Private Roleplay  wrapped in your rip curl | CACTUS
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Sybella she/her
Posts: 58
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 727

[Image: aa4e7a7f7b3024387f5e8636d92a2c21.png]

actions - "speech" - thoughts

Sybella was having a particularly challenging time in her new home. It wasn't until just recently that she felt completely recovered from her vomiting episode she faced upon discovering Gemini. In addition to battling her crippling health, she was confronted with many happy families and adorable, small orphans. Normally, it'd be ideal to see such pleasant houses, but the ache she felt in her heart was far worse than any stomach bug. To see the gathering of mothers, fathers, and children was a consistent reminder of she'd never get to experience for her own.

Today, Sybella would go out of her way to avoid exposure to all of the above. She sought out to explore the perimeters of her new home, assuming that there had to be some sort of restriction on the young ones traveling too close to the border. Coming across the faerie pools was the greatest fortune she'd had since arriving. Her eyes, green as the foliage that flourished around her, were wide with admiration for the beauty she'd uncovered. She'd never seen anything like it, the water so clear and the flowers full in bloom. She gazed every which way as she walked, craning her neck at every angle. "... Incredible." She whispered to herself, smiling for the first time in days. She finally felt at peace.

Deciding it was time to truly relax, she found a dry spot above the spring to rest her long legs, as it'd taken her nearly half the day to reach her destination. After stretching, she plopped her head against the smooth stone and watched as the water rolled delicately across the riverbed. Just as it was beginning to lull her to sleep, her ears caught sound of movement relatively close by. Curiously, she looked... to see a small weasel moving along with several of her young. Her throat began to tighten and she could feel her ears growing warm with frustration, "Are you KIDDING ME?" She called loudly, ruining the serene atmosphere with her cry. Her ringing, booming voice caused the rodents to scurry off promptly. This was a plus, but ultimately... she felt as though her day was ruined.

She turned to face the opposite direction, curling her body into a tight coil and hiding her face underneath the comfort of her tail. She felt silly for throwing such a fit, and knew that there was no one to blame. It just hurt so terribly, that tug on her heart. She truly never wanted to see another child again.

ooc i am the laziest.


talk to me, i love that sound
out of words when you're around
i've been trying to come down
on a high when you're around
lift me from the ground

[Image: 87UXBy9.png]
Cactus He/Him
Posts: 5
Pronouns: He/Him
Location [IC]: Gemini
Rank [IC]: Recruit
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: cactustitle_by_lunecy-dbohv4p.png]
He could feel the wind from the ocean merging with the mountain peaks become colder each day. Cactus yearned for winter, wanting to trudge through the snow as he felt so at home in the element. Every once in a while he would climb the cliff sides where ice was permanent and he could relax along the patches of snow. Today though, the black wolf would wander around the perimeters of Gemini, exploring his home as he had stayed within a small area before. The hot springs is where he gravitated toward considering he helped Jasel with his parasite problem, but now that the ‘zombie’ felt better, Cactus didn’t stay around as much.

The ocean-side cliffs sustained his curiosity for a while until the salty air made him nauseous to where he walked past the Hewn Steps and into the northern territory with a small forest nestled against the jagged mountains. Vegetation was dense, the cool soil under his massive paws felt natural and he felt at peace here. That was until a scream pierced the air and startled the wolf into a defensive mode. Intense blue eyes stared forward as ears listened for any more sounds, but nothing came, except for a small family of weasels scurrying along past him.

After a moment, Cactus resumed his walk and came across the faerie pools —pristine water that flowed into deep pools from creeks up the mountains. He figured they were possibly from the snow melting in the spring through the fall and freezing over in the winter. He noticed however that a body lay on one of the rocks up above, creating a fork in the water’s flow. He wondered if this individual was the source of the scream he heard earlier and tilted his head some. “Was that you screaming?” he asked, before sitting down and waiting for a response.

Scared the shit out of a weasel and her babes, kind of scared the shit out of me too.” Blue eyes watched for a reaction, wondering what the hell was wrong in order to scream at passing wildlife.

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
[Image: free_icon__blue_crystal_by_binoftrash-d600693.gif]

No smoke without fire
When will you ever learn
That’s what you said to me
Bigger the head that turns,
I say, maybe he’s happy
So quick to fire, never a liar in honesty

[Image: profilebutton_by_lunecy-dbvd940.png] [Image: gallerybutton_by_lunecy-dbvd93j.png] [Image: pinterestbutton_by_lunecy-dbvd949.png]

Sybella she/her
Posts: 58
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 727

[Image: aa4e7a7f7b3024387f5e8636d92a2c21.png]

actions - "speech" - thoughts

“Was that you screaming?”

Instinctively, her ears perked and swiveled towards the direction of the voice. She lifted her head slowly to turn and look at the shadow, guilt plastered on her face, frowning. She heaved a sigh and nodded, wondering if there were consequences here in Gemini for disturbing the peace as he seemed pretty concerned. "It was, m'sorry. I'm havin'a bad day... a bad week, really. I'm sorry." She spun slowly to face his direction, mimicking his pose as she sat. The water dividing them helped to break the silence, and it also aided to calm Sybella's nerves. She was still worried she was in some sort of trouble.

“Scared the shit out of a weasel and her babes, kind of scared the shit out of me too.”

She winced, feeling remorse for the critters that she disturbed. Really, they hadn't done anything to her. It was silly to have projected her anger onto them... Maybe she should find them and apologize, too. "I know, I know... That was terrible of me. I truly apologize, ye have no reason to be scared." She began, looking away to avoid anymore judgement. The bloke definitely thought she was loony, that's for certain. Even if she'd explained her situation, how would she justify

screaming at rodents in passing? "I'm just havin'a great deal of trouble adjustin' t'life here in Gemini." She explained gingerly, knowing from experience that strangers usually couldn't give a fuck less about her problems, and she wasn't sure yet if she wanted to scare this one off. Though she was aware he didn't necessarily come to make sure she was okay, it felt like he did... and it was nice to feel concerned for. She hadn't felt that in awhile.



talk to me, i love that sound
out of words when you're around
i've been trying to come down
on a high when you're around
lift me from the ground

[Image: 87UXBy9.png]
Cactus He/Him
Posts: 5
Pronouns: He/Him
Location [IC]: Gemini
Rank [IC]: Recruit
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: cactustitle_by_lunecy-dbohv4p.png]
The girl turned around, almost surprised that Cactus stood there and existed. Honestly, he was surprised himself, but the girl turned to apologize, resting again as she faced him. He raised an eyebrow slightly, a little stumped as to how being in a foul mood would instigate screaming at a family of weasels. He supposed that in a fury, he’d yell at anything too, especially if it had anything to do with his father. Or mother, at this point, but Cactus was beyond that right now, instead he sat and watched her.

Well, I just mean you startled me.” he said, shifting his stance so he stood once again. Cactus glanced behind him, and then stepped forward to take a small drink. “You shouldn’t apologize to me though, I would apologize to the family you screamed at.” After all, he wasn’t the one she screamed at. He had just appeared now, observing and now she seemed a little melancholy.

He sighed.

Icy blue eyes glanced back up at her. “Not easy adjusting to new things, is it?” Just like he wasn’t used to hot weather or a new home that was so far from what he used to know. Even the anger within him had calmed down to a degree, but Cactus rarely cared about other people as they tend to not give a fuck about him. “Where did you come from?” At least he would try to drive her away from her original problem, to keep her mind off the problems she was experiencing.

He was so nice, wasn’t he?

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
[Image: free_icon__blue_crystal_by_binoftrash-d600693.gif]

No smoke without fire
When will you ever learn
That’s what you said to me
Bigger the head that turns,
I say, maybe he’s happy
So quick to fire, never a liar in honesty

[Image: profilebutton_by_lunecy-dbvd940.png] [Image: gallerybutton_by_lunecy-dbvd93j.png] [Image: pinterestbutton_by_lunecy-dbvd949.png]

Sybella she/her
Posts: 58
Pronouns: she/her

All Accounts Posts: 727

[Image: aa4e7a7f7b3024387f5e8636d92a2c21.png]

actions - "speech" - thoughts

   “Well, I just mean you startled me. You shouldn’t apologize to me though, I would apologize to the family you screamed at.”

Her heart sank as she watched him take a drink inbetween phrases.

   "Ye right. I'm sor-" She cleared her throat, catching herself before she apologized again. He'd already told her not to. Bad habit.
   "I'll... have to catch'em lata. I'm sure I'll have a run into those lil guys again."
Probably not, but if she did, she'd be sure to remember to say sorry. This guy sure was making her feel guilty for it, after all. She met his gaze as he sighed, speculating that he may have some burden weighing on his shoulders, as well. Before the eye contact could reach the point of discomfort, she looked away.

   “Not easy adjusting to new things, is it? Where did you come from?”

She looked into the water, at their reflection. He appeared to be just a shadow of hers. Much darker than most wolves she has met here in Gemini. She thought of how hot he must feel wearing fur so dark, and how much hotter he'd be if he came from where she'd came from.

   "Ha! Ye got that right. Are you adjustin', too?" She looked back to him, "I came from a place far south from'ere. And ye'self? I've never seen a coat so dark. Ye must be burnin' up." She looked to the sky, thankful that the clouds were rolling in and the sun was setting. It'd be nightfall soon enough.

   "My name's Sybella. I made Gemini my home just a few days ago."

ooc I think we agreed to short form originally, didn't we? LOL. I know you won't mind <3


talk to me, i love that sound
out of words when you're around
i've been trying to come down
on a high when you're around
lift me from the ground

[Image: 87UXBy9.png]
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