Open EDGE of DESIRE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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the brave
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![]() S V E Y N ; actions - “speech” - thoughts - "response"
Shivers fell down his spine. And it wasn't because he was cold, no. His heart was warm with comfort, and a small smile was plastered on his dome-shaped face. He was at peace with himself, in his home. He never imagined he would ever be able to return home again. The range of emotions he felt were extended between pure joy and unmitigated guilt. The bodies he'd seen then, and now. His own kin, his brothers, his family. Had they been tortured? Enslaved? What did they endure while he walked freely as a nomad? As a coward? He would never run again. He wondered how many laps he's made within the perimeter of the territory, paranoia striking him. He felt the need to be consistent, to make sure that there was no chance of enemies hiding within the walls of their frozen haven. He hadn't slept in more than a full day's cycle, his adrenaline keeping him wired. Coming to a slow halt before a small creek, Sveyn surveyed the landscape around him quickly before letting his guard down; lowering his head and inhaling the chilling waters. He finally remembered that he had not only missed out on sleep in the past day, but also a meal. Still, hunger did not nag him as his nerves were overpowering. When will the worrying cease? He thought to himself, feeling a sense of obligation to keep his new, growing pack of Bacchus safe. He would spend each waking moment committing to it.
ooc for Winterfever and whoever else would like to join!
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![]() The cold was welcoming as Hades trudged through the snow. Her fur and paws were built for this type of weather, and she felt more at home here than she had in the forests beyond the Wall of Teeth. The desert had been a journey she absolutely resented, cursing the sun as her coat was too thick for such heat. She was smart enough to lay in the shade during the day and sleep as much as possible, but she also had to keep up with Rainer and his pack. As they entered the land of Bacchus, Hades knew that this place would be a fitting home.
So after much time resting and building a satisfying den, Hades set out to explore the territory and fill her grumbling belly. She knew not the kind of prey that roamed around the valley, but she knew one thing for certain: fish would be plenty in the rivers and lake around. Fish was definitely a favorite of hers, remembering when her mother brought her to the water’s edge during spawning of the red salmon. They were delicious, an amazing summer treat that filled their bellies. Her favorites were the females filled with roe. Tongue lapped along her muzzle, already looking forward to jumping in frigid water to grab a bite to eat. Her coat was thick enough, a bear trait she appreciated more than any other. Claws could easily catch them too, acting as hooks that brought the morsels to her clacking teeth. As she neared the water’s edge, Hades noticed a figure sitting by the edge. She recognized the coat, knowing it was Sveyn, watching his reflection. The hellion wondered what he was doing, perhaps getting a drink? “Long journey, huh?” she asked as she approached the water’s edge. A paw dipped in, testing just how cool it was. Bearable, she thinks, and starts to go further in. “Hungry?” As most should be considering the long trek. Some had been traveling longer than she had too. There’s not much, but movement catches her eye and Hades jumps at the opportunity, not hesitating. A paw swipes a good sized trout out of the water, flapping against snow. Hades went immediately after it, crushing the fish under her claws to keep it in place and not flop back into the creek. “Like fish?” she asked, offering the wolf the fish. She could find more, she was used to hunting trout and salmon, but she knew wolves were not the best hunters for this type of prey. Still, food was food and if Sveyn was hungry, she’d shove over the fish. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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Nova rp
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Snow. White, fluffy, cold, and tastes like fresh water. Still new to the sensation of the white fluff that comes from the sky. Nova still has the tendency to raise her paws unnessicarily high to get over the larger mounds, even though her small paws would just sink into the snow anyways. Her little hops over the deeper spots still proving useless as well as she explores.
Her bright blue eyes look around curiously as she stops in a slightly shallower puff of white magic. Her ears twitch as she picks up the sound of others talking. They sounded familiar to the young female, but she couldn't really put names to the voices yet. Still, being the curious little tyke that she was. Nova did her best to follow the sound of the voices, trying to be stealthy as she moved along. The sound of the snow crunching under her paws was probably a dead give away of her approaching, but Nova was determined that she was doing a good job. So, once she was close enough to the two adults, Nova hid under a nearby tree. A mound of fallen snow keeping her hidden as she ducked down to lay on her belly. From her hiding spot, Nova watched as the scary looking lady swatted a flopping thing out of the water and onto the snow. An amazed gasp escaped from her followed by a, "That was so COOL!" Realizing that she may have blown her cover, Nova ducked back down in the snow. Un-sure of if she had stumbled upon something that she shouldn't have. |
the brave
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![]() S V E Y N ; actions - “speech” - thoughts - "response"
As he was turning to continue his scouting, he came face to face with Hades. It was a pleasant surprise, as his curiosity of the wolf-bear surpassed every other mystery he'd ever come across during his journeys. Although he knew it was rude to stare, it was hard to keep his eyes off of her. He offered a smile, and nodded gently in greeting. “Long journey, huh?” He shrugged, tossing his head side to side as he considered, faking sincere contemplation. “If you say so.” he joked. But of course it was a long journey, neither one of them needed to admit it. But it was worth it, Hades may not feel as much passion about it, but Sveyn could not get over his appreciation. He would have to meet with Rainer soon and discuss future plans, their past experiences, what drove him to want to continue? How did he know there were others left? That thought made the shivers return, but not the good kind. The bumps along his flesh raised in fear of what happened to those who weren't as fortunate to have gotten away. He wondered what they endured. But then again, he figured he wouldn't ask. Much like himself, they probably wouldn't want to talk about it. "Hungry?" The exotic vision interrupted his train of thought with an offering. He went to detest, but he wasn't quick enough. Without delay she had a fish limp beneath her claws. "Like fish?" The truth is, he's never had any. He lacked the skills required to catch the quick, darting fish. But before he could respond, he heard a small, shrill gasp. His ears and head snapped towards the direction, instantly in defensive mode and on the move to investigate... until the exclamation followed, "That was so COOL!" He watched the small head disappear behind a mound of snow. A smile eventually crept across Sveyn's face, once his nerves settled. He looked towards Hades and motioned towards the hiding pup, “It appears as though you might have an audience,” He began, “Come, now. Come try this fish.” He called to the young pup.
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lil bump - no rush!!
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![]() The wolf seemed curious as they all were toward Hades. He merely joked and shrugged off the comment about the long journey, perhaps the trek was no big deal. These wolves seemed hardy and able to trudge through most anything. The hellion didn't blame him though, traveling had been her life for a long time, though having thick fur in the middle of a desert was dangerous.
He watched her with awe, failing to answer the beardog in her questions as a shrill voice called out as Hades pulled the second fish from the creek. Tongue lapped at her muzzle and snorted. "Appears so." she said, glancing back at the water. She wanted to catch one more so there was a fish for each that appeared and one for herself. And if they didn't eat their share, well, Hades was quite hungry from digging up her new den. The male beckoned the child forward, wanting them to try fish. Honestly, Hades never thought of wolves never trying fish before, they were easy prey if you knew how to time strikes just right. As a scale flickered in the sunlight, the hellion dove her head in, feeling flesh against her teeth in which she chomped down on, grabbing the morsel and climbing back up on shore. She sat down next to the caught fish, shoving one toward Sveyn and the other toward the pup if they decided to show themselves. The fish were still flopping, but Hades would let them figure it out. If they got away, oh well, their loss. The beardog laid down and started to eat, enjoying the soft flesh and the crunch of little bones. "So, what're your names? Seen you guys around but I don't know any of you save for the boss man." Hades licked the blood and grit from her muzzle, flicking the fish head back toward the river where it would be picked on by other carnivores. "Hades is mine. Not very social so I guess you're lucky I'm in a good mood today. And tired." She sighed as she knew that soon, hibernation would set in. At least it was less than most bears. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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