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sledDog - Puffin
alueWusky - Alue -- sledDog [SD] began pestering alueWusky [AW] at 21:57 -- [09:59] -- alueWusky [AW] had searched the dog leader, Puffin, out, anxiously wanting to ask of a favor of sorts. He went close to where he had known the dog's den was, and stood outide, taking a moment to get himself together before calling out for the other, hopefully not bothering him too much. -- [09:59] AW: "Puffin, can we talk? It's not an issue, I swear." [10:00] -- sledDog [SD] looks up, tail wagging as he spots Alue. Slipping out of his den, he takes a seat in the grass. -- [10:01] SD: "Of course! What can I do for you?" [10:01] -- alueWusky [AW] feels anxious no matter what he wants or does, and even with his tail wagging - more of a coping way of copying the other - he felt himself as if he were able to sweat and get nervous like a human. -- [10:02] AW: "Lately, I've been collecting these, um, rocks? Crystals? And I kind of want to use them? I was wondering if maybe, just maybe, I could start training or working or experimenting as a crafter? I know Kestrel is double ranked as a crafter, so I figured if she can do it, maybe I can too." [10:04] SD: "Sure! That sounds cool! I can teach you a little about leatherworking and woodworking too, if you think that would help? What do you think you want to do with these, uh, crystals?" [10:04] -- alueWusky [AW] shifted his paws nervously. -- [10:06] AW: "I haven't really decided yet. Kestrel made some little pouches for us halos to carry herbs with them, so I was thinking of trying that first. Maybe use them to decorate stuff? I really like collars, and if I could find out a way to put a crystal on a collar, that'd look pretty cool, you know? And yeah, totally, that would help a lot I think." [10:14] SD: "Oh yeah, those pouches were a good idea. I'm sure Kestrel would love to work with you on stuff like that! You can swing by anytime, and we'll show you what we know. I always love showing off my sleds. Maybe this winter I'll take one to Inaria..." [10:14] -- sledDog [SD] gazes whistfully into the distance over Alue's shoulder. -- [10:15] AW: "Thanks, Puffin, that'd be great. And if you need help with, eh hem, pulling that sled, I'm more than willing to lend a paw." [10:15] -- alueWusky [AW] wanted to be a sled dog for sure. -- [10:17] SD: "Good! I think you could be really good at it! It's always a good skill, knowing how to pull a sled! I, uh, guess I don't use it myself as much as I used to, but every so often you get an opportunity like that winter in Familiaris." [10:17] AW: "We can work on a sled team, while crafting. I mean, we need to craft some of the stuff for the sled." [10:21] SD: "True! I can teach you how to cure leather and make the cords that fasten the pieces of the sled together! This is going to be a lot of fun, I can tell. When do you think you want to start?" [10:21] AW: "How about after I've gotten started more with crafting? It shouldn't be too long, I wanna start soon, but maybe a few days? I wanna get myself ready, you know?" [10:22] SD: "That sounds good. Take your time; you know where to find me when you're ready." [10:22] AW: "Thanks, Puffin. I'll see ya around." [10:23] -- sledDog [SD] nods and wags his tail goodbye. -- |