. Well, nature has her ways of forcing others to wake the hell up and take charge. Stella was sleeping sprawled out Moon only knew where, near the mountains, that was for sure, she'd always been more at home under the looming shadow of the great walls of earth for some strange reason. This time.... This time the ground shook, violently, rattling her from the rare deep slumber, least she wasn't skin and bones, Ticon wouldn't let that happen, he'd somehow find her and leave a small meal one way or another.... Somehow.
Those bright sky blue eyes snapped open, body jolted awake as everything rattled and shook around her. She was scared yes but, she was more numb than anything as her mind went blank and she thought of the family that had taken her in, some more harsh than others but, even so... Ticon first and foremost, Byakko, Akutan..... that whole family... Some would say she was being trailed by the Black Wolf while she would say the Wind was not with her, the Light and Shadow were not in balance. No matter what the case, she was very much mortal and very much in danger. She scrambled into action, shuffling to her paws and bolting toward the wall of rock and earth, figuring it would be safer to run alongside that in the hopes of a cave and.... As luck would have it, there was a cavern small enough for her to squeeze into. She knew she was in Duskwood, she knew she was walking a thin line but, she also knew she would never leave and she knew others in the pack respected that about the mentally fractured golden female. She wandered slowly throught the tunnels though, with a sense of urgency all at once, picking her way through the darkness until the bioluminescentglow of the Moon room hit her. She heard a rumble and saw the mirical tunnel cave in, she'd never seen it before anyway... She bounded onward. Growing rather cocky with her streak of luck. She was ou tin the open, heading toward the Human ruins north of Mount Celeste when she was swallowed up by the earth. The ground shook violently as she ran and opened up under her, swallowing the small female, and all it could over her. Stella forced her way half way out of the ruble she was under, loose, thankful but the pit was far too deep and... Her left hind leg.... She couldn't move it, it hurt... There was so much pain. "Ticon...." She breathed out, blue gaze wide with fear as she struggled more, scratching herself up all the more. She was a rusty mess already between the dirt and blood, her struggles only adding more red to the spectrum. "Ticon." She repeated louder as she struggled. She fought for what felt like forever, finally figuring she was stuck, her leg pinned under something in the ruble she was half buried in. She whined, panting as panic was in full swing, a desperate howl sounding. It was shrill, it sounded the sound of a creature in pain and fear and for those who knew her voice, it would be a blessing and a curse. She clawed and struggled more, finally breaking, "TICON!" She screamed out from her pit of hell. "TICON!" She screamed again, calling out for the single creature of comfort she knew would be there. Still, she struggled. "TICONDEROGA!!" Came a final screech before she collapsed, panting heavily as panic began to take hold, her eyes wide, ears fallen. She looked a mess, full of terror and panic as she lay there half buried, drooling against the dirt and dirtied by it. Hardly a thing of beauty to most, save for one soul who was probably desperate to find her. |
Resident Changling
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Much like Akutan, Ticonderoga didn't stick around when the gathering split into rescue parties. While the Maelstrom was focused on Kyra, Ticon's mind was flying towards a certain sunshine female. He bolted the same time Akutan did and began his own frantic search. "Winds or whatever gods are out there, let me find her." he prayed as he raced around, heading towards where he had known her to be last. Upon reaching them, he saw she wasn't there and heaved, his ears twisting around and nose running a marathon trying to find her scent.
It seemed Lady Luck smiled on him because he could hear a faint call that sounded like his name. Bolting in the direction of the voice, Ticon flew over the landscape until he reached a hole. He looked down and his heart simultaneously leaped for joy and sank in fear. Stella was half-buried from the waist down and from the looks of things she had tried to claw her way free. Her fur was streaked with dirt and blood and at the moment, she was at rest but afraid. "Hang on!" Ticon said. He paced the lip of the hole to study the layout. Stella was half-buried in a mound of soil not to far of a jump down. Probably a step or two. He carefully placed a paw at the top and seemed Lady Fortune continued to reward him. The mound wasn't overly loose and he was able to bring his entire body down on it without much sliding down. "I'm coming down to get you, Stella. Stay still or you'll bury yourself." he said, his voice surprisingly calm in spite of the situation. He got down to where she was and in his relief, he gave her face a few licks. "I'll dig you out. Just hang on." he said. He started to carefully dig the dirt away from her waist, hoping to get a good sized circle cleared out before digging down. |
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October 30, 2017, 05:24:11 PM
(This post was last modified: October 30, 2017, 05:25:57 PM by Stellairria.)
Her chest was heavingmher eyes wide. She struggled a bit more, yelpping as she felt soemthing shift. The earth around her was loose and whatever was wrong with her leg was being injured all the more. She was brought a scent, something that excited her senses and got her heart pumping. the sunny female lifted her head, wide blue eyes locking onto him. "Ticon!" She called out, reaching her right front leg out to him desperately. She was scared, scared adn pinned. He paced and her gaze followed him, that paw dropping as she let out a low whimper.
Soon enough he called to her and shefelt her heart skip a few beats. "You'll get stuck too!" She would cry out against him but, "I'm coming down to get you, Stella. Stay still or you'll bury yourself." Her brave Jovian..... The instant he was near her, she did what she could to be close. She was trembling, scared. She kept as still as she could as he diggedyet, when she felt she could, she pushed with her front legs, strainging to pull herself free as he loosened the earth around her. She was near free but, there was a rather delicate pair of subjects at hand, her hind legs, the right at best had a few minor fractures her left...... She may lose it, with the pulling and the breaks. There were a few, it would take a dedicated Halo and a Mirical to get her on four legs again, even so... "Ticon! Ticon don't leave me! I'll do better! i promise! Ticon!" She called out to him in fear of being abandoned. Yet... Yet she knew.... She knew that if things continued down a bad path she would want him to live on. Stella stregguled all the more as he dug around her, whimpering in pain as she finally pulled her mangled leg free. She looked up from the pit, ears dropping. She couldn't make it on her own. "Go." She breathed out. "Go and find help.... Ticon we can't... I can't.... I..." She was doubting herself, as usual. A broken sob and her forehead against his neck, er ears fallen in submission. " I... I'm.... I'm scared... Ticon I don't... I.. I don't.... I don't want to... Die.. I don't want to die alone!" She'd cry out, yet.... Greedy as ever she would do all she could... All she could to keep him close |
Resident Changling
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Ticon's hard work paid off when Stella managed to pull herself free when the dirt was loosened enough. He could tell something had happened to her hind legs. She was soon sobbing into his fur and uttering nonsense. So afraid of abandonment was she that Ticon had a feeling the rest of his days would be spent assuring her he wasn't going anywhere. And he welcomed that. He just held her close with his head on her shoulders as she lay on the mound. "Hush now, Stella. I would never dream of leaving you behind. Not in this place and not ever. I think...I've been waiting all my life for you. I was hopeful before but now I know without a doubt that you are my future. Let's just slow down and we'll go from there. So far, we're not in any danger so we have time." he said soothingly. He hoped his reassurances would help her calm down. He wasn't sure how bad her legs were but he needed her to stay still so they didn't get injured further. He felt a prickle of worry in his heart. Would any Halos even be in this area? Would they hear him howling for help? The last thing he wanted to do was leave her down here so he could get help. He didn't want her to think he was going to abandon her in this place and who knew what would happen to her in his absence.
For now, he just kept his sunshine close, her fur a bright spot in the moonlight night. A stark contrast to his monochrome black and white. His thoughts drifted to the clan. Kyra wasn't the only one who didn't appear. Aeneas had also somehow got separated from his parents and sisters. Sara was doubtless beside herself with terror over her youngest. She had never been quite the same since the birth and it seemed that whatever had spooked Akutan that evening had left a lasting impression on the beautiful white wolf. She wasn't overly obvious about it but it seemed Aeneas's close brush with death had made her a bit more wary when it came to her pups. Did they find him? Did Akutan find Kyra? Was she okay? All questions with answers he had no way of knowing at the moment. For now, most of his thoughts were with the beautiful wolf there with him. Ticon knew he wanted Stella to be the mother of his own pups. He needed her with him. First, he had to complete her rescue but he needed to know what the damage was. "Are you able to tell me what hurts?" he asked. |
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November 09, 2017, 01:45:35 PM
(This post was last modified: November 09, 2017, 02:23:21 PM by Stellairria.)
One day you will realize, The stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you, But will you ever let it shine from within, And cast all of your fears aside? You'll see the light, but until that day comes actions - “speech” - thoughts
Trembling like the last leaf in the bitter autumn winds, she lay there listening ot him through the pounding ringing out in her head. She needed to.... Needed to calm down, needed to get a grip but... but... What if... What if.... No.... No.... He wouldn't... Would he? "Hush now, Stella. I would never dream of leaving you behind. Not in this place and not ever. I think...I've been waiting all my life for you. I was hopeful before but now I know without a doubt that you are my future. Let's just slow down and we'll go from there. So far, we're not in any danger so we have time." She wanted to believe his words, wanted to trust in them but, that would take some time, time he'd been giving her. Time he would always give her. He was so kind, so gentle and she'd been horrible to him, simply horrible. How could he still love her after all that? “i'm so sorry.....” She wasn't even sure she'd whispered it out loud. Had she said it out loud? Maybe but, she ached all over and with her panic starting to settle, the anxiety of being separated from him, of being alone again settling.... Slowly. Stubborn she tried to move, blue gaze going wide as she stupidly put weight on her right hind leg. Yeah, that one hurt but.... She swallowed, looking at the left. She began to feel her heart in her ears again, her breathing picking up as terror began creeping over her. Maybe it was worse than it looked... Maybe she just needed to be cleaned up some.... Maybe..... Oh gods it hurt even trying to move it. Ok... Ok.... She would have to... Have to try. Drawing in a shuddering breath she pushed up with her front paws, hissing as she leveled herself, most of her weight on her front end but, she had a bit on the rear right, it burned, it stung, it hurt but, it wasn't fully broken at least. Wait.... When had she closed her eyes? She swallowed, not wanting anything to come up, not that three was much in her gut but, even so. Drawing in slow, shuddering breaths she looked to Ticon with a pained smile but, his little star was slowly returning. “Right hind is tender, hurts.... Left... I... I can't risk putting weight on it, I think it's still bleeding but, I know it was at one point. It burns, I've never.... Felt....” She swayed a bit and then couldn't hold herself up. She fell with a light oomph, letting out a weak laugh, how silly she must have looked but, she felt as though she were spinning. She wanted to sleep, wanted to just curl up and sleep but, that was probably a bad idea. She, upon closer inspection had little cuts and scrapes scattered about, looked as if she got clocked in the head by something since three was a nice rusty spot behind her right ear, her had a cut over the top so it was no surprise all she could really smell was blood and she was well... filthy but, what would anyone expect after finding a wolf half burried. “Tired....” She whispered, “so.... tired...” Tired? Of what? The fear, the pain? Of running and hiding from a family that clearly cared because of her paranoia and blinded state of instability? Tired of struggling? Of feeling guilty for her past mistakes? Yes, she was tired of being tired, tired of feeling like this. Stella reached a paw for Ticon, looking to hook it around his leg and hold, she knew he'd be close. She was still in tears, she hadn't noticed it. She pressed her face into his fur. Was it his neck? His chest? Shoulder? Didn't matter, he was there, he was real, he was close. There were no words that could be spoken to describe the whirlwind of emotion. She was terrified, needy, hopeful, she was relieved, joyful, stubborn. She felt so much crashing against her between the dizzing pain, she urge to sleep and sleep, the warmth of him being close. Finally... Finally she felt it. Felt what she'd needed for so long now and she finally let herself feel it. Safe. Loved. Safe.... Safe.... Finally she felt.... Safe.
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Resident Changling
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Ticon heard her whispered apology and just smiled gently to himself. If she was still beating herself up over her past treatment of him...well, let's just say Ticon's memory had the same staying power as a goldfish's and leave it at that. Or his faith in the good of others beat out anything negative she had said or done to him. He had been relentless in his pursuit of her, which took no small amount of stubbornness on his part. He watched Stella test her hind leg and concern was evident in his icy blue eyes. “Right hind is tender, hurts.... Left... I... I can't risk putting weight on it, I think it's still bleeding but, I know it was at one point. It burns, I've never.... Felt....” she said before she collapsed to the ground again. She eventually reached out to him and he let her pull his leg and he joined her on the ground.
"Doesn't look like it's broken. Perhaps you fractured it in the fall." he mused. He could tell Stella was exhausted. Physically and emotionally. He wondered if she finally hit rock bottom. That could be a blessing in disguise because there was only one way she could go from there and that was up. She buried her nose in his chest fur and he let his head come to rest on top of hers. "I know you're tired, Stella. If you need to, you can sleep here for a bit with me. I won't be going anywhere since I still need to get you out of this hole. Even if I have to carry you." he said. If she needed to sleep, he would let her do so. But if she wanted out, he would get her on his back and carry her up, and then to a healer. He also noted the slight wound to her head but the blood was dried already. He made a note to tell the Halos about that and hoped she wasn't concussed. Either way, his mission right now was to save her, no matter how long that took. He was quite the knight. |
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One day you will realize, The stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you, But will you ever let it shine from within, And cast all of your fears aside? You'll see the light, but until that day comes actions - “speech” - thoughts
"Doesn't look like it's broken. Perhaps you fractured it in the fall." That would be a blessing in disguise... Her right may not be broken but, the left was and deep down she knew that much. For now though, for now, she was close, her face buried in his fur, her small figure pressed close. Never forget, never forget.... Never let go. Never. Let. Go. She had finally hit the bottom of the barrel, finally hit the bedrock, the center of the world and she hated it. Hated every second of it. The weakness, the fear. He rested his head over hers adn she felt the ache from the weight. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeat..... She had gotten clocked on the head. Ugh. "I know you're tired, Stella. If you need to, you can sleep here for a bit with me. I won't be going anywhere since I still need to get you out of this hole. Even if I have to carry you." His words had her chest fluttering but, while she was tired... Of everything she knew better. Sleep now and she might not wake up. Tired, worn, tired, so tired.... Stubborn. Strong. Reaching now for help, for the help she'd needed ages ago, help she'd hid from. With a shuddering breath and pressed herself close to him, he'd drag her out of this pit if he had to, she knew this.... She had to make it easier for him.... Had to... Had to help him help her. “Help me up.... We can... We can do this.... Slowly...” She whispered, she didn't want him to move, she didn't want to move but, she knew the sooner they were out of this damn hole, the better off they would be, she could get water, get cleaned up a little bit, his little star would shine brightly again.... Not only in hue but, inside, that inner light which had nearly died was flickering. Once he was up, Stella would again force herself to her paws, her vision blurry from pain but, she had to... Had to help him help her. “Step by step....” She whispered, moving slowly, moving with him, leaning as needed, physical contact letting him know she was seeking his help, needing his help, wanting his help. She was tired.... Tired of running.... Time to stand up again. “Little by little....” Each tiny step was agony to her, she'd really gotten beat up by mother nature with this one and yes.... Her left hind did have a nasty gash and it was still bleeding, or at least had started again with her stressing herself in moving. The climb from the shallow pit was slow and she had to stop on the unstable ground often, drawing in ragged breaths. Pain... So much pain, it was blinding but, she kept contact with him, with Ticon... HEr rock, her unmoving mountain. “Almost.... Almost there....” Were her words for him or her? Both? The instant they were on solid, stable ground, out of the hell pit, she collapsed. She needed a moment to rest, to lay to stop the aching. They both needed to rest, Mother Moon only knew how often he had to pull at her to keep her moving up and out, she'd lost track herself... Wait... HAd he even? Probably, she'd slipped a few times but, never fell so he had to of grabbed her, right? Was she honestly going mad as a hatter? Stella wasn't sure how long she had been laying there, she knew she felt heavy but, she also knew sleep... Oh blessed sleep... Sleep she longed for... No... Not an option. Not. An. Option. Again and this time with a small cry of pain, she was on her paws. Just one small step. One small step would lead to another and she moved. It was slow and she was sure that Ticon would eventually get fed up and just pick her up but, she was... She was finally standing on her own, walking ot her problems rather than running from them. She needed water, food, medical attention but, she needed Ticon by her side more. She needed Puffin. Akutan. Terebellum. Aylie. Julek. Alana. Byakko. She needed them all. She needed her pack, longed for her pack, her friends... Kestrel. Alue. Sycon. Phillip.... Oh Pillip, bless that cranky old man. The Clan.... The X Clan... She needed them... “I love you.” The faintest of whispers and she leaned against Ticon, her ears dropped back in a shy stance. Had she actually said those words or had it been something she thought? She felt her heart beating again. Dull and powerful, felt the aches fading, weightlessness, freedom.... She felt the shackles being let loose, felt herself finally running free, running toward the light rather than being dragged into the shadows. It was odd, amusing even... That it too so much for the Starlight to find her Shadow, together they would dance in space, one lighting the path while the other would guard protectively. Light and Darkness, one could not exist without the other. The wind blew by, soft and gentle as if hugging the pair comfortingly. As if praising them. The wind blew by. The wind welcomed another into the family.
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Resident Changling
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Stella had opted to get out as soon as possible. So Ticon made sure his body was bracing hers as they made their way up the mound to the lip of the hole. His teeth gently took her scruff for added support and to help guide her. She kept speaking aloud. Whether for his benefit or for her own, it didn't matter. She needed to keep talking to herself so she had something to focus on. Step by step, and soon they made it to the top and were out onto the ground. Stella promptly collapsed while Ticon let her scruff go. She was winded and he was a bit, as well. Ticon looked around to check their surroundings as she rested a bit. She was fighting sleep and perhaps that was wise. If she was concussed, she could slip into a coma if she fell asleep. The young dire didn't want that. Not now. Not when he finally managed to get through to her.
It wasn't long before the sunshiny she-wolf was back on her paws and Ticon could see that one of her hind legs was indeed broken. It had been hard to tell before. Mentally swearing, he took up his position and the two started to slowly make their way to where the pack was. “I love you.” he heard her say in a small voice. Ticon almost paused in surprise. Those words...those three little words he had worked so hard and so long to hear from her. Had circumstances been kinder, he would've rolled her onto her back and peppered her with licks. Instead, he opted to smile gently as he rubbed his muzzle to hers. "And I love you. I always have." he replied. Ticon was many things. A loner-turned-knight, a gentle soul, a kind heart, a protective spirit. He was honest, above all. No one could ever say he was habitually dishonest. He said things and meant them. Hindsight was 20/20. The longer he had pursued Stella while supplanting Gates at the same time in his bid to claim her heart, the more Ticon knew his infatuation with Alana was a fleeting wind. Here today, gone tomorrow. She was nothing more than his monarch now, though still one of the most beautiful she-wolves he had ever seen. He could continue to appreciate that in a platonic sense, same as he appreciated the heart-wrenching beauty that was Sarajevo. His feelings regarding Stella had more permanence and possessed greater staying power. Of all females in the pack, it was Stella who shone brightest. While an honest soul and certainly not prone to openly gloating, Ticon allowed himself a brief moment of selfish triumph at his AWOL rival, Gates. He swore an oath to any gods, spirits, or even the X Clan's ancestors that he would treat Stella better than Gates ever did or could. With that moment passed, Ticon focused his attention on getting the injured she-wolf to a Halo. She needed to be looked over and her leg set. His new mission, helping her get better, was set to begin the moment that happened. Once she was taken care of, the X-marked wolf would then be her primary caregiver as she healed. Perhaps when the pack was recovered enough from the earthquake, they could start making real plans for the future. |
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I am sure that heart I had failed protect One I left behind Is still fast asleep, Where it’s hidden deep Among the forest trees actions - “speech” - thoughts
"And I love you. I always have." His touch was so gentle and kind, his words made her heart flutter. Each step was painful but, she found herself leaning against him more and more as needed, giving her body a break now and again. After a while she had to stop.... Had to rest. Stella found shade near the river and lay in it, watching the water, trying to focus on it and keep the drowsy feeling away but, that was getting harder and harder. “Gensing” She mumbled with a yawn, looking down at her front paws. Stars above, I am filthy.... Goodness... I can't show up for treatment looking like rubbish.... Not that it would be surprising but, even so.... If I were... Clean maybe they could help better...? Her features seeming to display an array of emotion, amusement, disgust, nervousness, thoughtfulness, minor despair. What should she do? She sighed and looked to her bad leg, cringing, her ears falling back. “I look horrible....” She murmured softly. “Do you think.... Do you think I'll lose it?” She sounded nervous. Would she still be loved if she lost her leg? Still be seen as pretty? Would she be able to function? She could feel her stomach twist, letting out a soft gagging sound before, swallowing back the bile that threatened to spill from her gut. Nope! Not gonna get sick over something so silly. She woul dbe fine. Though, these thoughts were giving her a headache which, ironically was working to keep her awake. “Any idea on how far away we are? I don't know how much farther I'll be able to walk, everything hurts and I'm just.... So tired....” She sounded it, looked it, she was just tired in every sense. She wanted to get help, wanted to just curl up and sleep for days, wanted to wake up and see his smiling face. “Will.... Will they be alright with this? Will Akutan.....” She swallowed nervously, shaking her head lightly. No, no, Akutan was forgiving.... Sometimes.... Byakko wouldn't let Akutan mouth off to her and neither would Ticon.... She somehow knew Ticon wouldn't stand for anyone mouthing off to her. “We should.... We should get moving again....” Slowly she got to her feet, swaying a bit and tensing, whining in agony. Yup, she was pretty beat up. Baby steps. Just baby steps, that's all she really could do to keep moving, She was thirsty... The sudden feeling of thirst hit her and she inched closer to the lazy river, lapping up the cool water, it was a bit dirty from debris but, it was water, precious water. “Is... Is everyone alright?” She questioned, limping along the river now, the cooler moist earth felt a little bit softer on her paws. The journey was a slow for sure, not sure where she was going, Stella simply limpped along, praying to find the infirmary, the garden where the Halos grew herbs, which was hidden away... Or... Or somehow make her way back home to where the X Clan liked to den up together. Just... Someplace safe... Someplace warm. Somewhere she and Ticon could finally rest and reconnect
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Resident Changling
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“I look horrible....Do you think.... Do you think I'll lose it?” Stella asked after stopping for a break. She was looking at her broken leg. "I don't think so. It just needs be set and bound. It should heal fine when that's done." Ticon replied. “Any idea on how far away we are? I don't know how much farther I'll be able to walk, everything hurts and I'm just.... So tired....” his ladylove said. "I know. My offer to carry you still stands." he said. He hoped she'd let him. She wasn't that big or heavy. He could manage her weight just fine. She yawned and mumbled something about Akutan. Ticon just flicked an ear as she pulled herself up again. They were walking along the river now. Not too much further. Stella inquired about the state of everyone. "Kyra is missing and Akutan went to find her as soon as the gathering broke. Same for Aeneas. Pretty sure Byakko went to find him. Sara was in no shape to do so on her own, as beside herself with worry as it was. As for the rest of the pack, I don't rightfully know. I was too worried about trying to find you that I didn't pay close enough attention." he explained.
Deciding that longer they took to find a Halo, the worse Stella was going to get. Ticon brought her to a stop. "Excuse me..." he said before gently taking hold of her scruff and maneuvering her gently so he could get under her. He managed to her onto his back longways so her legs hung off his sides and her head was lying on his. "It'll be faster this way and I'll be extra careful. Just trust me." he assured her. He then started carrying her towards their destination. "By the way, if you're worried about what Akutan will think, don't. To tell you the truth, he's not the one you should worry about. It's Aylie. I don't know if you've met her yet but she's an ex-ward of the clan and there's some bad blood towards them on her part. I was told the story by Byakko and Akutan and they warned me to keep my distance because I'm a dead ringer for Aylie's adoptive late grandfather and, more than that, I'm a known Clan associate. She probably hates my guts already because of my association and she doesn't even know me. We've never formally met yet. I should tell you that you probably won't spared her ire either when she founds out you're involved with me and the Clan. I refuse to let her presence dictate how we live but I want you to be prepared for cruel words should she come to know about us and you two cross paths." he explained. Ticon was prepared for Aylie's potential for cruelty. Like Akutan and Byakko, he was strong enough to withstand it and most of his concern lay with the pups and Sara. Not knowing how Stella would manage made him worry all the more. He didn't want Aylie's behavior driving Stella away from him. Not after all the effort he put into making her see his true feelings. "I guess I'm trying to say is that I don't want to lose you all over again if Aylie decides to hit me where I hurt the most. I doubt she's above using others to get to the Clan and to me. Sara's got the biggest target because her kind soul is her fatal flaw. She will die if Aylie goes after her emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. I don't want you to be a casualty either." he said. It was plain from his voice that Ticon was struggling with the knowledge that a wolf who questioned authority before and was sent away because of it was let back into the pack. He knew the makings of a rogue when he saw one and Aylie was hitting a lot of bullet points as it were. He questioned the wisdom of letting her back in knowing she hadn't improved at all. The Clan was likely going to be isolated from the rest of the pack, especially if Aylie got the idea in her head that she could hurt them the most via the pack's opinion of them. The fact that the Clan was almost autonomous within the pack as a whole was something she could attack them on. |
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And you'll feel better when you wake up Swear to god I'll make up Everything or more when I get back someday Chasing dreams like I'm on Novocain Screaming through your airways Looking back I almost thought I heard you say You're so much better than that. actions - “speech” - thoughts
"I don't think so. It just needs be set and bound. It should heal fine when that's done." The haze in her mind cleared a bit, hearing his voice and while she was tired and spent, she offered him a gentle smile. This girl was so far gone and yet she was climbing slowly with his help. He was her life-line, he always had been since she set paw in NArdir and she'd been too stupid and arrogant to see that. She'd hurt him so badly and she had been so cruel, how could he ever- "I know. My offer to carry you still stands." “I know....” Came her whisper, between the lines were the painful words; I don't want to be a burden. Stella walked onward, slowly, her breathing showing her fatigue was really setting in. Black tipped ears attempted to focus on him, his words as he spoke. "Kyra is missing and Akutan went to find her as soon as the gathering broke. Same for Aeneas. Pretty sure Byakko went to find him. Sara was in no shape to do so on her own, as beside herself with worry as it was. As for the rest of the pack, I don't rightfully know. I was too worried about trying to find you that I didn't pay close enough attention." “I'm sorry I worried you so much.... I... I'm sorry.” She was getting really used to saying those words, he'd likely be hearing that phrase for a while, she felt so... So guilty. She'd be so cruel and spiteful toward him. She did not deserve this handsome wolf who was fixated on her, this wolf who had stolen her heart as she had his. Then she felt it. Heartbeat. He really does love me... Heartbeat. I need him.... Heartbeat. He means the world to me.... "Excuse me..." She bumped into him and then, doe-like gaze went wide as she felt him grab her scruff. She squeezed her eyes shut, tail curling between her legs as her mind shut down, fearing the worst though.... He simply maneuvered her and then.... She was weightless.... I... I love him... I love him... I need to take care of him, protect him.... Stella let out a small grunt, shifting ever so slightly as her hummingbird heart slowed in speed and she calmed down, it'd been silly of her to have that moment of panic but, not out of the ordinary. Still though, the fact she was relaxing on him, her ears dropping as she nuzzled his head gently and licked his ear. “Thank you.” "It'll be faster this way and I'll be extra careful. Just trust me." She didn't have to say a word about trusting him, or a word of her apology as she nuzzled and licked at his ears gently. She knew she could trust him and now that she wasn't moving, the dangerous idea of sleep was so tempting... So very tempting and just.... Focus, Stella... Focus. The wolf let out a strained whimper, her ears perking as he spoke. Her heart sank. "By the way, if you're worried about what Akutan will think, don't. To tell you the truth, he's not the one you should worry about. It's Aylie. I don't know if you've met her yet but she's an ex-ward of the clan and there's some bad blood towards them on her part. I was told the story by Byakko and Akutan and they warned me to keep my distance because I'm a dead ringer for Aylie's adoptive late grandfather and, more than that, I'm a known Clan associate. She probably hates my guts already because of my association and she doesn't even know me. We've never formally met yet. I should tell you that you probably won't spared her ire either when she founds out you're involved with me and the Clan. I refuse to let her presence dictate how we live but I want you to be prepared for cruel words should she come to know about us and you two cross paths. I guess I'm trying to say is that I don't want to lose you all over again if Aylie decides to hit me where I hurt the most. I doubt she's above using others to get to the Clan and to me. Sara's got the biggest target because her kind soul is her fatal flaw. She will die if Aylie goes after her emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. I don't want you to be a casualty either." She didn't notice them but, now and again... A whisper of a growl could be heard and probably felt, her body seeming to instinctively curl against Ticon's as he spoke of Aylie. It was painfully clear now, the dainty golden wolf was Ticon's, heart and soul, even injured she was reacting to just words. Aylie... That was the girl who had been on trial, the girl who had been sent to live with a pack that apparently fell. Why had she not come home sooner? Why had she not returned when the pack she'd been sent to fell, why had she wandered? “I was at her trial.” Stella began in her soft tone, softer even from the weight of fatigue setting in heavily. “While I agree she needed to be sent away, I would have rather she been sent with someone to keep an eye on her progress. She got off too easy and to be honest I do not like the idea of her being allowed back in.” She let out a rattling breath. She was just so tired and now that she wasn't moving she could feel the aches. “That being said.... We all make mistakes..... So I will give her a chance but.... If she hurts you.....” There was another growl, this time, Stella knew she was doing it and the fire in her eyes was startling, though short lived as she relaxed against Ticon all the more. “Ticon, there is nothing she can do to hurt me.... I've been hurt so many times over by myself and him, that I don't think I can be hurt much more than this.... Mentally, emotionally, physically..... Shy of us having children, there is nothing she can do to get to me tha tI haven't already done to myself.” It was painful to say but, the truth often did sting. Stella relaxed again, her eyes feeling heavy, she could see figures moving ahead, she could smell the herbs.... She... She was... She was going to be ok.... Before the darkness finally took over her fatigued figure she managed to whisper words to Ticon, soft and tender in tone. “I... Love... you....”
ooc A decade later... So sorry about that! Also wanna wrap this up and say they got to the Halo's so we can have cute recovery threads? :3
coding © vixxie's codes
Resident Changling
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Ticon listened as Stella explained that she had been at Aylie's trial. He was having trouble remembering if he was even in the pack at the time but he didn't think he had been. He would've remembered Aylie if he had been. So Stella had an idea of who she was and it seemed she was of the same opinion. Why was she let back in with no apparent improvement? The dire had no idea and he could only hope that she didn't stab them in the back later. Sara remained at the most risk and if Akutan lost her...who knew what would happen? He and Sara had been together since they were pups and they had depended on each other to the point of symbiosis. Even though their relationship had been allowed to simmer out, the cousins were still each other's best friends. Akutan had said once he couldn't imagine his life without Sara in it. If she died because Aylie's spite drove her to really hurt the Clan, Akutan could lose it all over again. And after having made so much progress and personal growth, too.
“Ticon, there is nothing she can do to hurt me.... I've been hurt so many times over by myself and him, that I don't think I can be hurt much more than this.... Mentally, emotionally, physically..... Shy of us having children, there is nothing she can do to get to me that I haven't already done to myself.” Stella said. Ticon just smiled, his eyes remaining forward. “I... Love... you....” were the last words he heard before he felt Stella pass out. He came to a pause to look at the yellow she-wolf on his back. "I love you, too. But while you say that there's nothing Aylie can do to hurt you that you already haven't done to yourself...that doesn't mean that I won't be your shield. I've come too far already that not protecting you means I'm a failure at being the kind of guy you deserve. And I screwed up, too. I didn't mean to make it seem like you were just some prize for me to claim. I don't think I ever had the chance to say I'm sorry about that." he thought. Bringing his icy blues forward, determination roared to life like fire in them. Ticon knew what his mission was. Whatever failings the Clan had in their past where Aylie was concerned, it was long past the point of being held accountable. They and the pack at large just wanted to move on, leaving the past behind and starting over. Aylie was no angel either. Though her death had long been accepted by Akutan and Byakko, the fact remained that Starfire was dead because of her, in part at the very least. Her actions caused Akutan's mother to give up on life because she had suffered so much loss and chaos that she couldn't overcome it. So she died to make it all stop. Ticon didn't think Akutan and Byakko would ever forgive Aylie for that but both of them just wanted to put it behind them and carry on. Ticon's mission was simple: Protect the Clan by any means necessary within pack rules. This protection extended to Stella, as well, on account of her becoming his lover and a part of the Clan at large. He knew now that this was why he had come here to this particular pack to serve that particular family. He was a knight and he would live his life as one. With a purpose in mind, Ticon started moving again. Right now, Stella's wounds needed a Halo's care and that was first priority. |