Posts: 8
Pronouns: he/him
Rank [IC]: acolyte
Played By: nova
October 28, 2017, 04:37:47 PM
JASEL Wrote:Jasel had been residing in Gemini for a certain length of time before he learned what everyone else of note that he had previously encountered had neglected to inform him: that the prince was dead, murdered by intruders on the border, and the entire pack was still in an uproar.
It was the matter-of-fact way this information had been relayed that catapulted him over the edge into full-blown panic -- that apparently after he woke up in the middle of what was essentially a war zone, nobody had thought to debrief him on the massive fucking security breach. Jasel had slept through the heir's assassination like a Disney princess.
The conversation had gone as such:
"Why are you building that huge wall out of rocks and shit? That's dumb."
"Because my brother, who was also the prince, is dead and people from the outside killed him."
"What the FUCK why didn't anyone TELL ME?!?"
Give or take some embellishments. So thanks to this fateful encounter, Jasel was armed with two handy pieces of info: Gemini was building a wall for some reason and the prince was dead. Needless to say, this revelation had gone a long way in influencing his outlook towards this... place he had been waylaid in. His luck was unbelievable. What the hell did all of this mean? Was this place dangerous? And here he was thinking that things were looking up.
"Ugh," Jasel huffed. He folded his paws over his face and tried to breathe out the mounting headache that was building in his skull.
Gemini was dangerous, but he knew through experience that the outside world was even more dangerous. Even in the face of this unwelcome news, Jasel found his current squatting grounds to be preferrable to the unpredictable, hostile, axe-murderer-filled outlands. No matter where he went, it seemed as if all he found was different flavors of dogshit.
Good thing he was bouncing soon.
ooc: if jasel learns about tauro's death through different IC means in threads liquid timed prior to this one, i'll change this post!!! i got permission from rip to have akira tell him.
AME Wrote:Ame was building the wall.
Well, he was trying to, anyways. There were quite a few of them working on it, especially after the attack, when the need for more protection became urgent. He had tried his best, picking the strongest stones, stacking them closely together as it grew taller and taller.
He was looking for more rocks now - collecting them onto a small little sled that he’d found. Ame couldn’t put too much weight on it, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to drag it, but it worked better than putting them all into a sack or putting them all back one by one.
Ame was interrupted from his mindless rock search by the sound of a groan. The acolyte put his head up, long ears rotating, looking for the source only to catch the form of a large wolf he recognized.
He hesitated a moment, before quietly calling out, "Jasel?” He was pretty sure that was his name, and he approached slowly. "Are you okay?” Concerned pink eyes looked up at the much larger wolf, tail brushing the grass quietly. The last time he had seen him, he’d been in bad shape. He did look much better now, but that didn’t mean that he was okay.
I really fucked it up this time, didn't I, my dear?
Posts: 11
Pronouns: he/him/his
Location [IC]: Gemini
Rank [IC]: Recruit
Played By: Sunblink
All Accounts Posts: 379
December 18, 2017, 12:05:17 PM
![[Image: u9RWLXC.png]](
J A S E L,
I ain't no hero in the night
I am my father's son
In the throes of his histrionics, Jasel perceived movement from nearby. Rustling grass, the sound of something large and heavy being dragged through the field, and then the indelible feeling of a presence looming over him. Jasel's brows knitted together and his jade eyes fluttered open. (It would, perhaps, be a demeaning observation to note that his eyelashes were rather long.) If he hadn't met Ame before, he certainly would have startled at the spectacle of those pink eyes peering down at him with a mixture of concern and curiosity.
"Jasel? Are you okay?" asked the hellion. Another reason why he wasn't spooked: Ame was about as threatening as a newborn lamb wrapped in baby blankets. Not that Jasel knew Ame particularly well; he just knew he was trustworthy enough to go rooting around in his fur for ticks and mango worms.
Instead of answering Ame's question like a normal person, Jasel blurted, "Peachy. Super. Fantastic. You know, aside from the unchecked regicide that's been happening while my back's been turned." Before Ame could inquire further, he continued, "Did you not hear about that? Because I just found out about that too! The king was fucking murdered and nobody thought to tell me until weeks after I woke up from a fucking coma. But no need to panic, everyone! This huge wall will keep us safe!"
Jasel took a deep breath, issued an incomprehensible string of gibberish (like "ghnthhngh") like he knew there was more to say but couldn't possibly articulate it, and flopped back down on the ground. Unless Ame chose to speak at that moment, his tirade was best justified with an awkward silence.
"Why the fuck am I only finding this out now?" Jasel groaned. "Why didn't anyone tell me sooner?"
ooc: --

profile ⌘ bin ⌘ played by Sunblink
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future is coming on.
vixxie's codes