Posts: 40
Pronouns: She/Her
Rank [IC]: Ranger & Whisper
Played By: .eclipse.
All Accounts Posts: 358
October 22, 2017, 07:48:05 PM
Akira had summoned them, and the new rules had been spoken by the previously absent Queen, Serrate if Iaera recalled correctly. It had been the first time she had laid eyes upon the Queen who admittedly, looked quite unwell despite her bold announcement. After she'd taken her leave of the whole situation, she thought back to it, she'd watched the wall be built up only barely, and knew little about the structure. Often she had patrolled out past it, into Gemini's lowlands, where the slightly-more-official border was. Today however the fancy struck her to really take a good long look at the wall, and perhaps, just maybe if she could find it in herself to get close, to study those skulls. They had no meaning to her, other than that they seemed like a not so thinly veiled threat to outsiders; Iaera truly knew very little about Gemini it seemed. Names that should have came up by now had not, and she was left not knowing the story of Skylar's father, the darling prince.
Probably because such things did not often come up in pleasant conversation... And pleasant conversation was the nature of Iaera, everything else came to her with some difficulty.
Right now however, there was nobody to converse with as she ambled towards the wall. It was comforting, to have something so wildly imposing protecting her from the dangers out there while she slept. Slowly it seemed to be easing Iaera's anxiety, but there was always something else to worry her. Now it crept up slowly, and took her by surprise, but she found herself wishing to criticize the quality of the structure... Could it be easily knocked down or tackled? Was it really as safe as it looked to be? Was it all just a ruse? Why couldn't she let anything go? Why couldn't she just relax? Why couldn't she trust that if her KING said it was good to go, that it was good to go? Her stomach rolled in knots, half in anxiety, half in self-loathing. "You've GOT to stop doing this to yourself!" she bit angrily to herself, shaking her head and beginning to march quite upsettedly towards the wall. She'd check it out, and she knew, she knew deep down it would be absolutely fine.
But it didn't hurt to look, to familiarize herself with it, after all she was a Ranger. It was quite the important thing to be well acquainted with the structure that protected their inner territory from harm. Plus she'd be going out to enforce the Queen's new rule, nobody under a year old could be beyond it into the lowlands. It was a good rule, and it did do wonders for Iaera's trust in the previously absent Queen. Serrate had made a decent first impression on the little Whisper-slash-Ranger; Iaera didn't care nor wonder why the woman looked unwell, it wasn't her business, she too often looked unwell as of late. Such was the essence of Gemini to make people unknowingly (or knowingly) unwell. It seethed in and out of everything, twisting and devouring, though Iaera was no hellion, it seemed to lay a heavy grip on her heart. Perhaps some day she would become stronger than the ethereal menace.
All thoughts were washed away when she came to the wall, the fortress' first line of defense. Tall, foreboding, especially to a creature as short in stature as the wolfdog was. Her small, delicate skull craned back to view all the way up it. Certainly a substantial work of art, and as she inspected it further she noticed the color of the miss-matched rocks, spackled together with whatever seemed to be around. A tiny claw tapped at it softly at first, as if the whole thing would come tumbling down on her should she hit it too hard. Then a soft pat, paw pad smacking against it, knuckles wracking against it, she threw her body weight against it, pushing with front paws. Each time she withdrew quickly, as if she would be fast enough to dodge it's eminent downfall, but each time it stood against whatever test she offered. It crossed her mind that she was not much of a threat to it, having no height and very little weight. She also thought she would very much like to avoid harming herself, so she would need to test it in some other way.
The rock staircases seemed like as good an idea as any when it came to testing the marvel. Thankfully this one was left assembled, as Iaera did not currently know the logic to taking them apart and putting them back up again. Each cautious step followed by a hefty bounce, as if daring it to go out from under her, while simultaneously being terrified that it actually would. It was a fantastic way of being, and the adrenaline in her veins kept her moving forward instead of freezing or going back towards the ground. Violet eyes focused solely on her steps she did not look out, or around, or down, step, bounce, step, bounce, step kinda bounce, stepstepstep. As she finally bridged the last step between staircase and wall top, she beamed proudly and finally looked up. Her fastidious test had rewarded her with a view that thus far had been unparalleled. Perhaps someone with less horizontal challenges, or someone who had spent time in the mountains, or the castle might not be as impressed, but Iaera was awestruck. She took it in, grinning softly, carefully setting herself down, as tiny as she was she had plenty of room.
For a moment, a brief shining moment, Iaera was quite happy and content with herself, looking out and around at all of Gemini. Until of course, it dawned on her that she would have to go back down the steps, as she turned to do so, her body sank into the wall. "Ooooh n-n-n-n-ooo-onno-nno-n-no-oooo." It gurgled out as her throat clenched shut, tail tucked underneath her petrified body as she lay as flat as she possibility could against the stop of the wall and the first step. She'd never been up high enough to learn that she was afraid of heights and now she wasn't sure she could get down. But... she couldn't call for help either, that was... That was pathetic. So not knowing what to do she simply laid her head down, wide, terrified eyes staring out at the wall laid out before her.
Maybe she would just die here, and they could use her skull too.
|✬| gemini |✬|
the nymph
whisper & ranger
"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair."
-Mumford and Sons
lines © lilyote on dA
Posts: 40
Pronouns: She/Her
Rank [IC]: Ranger & Whisper
Played By: .eclipse.
All Accounts Posts: 358
October 22, 2017, 07:49:06 PM
Gemini was still quaking with the shockwaves that reverberated from their prince's death, and the nation had come together to fortify themselves against the menaces of the outside world through a most unconventional strategy. Jasel stared at the handiwork that spanned between the edges of the borderline, vaguely thinking to himself, That wasn't there before. As he sorted through the pieces of his memory, he never once recalled seeing a wall towering over his head as he arrived on Gemini's borders. Apparently, he had slumbered straight through Tauro's assassination and in the process, missed most of the wall's construction.
Jasel trotted around, assessing the wall. It looked nigh impenetrable, at least. Like Iaera before him, he went through an assortment of motions in order to test the wall's strength: knocking his paws against the bricks, kicking it, tossing another rock and watching it bounce off - basically, every conceivable act of desecration short of whipping it out and pissing on it. Maybe he was just bored and looking for ways to entertain himself. Maybe he just found the idea of a wall inherently comical and unnecessary. Either way, he was at least satisfied that the wall could probably withstand an outside siege, though such a conclusion couldn't be determined by his aimless bullshit.
Then he noticed the staircase, which piqued his curiosity. Jade eyes darted cleverly to the left and then the right, checking for any guards that could prevent him from climbing the stairs. If no one was actively keeping him from waltzing up the wall, he assumed he probably wasn't doing anything wrong.
Jasel made his way to the peak of the wall, step by step, breath catching in his throat. Like he was back on the Red Mountains, he told himself. As he was about to surmount the last half of staircase, he realized that someone else was already standing up on the wall. He had been so focused on checking for guards patrolling the ground level that he had not noticed the shaking mess of wolf up top. And boy, she was a mess.
"Ohhhh nnnnnooonnnoooo," Iaera whimpered. Or something to that effect.
Jasel quirked his head. He was no stranger to anxiety attacks, and he recognized the symptoms immediately. Gingerly, Jasel planted his paws on the flat surface, stabilizing his balance so he could loom curiously over the prone wolf and nudge her with a paw. "Hey, what the hell? Are you okay?" he asked.
Posts: 40
Pronouns: She/Her
Rank [IC]: Ranger & Whisper
Played By: .eclipse.
All Accounts Posts: 358
October 22, 2017, 07:49:43 PM
He'd seen it before, but also he'd been there when it was announced it was finished. Afterwards though he was curious, he wanted to check it out yet again with less people. A wall, a barrier between Gemini and the world. It was tall, stone, and intimidating. Even for him, he found it made him uneasy to stare up at. But he trotted along it anyways, curious to see how far it went. Step step step, it just kept going on and on. Maybe it would go all the way to the ends of the earth. Right off the edge, right into the abyss. A wall to end all walls.
The thought was amusing, even if it wasn't true. It helped quell the anxiety that it caused in his stomach. He wasn't trapped by it, he wouldn't be trapped by it. There was a way out, if he had to leave he'd fucking climb it. They can't keep him here if he wants to go, and judging by the attitudes here they wouldn't try. Something about that made him feel grateful at least. His life has already been long, drawn out, and full of stupid regrets. He hoped that this wouldn't continue to be another on the list.
A little ways down he could see someone climbing a staircase on the wall, and he stopped and watched curiously. As the figure got to the top they stopped, and then proceeded to not move at all. Blinking a bit, he wonders if they're alright. And soon he sees another figure arrive, investigating the one who hasn't moved from the top of the wall. Deciding maybe he can help, Stricklander himself moves towards the staircase. He manages to to get there in time to see the ginger wolf ask if the poor wolf on the wall is okay. He's fairly certain he's seen her around before, although the gray wolf's name escapes him. Both of them are up on the staircase and wall, and he stays down around the base, unsure if he should attempt to climb it himself.
She's whimpering at the top of the wall, and flatly he stares up at her. "Goodness. Are you stuck?" He says, yellow and red eyes following the scene. "Do you need any help?" The other wolf he didn't recognize at all, but that didn't really matter too much. He was still new, but the green hellion was certain that eventually he would figure out the names of all those involved. It was part of playing the game of sociability. You introduce yourself, you meet people, you grow and learn. Eventually you will start recognizing them all. At least this was a chance for him to know people and be Helpful. Being helpful is one of those things that gets you good renown with others. And he's not above playing that whole social politics thing to make people like him more.
Posts: 40
Pronouns: She/Her
Rank [IC]: Ranger & Whisper
Played By: .eclipse.
All Accounts Posts: 358
October 22, 2017, 07:51:13 PM
![[Image: 3cwmpN5.png]]( |
ooc; Sans is attempting to attack Jasel, he thinks Iaera is in danger/is uneasy with him around. Also, thundering beast = tigers.
Something had changed in Gemini’s land. On his way to one of his hideouts, Sans stumbled upon a… what was it exactly? It resembled a small cliff, but hadn’t much depth. It was just a pile of rocks. But gosh, was it tall. Sans had never seen anything like it. What was it purpose? His simple mind couldn’t envision any. It smelled of other creatures, but he could see none. There was just the earth, the standing rocks, and the sky. It looked like an obstacle, but it wasn’t natural — it wasn’t here before! It was literally a mystery presented to his inexperienced mind.
Curiosity finally had the last word, and he sniffed it, licked it, nibble on it. Nothing. He tried barking at it, and other provocations, like rubbing on it, growling and yes, marking his territory the conventional way. Still nothing. It wasn’t alive. But how did it came here? Did it fell from the skies? Rose from the underground? Sans never heard the thundering sound which this barrier was assured to make upon its arrival.
Impatience and confusion were building. He wanted to know how this thing had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. It was starting to really creep him out.
And so, the wildling ran, never straying too far from the wall’s limits. Just to see where it was going, if it had an end. If he could pass it. His paws carried him to a slope — the famous stairs — and before he could come into contact with this path, he spotted three other entities. His nose quickly identified them as canines — or well, almost all of them — and members of the pack which he still didn’t know the name. Hesitation made him stop. One, with the orange pelt, was big, and his fur was of the color of the thundering beasts*. It scared him on a primal level. Yet, there was a cry, from the one on the rocks. Sans didn’t recognized the words, but he recognized distress when he heard it. Maybe the female didn’t call for help, but she needed it regardless.The last one, the greenish one with horns, seemed hesitant to climb up. Sans could relate. His inquiry was also directed at the little one. Sans’ eyes didn’t stray too much from the orange wolf however, unable to ignore his presence.
And perhaps that’s what would lead to a glorious misunderstanding on his end… For he entered the scene while missing important part of the puzzle, and quickly the wildling’s mind came to a logical yet abrupt conclusion. The orange pelt was threatening the little one, his presence made her just as uneasy as it did him, and he was getting dangerously close to her. There was no time to ponder.
Despite his fear, a growl erupted in his chest. "Haff!" He barked, several times, hoping to distract the distant reflection of the thundering beasts. But whether this tactic would work or not, Sans wasn’t done. He’d try to get close to Jasel, as close as he could possibly get, and if he could, he’d quickly deliver a bite at his tail. Sans knew ways to loose such a big wolf into the vegetation. And even if Jasel didn’t follow, the ex-saboran knew other tricks — he was agile and fast on his paws. All he had to do was get Jasel to focus on him. Then Iaera could be free! (Free to linger on the wall).
How ironic it was. Sans only wanted to help. But his perception of Iaera’s problem vastly differed from the reality of the situation, and he was not the saviour, bur rather, he was gradually becoming an unsuspecting vilain in this confusing affair.
![[Image: 3cwmpN5.png]]( |
Posts: 40
Pronouns: She/Her
Rank [IC]: Ranger & Whisper
Played By: .eclipse.
All Accounts Posts: 358
October 22, 2017, 07:51:53 PM
The wall had been an impressive achievement for the pack and Anky was proud of them, even though he'd not been around to see it crumbling and rotting away. He'd only arrived as the work was nearly completed, still, the hellhound felt a sense of pride for his new family. The horrors that lead to its rebuilding, or who the skulls that adorned it belonged to were unknown to the water-loving hound. Instead, he took the wall at face value, it was a defense against intruders and it was part of his job to help patrol it. He disliked walking alongside the wall, he much preferred to walk along the top, it gave him a better vantage point and he could keep an eye out on both sides of the wall. Despite being a child of the water, heights didn't bother him in the slightest.
So as he padded along the top of the wall he spotted, Iaera, the nervous female he'd seen when he had received his rank, with someone Anky didn't know towering over her. Had he not seen the stranger approach the wall from Gemini's interior, the scene would have made him bristle. Then there was the green fellow he'd met at the ranking as well, Stricklander, Anky remembered his name. So much commotion on the wall today, Anky almost missed the feral darting out to nip at the stranger's tail. The differences in size between them all added to the hilarity, at least in Anky's mind. In truth, the whole scene made him laugh as he trotted up, his tail fluke floating behind him.
Hello all! Is there a party I didn't know about? He said jokingly, trying to distract the clearly distraught Iaera. Offering the other males a nod toward the feral, I think someone wants to help... Anky did not know Sans but his bravado impressed the hellhound.
Posts: 40
Pronouns: She/Her
Rank [IC]: Ranger & Whisper
Played By: .eclipse.
All Accounts Posts: 358
October 22, 2017, 07:52:31 PM
The wolverine was still a stranger to the very lands he tread on; however, the few days he spent here allowed him to come to a rather profound conclusion: Gemini was absolutely beautiful.. Yet, even he knew that beauty could be a dangerous temptress that could turn on him at any time. Unlike the others that were born here and raised here, Ghost knew not of the pack's own laws, customs, or history and him floundering. Not unlike his dumb mouth and awful mannerism which led him to getting in trouble with the King into this awful mess in the first place. Perhaps he could still find a way to leave eventually, however, at the moment it was at least a place to rest peacefully.
A yawn.
Ghost slowly rolled over from his sleeping position from his back and onto his belly, cyan eyes soon opening and blinking away the slumber from his nights rest. He inhaled a deep breath of the sea air, heard the songs of the gulls looking for their early meal and heard others talking in the distance it was the perfect---wait, others talking? Small rounded ears flickered softly and it wouldn't be long before his head lifted curiously and gazed off to the horizon where he was greeted by the sight of a few silhouettes parading about the rocky boulders that stacked above the wall. Honestly, why did they even have that massive, gaudy thing to begin with? How did it get there? Were they afraid of something? Something far bigger then the felines that lived here. Ghost shuddered at the very thought before shaking his head. No, it had to be something else.
He wanted to find out why.
Without a second thought the wolverine soon climbed onto his large paws and made a lazy trek down the hillside to the makeshift stairs the others had climbed. Cautiously eyeing the creation he realized it was far larger then anything he had seen before and he had to say, he was impressed. Soon enough he started his own ascent up the stairs before he too found himself standing among the wall and among the very distressed Iaera and grouping of other unrecognizable faces. "Good morning ladies and gents! What's happening up here that's so important, hm?" He interjected, before his lips peeled back and he spared a glance toward Iaera, "What's wrong princess? Scared of heights?" He said after a few moments, a glint of mischief in his own eyes. Yet, he soon made his own mistake of looking down.
Wow, this was higher then he thought.
Posts: 40
Pronouns: She/Her
Rank [IC]: Ranger & Whisper
Played By: .eclipse.
All Accounts Posts: 358
October 22, 2017, 10:03:16 PM
Oh she was gonna die she was just gonna die and this was her "the end". Iaera certainly had a flair for the dramatic and right now she was laying it on heavier than a soap opera actress worried about losing her job. Full body in shakes and shivers, she was suddenly aware there was something there. Looming above her, like a tower compared to her squished stature, violet eyes wide with fear as he nudged her. Was she okay? WAS SHE? The lump in her throat danced while she tried to ennunciate a reply, instead it came out as an unintelligable mutterring whimper. Which of course embarassed her further, cheeks so red she was sure they could probably see it through her fur."OH!" the little wolfdog managed to bellow out in frustration before tucking her head under her paws, tail swaying."I-I-I-I I'm fine..." Iaera was most definitely not fine and it was obvious.
About this time Stricklander arrived and looked on the scene, perhaps if she had been her regular self her estute sixth sense would have noticed his demeanor was strange. He remained on the ground however, so the little wolfdog essentially ignored him. Until something changed it wasn't a priority to look down, she didn't wanna look down. That made it worse, so much worse, instead she squeezed her eyes shut again,"I didn't know t-t-that it wo-wo-uld be scary... I-I'm fine..." The Ranger moved her legs around weakly, trying to fight against the severe shaking."I-I-I gotta be uh... gotta l-l-learn t-to be on t-th-the wall." Toughen up, be braver, be so nimble on the wall it looks like she was born there. While these thoughts were swimming in her brain, Sans was charging up the wall to "save" her from Jasel. A long sad whine escaped her lips, puffing out air trying to calm down as she refrained from hyperventilating. The woman wanted to tell Sans it was all okay and that he didn't need to worry but at the moment she was trying to steady her stomach.
Honestly, she kinda wished there wasn't so many people around her right now. So of course, another arrived and she flopped her head back down onto the stone of the wall, still looking back at Jasel and Sans, since they were level with her. Iaera faintly remember seeing the wolf with the whale tail once before, but his name was the last thing racing through her thoughts right now. Of course, she could handle all that, all of them surrounding her. But Ghost, oh he arrived and Iaera nearly growled. The little tan and gray woman remembered his acceptance, his entitlement and his utter lack of respect for Akira (until finding out she was in charge and then groveling like a beat dog) and her. Failure to sense the moment for humor just compounded on her dislike of the glowing hellbeast. When he edged up on her she offered a fang at his mockery, as scared as she was, she was locked on to him right now. When his eyes fell down to the ground and his expression changed, as shaking as she was, a devilish look pulled onto her face."What's wrong princess? Scared of heights?"oh and she practically hissed it at Ghost.
|✬| gemini |✬|
the nymph
whisper & ranger
"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair."
-Mumford and Sons
lines © lilyote on dA