Private Roleplay child of sight, adult of mind [crux] (complete) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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October 11, 2017, 04:04:17 PM
(This post was last modified: November 28, 2017, 09:32:38 AM by Uri.)
[thread from .org @Uri I will reply next week]
A fire had begun burning within her. A fire hard to distinguish for flames were getting oxygen with her every breath and fuel by every word she heard. She was learning, she was getting the teaching she needed and with every thing she learned of it all the more she grew into an adult by mind. She knew of heathens, red dragons, the ranks and some of those who held the ranks. She didn’t need anything but this and it was all that interested her, consumed her even. She had learned her lesson to stay from the tar pits, and instead she was sitting by the trees near her home and touching the grass with her front paws, lying on her stomach she stretched her front toes to let the soft grass in between each toe before moving it down toward the ground and watch the grass almost rise in height. She lifted her eyes from the grass and watched the empty den area wallowing in a slope with trees to shade them from the burning heat. The others were gone, her siblings no doubt exploring the surrounding territory and playing games she wasn’t invited to join (and had no interesting in being invited to), while her appearance resembled that of a child’s, there was not much left of her mind that did. She had learned of the red dragon and her heathens, how heathens burned in the afterlight and what awaited those that turned against the light of the rosas. She was slightly terrified of it all, but oddly satisfied about their faith. It was still midday when small light footsteps came nearby and Fei didn’t bother looking in their direction. ”They are all out.” No visitor would come for her and especially not children. She had made no friends of those her own age and maybe that was a mistake, maybe it wasn’t, she would judge, she would come to learn their true purpose and intentions and then she would know if it was all for good or bad. She stood up and turned around to find that whomever had come by hadn’t left yet. |
The Sacrificial Blade
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October 11, 2017, 04:04:43 PM
(This post was last modified: November 19, 2017, 11:50:39 AM by Uri.)
CRUX thorn in your side
He'd come looking for friends, no matter who they might be. He'd had a fun time playing with the three girls (were they all girls? At this point in his life he had no real distinction among the genders so they were all just friends) the one day at the tar, but he knew they had siblings so even if they were away maybe someone else would be here! Blue-tinted paws led him in the direction of their den and he hoped hard that no grown-ups would be around to ruin his fun. His wholesome youth fun, he wasn't doing anything wrong. When he approached the den, he spotted a pup who seemed similar in age to the ones he'd met. She was lying in the grass in the shade of some trees, relaxing or watching or something - he wasn't quite sure. As he didn't see anyone else, he started walking to her and was surprised when she spoke without even looking. "They are all out." OOCSorry for the delay! I forget if this was before or after the teaching session so I'm going to assume they haven't really spoken yet. |
T he boy hadn't left yet and didn't seem to be leaving any time soon either. She looked puzzled at him and was about to ask what he was still doing here, but he answered her before she could get to it. "Oh. You are here though" Something odd happened on Fei's face. A smile broke out. That was a first for her, rarely did she display emotion and even less so in front of strangers. Cute, the boy thought she would be good company, a sport, a laugh, playmate maybe even friend? The smile disappeared, the transformation was swift and secure, her eyes that had beamed turned emotionless and the smile withered as if death itself had taken its life. "I'm Crux, what's your name?""Cute, but I am not fun company." She deflected his question for a moment, watching his reaction but decided that she was a civil person "I am Feizin. I am afraid you will be mighty disappointed with my company, I don't... "play"." She looked at him with a dead serious glance and walked closer to him, her figure not giving much away of emotions or thoughts, dead silent and just watching, she didn't offer no more smiles, he had captured her at a rarity, not cause she enjoyed her emotionless tours, but because youth had never grasped a hold of her. "My sisters would be more appropriate company." Her words were chosen carefully, underlining her adulthood in her head. She wasn't for kids, she wasn't a playful mate for him, she was his judge, maybe his mentor if he chose to listen, to learn. She stopped mere centimeters from him, her red eyes soft and mindfully measuring him. His figure didn't matter much, it would be the things underneath, the prospect of whom he took side to, which color he adored. "But maybe I'll play. If you are a faithful man. Are you, Crux? Faithful to our gods?" Or am I to judge you for it? |
The Sacrificial Blade
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CRUX thorn in your side
A smile broke out on the girl's face and Crux couldn't help but be pleased and even moreso couldn't help but be disappointed when she swiftly wiped the smile from her face. "Cute, but I am not fun company. I am Feizin. I am afraid you will be mighty disappointed with my company, I don't... "play"." Fun company? He considered her deflection and disdain towards his gracious hand, pushing aside potential offense. He thought it was sad that she hadn't thought anyone would come looking for her. That was no way to live one's life, isolating yourself. She didn't seem to want to take the initiative to go seeking adults to continue her mimicry of adulthood, unless she did that at other times and this was her alone time to rest. Either way, he was intrigued, perhaps moreso than when he'd met her sisters. "My sisters would be more appropriate company." He gave a slight shrug, watching her as she approached him and spoke calmly and clearly. She came so close that he could feel her breath on him, though she didn't seem to wish to attack him like grownups who got too close might. Though, she seemed to like her game, so maybe that was a part of it. "But maybe I'll play. If you are a faithful man. Are you, Crux? Faithful to our gods?" His eyes narrowed slightly. Was she trying to get him to slip up, confess to something and get in trouble? He decided to answer as honestly as he could - after all, this was all he knew thus far. No seeds of doubt had nestled their ways into his heart as they had with his dam. OOC |
"Nice to meet you Feizin" Was it now? She didn't change her expression, just watched him as she stepped closer, watching him carefully with serious eyes and a stern line for a mouth. She wasn't out to harm him or even challenge him, she hadn't decided on that part yet, whatever she thought he was worthy or not, but she was waiting for an answer to that question.
"Of course. I was born out of holy... ma-tree-mony, by the will of the Red - how could I be anything but faithful to our gods? Without them I wouldn't be alive." That was right. crux was born out of red will, like she was born of white - which alignment would they end in? What course would they take and how would either child fair in the real world of adults? Fei was partially an adult already, but she didn't know of everything yet, she hadn't learned all the rules yet. It was unlikely Crux had either. Pure - white and born of red. She continued to look at him with her stern expression, then it softened and like clouds disappearing from the sun she brightened. She smiled again. This was the first young child she had met who took his religion seriously and for that he won an amount of respect usually reserved for adults at this point. She decided that this was a guy worth hanging on to, to make bonds with and befriend. He was worthy of her time. "Are you?" She stopped smiling for a moment and watched him very seriously again, not taking the question lightly. "I am. I've decided to devote my life to the gods." Devotion, virtue - honestly she wasn't sure if Crux understood, but it was important he did. "I Like you." She gave him a coy smile and then jumped toward him gently trying to nip at his shoulder with her small fangs. Gently and without harm, almost playful but with the purpose of bonding with him. She watched for his reaction, wondering if he understood. Anywhere, anytime, did he know about it yet? She tried to persuade him again with another nip at him, she was smiling now feeling better than she had most of her childhood. Devotion caused loneliness and now she wasn't so alone. She had found another in her faith. |
The Sacrificial Blade
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CRUX thorn in your side
The boy blinked at her as she considered his words, breathing calmly and focusing on her. She stared back at him, her gaze intense as ever, until a smile broke through again and her face lit up in a smile he knew could not have been common. Although he barely knew her, he didn't think her serious attitude was her putting on a character for his benefit. No, he'd broken through, at least a bit. Her smile lifted his spirits and his tail twitched slightly - were he of dog blood he may have wagged his tail. She turned serious when he asked her the same question he had just answered, but it didn't seem like he had offended her in any way. "I am. I've decided to devote my life to the gods." She sure seemed like she had her place in that figured out, he decided. While he was sort of trying to please her with his answer, he was intrigued by her intensity of focus and her devotion. It was nice to see someone who knew what she wanted to head towards. Her goal seemed very different from her sisters, so it intrigued him. Her sisters wanted things like to be slavers and captains, but she desired something of a different vein it seemed. She would have gotten along with his mother in her early years. "I Like you." It was with a coy smile that the girl leaped at him and nipped at him. His ears pricked up and he smiled back, dimples he inherited from his father prominent on his freckled face. He had learned about this "AA" bonding - his housemate had joined shortly after his mother's return and had been learning about their way of life alongside him. After her second nip, he seemed to realize what he was meant to do, and darted in to offer a nip of his own - slightly sharper than hers but also not meant to harm. His new friend. Acknowledging her initial reluctance to play, he would let her take the lead as her comfort dictated. She was slightly smaller than he, so he knew he didn't want to actually hurt her, but it was their custom and he would comply to the fullest of his untrained ability. OOC |
F ine was the boy indeed. She was happy for the first time, she liked being in a social situation. Actually she did enjoy being social in her own way, she liked being close to others, observe and judge them silently for their devotion, but that wasn't something you could go ahead and say out loud. She just did it without anyone commenting on it, her siblings learned to ignore her watchful eyes as she observed them play. It wasn't in her nature to be like them, she was almost the odd man out."Priestdom? She thought a little, ran over the words. Truly priesthood would benefit her and be a fitting suit for her, her true calling, devotion to the gods and their words, but it also meant working with heathens. No Priesthood was not her true calling, however "Maybe. As a stepping stone." For something bigger, something better for the future of the gods and their plans. He smiled back at her and her face flustered slightly in confusion of this return, young love? Not likely, she wasn't a cute little thing, she was a devote woman not too concerned with love or care of others, not in that way, it was too much to ask of her right now. It took too nips for him to get ready, and she was glad he understood and seemed to not take it ill, he understood traditions and the core of Oukoku-kai. He heart swelled with pride as he nipped back. "I like you too." Her heart swelled bigger. She knew now. She jumped at him, not as gently as before but softly still to not harm him, she tried to chew playfully at his ear and push him over, though he was older and bigger than her, she still wanted to impress him. "Will you be my mate when I am older?" It was hard to tell, Feizin had never done love, never felt love or understood it and she still didn't and it was an unlikely future for her as well to ever understand how love worked. However she understood devotion and like. Crux was only a little older than her, he was devoted, he cared for traditions and lived by them, that was more than what she had seen by anyone else her age, and that told her that Crux was a perfect match for her. A right match, a good match someone she could stand by and promise herself to, and that was important too. "Build a house with me." a strong and sturdy house of many bonds. Childish games had never been her style. |
The Sacrificial Blade
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CRUX thorn in your side
"Maybe. As a stepping stone." Ah, that did make sense. He appreciated that she thought it over for a bit before responding, and that she left room to grow. She seemed suited for greatness and he wondered if she would want to be a captain at some point. Her cold intelligence seemed remarkably red from what he'd experienced, so he wondered if Iti was a goal of hers. Furthermore, she was clearly pleased when he reciprocated the A&A and he turned, pressing into her with his shoulder and using one strong kick of his back legs on the earth to try to push her back. It seemed that she was clinging to him in her attempt to push him over, so she likely would remain with him through the push - unless his height prevailed and she slipped so she was under him, on her back. If that were the case, he'd drop down onto her to hold her down without biting, using his weight as an anchor. "Will you be my mate when I am older?" "Build a house with me." He considered the offer, mulling it over in his head. Surely he was too young now to consider building a house - but he wouldn't be too young, too unranked forever. He'd claim a rank and claim her as his bond, as his mother had claimed his other mother years ago. They'd grow strong and powerful together. OOC |
S he landed on her back with Crux on top of her and she pushed her front paws against him as if to push him off, and nipped at his face in small japs her tail curling in on itself. She took this tradition seriously, but though no reason to fight him throughly, he was larger and older than her, which meant she couldn't overcome him even if she wanted to, but she didn't mind. It was the act itself that mattered and upon asking her question Crux thought for a long time, carefully considering. She rolled to her side and looked at him, wondering what was going on inside his head, but not for one moment did she doubt herself.She had chosen carefully. "Yes." Good She smiled at him and sat up along with him, and while she was still younger and smaller than him she understood her words too well, she knew they were promised now, she understood a betrothal and its concept. She wasn't a touchy feel girl, she was logical, thinking. Jealousy and envy were lost on her, attributes he would come to learn over time, things he might end up loving her for, she would never disgrace herself or him by causing a childish scene in front of others, never would she accuse him of anything without hard boiled evidence, even so it would be hard for her to feel accusing as long as he was devote and virtue. It was all she asked for. She reached for him to show her gratitude. Fei would later learn that he was a man of much love, and while he didn't yet love her and she not him, they both understood the importance of sticking together, to keep close when they were so alike and wanted the same things. Finding virtue people of the valley was hard enough. "Our house will be unbreakable, unstoppable." She looked up at him and nodded. This is why I chose you Crux." He understood that this wasn't just some game. He understood. "They will speak of it years ahead." Pride. Pride for him - her chosen mate. Not out of love, but of devotion. She had chosen right. She leaned in against him, small token of gratitude and satisfaction that he had chosen her as well. These moments would be rare with Fei, but it only made them stronger, more powerful. This was how they parted before the war. Oookay I don't feel like you need to reply to this because I'm gonna jump into 2 open threads you are in, so we are gonna play it out as time as passed, Crux is 1 year and Fei a few months younger, they haven't interacted much during the war, but only seen each from time to time. Does that sound good? Then I will jump into the two open threads and their bonding can continue now that they are both older. |