Open dragonfruit mafia [quake plot] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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ooc: this is an open thread for anyone needing rescue or anyone who wants to help <3 also consider it a mantle check-in if you want. current mantles get brownie points for coming. |
Prince of Nardir
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He inhaled, taking in the scents of pine sap and dirt. There was a ringing in his ears, but it was slowly fading. A dull pain pushed its way through the fog of his mind to to acknowledged. Reflexively, he tried to shift his position to relieve the pain, but nothing happened. Something wiggled against his chest-- oh, no, that was his leg. Grunting, he tried to turn away, but found he could not move.
He opened his eyes. Through the film of bleary, half-blurred vision he saw the carpet of pine needles that made up the floor of the Duskwood, and blinked. Dust swirled in the sunbeams that forked through the pines, heavier than he remembered. He lifted his head and twisted it to get a good look at his situation, snorting dirt off his nose when he took stock of his trouble. He was pinned beneath the trunk of a pine. the ground where the pine had been was open, a small ravine of newly loosened dirt and severed tree roots. With a grunt, he forced his legs to shift beneath him, gathering his strength for what he knew he would have to do. Becrux breathed deep, and pushed with all his might, throwing his weight up against the tree trunk. He felt his belly gain distance from the ground, and with the force gathered in his haunches, he surged forward and slipped out from under the tree. The rough bark took some fur and skin with it as it fell back down, but he was free. He gave his pelt a shake, taking stock of all his bones and muscles, but feeling nothing deeper than scratches and bruises. He was lucky. Distant shouting broke the eerie silence. He couldn't make out the words, but it could be nothing other than a summons, given what had happened. Becrux broke into a sprint, heading towards the Halo Gardens. Perhaps there'd even be a halo there. Moments felt like hours as he careened through the Duskwood, taking note of where all the landscape had changed. As he broke into the Lunar Vale, he could just make out the glow of the sun on the Gardens through the trees-- and could see plumes of dust where landslides had settled. When he reached the Gardens, he made out Anika against the green. "Centaurus!" he called. "Are you alright?" He scanned the field, looking for more people. |
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When he felt the earth shake, he was instantly on the ground. Phillip had been awake, stretching his aching legs and looking for a small drink. Then without any form of notice, he was shaken to his core, falling onto the ground without any way of supporting himself. The dog gave a short howl of pain, feeling blood dripping down his nose. As soon as it had happened, it was over. The dog shakingly got to his paws, feeling weaker than ever. The old dog was unable to see, having gone blind long ago, and felt as if the earth under his paws were new, unknown territory. A sharp pain ran up his front leg, and he held back a yelp.
He picked his way slowly over fallen branches, maybe fallen trees, trying to stay standing with everything that grabbed at his paws, hobbling with his right front paw barely touching the ground. He wasn’t sure where he was heading, but there was enough panic filling his body to keep moving until he found someone. Automatically he had started to head towards the Halo’s garden. Alue and other healers had taken him there plenty of times before, for he was an old dog and needed help almost every week. As he entered the field, hearing the voices of others - who, and how many, he was too shaken up to tell - and tripped again on the unfamiliar ground. Phillip drew closer to who he assumed was there. Even if he picked up their scents right in front of him, he still felt the doubt of them being there. It was not good for an old man to be shaken up. The frail dog went up to them, then immediately collapsed onto the ground. He pulled his front leg to him in pain, licking at it as if that would help. The skin wasn’t torn, but he already knew what kind of injury he had, having had it before. “I think,” He was tired, out of breath. “I think I broke my leg.” An earthquake knocking over a frail old man was calling for nothing bad a bad event. |
fly away now.
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![]() ![]() None of them could have expected something like this.
The true severity of the earthquake was sure to have left everyone in the pack reeling, and Kestrel was no less affected by the tumult. Was it so wrong to have a nap every now and then? The first tremor wasn't enough to wake her on its own, but bundles of herbs and supplies rattled and tumbled from their places on dug-out shelves, sending them toppling over onto the dozing Quasar. In confusion, blue eyes parted to blearily observe the cache den. Everything was shaking... vibrating. A clay jar toppled over and landed between her paws with a loud clatter, succeeding in pulling her out of her daze and spilling its contents across the dirt and pine beneath them. Oh no, she tried to mutter, though her mouth only hung open in confusion as the next convulsion took over. More of her supplies spilled to the floor and the ceiling above her hissed with the threat of collapse, dirt and dust raining down into a thick cloud around her head. Kestrel ducked away as quickly as she could to keep from having it come down on her, but she was more than relieved to see it hadn't fallen in on itself when the wave pulled to a halt. She was about to play it safe. Make a break for the outside, find someone to help, but... nimble paws tried to work as fast they allowed, stuffing herbs and jars into her satchel. She couldn't afford to lose any of her stock. Not now. Satisfied with her collection, the Quasar stumbled forward to the mouth of the den, rocking unsteadily and almost ping-ponging against the walls in a desperate attempt to stay upright and get her supplies to safety. It wasn't until she'd breached the surface that she had missed something. Russet fur was still ruffled with the indention of her harness- the one Puffin had given her the same day as her crafting rank. Nooo, no, no... Kestrel tossed her already spinning head back and forth as she contemplated her loss. It was close, in the same chamber she'd already been in. Surely she could make it. After dropping her belongings safely outside, the timber darted back in for her prized possession. She was fast enough, snapping it up in her jaws and turning to dart out but the earth gave another, louder hiss that sent chills up her spine. And then a crack, and the den filled with a heavy cloud of dust as it began to collapse in on itself just as she managed to slip past the exit and skid across the trembling earth with a startled yelp. The female sat still for a while, trying to calm herself and work her way out of the anxious daze she'd been in for what seemed like forever, harness still dangling safely between her teeth. Luckily a summons broke through the deafening rumble, a presence forming just over the crest of the hill that roused her back onto her feet and forward to investigate. "I'm here!" Kestrel was relieved to see Anika and Becrux on their feet- confused but otherwise still kicking, but that's about where her comfort ended. Phillip was on the ground, already frail with age and obviously shaken up pretty badly from the event. She was at his side in an instant, deeply relieved she'd been able to salvage something to at least help his pain. "Phillip, it's me, Kestrel. I'm going to have to move your leg, okay?" He held it tight to his chest and she noted the swelling immediately. This wasn't going to be very fun. "I've left some supplies over near the uh.. den," she pointed. "Could one of you grab some sticks and cobweb cloth? I'm going to have to set his leg."
she, her
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October 11, 2017, 09:16:30 PM
(This post was last modified: October 14, 2017, 11:55:25 PM by Ayliyra.)
The assembly at the lake had made it apparent that there were several members unaccounted for and injuries that would need treatment which meant she was searching for any signs of someone in trouble as well as searching for herbs that could be used to treat those injuries and or anything else that might come up now that the meeting had concluded. She found some herbs first partially buried in a small mound of overturned earth, they'd probably been part of a cache before ending up here, they weren't in great condition but they were still usable and in these circumstances every bit was going to be needed so she dug them the rest of the way out. Once that was done though, which didn't take long at all, she was faced with the dilemma that she couldn't just leave them here where they might become further damaged or might not be recognized by anyone else but a healer for what they were, which would make them useless unless a healer happened this way and found them, but she couldn't just carry them around with her either. Which left her only one option really..they would have to be taken somewhere where they would be safe and could be put to use helping the pack and since it would be a good idea to check on the rest of the resources she figured she'd take them to what she had gathered to be a gathering spot for the healers given the fairly strong herb scents she'd scented there. So she scooped up the herbs and carefully headed that way looking and scenting for any more herbs or any packmates in distress on the way.
When she arrived at the location there were others already there. The one of the ones who had brought her back, Anika she believed the name was, a large male who seemed familiar though she couldn't place why at present and one who was talking about setting bone so possibly a healer and the patient..was the one who was apparently allowed to threaten whomever he pleased regardless of what the laws said about prisoner behavior since that was what he'd been last time she had encountered him what he was now though she wasn't entirely sure but then she also wasn't entirely sure she wanted to be around the elder long enough to find out. No he was not one of her favorite individuals but he was injured and there were plenty of others that could be in the same or similar state which made that the priority. She carefully walked as close as she dared not interested in having the old dog take the opportunity to snap at her and set the herbs down. "I found these and figured they should be brought here. There is water not far from here that is a bit clearer than the lake that is probably better for patients to use". She stated so that they could use the information for the benefit of the pack. She knew about the dangers of dirty water from having witnessed it when the ash had fallen and covered Nardir's old forest home and then again in the marshes during the plagues and then again after the blizzard with the floods. Bad water was not a good thing for anyone really but those who were sick or injured or who otherwise had lower tolerances for illnesses would be especially vulnerable to sickness and potentially death if they drank contaminated or unclean water. To any comments about her needing treatment for her own injuries she would simply shake her head. "I can manage without treatment. There are others who might need care more than I do, the herbs should be saved for them". With that she turned and with one last remark, "I'll try and have any herbs or injured packages brought here". She would leave to continue searching. ((sorry for quality of this was trying to do it quick and was gonna save it as a draft but it isn't giving me that option for some reason so..yeah. Again sorry!)) |
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Having come from the meeting by the lake as well, Hakan had made quick work of returning to the Halo's garden with a mission of salvaging what he could find. The experienced healer had a limp and his coat was still half sogged from a dip in the flash flood when his den collapsed. He perked his ears at the summons for Halo's and Mantles and had a small heart attack wondering if his daughter, Kyra, would be here instead of at the meeting with Alana. Surely she would have stuck by the other Mantles since she was training. He crested the hill and his heart fell as he immediately noticed no one with a bright red coat. It took a moment to recognise the female, Aylie, that was quickly retreating on her own mission and caught the end of her conversation. When did she return? She seemed no worse for wear, and he knew she would have that one track mind for whatever mission she had been put on. If she looked his way he would throw her a welcoming warm and recogniseable smile. He was glad she was home again.
As she retreated he finally turned to the rest of the crew (as either Anika or Becrux returned with Kastra's request) and noticed Becrux, a Mantle that had gone with Kyra on her mission to Tortuga (He had watched them leave,) Had a patch of skin showing as well as the elder on the ground with a broken leg. It seemed Kastra had that under control. "Aylie!" He shouted across the few paces she had already gone, hoping to grab her attention, assuming she had been placed on a mission to gather herbs, "Keep a look out for Willow Bark, Calendula, Witch Hazel or Yarrow, and Thyme! My den was under the willow by the river just west of here. I have some there." Though the willow was probably collapsed and the den buried. She had a nose though and he knew this since he had trained her as an apprentice for a season in the neutrals. "Need a paw with that bone? I can hold while you wrap." He said turning to Kastra, fully believing in her capabilities. If he got hold of some calendula and yarrow he would treat that spot on Becrux. |