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The Leviathan
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October 09, 2017, 08:36:18 AM
(This post was last modified: October 09, 2017, 08:39:33 AM by Raikov.)
It had been... well an age since they had a cat in their masses, even longer since one was as useful as the brute known as Adder. The Captain allowed a grin to slide on his face easily, his form comfortable as his tail swished leisurely behind him like a banner. Ah yes he'd heard a tale or three about the man in front of him, and the Captain was pleased. He'd crept down the plank of his ship onto the wet sand this morning, mind fixated on finding this Adder that his children laughed and babbled about, that the other pirates gossiped about.
It was relatively easy to map out where the lion was, his scent different than those of his own kind. Raikov had spent many days, weeks exploring every aspect of their new home. He wanted no surprises, no beasts lurking beneath the surface of the water. It was certainly a change from the swamp, the forest that he had grew up in. It felt like a reward to finally come here, to be blessed with the lush jungle, plentiful and thick with food and plants. The sea was a welcomed edition, the salt a bitter twang in the air as waves lapped against the shore in a rhythm. A twinge sparked in his head that he wished Morgan were here to see this. But it was no matter; this was his empire now, by the Gods he had earned it through sweat and blood, like a dragon guarding its hoard. Rain filtered down onto the world in a light patter, gradually turning heavy in the short distance it took to cross the sands. The tall trees provided shelter from the majority, but droplets still slipped through, soaking the life below. And yet the jungle was as vibrant as ever. The object of his desires stuck out like a sore thumb among the green foliage, the Captain making his way over. He wasn't disappointed. ”Yer name's Adder, aye?” The question came as more of a statement, molten gold eyes drinking in the form of the lion before him. He was a beautiful thing, thick frame and legs ironing out his core; physical power practically radiated from the other male, enough that made an easy smirk line the Captain's maw. "Name's Raikov, I've been meanin' ta speak with ya. Walk with me," He'd rumble, broad paws taking the pair through the lush jungles of Tortuga, the tropical birds and parrots chirping and squawking from up above. The rain poured heavily down upon the earth, the ground slick and moist where they walked. The Captain's tail swished behind him at his leisure, small drops sliding from his pelt. A rumble of thunder echoed overhead as Raikov swiped his tongue over his maw, "In fer a storm, it sounds. We're goin' inside though." He stated, eyes turning toward the gap in the mountain they were heading toward. The man didn't bother to shake his pelt, not when they entered a larger cavern; a heated pool of hot springs lay unattended. The skylight in the wall fell darker with rain, creating a circle of splashing water. The Captain strode forward with a confident air, sliding easily into the heated water with a content purr; His shoulders submerged as he turned around, flashing a sharks grin at the other man. "Come chat with yer Captain. We've lots ta discuss, including yer efforts in the war. An' more importantly, yer rewards," |
speech ♚ thoughts
The ocean toiled in the storm, waves crashing violently against rocks, churning in violent, huge waves. It was just what was left from the hurricane, but Adder felt as though the weather was reflecting what was always happening to his emotions inside. A tumultuous sea, that's all he was. Constantly at war with the world and himself.
This day in particular found the lion sitting on the shore, angry waves lapping at his paws, rain battering his pelt and weighing it down. He was chilled to the bone but it felt good. His newly-earned scars ached less, in some strange turn of events. The cold should've agitated them, but instead he felt... nearly at peace, here among the chaos. Tortuga was his home now, and he had the marks upon his pelt to prove it. He stood out like a sore thumb among them--his packmates, the jungle, the sea--but he still felt as though he fit in more with them than he had with an entire pride of lions like him. ”Yer name's Adder, aye?” His ears swiveled to meet the voice, but his head was slower to turn. He needed to get his mane shorn--the water was bogging it down, making his head heavy. Brilliant blue eyes met golden as Raikov went on. "Name's Raikov, I've been meanin' ta speak with ya. Walk with me," "Aye, Captain." He turned from the sea and followed after Raikov, close but not enough so to be overly familiar. For all that he was loyal to this man, had fought a war for him, he didn't actually know the Captain very much at all. Not that you needed to know someone to fight in their name. To win in their name. Adder had fought one of the Gods of Death Valley, and while they both still breathed, he considered it a win. What kind of God could not defeat their enemy? Gods didn't bleed and Gods didn't lose. "In fer a storm, it sounds. We're goin' inside though." He hadn't even realized where they were going until Raikov had already walked them inside. The air was hot, permeated with steam from the spring Raikov submerged himself in easily. Clearly this was not the man's first trip here. Adder walked over to the edge and plopped himself down on the thermally heated rock, his front paws dipping into the water. It was strange, the way his back was cold but his belly was heating, but he decided that it was not altogether unpleasant. Besides, he was in the company of his handsome leader, so it didn't really matter. "Come chat with yer Captain. We've lots ta discuss, including yer efforts in the war. An' more importantly, yer rewards," "You don't need t'reward me, Captain." He told him, ever honest. "I was happy t'do it." And he was. War was his element, it was where he felt most comfortable. His anger needed an outlet, and violence had always been the best one--war was just a means to an end. That end, though, had not yet revealed itself. |
Almost Sparkles
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Raikov tended to pick the worst days and the worst places for meetings. By the time Hebe realized he was late, he almost considered not showing up at all. Moreso when he finally departed and got pelted with increasingly strong rain. Feeling particularly grumpy, Hebe allowed himself a grunt as he pushed himself towards where he remembered the hot, steamy cave being. It took him a little longer than usual to find it, likely because he almost never visited it in the first place. And when he entered, he heard the distinct voices of the two men he wanted to, figuratively speaking, see.
"You don't need t'reward me, Captain. I was happy t'do it." Hebe snorted audibly at that as he approached, careful not to step on anything too slippery. "Just cause' it comes from the heart doesn't mean you don't deserve somethin' for it. By that logic, the Quartermaster would still be, uh, whatever he was before he became that." he was a shark at some point, wasn't he? Hebe shrugged, avoiding the water and instead stretching out enough to give Raikov's ear a lick. "This is a horrible place, you hate me." he whined, faking hurt before joining the lion on his warm rock. Now this guy had the right idea. "So yeah, rewards. Raikov is here for the cliffhanger, I'm the actual gift giver." he took a moment to gracelessly feel around Addereon's back from where he sat, and his butt, before settling nicely by him, facing where his face would be. Once he got himself comfortable and warm, Hebe cleared his throat and continued. "So, your reward." "I'm retiring. I'm not old or anything but I'm fuckin' tired. I did what I could, continued what... What my sister wanted. I don't really have anything else to give." if the lion tried to argue with him, Hebe would wave his paw. "SO," he stressed, "I naturally had to find someone to replace me. You do good work, really good work, and you don't even really think about it do ya? All from your golden kitty heart." even if that wasn't true, the work spoke for itself. "I want you to take over as Crow." Hebe could not see a reaction, and he hoped Adder would translate it into words effectively. What if he fucked up? What if Adder didn't want the damn position? |