Private Roleplay third time's a charm??? // echo | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Sybella was having a particularly challenging time in her new home. It wasn't until just recently that she felt completely recovered from her vomiting episode she faced upon discovering Gemini. In addition to battling her crippling health, she was confronted with many happy families and adorable, small orphans. Normally, it'd be ideal to see such pleasant houses, but the ache she felt in her heart was far worse than any stomach bug. To see the gathering of mothers, fathers, and children was a consistent reminder of she'd never get to experience for her own.
Today, Sybella would go out of her way to avoid exposure to all of the above. She sought out to explore the perimeters of her new home, assuming that there had to be some sort of restriction on the young ones traveling too close to the border. Coming across the faerie pools was the greatest fortune she'd had since arriving. Her eyes, green as the foliage that flourished around her, were wide with admiration for the beauty she'd uncovered. She'd never seen anything like it, the water so clear and the flowers full in bloom. She gazed every which way as she walked, craning her neck at every angle. "... Incredible." She whispered to herself, smiling for the first time in days. She finally felt at peace. Deciding it was time to truly relax, she found a dry spot above the spring to rest her long legs, as it'd taken her nearly half the day to reach her destination. After stretching, she plopped her head against the smooth stone and watched as the water rolled delicately across the riverbed. Just as it was beginning to lull her to sleep, her ears caught sound of movement relatively close by. Curiously, she looked... to see a small weasel moving along with several of her young. Her throat began to tighten and she could feel her ears growing warm with frustration, "Are you KIDDING ME?" She called loudly, ruining the serene atmosphere with her cry. Her ringing, booming voice caused the rodents to scurry off promptly. This was a plus, but ultimately... she felt as though her day was ruined. She turned to face the opposite direction, curling her body into a tight coil and hiding her face underneath the comfort of her tail. She felt silly for throwing such a fit, and knew that there was no one to blame. It just hurt so terribly, that tug on her heart. She truly never wanted to see another child again. ooc i am a disgrace but at least i used different titles every time.
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October 11, 2017, 10:29:06 PM
(This post was last modified: October 11, 2017, 10:29:51 PM by Echo.)
He'd woke with a start that morning, not sure what off-putting mess jolted him out of his sleep this time. It could have been a various number of things, but he'd narrowed it down to possibly being the sound of someone yelling so close to his napping area. Echo enjoyed napping by the pools, he refused to call them the fairy pools because there were obviously no such things as fairies. He didn't care how many times he'd been told that these pools were made by magic- that was complete and utter bullshit. However, as much bullshit as it was, he still enjoyed napping by them as they were quiet (most of the time), and the sound of the water put him to sleep easier.
Except today, someone ruined it, someone had to shout so LOUDLY that they probably even scared off the make believe fairies. Groaning, Echo rolled onto his stomach and them up to his feet, shaking off the bits of moss and grass and dirt. He smacked his mouth together after a long yawn, and peered around to see who the hell decided it was a good idea to shout. After a short look around, it was easy to spot the culprit, and he was surprised to say the least that such a loud racket came from such a small frame. "Oy!" Echo called out to the smaller wolf, "You alright over there? Spooking up the birds and such.." He wanted to say something a little more- exuberant, but he refrained after all, he was a nice guy right, and she was just as much allowed to be here and scream as he was to be here and sleep. Though he did wish she'd do it somewhere else. |
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"Oy!" Much to Sybella's surprise, she was not the only one who came to the pools for refuge. She sat up and spun in one swift motion, facing the direction in which the noise started from. Cowering slightly to the larger male, ears bent and frame lowered to the base of the rock she had been resting upon. "You alright over there? Spooking up the birds and such.." She flashed an apologetic grin, embarrassed that he'd heard her dramatic shouts. She really should have surveyed the area a bit more before assuming she was alone.
"Oh, I'm s'sorry. I hadn't realized you were 'ere. I shouldn't've yelled so barbarically, I apologize." She leapt off the stone, continuing, "D'ya live 'ere 'round these pools? I can very well be on m'way, but..." Standing tall again, she inspected their whereabouts. Realizing now that she hadn't kept a very tidy trail, she was unsure if she'd even be able to return back home. "M'fraid I may be lost." She sighed heavily, facing away from the male now. Well, this was gruesomely embarrassing. "I'm sorry, I'm quite new 'ere." Heaving another heavy exhale, she let her shoulders slump and sat back down, looking across to the large male pitifully over her shoulders. "Sorry again if I disturbed you." Sybella knew very well she was rambling, and she wanted to apologize for that as well but resisted the urge. She could only imagine what the fella thought of her at this point, an obnoxiously loud, overly sympathetic weirdo with no sense of direction? Seemed about fair to speculate when considering the situation at hand here. Silently she sat as she contemplated her options. Leave and get lost or stay and be judged? She did walk all this way to discover the faerie pools... it'd really be a shame to leave so soon. Besides, the sky would soon dim, and if she thought she couldn't navigate her way back now, it'd be twice the challenge in the dark. ooc I am shitty at writing dialogue for australian accents but
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Obviously catching her off guard, she spun to face him, and Echo sighed. He wasn't sure what it was lately about catching small females off guard, perhaps it was something he was destined for. Though he really hoped not, he enjoyed a slight fright in the name of fun every once in a while, but not overtime he met a new face. It wasn't good for his reputation. Thankfully though, this one seemed a bit less sheepish then Ashe was, and he was grateful, he probably didn't have to watch his tone too much during this encounter.
He shook his head as she began to apologize, lifting a paw to stop her mid-sentence. "No need to apologize miss, this ain't my personal space." Though it would be great if he could say it was, maybe then he'd have it all to himself, bathing in the pools all by his lonesome. Nah. That didn't seem very appealing to him actually, he was an extrovert and flirt by nature, he needed someone to talk to after all, he'd bore himself if he was all he had to talk to. "I don't live here, in the pools, I do live in Gemini though, obviously." He'd been here since the beginning, through all the horse shit, all the death, the rescues in Saboro, the building of the wall, the loss of Tauro- he'd been through it all. His thoughts momentarily drifted back to his acceptance, whee Gonzo- or whatever his stupid name was, said he had better make something of himself. Well, Echo thought he'd done pretty damn good, and where was Gonzo- no where to be found, dead in the old lands probably, and Echo felt no remorse. "Well lucky for you Ive been here quite a while and I can get you around if you want me to, I mean- not like, get around like around but.." He cleared his throat, "You know, back to the main area, out of here, if you want." Smooth Echo, real smooth. "I'm not really in a hurry to get anywhere, we can stay as long as you want, and when you're ready I can take you back." He'd offer, rolling his shoulders back to ease the tension rising in them from behaving so oddly. "Oh, my name's Echo by the way, pleasure to meet you miss-" |
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"No need to apologize miss, this ain't my personal space." She took great comfort in knowing he wasn't as upset as she first assumed, which allowed her to ease up on her strained muscles and releasing the air she'd been holding while she anticipated his reaction. She hadn't met anyone with ill manners in Gemini yet, that was a positive she needed to grasp. Sybella didn't want to regret her decision to make her home beyond the wall. "I don't live here, in the pools, I do live in Gemini though, obviously."
"Glad to hear that, I wouldn't've hadda fair go gettin' you outta 'ere if ye were a trespassa'." She giggled reluctantly at her attempt to lighten the mood, taking a step closer and having a walk around him to get a better ratio for the size difference. "I've taken notice that most've ye are built like bricks 'ere in Gemini, aren'tcha?" She stated, now taking a seat at a more comfortable distance away from the lad. "Well lucky for you Ive been here quite a while and I can get you around if you want me to, I mean- not like, get around like around but.." She smirked, raising an eyebrow as he cleared his throat, "You know, back to the main area, out of here, if you want. I'm not really in a hurry to get anywhere, we can stay as long as you want, and when you're ready I can take you back." She wondered now if he was only being polite, did he really have no obligations to fill? She had no plans to return anytime soon. In fact, when she thought about heading back it caused her heart to sting again. She would have to face the gut-wrenching state of affair sooner or later... But right now, Sybella was content. She'd much rather deal with her demons later. Besides, she heard lots of talk about how neat this place was once the sun disappeared, and she wanted to see it all for herself. Having came from desert dry lands which had rare sightings of greenery (and much less water), Sybella was easily enamored at the aesthetics of the faerie pool. The smells were enchanting and the shapes and colors were just as mesmerizing. "Oh, my name's Echo by the way, pleasure to meet you miss-" "Sybella. Pleasure's mine, Echo." She bowed her head lightly as she finished speaking, looking around once more prior to continuing, "S'how'd ye come to find this place, Echo? Gemini, I mean. Ye guys are kinda discretely located. I lit'rally stumbled 'pon it by accident." She felt nauseous recollecting the time she'd drank from the contaminated watering holes and vomited all over the two pretties that found her. "If ye really ain't got anything to do, I'd like to stay awhile. I heard this place does some fancy stuff at night. Some lights n'stuff." She turned now, beginning to walk alongside the small stream, looking behind to notion for Echo to follow. Nap time was over. |
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He wasn't too absolutely sure, but he had a small little inkling that this she wolf was on the rather new side of Gemini. No that he prided himself in knowing every single creature and wolf there was crawling around, but if she had been here long enough she'd probably know no one lived at the pools- they were fucking weird, things happened if you stayed too long. Echo had joked that he'd love to stay sometimes just so he could have a go at the fairies- of course he'd never. Not like he believed in those stories anyway, you know, foolish little stories to scare the kids-
She mentioned about his size, and he had to laugh- if she though he was big just wait till she saw some of the others. "I dunno, you coulda given me a run for my money." He joked back, winking at her. "Built like bricks indeed- some of us are even just as smart." Not to toss any names around, wouldn't want to give her the wrong idea of such a perfect gentleman now would we? She introduced herself, and asked how he came about this place, and man did that bring back memories, he'd been with Gemini since they were in the marshes, and travelled with them, protected them till they got here. It was quite a journey to get to where they were now. "Honestly Syb- you dont mind if I call you Syb do you? Or do you prefer Bella? Or should I just stay with the whole thing?" He asked, and when she answered he continued, "I've actually been with Gemini for a while now, since they were in the marsh lands, and travelled here. It feels like Ive been here forever, and I honestly wouldnt have it any other way." He smiled, he couldnt really remember if that was her question, but thats the answer she was getting. She seemed pretty content where she was, not needing his help getting anywhere, she said she wanted to stay and see the weird ass lights in the sky. Echo shrugged his shoulders and decided why the hell not, and he'd stay too. Following the smaller female as she led them up the stream. It had been a long while since he'd had just a relaxing, calm, conversation with someone, and this was quite a dose of good medicine. "How long you been here Syb- er- Bella- uh- Sybella... I haven't seen you around much before?" He asked as they walked, striking up some small talk, short conversation until they reached wherever it was Sybella was leading them. |
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"I dunno, you coulda given me a run for my money. Built like bricks indeed- some of us are even just as smart."
She gave faked a look of shock, eyes wide and mouth agape, "Ye don't say? I hope none of'em have any authority here." She laughed again, and continued to gaze around at the fruitful plantation that engulfed them. She was beginning to appreciate Echo's company, the conversation averted her worries; tucked them away to the very depths of her mind for another day. She could smile and laugh now while she gave off the impersonation that everything was okay. She didn't mind pretending for the time being. "Honestly Syb- you dont mind if I call you Syb do you? Or do you prefer Bella? Or should I just stay with the whole thing?" Giggling as he stumbled on his words, she intervened to help his struggle, "Oh, ye can call me whatev'a'ye like. Syb works." She had never really had a nickname before, so she wasn't sure what her preference was. She would leave it up to Echo to determine that. "I've actually been with Gemini for a while now, since they were in the marsh lands, and travelled here. It feels like Ive been here forever, and I honestly wouldnt have it any other way." For a moment she envied him, he had a sense of belonging her that she yearned for. She'd hope that soon she, too, would feel like Gemini was the only place for her. "I'm happy you feel that way." She responded sincerely as she ducked beneath a fallen log, waiting on the other side for Echo to squeeze beneath it. "How long you been here Syb- er- Bella- uh- Sybella... I haven't seen you around much before?" She felt her skin warming up as she contemplated sharing the story of how she came about Gemini. He'd already witnessed her screaming at rodents, so there really couldn't be any way she could appear more pitiful. "Only a week'a'so. Ha, funny story... I was jus' passin' by when I came across ye little waterin' holes outside the wall and I ended up getting really ill." She looked back towards him shamefully, laughing at herself when she looked forward again. "I was a sad mess! Two pretties helped me, though. Jasmine? And Francisca? Actually, I'm jus' now startin' to feel bett'a again." Physically, any way. In an attempt to change the subject of how her stupidity got her into Gemini, she badgered him with some more questions."What is it ye do around here, Echo? If you've been loyal this long you must be of some importance to the pack, right? Am I speakin' with Gemini royalty?" She teased lightly. Hopefully Echo wouldn't get tired of her jokes, the night was still young after-all. |
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He grinned when she said she hoped none of those thick headed idiots had authority here, and they didn't. Well at least not anymore, Gonzo hadn't shown his face since Echo was accepted- so that says a lot about which headed idiots. They were rarely, if ever put in charge here. Echo had yet to meet anyone who didn't show promise as a lead rank, or did not have their wits about them. "I think were fairly safe from brick headed idiot leaders here in this pack, then again- you never know.." He smirked and gave her a wink. God, what was he doing flirting?? He had his sights set on someone else, but he had to admit, it was nice to have someone flirt back IN A NORMAL WAY (and not chew themselves to a bloody mess with sticks) for once.
"Oh, ye can call me whatev'a'ye like. Syb works." "Syb then." Echo said satisfactorily. He liked the way it rolled off the tongue. Plus she was a breath of fresh air in the stagnant air that was Gemini lately. So he followed her, talking about how he wound up here in Gemini, telling her how much he did like it here, and she seemed pleased by his answers, which only made him more curious as to how long she'd really been here. He huffed out a small grunt as he squeezed under a downed log. Why Syb went this way was beyond him. He was all for adventure, but she was a tad smaller then he was and could fit in a few more places. When he asked her how long she'd been here, she seemed hesitant, but he ignored it, instead listening to her story. "Only a week'a'so. Ha, funny story... I was jus' passin' by when I came across ye little waterin' holes outside the wall and I ended up getting really ill. I was a sad mess! Two pretties helped me, though. Jasmine? And Francisca? Actually, I'm jus' now startin' to feel bett'a again." His ears perked a little higher when he heard that she'd fallen ill, drinking from some watering hole. There had been another that this had happened to, but they had died. Echo couldn't remember the name, but he did remember it was a child. "Consider yourself lucky Syb, we had a child die earlier on from drinking from those pools." He said sadly, his body language changing for the briefest moment to forlorn, before perking back up when Syb asked him his job. "What is it ye do around here, Echo? If you've been loyal this long you must be of some importance to the pack, right? Am I speakin' with Gemini royalty?" "Royalty! Ha! No my dear, not even close to royalty. I am just one of the Queens guards, as well as a guard for the pack. I'm honestly not too terribly important. Im just here to keep up the good looks." He smirked, "Speaing of jobs, did you have any in particular in mind you wanted to do Syb? Maybe I can get you in with the right folks.. you know... me being royalty and all." He winked at her. |
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October 30, 2017, 05:10:59 PM
(This post was last modified: October 30, 2017, 05:17:15 PM by Sybella.)
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"I think were fairly safe from brick headed idiot leaders here in this pack, then again- you never know.. Syb then.""
She hoped. Although she didn't say it aloud, she considered that anyone would have to be a little stupid for taking on a pack. The responsibility they'd have to take on, the order they'd have to maintain, the respect they'd have to earn? It seemed like a lot of work that left very little time for some R & R. Sybella wasn't ever really interested in politics, so perhaps she was biased. Regardless, she decided to keep this opinion to herself, in fear of offending her new friend. Instead, she offered a lighthearted giggle. But her heart quickly sank again, finding it harder to hide her discomfort at the mention of a child. A dead child at that. She wasn't sure how to respond without whining about how sorry she was that it happened, or ask endless questions about whether or not the mother was doing okay since the loss of her sweet baby. She was glad he changed the subject. "Royalty! Ha! No my dear, not even close to royalty. I am just one of the Queens guards, as well as a guard for the pack. I'm honestly not too terribly important. I'm just here to keep up the good looks. She stopped to face him, a look of absolute ridicule on her face. "Ye confused, mate? A ROYAL GUARD sounds terrribly important! My, it's an absolute honor to be in your presence," she curtsied, "What does a Royal Guard do in a typical day? Who's guardin' th'royalty while ye'here with me?" She beamed, taking a side step back next to him so they could continue on their path. Trying to listen, but she couldn't get her mind off the poor child and their poor mother. Speaking of jobs, did you have any in particular in mind you wanted to do Syb? Maybe I can get you in with the right folks.. you know... me being royalty and all. She sighed, not having considered what exactly she'd like to contribute to Gemini, or how anyone could help her do so. "I'd like ta be a mum if ye can help me with that," She instantly felt nauseated with embarrassment when she realized how out of context her response seemed, the regret of her answer making her warm all over despite the temperature dropping as the night crept onto them. "What... I mean is?? I could be some sort of sitter... of some sort? Or." Stuttering to keep track of her words now, she looked away "Oy, I dunno. Fuck sake." She was growing irritated and frustrated, knowing what she felt but unable to convey it to Echo. "Apologies, Echo. That was super weird of me, and totally not... what I meant t'say." She choked, "Where are you guys lacking assistance here in Gemini?" |
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November 09, 2017, 12:31:58 PM
(This post was last modified: November 09, 2017, 12:32:19 PM by Echo.)
It was not hard to tell the sudden discomfort and change in the air when he mentioned the death of the kid. It was a tragic time, and they had more to follow after that incident regarding kids, either dying on their own accord (drinking from poisonous waters), or dying from other things (gross, disgusting treacherous murderers). Of course, seeing at how much it affected Syb, he'd keep the Prince's deaths to himself for now. Luckily, the mood picked up again when Echo just happened to mention his job- and boy howdy did she seem impressed!
"Ye confused, mate? A ROYAL GUARD sounds terrriblyimportant! My, it's an absolute honor to be in your presence, What does a Royal Guard do in a typical day? Who's guardin' th'royalty while ye'here with me?" He couldn't help but let out a laugh, especially at her small little curtsey. "I'm not the only one you know, and the Queen is quite capable of handling herself." And that was the understatement of the year, he really did not even know what he had the job he did- Didn't Serrate like almost die twice now, and he wasn't even there? Anyway, he digressed- "I actually have a few other jobs as well, but today I was relieved of my treacherous duties so I decided to come try to take a nap." He said, smiling at her, his small identity and existential crisis averted for now. And speaking of jobs Syb told him what she wanted to be, and he almost missed a step-. "I'd like ta be a mum if ye can help me with that," And in fact he did miss a step, and slipped on a slick rock, falling face first into the ground. "I- I Uh... I mean.. I have feelings for ... uh someone else... I.. Syb..." He stammered, as he lifted himself back up. "What... I mean is?? I could be some sort of sitter... of some sort? Or.. Oy, I dunno. Fuck sake." Oh. Well that was a relief. Echo laughed, a shaky, nervous laugh but within the next few moments he realized how hilarious this entire situation was. No sane woman would come up to him and ask for children, not with him! And not one especially he'd just met! He let out a loud, booming laugh to release the tension in the air, before composing himself. "I'm sorry Syb.." "Apologies, Echo. That was super weird of me, and totally not... what I meant t'say. Where are you guys lacking assistance here in Gemini?" "No, no I'm sorry- I shouldn't have laughed.." He couldn't help it of course, he was chasing after a girl who didn't want him, and here was another throwing herself hypothetically at his feet. Ah - Irony. "We have Shepherds- which are like pup-sitters I suppose." Trying to get back to a better place between them, no more awkwardly stale air. "I think you'd do a fantastic job there. Of course unless you want to be a Ranger and take acceptances.." He smiled at her, trying to make sure she wasn't still embarrassed. |
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She sucked in a deep breath of air as he lost his step and fell, instantly feeling a tang of guilt when he fell on his face, raising a paw to her face to hide her painful expression. "Echo! Are ye okay, mate?" She lowered herself to help him up, coming nearly nose-to-nose with him, extending her paw...
"I- I Uh... I mean.. I have feelings for ... uh someone else... I.. Syb..." The lump that had previously been lodged in her throat seemed to triple in size, her eyes as well. She took her paw back and regained her posture, creating some distance between them. Of COURSE! He was handsome, and charming, and muscular. OF COURSE he had a lady. And just as he began to laugh over his own realization, she did too. She had to laugh, at herself. At her luck. At her fuckin' awkward moment she just birthed (HAHA), all because he lacked the context. She'd tell him. He'd understand. Later. "I'm sorry, Syb. No, no I'm sorry- I shouldn't have laughed.." She threw her paw in the air, and waved it around. "Oh, don't be silly friend," she said with each wave of her dainty little foot; tainting the word emphasis with a bit of emphasis. "Where's ye lady now? What's she like, huh? She must be a catch if she got your attention. I'd love ta hear about her." She hoped she came off as genuine, she was truly curious about the lady. Perhaps she'd take notes. Sybella stepped onward, trying to find a nice clearing to sit and watch the sky. With nightfall approaching she was pretty desperate to get a glimpse of the aurora lights she'd heard all about. With the colder season approaching, she heard they were more frequent (ooc I'm making this science up man). She'd make sure to keep an arms length away from Echo, the romantic atmosphere was no place for two friends. She perked up and listened intently as he went on about the ranks within Gemini, "We have Shepherds- which are like pup-sitters I suppose. I think you'd do a fantastic job there. Of course unless you want to be a Ranger and take acceptances.." She smiled at the compliment, but did her best to keep it to herself. She considered the position of a pup-sitter. Could she take it? I mean, she had a fuckin tantrum at the sight of baby weasels. Would she be able to commit to the responsibility of taking care of actual puppies? "Where do I apply?" She smirked back at him. We'll see. |
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November 27, 2017, 05:00:57 PM
(This post was last modified: November 27, 2017, 05:01:58 PM by Echo.)
Was he ok she asked? That really was the question wasn't it? Physically of course he was ok, he could bounce back form just about anything that hurt him physically, but- mentally.. He wasn't too sure. He shouldn't just laughed it off, he shouldn't have said anything about having feelings for someone else, especially to someone he didn't really know. Ha. What an idiot. He was glad though, when she also began to laugh, it relieved the rising tension in the air, and maybe it would distract them both from the embarrassment they just so elegantly flopped into.
"Where's ye lady now? What's she like, huh? She must be a catch if she got your attention. I'd love ta hear about her." And with that, he deflated like a balloon. He really didn't want to talk about Absinthe, not here, not now, and certainly not to Syb. Absinthe was complicated, she was dangerous, and she was just now trying to get her life together after she had- done what she had needed to do. She did not need someone else knowing about her, nor did she need Echo blabbing about her to someone he'd just met. As much as he would love to gloat about her, and her stick eating adventure- Echo was a bit more courteous than to talk about someone who had no interest in him while she wasn't here. "Technically- we're not together she's just, uh- an interest.. of mine.." That came out so weird, like she was some sort of rare painting in a museum in France. Why was he so flustered overtime he spoke about her- or thought about her for that matter.. "Where do I apply?" Thankfully the talk of ranks changed the subject, and Echo smiled weakly now as Syb lead them, somewhere- "Depends on which job you're interested in." He said, ducking under a branch. If she wanted to be a shepherd, then he could point her in the right direction. However- the question of becoming a ranger was interesting as they had no Strider anymore, so who gave out that job? Serrate? Avery? Echo had no idea- hopefully Syb would be interested in watching cranky babies more.. |
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![]() After answering her inquiry about his Lady Friend, Sybella thought she'd heard a hint of uncertainty in his voice. He didn't seem very keen on talking about her. She looked at him with a twerked head, one ear folding over and she sighed. She knew not to pry any further, but she wanted to -- she was nosey. As much as she loved to talk, she was very good at listening. But, in fear of upsetting her new friend, she decided to just leave it alone. "Depends on which job you're interested in." She considered a moment more, figuring that such a big decision should require a little more thought. Whole-heartedly, she knew she wanted to be around kids. As much as she avoided it before, she thought that exposure to the pups may soothe her struggles. "The pup-sit'a one sounds lovely." Then, an idea. Maybe if she shared some personal information about herself, Echo would be open to sharing more about himself, too. That's how friendship worked, didn't it? She had very few examples to compare. "I can't, uh. I'm incapable of havin' my own babes. Ever. And as we covered..." Giving him the side eye, "I want'em. So pe'haps... caring for the children of others may help fill a void, aye?" It was actually quite... relieving to tell someone rather than bitch and mope about her piss poor luck in solitude. Not that she thought she'd start introducing herself as the The Infertile Sybella, just maybe later she wouldn't be so put off about bringing it up. It'd always been speculated as too sensitive for others to handle. Before concluding that, she'd assess Echo's reaction. Shifting her gaze back to the sky, she smiled wildly. Bright blues and greens intertwined in contrast against the black blanket above them, stars peering through. She was quite mesmerized, stretching her two front feet forward, reaching her neck higher to attempt to get a better look. "Woooo-." She was interrupted, small twinkling bugs danced around her. She went cross eyed trying to keep up with them, and then came to realize.. "Echo..." She started, concern heavy in her voice. "Are these ya faeries? She turned to look at him slowly, and as if she was about to broadcast the most ground-breaking news ever, she continued "I believe ye misnamed ye pools 'ere, 'cause these are FIRE. FLIES." Maybe Gemini was run by some brick-minded folk after all. ▌note:
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Thankfully, and gracefully, Sybella dropped the question about Absinthe- it wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk about her, he just wasn’t sure if she felt the same. Seeing as she hadn’t really sought him out after all this time, he was beginning to feel as if she probably never would. The thought hurt- but Sybella made her choice in job and that shook him from his self-pity for the moment. “I think you did suit that job real well Syb.” He smiled warmly at her.
But that smile dropped slightly as she told him why she chose it. His heart went out to her and he suddenly felt sick to his stomach. That’s what she had been trying to tell him earlier and he’d made a joke out of it. A+ job Echo. ”I’m- so sorry Syb. I-“ He cut himself off, what else could he say? He was sorry for making an ass of himself earlier? ”I’m sorry.” Was all he could bring himself to say, maybe later he’d try to say something better, something more meaningful but, he couldn’t find the words at the moment. Moments passed before she spoke again, but this time, there was more concern in her voice- asking if the fireflies were fairies.. The smile from before crept back into his face, as he looked around at them, and then back at her, ”Aw, What’s a matter Syb? Don’t you believe? These are totally fairies! I’ve never heard of fire flies before.. are you making fun of our culture? Of our beliefs? How dare you. He smirked slyly once before head butting has her, aiming to push her into a nearby pool. Off he was successful, he’d start to laugh. ”Can you feel the magic? Isn’t it just so... cool.” |