common paths [ GEMINI VISIT ] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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(step 2 of gemini-inaria party! no post order - inaria doesn't need to wait for gemini people to post. please just move this along so we can get partying!)
When she imagined the trip, she had expected the road to Inaria to stretch on infinitely ahead in something she couldn't comprehend until they got there. That's how it was supposed to go, right? Baby's first trip out of the territory was supposed to be a mind-blowing exercise in scale. And yet... it wasn't. No, she felt more like she'd felt the first time her feet had touched the other side of the shore, freed from her and her sibling's island prison. To gaze upon the land she had only seen on the horizon before. In comparison, this felt like child's play.
That had allowed her some confidence which, hopefully, had kept her little group from doubting her too much. She hadn't liked to give orders unless she was absolutely certain of them, because she knew seeing insecure or uncertain would undermine her authority. Every time she had to order them up or order them down she gathered up the same certainty she'd had when facing Aunt Avery, and also attempted to emulate Aunt Avery's easy sense of command. "We've almost reached their border," she announced to the group behind them, pretending that her voice could reach the same booming quality that Aunt Avery or even King-Sister Akira could manage. As if her voice didn't have a squeaky teenage quality to it. That, she knew, was something she could crush in time and practice. A proper posture and a certain look in the eye would make even Inaria believe she was worthy of this mission. (Was she?) When they arrived at the border proper, she took a seat right on the edge of it. It smelled strange and foreign, overpoweringly different. Traces of hundreds of paws she'd never known. Were all other packs this weird smelling? Okay, no, focus. Chelae swallowed thickly and drew herself up to regain her confidence. Then she threw her head back in a quick howl, hoping that would summon their Rangers and more importantly their leaders or... whatever. She waited for someone to arrive before speaking. "Inaria!" Yes, stupid. "We-... are Gemini. Gemini comes calling." Great start, Chelae. She almost imagined Hyperion's voice taunting her, or was it her own voice? "We're hosting a party! A celebration of life. Our group has come to invite any Inarians who wish to come to Gemini for the festivities." She glanced back at her own group, hoping they would at least nod to support her. Then she focused on the Inarians again. "If you'll allow it, we'll stay until your packmates are ready to travel, and then escort them home." To Gemini's home, not Inaria. Shit. She tried not to look too obviously embarrassed by her screw-up. Instead, she tried to smile reassuringly. "Gemini would love to have you." Oh, she hoped Akira would be proud of her. |
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October 14, 2017, 07:58:38 PM
(This post was last modified: October 22, 2017, 07:29:12 PM by Iaera.
Edit Reason: changed her post format to a pretty one
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▌█ OOC: Just a bullet point, apologies. █ ▌
-Stricklander is following along for the most part. Hasn't been particularly talkative for the trip, mostly observing.
-Has never been to Inaria or heard of it before this trip so he's mostly learning the lay of the land. -He tries not to look unimpressed by Chalae's messups, but nods in agreement. -Stricklander also looks a bit stiff and unsure, as it's been a long time since he's had to be diplomatic. He's likely hanging near the back of the group and trying to look not scary. -Moderately worried about Inaria thinking he's awful cuz he's a hellhound. Doesn't voice this to anyone though. He's a big boy who just stands there and is weird and leggy and tries to look cool.
Xenia ♕
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![]() Xenia found herself standing nearby the hill that she’d been told was named after one of their previous Queens, Whitewind; completely at peace. The gentle breeze and whisked through the Inarian territory spoke of growth, renewal, perhaps even a shift of things. While the young Queen didn’t quite understand the full capacity of this feeling, she was ready to embrace these shifts with open arms. Smiling, her head dropped down to her paws as she started to consider the exciting news, and when to find the time to tell her husband, her King. There was no clear signs of it yet, but she knew. In time, he would too. A call from the borders caught her attention now, in almost a routinely fashion as the auburn Queen never strayed from greeting strangers at the edge of them home— good or bad. Raising her head she began to make her way toward the summons, expecting to see familiar faces but instead, finding more new ones sitting pretty at the marked line that separated Inaria from the outskirts. With a warming, hospitable smile the young Queen arrived, keeping a fair distance at first before determining who these strangers were. While she had little fear in this group being a threat, the fragile naivety that Inaria was safe from all harm shattered long ago. "Inaria! We-... are Gemini. Gemini comes calling. We're hosting a party! A celebration of life. Our group has come to invite any Inarians who wish to come to Gemini for the festivities." Xenia’s smile grew larger. “Gemini! Hello!” A cheerful response, only slightly less excited than a young child might chirp at the idea of going to a place they'd always wanted to go; in Xenia's case, it wasn't far off from the truth. Gemini and Inaria had much history together, and more over, Xenia had a lot of history with them. The green-eyed queen considered them perhaps their best allies, and given that their arrival this time was doused with happy news, Xenia couldn’t help but express similar feelings. “A party? That sounds delightful!” God knows, everyone could use it right now. "If you'll allow it, we'll stay until your packmates are ready to travel, and then escort them home. Gemini would love to have you." "Indeed, this is Chelae, and I am Iaera. We expect it is to be a great time and we would love it if our Inarian friends could attend." With a gentle swaying tail, Xenia eyed the group to quickly count how many would be staying temporarily until they were ready to set back off to Gemini. If Ghost was unable to come and greet them, he would certainly be the first to hear from her about it! “Yes, of course! Please, come in. Gemini is always welcome in Inaria.” Her head tilted to allow them to progress forward, glancing at Chelae, then to Iaera, then lastly to the others who came with. “We can discuss more inside.” There was no need to linger on the borders for this. Assuming they took stride with her to progress into the territory, Xenia smiled. “I am Queen Xenia, I’ve met many of your pack mates before, but I believe it is my pleasure today to meet you for the first time.” Her words were directed at anyone in particular, but rather the group as a whole, hoping to strike some conversation on their way in. |
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Threading his way through the trees towards the source of the call took some time and Felix was both a little disappointed, but mostly relived, that he was not the first one there. The Queen was already present. For a moment he dithred at the treeline, unsure if he should even be here; he had no actual business here, he had no rank or job, he was just... Felix. Were they going to make some lame excuse that he was too young to be here and send him away like always? That would just be embarrassing and it was a well known fact teenagers died of embarrassment on a daily basis.
He fretted a moment longer as he looked at the Queen... She was facing a group of strangers alone and he was another Inarian to back her up... He could almost pass for an adult now, right? And he could even the numbers out a little, right? It was flimsy justification but grasped his excuse firmly and trotted out towards the group. He bowed his head to the Queen and then stood back, taking a position off to the side of her and drawing himself up to his full height, hoping he looked sufficiently hench to pass as a guard. "this is Chelae, and I am Iaera. We expect it is to be a great time and we would love it if our Inarian friends could attend." "Yes, of course! Please, come in. Gemini is always welcome in Inaria. We can discuss more inside.” Late to this particular party he had missed the first exchange and turned up just in time to hear Iaera make her introductions. There was a friendliness and excitement about the arrival that was infectious. Felix pretty much instantly forgot he was meant to be looking guard-like and started smiling. He had no idea who was who and what was going on except they were obviously friends of Inaria, the Queen herself had just as much as said so and invited them in! He wagged his tail and beamed around at the strangers, spotting Chelea and being reassured there was someone his own age here. No one could tell him to go now or they would be a big fat hypocrite! Alright! His tail paused momentarily as his eyes roved over the big, green horned... thing at the back but he quickly remembered another thing call manners and shifted his gaze away. He'd seen hellhounds before but nothing quite that... Green. "I am Queen Xenia, I’ve met many of your pack mates before, but I believe it is my pleasure today to meet you for the first time.” Uninvited, Felix would try and fall into step next to Chelea, zeroing in on her as the only one there who he thought was likely to answer his question being as she was the only other teenager present. "Heya! What's going on?" Felix asked. Historically, adults hardly ever answered his questions, probably because he generally had a lot more of them than anyone had patience for. "Someone say Gemini? And attend?" It never occured to him that the other teenager there was actually the one in charge of this whole shindig. He just asumed Ieara was the boss here and would be doing the talking with the Queen by simple fact of her being older and him having heard her speak. For obvious reasons no one had ever put Felix in charge of so much as a teaspoon. "I'm Felix by the way." He added introducing himself with what he hoped was a winning smile. Little did he know he was addressing royalty. He would likely realise his mistake fairly quickly. Awkward. |
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Ame had been outside of Gemini before. He was born outside of it, traveled the lands - he liked to think that he had seen a lot.
But Inaria was something else. Pink eyes stare with wide wonder as he followed behind everyone else - after all, he was the smallest member, and he couldn’t go very fast for very long. Some of the others had been very kind, offering him a lift of sorts, but he felt so awful taking them up on it. He didn’t want to slow anyone down, although him being there in and of itself was slowing them down… He tried not to think about it too much. The purple trees were beautiful, blossoms reminding him of some far away land he hadn’t seen in years, and he stopped alongside the rest of his traveling companions, giving Chelae what he hoped was an inspiring grin. The journey had been rather quiet - he didn’t know any of them particularly well, just their names. Not one to break a silence, Ame had been rather quiet himself. He just tried to keep up and help out with any scrapes and bruises anyone may have had, using the tools in his little backpack. He watched with rapt attention to the discussion as it happened, having nothing to add - he wasn’t anyone important, and he doubted anyone wanted to know who he was. He just sat, a (very) small presence amongst all the big paws. He fiddled with the strings wrapped around him that kept his pack in place, ears twitching, and if anyone should look at him for more than a passing glance, he’d give them a large, but shy grin of bright pink teeth. When invited in, Ame tries to keep middle of the group, but out of the way, slipping easily between all the legs as they walked. He never spoke, assuming no one would ever talk to him - after all, he was just Ame. A small, barely noticeable acolyte of Gemini. Who would want to talk to him? |
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people can still post (esp gemini, bullet points are fine) but i wanted to get this moving! The trip had been easy and quiet enough that Chelae hadn't really bothered with getting to know her charges (read: her packmates) very well. As if her own self-isolating nature wasn't enough, every ounce of focus she had was poured into trying to do this right. After all, this felt like a second chance at... everything. By now, she knew that she would never escape her mother's shadow. But maybe she could prove herself to her sister-King instead.
One of the others - yes, Iaera - stepped up and introduced herself, and also introduced Chelae for her. Chelae inwardly scolded herself for not doing that. Stupid! She should have known better. To try and save face she simply nodded in agreement and maybe a little bit of a thanks to Iaera. Now she could at least focus on the... diplomating at the rest of their group arrived. And as Inaria arrived. The first one to show up reminded Chelae a little bit of her father, or what she'd seen of him. Small, soft, and almost careful. Suspicion chewed at the young hellhound, but they were supposed to trust Inaria. So she glanced back to the group and nodded, and then began to follow Xenia in. Queen Xenia. "We appreciate your hospitality," she said politely. Because it was nice. She was pretty sure? Okay time to focus and think of what she'd planned out in her mind. Okay. Party! Yes. "The King decided we should have a celebration to our newfound strength and unity," She said, though the whole thing ended up sounding kind of rehearsed. "There's no better way to do so than to invite our closest allies." She smiled as genuinely as she could at this Queen Xenia lady. "We can support as many guests as you'd like to bring." Then she realized she was out of things to say. "Um..." In her effort to hone her fiery focus onto the trip, she'd nearly ignored the very beauty Inaria was known for. "Could you... tell me about the trees?" |