Meeting nice try officer [mandatory!] [DEADLINE: NOV 8] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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October 14, 2017, 01:34:05 AM
(This post was last modified: October 30, 2017, 01:23:44 PM by Eremiel.)
Tall, commanding rocks felt very familiar to Eremiel by now. And yet he still did not feel particularly at home on them, even with the calm waves of the beach behind him, crashing gently into the shored boat he called a home. And yet it was the more efficient way to address large crowds, much to Eremiel's dismay. He always preferred to be more personal with his pack mates, talk to them individually, coax them in the right direction in ways he could not do from a pedestal. But he'd have time for that later, he still had so much time. So instead of doting on the details, the Quartermaster raised his head, and let out an even howl, a stark difference to the Captain's commanding, fully wolfish howl. It was a call from an alpha, sure, but more so the call of a father, a figure that wanted to hear more than he wanted to speak most of the time. He hoped most pack mates knew that, could rely on him to be a listening ear, and full for advice when needed. And if they didn't know, he at least hoped a comprehensive meeting would solidify that knowledge. As members began to gather, he would offer them a silent smile, waiting for everything to get comfortable before speaking. "Good morning, thanks for coming on such a... Short notice. I know you're all very busy." not all, not everyone was a busy body, not everyone had the same amount of load. Still, he wanted to wish that they were all doing their bests. "But I wanted to take a part of our day to discuss some things. Some news, and some more... Personal, philosophical matters. If you'd hear me out." would they really have a choice? "We've come a long way, and I'd like to address how we did. Why we survived so much." his one eye settled on faces here and there. "We are strong, we take what's ours. That's not news to anyone here, I hope? We are creative, and intuitive, and curious. Perhaps too much, at times, but I had seen only good come out of it at the end." even if it was a strange bar on one of their islands, named after an unlikely Watchman and Crow. Even if it was strange foods they decided to cultivate as their own, or constructions to help with menial tasks. "But creativity and strength are not traits found in just a few individuals. You must come together to fester it, and I will stress it to you all. You are family, you are a crew. We are cogs in something greater than all of us, be it what it may. You are to lift each other up, support one another, encourage each other. If you work hard, you will be rewarded, it's simple. It has always been simple." he did not take joy in watching political dramas, did not appreciate cheating or sabotaging for personal gain, at the cost of everyone else. "Remember that, when we open the doors. Remember why you're here, why we're all still here." Eremiel paused, letting his words process, before huffing. "Dramatics aside. I do have actual news. We were discussing our rights of passage, for our children. And we decided on something a little more, how would you say, in our style. Something more cooperative, more interesting. Whelps will not be leaving our lands any longer for their test. Instead, they will swim to the island just off our coasts, and come back in due time. They are allowed, even encouraged to help one another. This is not a test of physical strength, this is has always been a test of dedication, and budding skill." "That is all I had. If anyone has any words for me, speak up. I am always willing to hear from any of you. In private, if you wish. But you are not alone, whether you like it or not, we are together here, everyone here is your crew. That includes me. I am here to serve you as much as you help serve me and Tortuga, for as long as the stars are with me." a gentler, more understanding figure beside one with a much more iron fist. It was a fine balance, that Eremiel was more than happy to keep track of. [ This is a check in! Post with your characters, it can be as long or short as you'd like, let me know if you have any problems posting! If you'd like something from Eremiel I will post replies <: ]
Salty Sailor
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![]() Character Profile #00e8f5
Aztek heard the call. He was not far, the howl echoed around him, swirling and catching him up like a hurricane. It carried him toward the source, a wolf he didn't recognize but was clearly a leader. He held himself like one with power. A quick glance around with his single blue eye told him he was the first to arrive. He dipped his head in greeting. "Greetings, sir," he spoke, his voice gruff but full of respect. He wasn't one to say more than was necessary, so with his initial greeting, he turned and found a comfortable place to sit and wait for others to filter in.
Once they had, the Quartermaster began to speak, and Aztek gave him his full attention, soaking up every word. He could think of nothing he wanted to ask. He was still trying to figure out where he fit in the pack, searching and learning before he would decide on what rank to reach for. So silent he remained, contemplating the words the QM spoke. The trial for the young, that was something he had not yet learned of. He looked toward the water; it seemed a fair trial. Not too dangerous, but enough of a challenge to encourage teamwork, as he said. He nodded his agreement, though his opinion likely didn't count for much at this time. As the Quartermaster wrapped up his speech, he would glance around to the others; he was the observant type. He wanted to listen in case anyone stepped forward. How else would he learn about this place? |
speech ♚ thoughts
Adder had decided to take a much needed day off. Needed in that he physically needed it--not that he wanted it. He hated idle time, and he hated the thoughts his idle mind drummed up, but his muscles had begun to ache from how often he patrolled the borders, and he knew he was pushing his body too far. Thick with muscle as he was, he still had his limits. Especially given his newly-healed war wounds. He had made journeys since the war, yes, but they were still fresh no matter what he claimed, and they were a source of irritation for him because of it.
He had no choice but for time to heal him fully, inside and out. Adder had taken his rare day off to sleep in, or he would've if not for Eremiel's call. He was familiar with it, having accompanied the man to Borogrove and back. With a heavy sigh he hauled himself from his pelt-lined bed and loped down the cliffside he lived on, following along the beach until he reached the gathering. He was still sleepy, and it was clear in the way his eyes drooped, dark circles beneath them. He needed to stop doing night patrols. He flopped down in the sand next to the closest familiar body--Kalypso? Her blue-hued husband? That would be awkward.--and listened as the Quartermaster addressed them, his head up and eyes open but mind drifting. He held back a yawn; he didn't want to disrespect Eremiel, not when he actually did care about what the man was saying. Eremiel finished with a note about the whelps. Were there going to be more? "We expectin' more pups sometime soon, 'remiel?" His accent came out thicker, in his sleep-addled state, but the confusion on his face was clear. Who was having babies? He couldn't remember smelling any pregnant women in the circles he'd made around their island so far... Maybe there would be more betrothals. Maybe he would offer himself, if there were. No, he thought. Probably not. |
Almost Sparkles
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October 28, 2017, 12:59:33 PM
(This post was last modified: October 28, 2017, 01:01:05 PM by Kalypso.)
The trip back from Nardir with Kaikona had been nice. Just to the two of them, strolling through the neutral lands talking about life and catching up on missed time together. He really was her best friend. He kept her from being sad about losing so many familiar face, friends and family alike. She knew that each of them were happier now but she just wished that they could have been happy with her, back in Tortuga. But everyone had to follow their own star path, she supposed. On their return to the mainland the two of them had taken to their den to sleep off the exhaustion of travel. She loved exploring new places and seeing new things but her paws, not so much.
Her father's call woke her. With a snort and a mumbled, "Wha?" Kalypso bolted upright, eyes still blurry from sleep. With a tired groan she rubbed her paw against her eyes and prodded Kaikona. "Wake up, dear." He stirred restlessly and she licked his face to rouse him, "C'mon. Quartermaster's callin' us." It felt weird calling Dad Quartermaster. But it was a good kind of weird. Yawning loudly she stretched her aching muscles with a grunt and headed out of the den. "Last one there's a rotten fish head!" Kally teased playfully and took off running with a laugh; she knew he'd catch up eventually. Plus they both enjoyed a little playful competition sometimes. She beat him, of course. The lazy sleepy head. Grinning like an idiot she trotted over to Adder and took a seat beside the giant feline, nudging him good-naturedly in a silent greeting before she turned her attention to Eremiel. He stood up there atop the tall boulder the sunlight highlight his pelt and giving him an ethereal glow about it. Her chest swelled with pride at seeing him up there, commanding the gathering. Dad was a hard worker and she had instilled that same drive into her. He was the best and he deserved every good thing he got! Silently she listened to her fathers passionate speech, nodding along at certain parts. Mentally she was taking notes, watching the way he held himself, hearing the confident tone that he used and the way he drew his audience in. Always learning. When Eremiel began talking about Whelps and changing the rights of passage in Tortuga her brow rose high on her face. She liked these changes quiet a bit. Kalypso herself had never had to go on a Voyage like her packmates before her. At the time she'd been set to go on hers the Earthquake had destroyed their old territory and forced them to move. The Captain had decided that the journey to their new territory would suffice as their Voyage as most of the crew was still recovering from grief and wounds alike. "We expectin' more pups sometime soon, 'remiel?" Kally looked up at Adder as he spoke and she felt her cheeks flush as she tried not to look at Kaikona. It had been something that they'd discussed on their trip back from Nardir. The future. Having a family. The idea of having pups of their own had filled Kalypso with a powerful wave of emotion that she didn't have the name for. All she knew is that she desperately yearned for it. Maybe one day. |
Almost Sparkles
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October 29, 2017, 02:00:27 PM
(This post was last modified: October 29, 2017, 02:45:13 PM by Vashe.)
![]() Vashe had woken early to go check on the new slaves when he heard the call faintly in the distance. With a little sigh and a forced smile, he offered to escort a slave to the meeting, for little other reason than he felt it was good for the slaves to get a view of what their pack was about. In the Surgeon's mind, the more they exposed the slaves to pack life, the easier it would be for them to assimilate and become useful. Of course the slave he stared at now was not one he ever hoped to assimilate, as he was one of those that had tried to kidnap Vashe's pack mates on their Oddessy. He had hoped he'd never see those yellow eyes again, and yet here they were, staring back at him. "If you're coming, let's go." Valefor stared up, unblinking at the tri colored wolf that called himself Vashe. Something about those colors seemed so familiar to him, but he couldn't quite figure out why. Still the male offered to escort him to a pack meeting and Valefor resisted the urge to cock his head to the side, refusing to give away any sort of hint to his confusion. Why would they allow slaves to attend pack events? Feeling that perhaps he might learn something from the outing and perhaps gain information if he ever escaped, Valefor slowly rose to his feet and waited for the other male to move. He remained quiet as he followed Vashe, yellow eyes scanning the territory as they passed from island to island and out onto the mainland, where soft beaches of pale sand stretched for miles. Vashe led the slave further into the pack lands until finally they reached the meeting place where a few others had already gathered. Vashe took a place and Valefor followed suit, remaining silent as Vashe scanned the crowd. The first one he picked out was a strange hellion with short grey fur and long, flowing black hair. That must be Veruah. Cider had mentioned him in passing as a creature she had taken under her wing, but Vashe hadn't met the male personally yet. Next he noticed the purple form of Aysu, her bi colored eyes taking note of everyone in attendance. Vashe had seen her around, interracted with her here and there. She seemed loyal enough to Raikov, which was important to the Surgeon. He smiled in fond remembrance of their time as pups when the river washed them away... if only they could have stolen those masks from the neighboring pack, they would have come back relative heros instead of sopping wet rats. Aysu's loyalty was appreciated but Vashe was a little thrown off by the girl. As far as he knew, she was just a Crafter or something, but she watched those around her as if she was a spy and it was somewhat unnerving. One of the young princes trotted in like he owned the place and Vashe picked up on him right away. The boy had an odd blue eye on the dark side of his face, the pupil light and milky, a reminder of Hebe. But the way the boy walked confidently to the base of the rock Eremiel perched himself on and sat down, was purely Raikov. The kid hadn't even been on his Voyage yet but he asserted some of the confidence of his father in front of the pack. Vashe couldn't help but wonder if he was the same one on one. Eremiel began to speak and Vashe sat quietly, listening and nodding his agreement. Eremiel was all well and good, respected by everyone Vashe knew and yet.... he couldn't help but wonder, where was Raikov? (This is Vashe, Valefor, Veruah, Aysu, and Mako)
Almost Sparkles
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Trident looked at the sea, and she wondered: why did she come here? What was the point? Was she that afraid to be alone? She relished it once. Desired it, finding it more comfortable to be by herself instead of immersed with others. How desperate was she that she sullied her lineage by engaging in a pack like this, where wolves reigned supreme and she was the outcast? Oh how they mighty fel, and she was so low not even Atlas spared her a look in her descent.
The world was the heaviest burden, after all. So when that gentle summon stretched across the sky, the hellion lifted her head and followed. Her long stride carried her quickly, but she wasn’t fast enough to get there first. Others, more familiar with the terrain (their home, their family, their place) beat her to it. That was fine with her though. It gave her a chance to observe, and make notes. So the tall, bladed woman lingered in the back. Her large ears flicked forward as her bronze eyes swept over the, currently small, gathering. She didn’t know- Oh! There was Kalypso. At least there was someone she recognized, but she didn’t approach the bone-marked girl. Still, this is a meeting of some importance, so Trident listened intently. Her ears twitched, but she focused on one phrase in particular: “But you are not alone, whether you like it or not, we are together here, everyone here is your crew.” That was… something, not unlike the hyenas told her in Ukoo. She was welcome to their land, their home, their families and way of life. Perhaps that’s why she followed Kalypso, in the end. Brigadier flashed in her mind's eye, and the hellion could only sigh. She missed him, and Flechette, and Auset… People she would never see again. So she sat down. She let herself sink onto her bones and her weight sag into that warm sand beneath her feet. She thought, and she yearned for simpler times when things made sense. Wolves were scum. They were the enemy, the blight that ate the land. They needed to be kept in check, else they eat everything in sight. Locusts, roaches, tics. They were the scapegoat of choice, but now… Now she wondered. Trident didn’t speak, but while her gaze remained downcast her ears swiveled to and fro. Nothing would catch her unaware. Not today. |
Almost Sparkles
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[Update! Deadline is not November 8th. I'll post soon after and then there's no order or deadline.]
Almost Sparkles
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She could hear the tick of little clocks whirring around her, little heartbeats thudding hard against ribcages. There was an emptiness to her thoughts, not plagued by the improbable ghost of her own sister (which one, Baal? you've killed your family) for a long while. Secrets ran deep in Tortuga, and she felt some semblance of relief that there were no ghosts to blurt the kraken's sins.
The telephone line ran long enough to reach the new mother and she came to the quartermaster's command, toting with her three little halfblood monsters. Barely two months old, but they had filled her hands until she could hardly juggle the little shits. The fattest one, Jira, had grown immensely and plodded at her side while the other, less impressive two fell behind and chatted among themselves. Eremiel's even voice sounded over the crowd, indeed much different from the strong baritone of Baal's brother. Rough gravels grated a, "Quiet," to her sons. Finn obliged. His paws shifted uncomfortably, fidgeting until the mother nabbed him by the scruff and seated him atop her back. He could see the quartermaster now. It was perfect. His mother interrupted his thoughts, the massive cerulean brute narrowing mismatched eyes at the new one. She shifted close to the thing, horns bladed across its face like some kind of rhinoceros. Baal's lips pulled back in a creepy smile, "Who might you be?" MY MY THOSE HORNS ARE BIG, AREN'T THEY? Finn glanced to the thing his mother crooned at. But only for a second. His swallowed, his mouth dry. And prayed there would be no trouble. Not from the warm-hued hellion, but from that hellish drunk of a mother. |
Triteia (Trout)
she/her, he/him/his, they/them
I was never a gambler.
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October 31, 2017, 06:24:35 AM
(This post was last modified: October 31, 2017, 06:28:06 AM by Triteia (Trout).)
![]() I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired I will laugh my way through hurricanes and fire That's why you don't want to bring me down. When Eremiel was pronounced Quartermaster, Triteia was elated. Perhaps her adoration for her adopted father blinded her to any alternatives, but Triteia truly believed that no one else had contributed more to Tortuga except for, perhaps, Albatross. She feared for him in the war and it was through a stroke of mercy that he was spared from injury; meanwhile, Triteia's companion suffered a grotesque maiming at the hands of Oukoku-Kai fanatics. Take your blessings where you can, she supposed.
Having Eremiel in power made her feel safe. Raikov was trying to mend their relationship. Through her disillusionment, Triteia could see that, though she struggled to accept it. Regardless, there was that lingering concern that one misspoken word could trigger another berserker fit and should that happen, Triteia knew she would find herself right back where she started. As long as assertive voices kept Raikov in check, she could sleep soundly. Triteia nudged at Solomon's hindquarters, gingerly so she would not knock over the poor old tripod. Even with the new addition of a prosthetic pegleg, he was still not used to walking and his gait was slower than usual. "C'mon, old man," Triteia encouraged him. She supervised him during every step of the short journey, weaving circles around Solomon to solidify, in her head, that he was on solid footing and would not tumble over the minute she turned her back. She felt dreadful for the geezer but pointedly kept those sympathies to herself, knowing her condescension would not be welcome. They were alike in that sense. All she could do was support him and not judge him. If anyone present stared, she'd stare right back at them until they were forced to turn away. Once Solomon was safely situated, she too took her seat, peering up at Eremiel from his towering podium. Changing the Voyage was an odd pill to swallow when the legendary pilgrimage had represented a maturation milestone in her own childhood, but there was barely any difference between the previous ceremony and the current, revised tradition except for a change in locale. Triteia mulled the announcement over and acquiesced to it with a nod, rightfully deciding that there was no need to dampen the proceedings with her boo-hiss attitude. She had no legitimate reasons for opposing the change except that it was Different. She did not like Different. Triteia edged to Solomon's side, trying not to succumb to the same familiar tug of fear, the same song and dance which swept her up every time Baal entered a twenty-mile radius of her person. You know it well, reader: the Kraken arrives like a tsunami of booze-stink and bad luck brewing on the horizon, Triteia tenses in fear like she's back in the Abyss, Triteia relives the amputation of her tail in vivid slow-motion. So very, very predictable in its repetition and Triteia despised it. All things change and yet in some ways, Triteia was trapped in the beginning stages of her recovery. To her credit, she didn't panic, instead placing as much distance between her and her estranged sister as socially possible. Baal once more failed to notice her. By now, Triteia was starting to wonder what was up. She noticed the absence of a taunting smirk -- there was a flicker of shadow falling across Baal's hideous face and a crackle of static as her head jerked spasmodically in place, perhaps she imagined it -- or any acknowledgment of her presence. If it were not for their encounter on the recent excursion into Tjenu's ruins, Triteia would believe that she was invisible to the bitch. Fine - if Baal didn't want to gloat over her handiwork, then Triteia could return the favor. (Look at me. Look at what you did. / Don't look at me. Please don't look at me.) Haltingly, Triteia noticed the little figure standing at her paws and how he cowered in response to her admonition. A passing glance was all it took for her to realize who he was and why he was there and her mind reeled. She looked to the chimera boy, reassembling his patchwork parts into a cohesive and recognizable whole. The resemblance was impossible to ignore when he stood beside the woman who birthed him. The other two, one marbled with hues of fire, the second striped teal and crimson. Oh my God, Triteia thought to herself. She felt sick, suddenly, and chose to look away. ![]() |
The Leviathan
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October 31, 2017, 01:18:35 PM
(This post was last modified: November 08, 2017, 02:52:00 PM by Raikov.)
[The end is a lil rushed cause I have work sorry! Recruitments and plots will go up shortly! Atton and Octavia are present!]
Irritation gnawed at his very bones. What was once anxiety and upset were swiftly twisting into malice, a deep burning, bubbling anger seeping into his blood. The Bermuda clawed at his skull, scratching and scraping deep crevices in a maddening fury to escape. The Captain's temples pounded with a vicious rhythm as he stopped by the ex-Quartermasters den, nostrils breathing in the absent scents that should have layered the walls thickly. Paranoia licked at his mind, multiple scenarios spewing forth before his eyes. Sharp, ivory daggers grit with a forceful intensity, tail lashing angrily behind him like a banner as he looked around Brielle's den that she shared with Portia. Another useless, lumbering twat that had been shit out from Rita's loins. Gone. Ran, ran, ran away like the little cockroaches they were. Heavy set paws stalked out of the small space like a lion, chest grumbling with the beginnings of a snarl. The edges of his sanity took a violent shiver, dark, black sludge pouring out like a poison that bleached his thoughts black. The Bermuda reached out its dark, spider-like claws to encase him in hot fury and paranoia. Gone. If the little whores had ran, who had they taken with them? Some of them? All of them? That fucking battleaxe, coffin-dodger Shark? A burning curiosity swept at his heels, paws thumping against the ground as he made his way to the old bastards den. Golden eyes gleamed with a sparking fury that was about to blaze into a wildfire, nostrils flaring as he skidded to a halt at the Paladin's den. Teeth lashed out to click harshly in the air, spittle pouring from peeled gums. Fuck, fuck, FUCK. Gone, like mist. All of them. Was Albatross gone too? Eremiel? Had his Captain's Deck ran out like the cowardly cunts they were? Chickenshit fuckfaces, the lot of them. They were dead, they were dead, they weRE DEAD. How he longed to wring Brielle's delicate little swan neck between his jaws, squeeze and crush her windpipe til blood vomited from her nose and ears. To tear out Shark's innards and hoist them over their borders like a flag, let the crows pick away at his dead eyes. Eremiel's summon was enough to slice through the Bermuda's haze, the brute's head lifting to the skies as a deep rumble echoed in his chest; broad paws working to take him toward the crew's gathering. The Leviathan stalked into the meeting like a bear, golden eyes gleaming as the Captain made his way to sit next to Eremiel's side. The man was a constant in Raikov's life, a father figure not just to him but the few remaining of his generation. The larger man sit next to him, tail flickering over Eremiel's in a show of solidarity, and gratitude. Raikov's temples still pounded, an angry, furious burning in the back of his mind as he licked his maw with his fat tongue. Navy ears flickered at his Quartermasters words, hungry eyes scanning the crowd with approval. His son Atton was there, chosing to go next to Mako. The Watchman Octavia slithered next to Trietia, among others. His minds eye desperately attempted to keep his Bermuda safely contained in pandoras box, at least until Eremiel had finished. His quarrel was not with those present, no no. But measures would be taken to prevent this, a complete lock down on those wanting to flee. He would feed their very souls to the Kraken if any were caught. ”Aye, though there's somethin' else ta discuss. It's come ta light our dear Brielle an' Shark have fled. An' others, me nieces, nephews, siblings. Ran like rats, t'dens are empty, scents stale.” He's growl, lips peeling to reveal sharp ivory daggers. Were they dead? Possibly, though the Bermuda twisted his paranoia to new heights, seeing invisible trails that pissed their way to their borders. It was clear to all that he was not pleased. ”I want these cunts found, come hell or high water I want them found. If there's nay a body to be used as evidence then they've all ran like cockroaches. We'll send word to our allies, scour the neutrals, secure t'borders,” He'd snarl, thick posture looming over the gathering crowd as he addressed them. He never wanted this again, no escapes, no cowards. ”Anyone caught escapin', I want eyes gouged out an' their guts fed t'the pirhanas.” |
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![]() Cider,
Now I feel my heart beating
I feel my heart underneath my skin And I feel my heart beating Oh, you make me feel Like I'm alive again actions - “speech” - thoughts
She was busy at work in her own private garden, the little one where she had her toxins. A place where she often vanished these days, tending to the toxic little terror-plants, least for a few hours, losing herself to the alluring scents and once in a while sneaking off to the Brewer's Orchard to grab a sip here and there. She couldn't let herself fall into depression again, nope. She hadn't seen Koma in wolf-god only knew how long and Florian was a bit of a ghost as well but, that didn't bother the Cutlass, she was happy the girl had grown stronger. Eremiel's call rang out and Cider's little bubble had burst. What was going on now? She gave her secret garden one final fond look, a motherly smile before she dashed off. She wasn't too far outside of the Garden when she saw the blue form of her little brother, laughing the Cutlass charged toward him, stretching her stride and soon passing him with a playful little hop. Barbados looked confused for a moment before, shaking his head with a laugh of his own. It had been a while since he played tag with his sister, a long while. The duo could be seen laughing and chatting as they came upon the meeting, both walking now and it was rather cute indeed. Cider gave Barbados an affectionate lick before bouncing off to Vashe, booping his neck in greeting, looking to Valefor a bit nervously. She'd flash the silent wolf a small smile then bound over to Veruah, settling in next to him. Barbados watched all this with a snicker, shaking his head some as he stalked over to Aysu. "Hey." He greeted, accent heavy. The blue boy would then look to Vashe and offer him a nod in greeting, wondering if he should make an attempt to be closer to his brother like was was Cider.... There weren't many of them left after all. Soon enough words began spilling out and what caught Cider by surprise was the news of Shark's betrayal. Her eyes were wide and she looked visibly disturbed though, it seemed as though something snapped inside her. Cider let out a growl, her lips curling back into a rather ugly expression. How dare they run. How dare they abandon their fuckin family. “Captain, we'll find'em and we'll drag'em home one way or another. I'll be sure to have my Surgeons on high alert and have sedatives restocked and in high supply.” There was an unspoken offer too, a lovely slow death to those whom Raikov felt needed it, what with her little toxic garden of goodies, she was sure to have a few things to make lives hell.
Cider and Barbados are here. Zyaxe is going into storage for a while so I guess you can count him as here? Idk. lol! I do want to play him again eventually. coding © vixxie's codes
egg lady
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bullets because i havent got round to posting any of my tortugans yet
FLORIAN: - sits at base of rocks, proud of dad - listens quietly, watches other ppl. agrees with her papa. doesn't do much besides that EZRA: - sits amongst crowd - repeatedly tries to catch eremiels eye. what a loser. grins any time they make eye contact - considers seeking him out after the meeting 4 a chinwag. - has nothing to say. as far as he's concerned, the voyage doesn't concern him. CELESTE: - sits towards the back, tail idly flicking - spends more time scrutinising people's faces than really paying attention - ears perk up at talk of voyage, kinda nervous. avoids any glances in her direction. she's v nervous. |
Almost Sparkles
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November 06, 2017, 10:12:53 PM
(This post was last modified: November 06, 2017, 10:14:05 PM by Kieran..)
stuck with very limited internet access for an indeterminate amount of time so im gonna have 2 do bullet points whoops
Kieran - Approaches silently and takes a comfy seat in the center of the group. He casts a quick, halfhearted glance around the faces that showed up. - He's sure the call was meant for many more than this, but they're down to a skeleton crew compared to what he knew Tortuga could be. - Honestly stops paying attention around the time Eremiel starts talking about the voyage. If he was ever destined to have shit to do with it, it wouldn't be for a long while. - He'd cross that bridge when he was dragged kicking and screaming over it. - Perks back up when Raikov takes over, mentioning the members who've taken their chances and turned tail. That must be the reason for the low numbers, then. - And... for his sudden job offer. Brielle was gone and someone needed to fill that slot. - "I'll make sure the sirens and strikers keep on the lookout, Captain." - This should be fun. Athens - Shows up, sticks near the back as inconspicuously as possible. - Can't help but to wonder what it would be like to escape a pack like Tortuga. - The way Raikov and the others are speaking of the missing members, she determines she wouldn't wanna be on the losing side when Tortuga finds them. - Makes it a point to find a real, legitimate rank as soon as she can. Sever - Sticks close to his siblings sides the whole time, waddling in after whoever has been tasked with babysitting them that day. - Glancing around, he notices any other children their age are sat close to their parents or other family. V____V - His ears flatten and he nudges closer to his sisters to seek out their company. - Has close to no idea what anyone is talking about, but lets his head cock to the side when Eremiel brings up the voyage. - Will probably be thinking and mulling over the excitement of the voyage for days and days, wondering when he and his siblings will get to go. |
Almost Sparkles
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-Sticks with Sever and Notch, making sure to keep them close
-Peers through his greasy forelock, watching everyone and unconsciously pressing closer to Sever as Baal walks past -Puts a paw on Notch's tail. She's gonna do something crazy, Stitch knows it -Gives Sever and Notch a smooch before he sits down -Whispers to his little family, "We're the best. We're gonna make it." Because they're close. He'll hold them close and never let them go, because they're all he has left. -He wishes Mother was here -She was warm and soft, even without the feeling in her eyes -Listens, ears perking up at Raikov. -"...What's a pinana?" He has no idea what a piranha is. (This is before he decides to tell his family his preferred pronouns, so it's fine if the others still refer to him as sister/she/her) |
Almost Sparkles
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![]() ooc: something until I'm able to write up a better post, sorry! A torch recruitment/check-in will be going up soon for those who are interested. - Aethon arrives; horn-lighter around his neck and his coat-like garb, striding in proudly as the new Inferno. - Listens to Eremiel's insightful speech, remaining quiet as his mind drifted briefly to his family; where his brother disappeared to again as well as the sights of his mother's dying body. He found a frown upon his face. - Shaking off the thoughts, the mention of many having left and abandoned the land made him snort. Pity, really. - Inhaling through teeth, he wheezed out a snort and waited until Raikov was done speaking, before raising his voice in a commanding tone. "Let me know where ya' could use the torches, sir. I'll gather some new blood and see who's still got the balls to play with fire." He'd grin, wildly as his tail whipped excitedly. |
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![]() Cookie,
Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy
Launch your assault now, take it easy Raise your weapon, raise your weapon, One word and it's over actions - “speech” - thoughts
Eremeil's call rang out and Cookie was off in a flash. She was at the far end of where the meeting was taking place so, it was no surprise she was a bit late but, when she arrived, it was very clear. The large woman strutting in as if she owned the place, taking a seat and listening as Raikov spoke, she'd been juuuuuuuust in time to hear his part of things. He would know that glimmer in her eyes, know that excited wiggle. Cookie wanted to drag these assholes back. Alive. Then have the welps tear into them like she had with Mercedes. That had been sooooooooooo much fun! It was surprising she was thinking such vile and fun things, and while she'd be sad to hurt her former Wench, if they caught her, just.... Oh she was getting giddy! Cookie squirmed a it more, snickering to herself a wide grin in place, those olive eyes locked on Raikov. She wanted to go out, wanted to play. Wanted to get information out of others the best way she knew how.... Getting up close and personal, using her body as a tool and just... EEEEEEEE! She was getting excited, all the more as Kieran spoke of getting the group up and moving. Oho hohohoh!!!! The hotties of Tortuga were gonna go out? Was that what she was hearing? Please say yes! Please. Please. Please. Please. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!! Cookie stood up, tail wagging now as she watched, listened, she was ready to go at the drop of a word. She wanted to go. She wanted to have some damn fun. Oh! Did any of her younger siblings wanna come along for the ride? Aysu maybe? She could always bring her sister back some crafting materials. Cookie's olive gaze drifted over to Vashe and she snickered, striding on over to him, rubbing up against his side. “Mmmm... Hey there Hot Stuff, ready for a bit of playtime? Sounds like we might get to work again.” She'd say with a wink, licking his cheek before moving off, letting her tail glide under his chin teasingly. Yup. Cookie needed to get out, needed to have some fun. Pleeeeeeeease say the Sirens and Strikers were gonna go out and play.
coding © vixxie's codes
Almost Sparkles
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Bullet pointing myself bc wowie.
Hebe: - Shows up, plants himself closer to Raikov. - Hates large crowds, but the speech keeps everyone fairly calm so he's thankful for that. - Listens and thinks about how nice Eremiel's voice is. - Thinks Raikov is a loud motherfucker that ruins the mood but nods along. Caligula: - Shows up, sits next to the closest siblings he can find, gives them kisses. - Listens to dad carefully. - Listens to Raikov and gives an affirmative to catching any runaways they come upon outside of Tortuga. |
Almost Sparkles
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When everyone is around she feels a sense of loneliness, she would grow out of it one day, but she was still so young and alone in the world. The older she got the more she realized how strange it was for her litter.
She sighs though, waiting at the meeting with nothing much to say, smiling at anyone who looked at her. She wasn't miserable after all, and something in her desired for her to appear stronger, older, wiser than she was. She presses herself against her siblings, nodding at Stiches words. “Mhm, and when we voyage we'll all help each other” she would whisper. Notch is perhaps quieter than usual then for the rest. She missed her mother, missed her terribly, the feeling tugged at her at the most unexpected times. The talk of fire however momentarily distracts her, what exactly was fire, she had heard a lot about it but never seen any with her own eyes.Brows furrowing slightly she makes a note to learn about fire next. After all the more busy she got the less lonely she felt. |
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![]() E Z E K I E L pretty little head
- Ezekiel shows up and immediately goes to find Raikov and Hebe - He's not sure if he's even supposed to be here, but listens to Eremiel anyway - Nods wordlessly (obviously) to what Eremiel has to say, as he's dissociating halfway through the speech - Leans against Hebe and Raikov for probably inappropriately timed cuddles i'll make this much nicer in the morning bun i swear |