aridne's cheat code [ rangers ] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() franky
i have seen what the darkness does
set sometime after keanu's thread. this isn't mandatory since franky is just a ranger, but she IS calling the other rangers. anyone else who wants to come can too if you wanna learn about saboro actions - “speech”
It had haunted her more than usual. Oh, she had known that the jungle would reach out with its vicious tendrils to grope blindly at the areas beyond its reach. There had always been the fear that it would find Gemini. It was the fear that drove so many of them to fear even the slight resemblance to Coven, the fear that had made her wonder if the attackers had been jungle born. But only now did it feel real. And only now did Franky realize she could not always be at the border to recognize it. Saboro was vast and had of a life of its own and she was only one wolf. So here she sat, one misty morning, atop the wall. Climbing the wall wasn't something she liked to do very often, but it provided a convenient place to stand above a group of wolves. For a moment she simply sat and stared out over the lowlands and the fog that hung low over it. The sun had only just begun to rise, and a few stubborn stars still stood in the sky. Franky closed her eye for a moment, and then turned until she was facing inland again, and took a careful seat. She let the breeze rippled through her fur before she tilted her head up and howled. It was a softer howl than the one she'd done before for healer's aid, or for guards. No, this one would hopefully draw in any of the rangers that could hear it. The fact of the matter was that she had no idea where Aela was, she hadn't seen her in so long. Another time, she might have simply warned the Strider. But there was no one, and someone had to warn the others. Had to teach them. Who do you think you are? A dark voice in her head said. It sounded familiar, but not like her own voice. Saborako? You're nothing. Yes, she was nothing. And Gemini would be nothing if they didn't do something. Franky peered down at the other Rangers. "I'm going to cut to the chase," she began. "You all need to know how to recognize Saboro if it comes knocking. Maybe you've heard that name, maybe you haven't. But by the time you leave, you're going to know how to spot a Saboran out of a crowd." She let her gaze drift across whatever crowd was here. "Don't waste my time if you think it's not necessary. Just get out of here. We're Rangers. It's our job to keep the borders safe. And I'm going to teach you how to do that." Not many knew her well, she knew that. But she hoped they'd be able to recognize a deadly seriousness that she rarely exhibited. Something not quite Gemini about her. coding © vixxie's codes |
Almost Sparkles
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![]() color=#BA3816 Gemini was something else, something new and open and WILD! No, not the feral wild of Saboro, but a free wild, like running through a field with no destination in mind. Just running- endless terrain perfect for running off energy, for smelling new things, for seeing new sights.. that was Gemini. So when someone howled, Keanu felt the urge to answer: returning Francisca's summon with an excitable yap as she followed the source. The blue wolf was strange to her, but someone serious who deserved who respect and attention, and Keanu gave it to her. The young, once-peregrine sat at attention, nodding to the ranger with a big grin on her face. What could be going on? What kind of interesting meeting was being called, that she could partake in without vicious consequences for coughing out of line?? !! Whoever else appeared was regarded with an excitable, nervous nod while the remnants of her tail thrashed behind her. She lifts a paw, reaching out to stroke the ghost to calm it down while everyone else would see her petting air. There were no shrikes here to judge her for the phantom limb, no one snide and sneaky to report to superiors about her lost mind, and that was another example of freedom. 'I'm going to cut to the chase," oh!! lovely!! 'You all need to know how to recognize Saboro if it comes knocking. Maybe you've heard that name, maybe you haven't. But by the time you leave, you're going to know how to spot a Saboran out of a crowd.' Oh.. lovely. She feels frozen, yet lit up like a fire, as her head turns to see if anyone was staring at her, boring their sights on to the worst example of a Saboran, and if someone did look, she'd look back to Francisca with as straight a face as she could muster. 'Don't waste my time if you think it's not necessary. Just get out of here. We're Rangers. It's our job to keep the borders safe. And I'm going to teach you how to do that.' Keanu takes in a slow breath and exhales after holding it for a moment. "Miss, I don't.. mean to be rude, I really don't, but.. ah.. see, while I think it's.. necessary.. to identify.. Saborans.. I think, perhaps.. ah.. you should.. um.. consider identifying their.. allies, too.. You know, for good measure.." her ears flatten and she clears her throat, preparing herself for a defense. "We had three, you know, when I left. Truthfully.. they looked just like you and I, and.. them.." a gesture towards the crowd, whoever appeared. "Aside from the red tattoos, I guess.. but those were reserved.. for.. qualified.. elites.. a-and.. before I left, I gave my kestrels feathers.. certain kinds.. I don't.. I don't really know if they.. use them anymore," she feels her spirit shrink, wondering if anything remained of what she'd done, or if they tossed all her hard work into the volcano with her name. "B-but.. you're absolutely correct with.. with it being necessary to identify them.. I just.. please, not all of them.. are.. bad.." Her red eyes soften as she thought of Naviti, Scindere, of Reiss and Tessen, of Hircine, Nike, Gregor.. Elk seemed timid enough, and ah.. yes, Christopher, before she handed him over to Luxanna. Even Oriana was regarded with admiration from the Peregrine. It was hard to lop them all into the same category as the mongrels who craved power and blood. |
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Echo wasn't a ranger- nor did he really care to be, but he had taken a few acceptances over the past few days. He knew the rangers were struggling, needing help and when he wasn't busy guarding their friend over by the pit, he was scouring the borders. Someone had to. The rangers were worn thin, and the sudden absence of Aela didn't help much. Of course she had just had a new brood and was probably attending to them, he didn't judge. He was just trying to help. That was essentially what he had done since he arrived In Gemini, helped, and that was where he got where he was. He wasn't a high rank, nor did he really care to be, but he did like to help those who needed it. And in these times, it was more often then not. So when he had heard the call, he decided to go see what it was about-.
"I'm going to cut to the chase, You all need to know how to recognize Saboro if it comes knocking. Maybe you've heard that name, maybe you haven't. But by the time you leave, you're going to know how to spot a Saboran out of a crowd. Don't waste my time if you think it's not necessary. Just get out of here. We're Rangers. It's our job to keep the borders safe. And I'm going to teach you how to do that." Saboro- Echo knew exactly who they were, he'd seen them, breathed them in, smelled their rot. He'd even seen their ugliest contestant. So perhaps in this case, he could help. He hadn't met this girl before, or at least he didn't think he had. He decided he liked the girl, but his head turned when another spoke. This one he was sure he did not know, and even seemed distant- foreign. "Miss, I don't.. mean to be rude, I really don't, but.. ah.. see, while I think it's.. necessary.. to identify.. Saborans.. I think, perhaps.. ah.. you should.. um.. consider identifying their.. allies, too.. You know, for good measure.. We had three, you know, when I left. Truthfully.. they looked just like you and I, and.. them..""Aside from the red tattoos, I guess.. but those were reserved.. for.. qualified.. elites.. a-and.. before I left, I gave my kestrels feathers.. certain kinds.. I don't.. I don't really know if they.. use them anymore,"B-but.. you're absolutely correct with.. with it being necessary to identify them.. I just.. please, not all of them.. are.. bad.." She seemed uncertain of her words, stuttering, fragile with her thoughts. Echo tilted his head slightly. While he was always for a diplomatic way out at first he had to agree that they did need to identify their enemies before arriving at their wall. This was good training as well as a good way to keep others safe. "While I do agree with you miss-" ( He didn't know her name so Miss would do for now), " I also agree that knowing allies would be positive addition to this Ranger training. Perhaps I could learn and pass this info on to the Vanguard- I'm not a Ranger by ay means, but this knowledge would be good for everyone in Gemini to learn-" Echo said, uncharacteristically with no sarcasm. His eyes shifted to the new one, the red and orange colored one. She spoke as if she knew that others weren't as terrible as theones he'd met with Serrate- Ugly, and the other kids. She spoke as if she knew them personally. His suspicions heightened. Echo wasnt aware of Keanu's place in the pack yet, that word had not yet spread to him. He took a glance back to where they were keeping their "Guest". Wondering if he should be taking extra shifts, with this girl speaking like she did. Paranoia didn't suit Echo, but it seemed to be on the rise more and more these days. |
Livid (RP)
strider of gemini
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Livid was always one for teamwork. It could cut her workload by a considerable amount, after all. She also liked transparency. If there was an issue within the ranks of Gemini's Rangers (which sounded like the title for a bad TV show but w/e), she would prefer if one came forward and 'fessed up so that they could be addressed. With the absence of ol' Greenie, the standards of the Rangers had slipped somewhat in recent months and Liv was worried. Not nervous or panicked but slightly worried. Thus, when Francisca called the meeting, there was no hesitation or confusion. Just curiosity. Was she the new Strider now? Was it time for ol' Greenie to become ol' Blue or Bluey. Nah, ol' Blue sounded better.
"I'm going to cut to the chase. You all need to know how to recognize Saboro if it comes knocking. Maybe you've heard that name, maybe you haven't. But by the time you leave, you're going to know how to spot a Saboran out of a crowd." Liv raised an eyebrow. Saboro? Were they connected to the rogues that had attacked them the other month? The ones whose skulls decorated the wall? Probably not, or else Francisca would've mentioned it. For the moment, she remained quiet. Until a spotted wolf she did not recognise spoke up. "Miss, I don't.. mean to be rude, I really don't, but.. ah.. see, while I think it's.. necessary.. to identify.. Saborans.. I think, perhaps.. ah.. you should.. um.. consider identifying their.. allies, too.. You know, for good measure.. We had three, you know, when I left. Truthfully.. they looked just like you and I, and.. them.. Aside from the red tattoos, I guess.. but those were reserved.. for.. qualified.. elites.. a-and.. before I left, I gave my kestrels feathers.. certain kinds.. I don't.. I don't really know if they.. use them anymore,"B-but.. you're absolutely correct with.. with it being necessary to identify them.. I just.. please, not all of them.. are.. bad.." "I also agree that knowing allies would be positive addition to this Ranger training. Perhaps I could learn and pass this info on to the Vanguard- I'm not a Ranger by ay means, but this knowledge would be good for everyone in Gemini to learn-" The Ranger silently agreed with Echo's contribution with a nod in his direction. "Exactly," she declared, before turning to Keanu. "Good or bad, ma'am, it is clearly beneficial that we recognise a certain pack and how it may impact Gemini. There is no rule that says Gemini does not take in refugees from other packs, and those who approach the pack with respect for this land and those who inhabit it will be treated as such, regardless of where they are from. However, there's no harm in recognising a potential threat, if this Saboro is considered one?" Her last words were directed at Francisca. Although she did not object to the blue woman calling the meeting, there was still a question of 'why?', why did this particular pack matter more than any others that lay outside the borders? Any pack could pose a potential threat, for one reason or other. Greed, desperation, just plain cruelty. Anything flew in the Straits. "The Rangers and, by extension, the Vanguard always need to a policy of open communication amongst its ranks, so meetings like this are a sound idea," Liv spoke to Francisca. "Especially if it only prepares us more. We have suffered one raid too many in Gemini, so I believe this is a good call. You're never too old to learn a new trick and all that jazz." After all: sometimes, paranoia could be the only thing that stood between you and death. Especially where she came from. |
It's in the rain.
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Z a v o n a
#B4CFEC * profile This land was still quite fresh, still possessing new areas and landmarks to explore. The monochrome female was still unranked, fresh out of the outside world beyond the borders. However, she took this free time she had to get the lay of the land, memorizing where each prominent structure or marker resided and getting her bearings. She was starting to get the hang of it, and she needed to if she was interested in being a Ranger, even a Whisper. Marking and gaining your bearings is crucial when traveling through unknown lands, and this new land provided extra practice for such skills. So close was she to the border, that she heard the soft howl resonating over the landscape. Zav stopped in her tracks, head perked in the direction she heard the voice. Hesitation gripped her at first as she wondered if it were her place to answer the call. She was still merely a recruit. What if this was a meeting for a specific rank only? Well, only one way to find out. Her hesitation went lax as she started toward the soft voice, trotting at a swift pace. Eventually, she slowed as she approached, and noticed a small crowd had already gathered. That hesitation began to rear its head again, as well as another ugly head she was not unused to; anxiety. The young woman was never one for large crowds, even though this one wasn't even that large to begin with. There were only, what, four others here so far? However, it was still large to her. It wasn't until she saw a familiar face, Livid, that she began to relax slightly. At least it wasn't all total strangers. Zavona made her way up to the crowd, nodded toward Livid, and took a seat at the edge of the crowd to listen to the blue female who began to speak. "I'm going to cut to the chase. You all need to know how to recognize Saboro if it comes knocking. Maybe you've heard that name, maybe you haven't. But by the time you leave, you're going to know how to spot a Saboran out of a crowd. Don't waste my time if you think it's not necessary. Just get out of here. We're Rangers. It's our job to keep the borders safe. And I'm going to teach you how to do that." So, this was a Ranger meeting. Feelings of relief and uncertainty started to well up, relief that this was a meeting for a rank she was interested in, and uncertainty because, well...she wasn't in that rank yet. Should she even be here? No one has run her off...yet. "Miss, I don't.. mean to be rude, I really don't, but.. ah.. see, while I think it's.. necessary.. to identify.. Saborans.. I think, perhaps.. ah.. you should.. um.. consider identifying their.. allies, too.. You know, for good measure.." A multi-hued woman stepped up, seemingly as nervous as Zavona felt at this moment, though perhaps for different reasons. "We had three, you know, when I left. Truthfully.. they looked just like you and I, and.. them..Aside from the red tattoos, I guess.. but those were reserved.. for.. qualified.. elites.. a-and.. before I left, I gave my kestrels feathers.. certain kinds.. I don't.. I don't really know if they.. use them anymore.. B-but.. you're absolutely correct with.. with it being necessary to identify them.. I just.. please, not all of them.. are.. bad.." Zav listened with wrapt attention, albeit a bit confused. Who were these...Saborans? What were these terminologies the mult-colored female was talking about? Red tattoos? Kestrel feathers that apparently had some meaning behind them? And what made the members of Saboro so dangerous? " I also agree that knowing allies would be positive addition to this Ranger training. Perhaps I could learn and pass this info on to the Vanguard- I'm not a Ranger by ay means, but this knowledge would be good for everyone in Gemini to learn-" A small sigh of relief escaped her maw. So, she wasn't the only non-Ranger here after all. Still, it didn't answer the question of what Saboro was, and why the citizens of Gemini were so wary about them. What did this rival pack do in the past to make them so uneasy? "Exactly. Good or bad, ma'am, it is clearly beneficial that we recognise a certain pack and how it may impact Gemini. There is no rule that says Gemini does not take in refugees from other packs, and those who approach the pack with respect for this land and those who inhabit it will be treated as such, regardless of where they are from. However, there's no harm in recognising a potential threat, if this Saboro is considered one? The Rangers and, by extension, the Vanguard always need to a policy of open communication amongst its ranks, so meetings like this are a sound idea. Especially if it only prepares us more. We have suffered one raid too many in Gemini, so I believe this is a good call. You're never too old to learn a new trick and all that jazz." So, Livid did not know much about Saboro either. However, isn't it essential for other members of a pack or unit to know of other threats? Why do some know about Saboro and others don't? As much as she hated to do it, she had to speak up. All eyes would be trained on her the moment she did, but she just had to suck it up and face the music. This was something she was interested in, and she needed to gain as much knowledge as she could in preparation for it. "Forgive me if this is a bit..intrusive, but what exactly makes Saboro an immediate threat? I'm interested in being a Ranger and possibly even a Whisper, so to know our enemies and the reasons behind why they're our enemies would be beneficial. I'd be more comfortable knowing why I'm turning a potential enemy away from our borders, or accepting a refugee." To know what makes a pack so bad as to have members actually fleeing their borders and seeking refuge would ease some of the young woman's restlessness. |
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![]() With each day that passed Sybella felt she was steadily nestling into her comfort zone here in Gemini. After meeting quite ite a few characters, all giving her a sense of welcoming into Gemini; whether they intended to or not. It was beginning to feel like she could leave some sort of mark here, however significant it may be.
She was taking a stroll along the wall, she hadn't seen it since she had been taken within the cobblestones. There was a part of her that avoided the wall all together, actually. Maybe it was the temptation that pulled at her to run back through it -- back to where ever she'd come from. Thankfully now that temptation was gone. The realization caused her to smile. She watched from a distance as the pretty lady who had basically saved her life leapt onto the wall and began a speech about Saboro. What the hell was a Saboro? Whatever it was, it seemed to be threatening to anyone within Gemini; causing her to listen intently although she had no idea what the urgency was. If she was going to be apart of Gemini, she needed to learn how to defend Gemini. "I'm going to cut to the chase, you all need to know how to recognize Saboro if it comes knocking. Maybe you've heard that name, maybe you haven't. But by the time you leave, you're going to know how to spot a Saboran out of a crowd. Don't waste my time if you think it's not necessary. Just get out of here. We're Rangers. It's our job to keep the borders safe. And I'm going to teach you how to do that." Oh, WolfGod... Was she sweating? Feelings of extreme anxiety and . Embarrassed, even. She truly had no idea what a Saboro was and felt too ashamed to ask. She did not want to avert any sort of negative attention onto her, especially not Francisca's. Sybella sensed that she was somewhat irritable right now, not quite as nurturing as she once was the day she saved her from drowning in her own vomit. She looked around at the crowd of wolves watching. She noticed a cute little thing, who at that moment seemed to be stroking the air. Odd, but she wouldn't question it. Then, she noticed her friend, Echo. Echo!! Her grin grew again, feeling quite animated and relieved to see a familiar face. Unlucky for Echo, she would now direct all of her questions to him. "G'day, friend." She whispered as she came up behind him, greeting him with a large smile. She sat beside him and now gave her attention to the cute, small one who began talking. The speckled girl also seemed nervous, helping Sybella to not feel so alone nor ashamed. Keanu offered really great points, Sybella would probably have agreed more if she knew what the fuck they were talking about. She wanted to give the small girl a big hug for speaking out, even though she clearly felt uncomfortable about it. For whatever reason. Echo spoke now, and (mostly because this was her friend) she was attentive. Nodding as he finished. Should she say something? Make it known that she, too, wasn't a ranger? The information was clearly relevant to everyone -- not just rangers. Now, it was Livid's turn to speak. Sybella decided she liked this one, too. She got straight to the point, she also seemed to agree with Keanu. Sybella found herself extremely relieved for the crowd that was gathering, this meant that she didn't have to say much. Just nod, smile, and listen. Definitely listen. Zavona arrived next, and Sybella nodded to her. Like Echo, this one was also an acquaintance. And an acrobat, if Sybella recalled correctly. But FINALLY, Zavona was the one who asked what the hell was the big deal about Saboro in the first place. She turned towards Francisca eagerly, assuming it was her turn next to speak and hopefully provide answers. As she waited, she leaned towards Echo to whisper again, "Ye should'a told me about these Sab'ro folk, mate! I feel a bit unprepared for this meeting." Joking, of course. Sybella hoped that it was okay to tease during such a suspenseful debate. She couldn't bare the strained vibes much longer. ( Sybella is just here to learn!! She's also not a ranger. I typed this quick and didn't proofread, sorry ❤ ) ![]() |
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November 07, 2017, 07:36:40 PM
(This post was last modified: November 09, 2017, 07:14:07 PM by Rhiow.)
A Ranger meeting is called. She can’t help but notice that the voice is not her Strider’s. It is worrisome, though not as much as it might have been—as she makes her way to the wall, she makes mental note to inquire with Akira exactly when she had sent Aela away. Out posts had been a good idea, but they were less effective if the one establishing them never reported back. But that was not the thing on hand today.
She arrives at the meeting without fanfare, neither the first nor likely the last to range at the foot of the wall. Those who knew her might take note. Those who didn’t might not. Those that knew Saboro now faced the elephant in the room—the former Sabora arrives with her tattoos, Exhibit A in the proceedings to follow. She sits. She listens. She observes. She takes note of who is there (quite a few new faces—that was good) and who is not (her Strider, the loudmouth hellion—that was not). So they were to talk about Saboro today—if Francisca looked to her, she would smile just slightly (this is your show, so run it) before looking away. A warmer smile for Echo—she was happy to see him here. Polite to the others. Inquisitive and perhaps a little invasive for the former Elite. Keanu was among the new faces, and she listens attentively to what she has to say, honed in with precision on the one that stood apart. They were alike in that—the Ranger upon the wall, the refugee, the wayward Sabora. “Who does Saboro count as their allies?” she asks softly but pointedly, contributing to their discussion for the first time without breaking line of sight with Keanu. She had offered something, and now it was time to cough it up. She does not speak again, allowing the others to discuss amongst themselves, listening to what was offered up, eyes curious and guarded but not malicious. She was here to observe and take part in these proceedings, as she had done in ranger meetings past, not swing down the guillotine on those who spoke out of turn. And so, she leaves it to her people to raise their questions and find their answers where they could, eventually looking up the stacked stones at the one who called them together in the first place. This was Franky’s forum—but they both undoubtedly knew that together they could paint a clearer picture. “Francisca,” she calls once they had all said their fill, “I would like to share my experiences as well.” She did not step out of line but instead toed it, asking for permission though she did not have to—and in the end, that was what set them apart. “With your leave, of course.” |
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![]() There was little he could do, and he didn't want to be alone. Kaden strode in behind the red Queen, eyes locked on the blue figure of his fellow ranger. Gemini felt empty as a whole without his family, but the ranger did his best to look presentable. There were some here to this meeting he had never met before, and his eyes traveled to each one. The man would sit, listening to the crowd. They talked of Saboro, a monster he grew to know though not as initimately as those who once hailed there. He had gone, seen the violence and had even saved his mate from one of them, but they were a threat. Those branded by the Red Tattoo always looked over their shoulders, much more so than those who did not.
Allies were the concern now. Inaria had been an ally to Gemini for some time now. If Saboro had more than one, Gemini was out numbered and knowing who to look out for was for the best. One of the unfamiliar faces spoke that there were three, and even though some Saborans could be identified, they were not all branded. Kaden glanced at Serrate, he could tell she was listening intently, learning everything she could to keep her people safe. Ears pinned back as Kaden looked to the floor then. With a small sigh, the ranger looked toward Sybella and forced a half-smile. "No one really likes t'talk 'bout Saborans. Many of our people came from there, but ain't a good place. I suppose Gemini is... some sort o' santuary. But... we've been careful." Ever since Tauro, borders were stricter, no one was trusted. Even pups were told to stay behind the wall, the world was a cruel place. "Kaden." he nearly whispers. "Iffin' y'need any help, let me know." Hopefully, the stories they told would provide a lot of information for those who were new and did not understand the gravity of Saboro's presence. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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November 09, 2017, 06:05:20 PM
(This post was last modified: November 09, 2017, 06:05:47 PM by Iaera.)
Blood dripped from delicate lips and the rabbit hang limp from small jaws. Iaera's mouth was small and her teeth were small, but they were still just as deadly as anyone else's.... That thought still crossed her mind from time to time as she recalled escaping from the village. Violet eyes were glazed over as the fallen beast still hung; deep in thought when Francisca called for Rangers. Fur-lined ears swiveled towards the sound and for a moment the Ranger was confused. It didn't seem like an alarm call, and she considered it strange that someone other than the Strider would call a meeting. To be honest though as unfortunate as it was, Iaera hadn't seen the Strider Aela in some time. Had she not had a mouthful she might have frowned at that fact, but the plump rabbit impeded her expression so she simply turned towards Francisca's call. She'd seen the woman a lot lately, it seemed like they did most of the work along the borders. Perhaps she was mistaken, she'd see how many Rangers showed up to the faux-leader's call.
Of course she had to be most of the way across Gemini when the call sounded out and that made her stomach turn bitterly. Oh god she was going to be late! Suddenly her appetite disappeared, the prey tasted nasty and the wolfdog felt more like throwing up. The idea of being late made her feel chills, panic creeping up her spine as she tried to hurry with the meal still dangling from her jaws. Ears held tightly against the tiny skull as she tried to run, being slightly hindered by her large kill. Violet eyes closed and the Whisper moved on auto-pilot, recalling Gemini's geography so she could move without making herself sicker. Perhaps if she had not been carrying her kill she might have already have been there... Iaera thought about dumping it but she had a sinking suspicion that some of the more unpleasant members of Gemini might steal it from her like a certain goat was stolen... And she knew that even though her stomach turned like a tumultuous sea right now, eventually it would fade back into hunger. When she finally arrived there was already a large gathering of wolves here. Ears pinned back and she dipped her head so that the hood of the cloak made by Shroxx would fall down and shade the look of anxiety and disappointment she held. The Ranger lingered near the back, still clenching the rabbit tight like a stress ball when Francisca spoke up. So this was about Saboro? Was she finally going to get some information about why it was a code red emergency when Keanu showed up? It couldn't mean that much, since Keanu and the little heathen child were still welcomed in? What criteria did the speckled woman meet? Or fail? Brows furrowed but she kept her face hidden as Keanu spoke up, struggling over the words. Allies? Violet eyes locked in calmly, friend of my enemy is an enemy too Iaera guessed. Assuming that Saboro was an enemy like the tone of this meeting was setting it up to be. But why? What could they have done that was so bad? Next spoke a man, Iaera didn't recall his name but she was certain that she had seen him once before. He stated he was no Ranger, but a Vanguard instead, either way the information seemed benefical to all. The hooded maiden nodded softly at his sentiment, cooperation and information across all the ranks that actively protected the borders could only be positive. Then a woman, Iaera wasn't sure she knew her name either, but she mostly just echoed, well, Echo. So the little wolfdog held her nod, no need in nodding twice for the same concept. The less attention she brought to feeling as if she was massively tardy the better. More people who she didn't directly know were here, but this woman here she had never seen, Zavona, though she didn't know that. When she spoke her interest in being a Ranger and Whisper, Iaera finally set down her rabbit and grinned. With her face still slightly hooded she spoke up then,"Yes, I happen to be both. It is important to both ranks to be able to recognize friends from foes and have a broad knowledge of the wolves and their doings outside of our walls." Violet eyes would move to Keanu with a soft expression,"I'd be more than interested in knowing about their allies, and any other information you can afford if you have time, names, faces, cultures,"not a demand but a request, if even for another time, it seemed Keanu had enough on her plate for now. At this point Sybella was talking, but Iaera missed it as she shifted back into her seat, looking up at Francisca now with a blank expression. Ready to be given information, ready for this meeting to start so she could be on the same page as the other members of Gemini. The ones she was told to run and fetch when Keanu and Jezebel appeared on their borders. But she did not miss her Queen speaking, and Iaera turned then to Serrate, offering a slight dip of her head as the once-Sabora asked Keanu to spill the beans. She seemed comfortable, though Iaera wasn't sure what situation would make a ruler not feel comfortable.... Iaera was estute though in some senses, and she could no longer ignore the blazing red tattoos on Serrate's face now that Keanu had mentioned the Elites of Saboro and their red tattoos. Her gaze would linger softly on the Queen as Kaden whispered to Sybella, before looking at him and wondering where Aela was again. The gray and black man was her mate wasn't he? Father of the children she had been pregnant with, that Iaera had yet to see. Should the fellow Ranger look her way, she would offer him a slight troubled and inquisitive expression, but would speak no words his direction. Instead she would look back at Franky,"Obviously Saboro isn't a good place, it creates refugees and when they arrive, there is a great gravity and haste to fetching our highest higher ups to come to the border to meet them, but in that same vein, it's obviously not a non-starter since both refugees were allowed entry. Why are they such a threat? And what do we look for to decide which refugees are good and which are not?"The woman would finally shuck her hood now, letting it fall back against her back, listening as Serrate added in just a little bit more. Perhaps it seemed, her suspicion was right, but that lead to more questions that answers... ![]() |
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![]() franky
i have seen what the darkness does
actions - “speech”
More people arrived than she had expected. What she had thought would be a small gathering, hardly more wolves (and others) than she could count on one paw, had turned into... not that. For a moment Franky was gripped with something like fear that almost immobilized her. How could she talk about the jungle with so many present? The very idea of speaking about in general still frightened her to the core, but in front of all of these people...But she had to, didn't she? Franky decided to wait until everyone was done talking to start on her lecture. After all, they all had something to say when they arrived, which she thought was probably a good thing? But when Serrate arrived, Franky nodded deeply to her Queen. She tried not to remember the last time there had been a ranger meeting with Serrate present. That one had not gone so well. "Of course," she replied calmly, though her voice betrayed a hint of warm gratitude. "I appreciate anything you can add." Alright. Time to talk. First she considered Keanu, the very person who had prompted her to do this. She imagined Keanu knew this, or at least would be able to figure this out. Still, there was something about the hesitant stutter of the ex-Peregrine's words that clawed at something raw and sympathetic in Franky. She imagined herself in Keanu's position for a moment: still slightly charred, carefully adjusting the hair over her face to hide the scars. Franky tilted her head slightly to change the adjustment of her hair. An old tic. Vanguards spoke, and she nodded at them. Someone with a red muzzle questioned the need. Kaden, blast from the past that he was, spoke, as did Iaera. Alright. She needed to say something. "Firstly, thank you all for coming," She began. For a moment she tried to imagine what her mother would have said here. She wondered if her mother had heard her howl, wherever she was hiding in the territory. But then she decided that would not help her - her mother had never been a Ranger. Only a Sentry. These things were different. "I see a lot of you aren't Rangers. That's fine. The Vanguard should know this too, you're right. And, uh-" What was she trying to say? "-Maybe I'll speak to the Strider about making these cross-rank meetings more common. Sometime." Whenever she next saw the Strider. If she ever saw her again. But there were more important things at hand. She gazed at Keanu for a moment. "What Saboro does to its own people is monstrous," She began, raising her voice more until it echoed over the field. Let them not forget this. "I... we can give you details, but ask yourself: what kind of packs makes refugees of its own members? Nobody from Saboro is unscarred, one way or another." Her eye fluttered over Serrate and Keanu both. She resisted the urge to adjust her careful mask of hair. "We welcome refugees, because that is who we are. But Saboro would see this as weakness, and as a threat, and it would take advantage of that if it can." She let her gaze drift over everyone this time. "That's why we have to recognize who is Saboro. If Saboro was able to truly infiltrate us, or able to even find us, everyone would be at risk. Even the Wall might not be enough." Hopefully that was enough to convince them. "Just because a Saboran is at the border doesn't mean they're necessarily dangerous. But I think any refugee who realizes that we know Saboro will understand our wariness. Understand: we fear Saboro, not Saborans. Alright?" Okay. The next step. The gritty stuff. "Some of them are branded with red tattoos." She nodded to Serrate. "Those are the easiest to recognize. The rest are harder. If they mention it, you'll know, but they'll probably clam up if you ask them. If they mention some ranks, then you know. Sabor, Sabora, Saborako." Maybe she should be more specific, but... wouldn't too much cast an unpleasant light onto the refugees? This was just a way to tell. "As a Ranger, you need to be able to read people. Those who act like... who seem like they expect rigid order backed by violence are probably Saboro. Or maybe an ally." Hopefully Keanu would give them something to go on. "I know that's vague, but... These situations are never clear cut." No time for doubt. No. What was important. What did she need to say? "The point of this is not to teach you how to distinguish a refugee from a spy. You just need to know how to recognize them, so that if they show up to the border, you can call someone who can figure that out better. Someone with the... expertise to understand the difference." Now she nodded again at Serrate. "My Queen, if I may, who would you suggest someone call for if they do run into a potential refugee?" Franky waited for that to be answered first, and then looked over the crowd. "Any questions?"
okay im gonna say this is closed to new posters! if you really wanna squeeze in, pm me though and i can maybe make an exception also no post order because thatd be bonkers coding © vixxie's codes |
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![]() Time passed and little boys and girls grew. In time, Bellona realized she wasn’t going to grow very large and imposing, barely managing to reach her mother in height; even her sister had skyrocketed in growth over the days and weeks as they melted away. This didn’t discourage her, though, as the maturing Sun’s daughter wouldn’t allow her size to impose on any of her ethics or her goals. Bright blue eyes looked down along the horizon of her home as the wall sat as a daily reminder of the dangers beyond. Every once and a while she’d notice a ranger or two scuttle toward the choke neck point of impasse, curiously, protectively the young girl wanted to see what it was like to be there. But she knew better. Mom said it was dangerous and dad was an example of why. But — But, she wasn’t much of a child anymore. Growing into her adolescent legs and her yearning heart, Bellona wanted to be something to be proud of. She wanted to work, she wanted to learn, and she wanted to be the eyes and ears of Gemini. Never again would something like that happened, she knew she wasn’t the only one who felt the same. No more daughters and sons will go without a mother or a father, no more siblings lose their brothers and sisters, Bellona felt so passionately about something she never experience first hand but merely a piece of the aftermath; but that was exactly the drive she needed. Few days passed and more things happened at the wall. Her grandmother moved there one time, then another summons that seemed like a private intervention. Bellona’s curiosity drove ambition through her chest and she was determined to get involved one way or another. Today had been that day. If Bellona’s eyes weren’t on the sky at night to kiss her father goodnight it was locked on the rocky line that separated Gemini. It was almost obsessive, at this point, that she’d found herself constantly creeping a look to see what was going on. Needless to say with the determined eyes of the small daughter of the sun and the walker noticed the grey-blues of the wolf sit atop the wall and make a call. A summons. It was for Rangers, which Bellona was not, but it didn’t stop her from creeping forward. Moving down the waves of grass and hills among Gemini, with the heat on her back and her parents in her heart she progressed forward to see what this had been about. In the corner of her eye she saw her grandmother, the Queen, approach again; for a moment she wondered if this meant it were serious. It only pulled the youth closer. In the buzz of words she caught the general idea, something about learning of certain characteristics of wolves approaching Gemini. Preparing for possible threats. A spark sailed through her veins and her heart pumped stronger as her ambition continued to pull her forward. She needed to know, she wanted to know— Give me the shield, give me the tools, give me the knowledge to help and to be the protector Gemini needed. Striding up toward the gathering now with a face full of drive and a stride of confidence, Bellona felt like this was the place she needed to be. Standing among the crowd, should everyone go quiet or if anyone addressed her possibly unorthodox appearance (she wasn’t a ranger, perhaps still a child, but that didn’t stop her.) “I want to learn.” Standing beside the Queen, those familiar oranges of the father she never knew shone brightly beside her. The sun was here, he was always here. “I’d want to learn about being a Ranger and…” She trailed off for a moment, trying to recall the name they kept mentioning. “Saboro?” Was that the threat here? Was that who attacked and rattled the core of this sacred place? Bellona wouldn’t jump to conclusions, instead she took a seat showing little intentions of leaving unless commanded to. “Please.” Politely, she added on, before her attention returned to the woman atop the wall. And so she listened, focused on all the details given even if she knew little of what was truly being spoken. At the mention of tattoos, her eyes turned to grandmother, a softened, perhaps even confused look upon the girl’s face to realize the people they were speaking of was… the Queen? It didn’t matter now, though, as Bellona briefly remembers seeing the occasional red scrolls across the faces of others in passing. Her attention turned back, and her mouth remained sealed as she simply was there to learn, to grow, and to hopefully become something of this meeting. ooc: This is late but I've got permission from spear, also like... this is already super long so I'll just say Bellona has no real questions and is just learning, but feel free to interact with her! |
Almost Sparkles
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![]() color=#d56d1f "Ah, yes.. yes.. I.. I could tell you.. I will, it.. it isn't an issue," but it was. Internally, she is being torn apart, limb-by-limb, and her old brethren are the ones prying her jaw open and ripping out her tongue. Keanu can't help but feel like its swelling, she couldn't help but wonder why it hadn't done so before opening her mouth to prevent this lack of loyalty. She had told them, on the border, they would get nothing else from her, right? Yet here she is, babbling away just like she'd done so within the jungle, letting nerves drive her every move. How had she ever become Peregrine in the first place? A wave of shame hits, completely obvious on the girl's face as she looks from wolf-to-wolf. For a moment, her focus stays on Francisca, but there is someone else who commands her attention. Simply by their presence. 'Who does Saboro count as their allies?' she is asked by the red woman with her red eyes and her red tattoos. Shame is washed away with actual fear, and she looks around the group for some form of hope that this wasn't just a coup to capture the runaway Peregrine. Had these wolves been allies all along, had they been kept hidden from her, for opportunities like this? A part of her thought it was genius, but another part of her remembered.. Saboro was as socially inept as her, and somehow, with that combination, she had managed to secure several alliances, and one with a former enemy. No. Gemini couldn't have been in cahoots with the bloody jungle, but things began to piece together more clearly for her. The caution (aggression) at the wall was easily explained now, the need to identify Saborans was explained, and the woman commanding answers was explained as well. They, like her, were refugees. They, like her, were just trying to survive and get on with their lives, without the past coming back to haunt them. But they, like her, must have known that even out of the red jungle, you could never really run from the past. The dead, like them, never really died. "I don't.. want to incite fear.. really.. I'll talk about, ah, the allies with.. Miss Red here, and I guess.. you?" her eyes fall to Echo, but she isn't sure why she felt compelled to speak to him. Maybe because he sounded as important as Franky and Serrate, maybe it was just because he spoke first, but it didn't matter. Had she known the gathering would've grown large, she would've kept her mouth shut on the matter and spoken to the blue ranger (BILLY......) privately. "Please understand.. I don't want to raise alarms.. I'm not withholding anything.. if it's necessary, I will reveal the names here, but um.. I just, I would really prefer.. no one passing, you know, judgement on them unjustly." "I can.. I can identify most refugees, or they could identify me, which, ah.. haha.. might be a problem, you know, if they're spies," Keanu offers a sheepish grin, "I like to keep busy, so if you're not forbidding me from skirting around the borders for awhile, I can keep myself hidden well enough, I was the lead tracker, after all." a necessary risk to reveal a little more about herself to the rest of the group, who mainly knew Saboro from stories. A part of her resented all their cold words, but she had to keep reminding herself, with a little twist: you're not a good guy anymore, and in truth, you never were. |
Livid (RP)
strider of gemini
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Others soon joined them, which made Livid glad. It made her feel like she was part of a group, rather than a struggling rank. She also mentally kicked herself for not having more faith in her pack. Gemini was thriving, it just needed some organisation here and there. Like now. Whenever her old pack had issues, it was everybody's individual problem and they were left to deal with it. No meetings, no nothing. Livid had been aware that having a gathering and talking shop probably would've resolved said issues in seconds but she was not emotionally invested enough to really raise concerns about it. Sad, really.
Among those who showed up was one she had recently accepted. Zavona the weatherlady. Livid smiled in greeting, glad that another of her recruits was getting stuck into pack activity. She was growing especially confident with her border duties and seeing and hearing her recruits hard at work only gave her encouragement that she was doing a fine job. After all, if she did not have her job, what else did she have? "Forgive me if this is a bit..intrusive, but what exactly makes Saboro an immediate threat? I'm interested in being a Ranger and possibly even a Whisper, so to know our enemies and the reasons behind why they're our enemies would be beneficial. I'd be more comfortable knowing why I'm turning a potential enemy away from our borders, or accepting a refugee." Livid nodded in agreement. "Zavona brings up a good point," the Ranger said. "Making us aware of their misdeeds will give us some idea as to what we're dealing with, how they operate and so on. Their modus operandi. In my pack, we used the environment of the harsh North to our advantage when dealing with intruders. Do Saboro or their allies operate in the same way? Do they have access to things that we should prepare ourselves for?" A slender reddish timber female showed up next, placing herself beside Echo and exchanging greetings. She seemed to have shown up to learn something, which was never a bad thing. Livid only glanced at her and nodded in greeting before her attention was captured by Queen Serrate's arrival. The Queen inquired as to who Saboro counted as an ally and asked if she may share her own experiences regarding this threat. Livid decided that this would be very interesting, even though relieving experiences of a pack that is deemed an enemy would be painful. It was always painful. Her mother had been enslaved by an enemy pack for a short while before she and her brother was born. She had been liberated by her father and a few others after a month, but the experience had a negative effect on her. She would accuse her father of not doing enough to protect her and their relationship suffered year after year. It was why Livid had vowed to try and not take on a mate: they only let you down. A male - who introduced himself as Kaden - spoke of how nobody liked to talk about Saboro. Livid's interest was peaked. Why? "I suspect what we're about to hear is going to be less than pleasant. I do apologise if this subject is uncomfortable to anybody gathered," the Ranger replied to his point, deciding she should say something sympathetic to both her Queen and whoever else had something to share. "Still, you're doing a brave thing, because hearing them will make us a stronger community and community protects one another. If that's one thing Gemini has taught me, it is that." Francisca spoke first, answering quite a few good questions that another Ranger present, Iaera, had put forward. Livid was silent as she proceeded. She spoke matter-of-factly, though the Ranger could tell what she was saying was painful and a very unpleasant subject. After all, Saboro had once been a home to a lot of them. Just like the North had been a home to her. Livid could not fathom having a home become your enemy. She almost wondered, could she fight her brother, her father or her mother for Gemini? Due to her lack of commitment to them and her strong loyalty to Gemini, the answer was yes, yes she could... But she would feel rotten about it afterwards. Francisca ceased speaking and asked her Queen on what protocol should be taken if they did run into any refugees, which she was grateful for. She had given the standard affair when it came to dealing with enemy packs: watch out for spies. Communicate with one another. Things that the Rangers should do anyway. Livid liked to think she was very good at scrutiny herself so, when Francisca asked if there were any questions, Livid raised a paw and spoke up. "I personally like to ask any recruits I come across a bunch of questions, to try and gauge their talents and where they may fit into Gemini," she began. "My question is: would such a certain line of questioning be useful in gaining information from these refugees? I'd like to think that not only such information would be useful, but such questioning would allow us to work out whether or not the refugee has ill intentions towards this pack? Spies put on an act and asking questions can cause the act to slip somewhat." A younger wolf showed up then, wishing to learn about being a Ranger, which suited Livid just fine. The more, the merrier. The child mostly listened and was just in time for Keanu's contribution to this round of discussion. She offered a partial solution to the concerns floating about in Livid's head and a good portion of those gathered. "I can.. I can identify most refugees, or they could identify me, which, ah.. haha.. might be a problem, you know, if they're spies. I like to keep busy, so if you're not forbidding me from skirting around the borders for awhile, I can keep myself hidden well enough, I was the lead tracker, after all." Livid said nothing to this. She liked the idea. If it did not place the girl in danger, she had no reason not to like it. However, it was not her call to approve it. She was not the Strider. She simply nodded to show she liked it. A heightened and more well-informed presence around the border during these times could never be a bad thing, could it? |
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June 03, 2018, 11:16:36 PM
(This post was last modified: June 03, 2018, 11:34:24 PM by Serrate.)
More came to sit at the base of the wall. She reflects on each new face with grim satisfaction—what had to be done, would, this time, be done. It was difficult to organize a pack this large. She was fortunate to have help in wolves like these. For a moment, she is simply grateful. Grateful that in the absence of her Strider, rangers stepped in to fill in the empty hole left behind. Grateful that even those who did not count themselves among that number reached out when knowledge was offered. Grateful that, should Saboro come, she would have these people at her back. She would relive her horrors and submit herself to their questions if it meant Gemini would be safe.
For now, she listens. She interjects when it’s asked of her, aware of the eyes that turn her way. Exhibit A. She tilts her head, not ashamed of the red tattoos that curled beneath her eyes, but certainly not proud of them, either. They simply were what they were, and she allows her people to see them. “If you are unsure of the person on the border, there are many you could call for. Francisca and myself, of course, might be able to identify a former Saboran.” She pauses, glancing towards the nervous Keanu. An unkind thought floats to the surface—what if this was a spy, someone sent to find who has defected? She swallows it. It was unfair. There were so many people, here. So many that came from the jungle. She had to give them names. For the greater good. “There are others. Akki. Kol Nidre. Lev Malakh. Belispeak.” That was a start. She gently bows her head as her grandchild comes to her side, greeting her with a nuzzle to the top of her head and a warm puff of air. Oh, she had grown, those red locks and dark horns so like her father. Oh, so close in size to that skull beneath a tree. Oh, how much that hurt. For you, she might have whispered to the girl, so close to grown. This is for you. The meeting again draws her attention. She again focuses on Keanu—lead tracker. Here, she is again compelled to interject, “Saboro decorates their spies with tattoos like mine, only over their entire bodies.” That had been a strange decision, one she had never questioned—in the end, it only made them all the more identifiable, so she couldn’t complain. “Has that practice changed?” She asks, expecting Keanu not to know, because the Nightwalkers had been the subjects of much secrecy. At least, that’s how it had been in her time. Times change. She regards Keanu for a moment longer before she agrees, “We will talk later.” It wasn’t that she thought her people didn’t deserve the information, but it was often more easily plied in quieter settings. Very well. There are other things that might help. When the last person speaks, Avery’s second—she takes note of her with small dip of her head, acknowledgement—she again steps in. “I’d like to hear what you have to say, Eve.” That’s all there is to that, for now. There would be time enough. “Francisca is right. It’s not the people we need to fear, but an entity itself. Gemini will always welcome their refugees. That’s the problem.” She clears her throat. Prepares. “Saboro has never been quick to let go. They will pursue those that try to flee the pack, to drag them back or kill them. We’ve done our best to hide our trail, but that doesn’t mean that they’ll never find us.” “There’s things that might set them apart in normal conversation. Listen for names,” she nods to Francisca, “Sabor, Sabora, Saborako. They may speak of rings, a ravine, or a volcano. If you suspect someone, call for help. Individuals are not a threat to Gemini. But if someone were to get away, and tell Saboro where we are?” That? That would be catastrophic. “We welcome their castoffs, the fearful and downtrodden. People who have risked their lives so that they could live them. Saboro will come. They’ll take their pound of flesh, if we let them.” So we won’t. Was all of this dramatic? Yes. But those of them that had lived it now bedded down, every night, with worry creeping up their spines. They might never overcome their fears, but she owed it to the people who followed her, the ones that came through her open door even now, with thorns between their toes and gums bleeding. She owed it to them to try. “I was their Sabora. Their queen.” This was a declaration, a crumbling foundation, but she holds it together through strength and perseverance. They will not come for her. They will not come for Gemini. Let them try. They would see her teeth, once and for all. “I know, better than most, that people can change.” She looks again to Keanu, briefly. They all have sins. Saboro would kill one as quickly as the other. “Tell your packmates. Not just the Rangers, not just the Vanguards. Spread this message so that we can keep our home safe. No one should have to live in fear.” With that, she rises. There would be more discussion, but she had non-Saboro business she had to attend to. Here, first. “Kaden,” she calls quietly, drawing the other wolf aside if she could. These words were meant only for him. “I know Aela’s absence is weighing heavily on you, on your family. If you need anything, you need only ask for it.” She would provide for him when Aela could not. Gemini would take care of its own. Next she came to sit by Echo and Sybella. She didn’t know the latter, though she smiles at her and asks, kindly enough, “Would you mind giving us a moment alone?” If the other wolf complied, she’d speak, again, only for her loyal companion’s ears, “I realize this is neither the time nor the place, Echo, but I haven’t seen you in a while and thought I would take this chance. I appreciate your service to Gemini… to me. If you would, I’d like to offer you a spot on my court. You’d be a trusted advisor of sorts.” She smiles over at him before she rises, prepared to move on to her next task, “No need to accept right away. But please think about it.” And off saunters Serrate. Carefully she scales the wall, bringing herself to Francisca’s heights. Here she could look down at those that remained. To the one who called this meeting, she speaks lowly, “I’m sorry to have interrupted your meeting. I hope you’ll forgive me this, but there’s something I have to tell you.” The Rangers were, in fact, in great disarray. “The King has sent our Strider out on a well-meaning mission. I’ll be telling the rest shortly. What worries me is that she’s been gone longer than we expected. It’s not like her to not send word back for so long. Something may have happened to her.” she pauses, smiling for anyone who might be looking up at them, though benevolent joy was lost in her eyes and in her tone. This was serious. “I can’t leave the pack to look for her myself right now. Will you go to the proposed outpost? Take anyone you need. I need to know what’s become of Aela.” They would find nothing. Their Strider was gone without a trace, her outpost abandoned before it was ever established. She wouldn’t know that for some time, still. None of them would. The worry rested deep in her heart. There it would stay, struggling to bloom somewhere with so little sunlight. To the rest of the group that remained, she clears her throat, and beside Francisca on the wall, she address them at large. “Many of you are wondering what has become of our Strider. The King sent her from the pack to establish an outpost so that we might keep better track of the comings and goings of those in the lands in between. This task has taken her longer than expected, and in the interim, I will be assigning the title of Strider to someone else.” Francisca would be a good choice. But, such was her trust in the blue girl of shared misery that she’d given her a task far more delicate and important than managing their Rangers. She deserved the title for the initiative she’d shown, but she wouldn’t be granted it. Such was the whims of the ever shifting hands of fate. Her eyes sweep the group, and she considers her options. This had been a good discussion. There had been good questions asked and pointed raised. Her eyes stop on Livid. She liked the inquisitive but no-nonsense demeanor of the other wolf. “If you’ll accept it, I’d like for you to serve as Strider until Aela returns to Gemini.” she pauses, “And one other. Do you have any suggestions?” A strong Ranger duo should step up in Aela’s absence. Oh, that almost felt like Saboro. |