Private Roleplay Purpose [Orcrist] | |||||||||||||||||||||
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she, her
The Wraith
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To hunt successfully, you must know your ground, your pack and your quarry.
- KJ Parker The world around her was not part of the thing she had created for herself. The world had created her and she was a sword that had been foraged for it. The wraith was a thing of smoke, a hidden thing that not many found. She rarely spoke and just watched, gathering up information. When she did speak it was often in riddles with a voice so harsh it sounded like she was trying to speak with a throat that had swallowed glass. The bright eyes stood out against her near black pelt, which made it hard for the task that she was doing now. Despite the fact that she had begun to wonder around, she knew that no one was going to feed her and the only wolf who was going to do that was going to be her. So she had set out from her den - the old fallen log she had used when she had been her long ago - and went to find something to hunt. The hunt is something that thrilled her when nothing else did. Kokipa could run for long hours, chasing the prey she had sought. She was patient, able to chase and chase until her prey finally stopped to exhaustion. But she wanted more than just the wanderings she had been recently doing. So she did not what she best at and hunted down information on who needed someone. The wraith did not want to work with the wolf who had made herself Queen - something just did not sit right with her about it. She had worked with the Baron, Azfhal, for a long time. She had been his silent sword within Alteron and she knew now that she could never go back to that even if she did find him. Too many years had passed and he most likely would never forgive her for leaving. Still, the wolf went down the deer paths, knowing their haunts like she would know her own. And she got lucky when she had found tracks, fresh from a recent passing. The black dire started off a gentle lope, the scent getting stronger. The hills and trees did not deter the wolf, as she had trained on these hills and forest. She saw sight of her prey, slowed and began to slowly make her way closer. The wind was coming from the North and she moved that way, her focus narrowing on it. She moved to the south, not wanting her scent to carry towards the deer she was stalking. It was like watching mold grow, with how slowly she moved. Until she exploded in a furious clash of jaws and teeth. The deer taken down with almost minimal effort. Blood covered her face and parts of her chest. Kokipa was not the cleanest of eaters, despite her sometimes refined manner. She was eat her fill here, before perhaps taking a chunk of it to someone else who wanted to eat it. But she also thought to use it was payment, to join a court. Kokipa wanted a purpose and she only ever had a purpose when she was serving someone else. She acknowledged that she was not a dominate personality, but a submissive one. She knew that she would never climb anywhere within Alteron without someone giving her a purpose. She thought about what she knew, perhaps found one she would be willing to work for. The wraith took a chunk of roast and then went to hunt down her second prey of the day. Orcrist. |
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![]() Denizens were always drawn toward the scent of blood, the ichor in their own veins firing with sparks of excitement. Nose searching, teeth aching and eyes rolling in sockets as they searched for a source, stomach churning in painful waves. Hunger was something Orcrist never liked, and the Commandant often struggled with his own sloth sins in order to satisfy the gluttony burning within. Jaw exposed his fangs as he exhaled a yawn, knowing this time if he hunted, it would not be for Atlas. She should be full by now, and the others growing in her fat belly. The man was generous enough, but he wanted healthy children. They would do well to be fed to the brim.
The man stood after a while, figuring he better satisfy his lust for flesh to swallow and satisfy his crying belly, but perhaps today was his lucky day. He could smell something come near, his large paws stepping down the cobblestones of his castle as he peered around, wondering what could've drifted toward him. A wounded animal? Or perhaps someone paying a visit. Olive eyes caught the dark form of Kokipa wandering around with a piece of meat hanging from her jaws. He sat at one of the landings with a carpet of grass, tilting his head with curiosity. "An' what have y'brought me?" he asks, teeth aching for that pound of flesh. He was patient though, waiting for the offering and wondering what the occasion was. Perhaps they sought rank? A place in the court? A favor? Ah but he would just have to wait, he supposed. Patience and all. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
ahhh sorry it took so long! ![]() |
she, her
The Wraith
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To hunt successfully, you must know your ground, your pack and your quarry.
- KJ Parker The black wolf made quick work walking towards the den of the wolf who was growing in this new world. At least from what she had been able to gather about it. The black wraith had been lost to the forest for so long that she didn't know how to navigate the structures anymore. Not that Kokipa had followed them much to begin with, but she at least knew how to avoid and who not to. The black wraith carried pieces of tenderloin and roast in her maws as she made her way towards the snow covered camo child of the previous regime. She did not know if these gifts would be enough, but the wraith would probably be at least be given an audience to speak her peace about what she wanted. Kokipa knew that she was a submissive personality, that she needed a controller in order to make her world complete. Once, she had the fight in order to become her own person. But with so much taken from her, she had reverted. What was left was a bitter waste with no direction. "An' what have y'brought me?" the wolf said, her bright eyes taking him as she made herself more known to the wolf who seemed to be walking right out of his own den as well. He said in a plush patch of grass, like the wolf of royal blood he had once been. She moved forward enough to place the meat in front of him, but not close enough to be in immediate danger if he chose to strike at her. Kokipa looked mangy, malnourished and fragile but she was a fighter. She knew that this wolf would take her and she was not stupid. "A small gift in order to have a meeting to discuss joining your court." |
she, her
Almost Sparkles
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