Open  Take a drink of that promised land
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Crocuta She/her
Posts: 26
Pronouns: She/her
Location [IC]: Bacchus
Rank [IC]: Citizen
Played By: Stone

All Accounts Posts: 179

speech [Image: D4u2ToI.png]  Profile
A heavy flop and Crocuta was down. Happy to be able to relax for even the shortest and smallest of seconds.

It was about time for a sit down. This journey will leave scars, physically.  She'd stifle a chuckle, rubbing her muzzle gently, careful not to upset her paint-stained fur. She'd need to find a new stash of fungus or bugs to repaint her face soon. Her supplies were running rather low-- when she'd first met up with Rainer, she thought her supplies had been too heavy with the tack she wore. Now it seemed to float like a phantom on her back. The cold of the valley felt refreshing after the trip they had. With a grunt, she rolled onto her back and rubbed her shoulders into the frosty dirt.

"Now hopefully things will remain peaceful, but theres a lot of work to do."
She'd speak mostly to herself, but didn't quite care who overheard or even replied. Closing her eyes as she lay on her back, she relished the feeling of the cold seeping through her extra-shaggy fur. She cant say she'd ever been 'chilled' in a while, though she expected the general winters here to be harsh...Not that she could remember her last and only one here. Did she even have one? She'd smirk slightly, amused by her foggy memory of the valley before the invasion.

Crocuta knew she'd have to locate some plant life soon, she was sure she'd have to gather something for the sore paws of her pack.
Soldier keep on marchin' on
Head down til the work is done
Waitin' on that morning sun
Soldier keep on marchin' on

Played by Stone
[Image: D4u2ToI.png]
[Image: KmDiBlR.png]

You wanna take a drink of that promise land
You gotta wipe the dirt off of your hands
Careful son, you got dreamer's plans
But it gets hard to stand
Nova rp She/Her
Posts: 8
Pronouns: She/Her

All Accounts Posts: 346

The pack land was huge in Nova's eyes. The large open areas that she could run through. The different smells. It was all a lot different then what she was used to being born into the slave trade. Her first few months of life were nothing compared to what this place could offer her. So many new adventures awaited for her in this area. Nova couldn't wait! 

The young multi-colored pup hopped around as she chased after a little bug that she had found. A little gave of cat and mouth erupting after she had tried to poke it and it started to jump away from her. "Hey, wait!" She'd call after the bug, of course she'd not expect a reply from the thing. 
Then, after a moment. The bug stopped on a nearby stone, giving Nova a clear view of it. Her bright blue eyes stared at the beetle type of bug. Her tongue licking the outline of her lips as she crouched down. Her rear end sticking up in the air and doing a little wiggle before she attempted to pounce onto the bug, using her paws to try and cup the bug.  Once she was settled on her paws again, Nova gently moved her front paws and peaked inside. Only to find that the bug had flowen away. 

The young female frowned and pouted a little. Her little toy had escaped her somehow. 

Feeling discouraged. Nova turned, ready to go and find someone to play with her. Only to hear someone she hadn't heard before speak up. Nova turned her head and perked her ears up as she spotted a black colored wolf. Her curiousity getting the better of her, and the thought of stranger danger never crossing her mind. The strangers words pierced through her skull as she heard what she was mumbling about.

Like what? Nova asked, stopping a few steps away from the strangers head. Nova tilted her head as she looked at the lady upside down. "Does it hurt?" The young girl asked, referring to the green markings on the strangers face. 

Crocuta She/her
Posts: 26
Pronouns: She/her
Location [IC]: Bacchus
Rank [IC]: Citizen
Played By: Stone

All Accounts Posts: 179

speech [Image: D4u2ToI.png]  Profile
Like what?

A small voice-- a cute one.

Crocuta blinked, slowly rolling over to her belly as she adjusted herself to gaze into the pup's eyes. "Gathering, hunting, building, nesting..." Crocuta murmured, softness in her gaze as she looked the pup over. She'd seen the child before, though hadn't had the time to properly introduce herself--let alone greet the pup. She felt warm inside seeing the youngster, reminding her of..Crocuta shook her head, blocking the memories from her mind as she sat up. Smiling softly at the pup, she'd let her tail begin to wag. She couldn't resist being warm towards the youngsters, she couldn't get enough of them, really.

"Does it hurt?"

Croc echoed before realizing what she meant, "Oh no, of course not, love." She'd chuckle softly, "Its paint--made from a mix of insects and fungus. Its a great way to intimidate enemies and a good way of spotting things or persons you need in the dark." She'd drop back down to her belly, her tail sifting the snow around as it wagged slowly. "Whats your name, sweet-star?" She'd ask softly, "I'm called Crocuta, for the sounds I can make." Croc would dip her head, best she could while laying down, and lift it back up.
Soldier keep on marchin' on
Head down til the work is done
Waitin' on that morning sun
Soldier keep on marchin' on

Played by Stone
[Image: D4u2ToI.png]
[Image: KmDiBlR.png]

You wanna take a drink of that promise land
You gotta wipe the dirt off of your hands
Careful son, you got dreamer's plans
But it gets hard to stand
Cardinal She
Posts: 8
Pronouns: She
Location [IC]: Bacchus
Rank [IC]: Whelp
Played By: Uri

All Accounts Posts: 655

They'd just moved in, not too long ago. Come in with a show of force Cardinal was all too familiar with, but as it was explained to her, it was deserved. The "invaders" or so they were called had attacked some of the older Bacchus wolves. Apparently, there'd been a big battle but everyone had been weak because of some sickness. So, basically, they'd gotten run out and half the pack murdered, so it was good that these invaders got murdered back.. right? That's what she gathered from it, anyways. Justice and all that.


The night was cold, but that was normal here. She wasn't yet grown into her fur, that'd come later, but she was getting used to how chilly it was, even if it made her nose and pawpads hurt if she was in the cold for too long. She suffered through it stubbornly, refusing to let anyone look at her paws except her sister. They were cracking and bleeding with the cold, not yet calloused as much as they could be - she didn't get to move much when she was a slave pup. The things she'd been used for, since she looked older than Nova, didn't require having rough paws.

Does it hurt?

Ears pricked immediately and the pup spun around, searching for the source of the voice - her sister. The only one she truly trusted in this land, so far anyhow. She'd gone out looking for her, uncomfortable if she was ever separated from her for longer than a few minutes at a time. She hurried on, paws leaving dots of blood behind even now.

"Hurt? Oh no, of course not, love. Its paint--made from a mix of insects and fungus. Its a great way to intimidate enemies and a good way of spotting things or persons you need in the dark."

She could hear the older female as she sprinted towards them, voice becoming clearer. She didn't take time to think over the words until she skidded to a stop next to Nova, panting and staring with wide green eyes at Crocuta. Oh. Paint. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the paint, processing what'd just been said. Her red-crested head turned to look at her sister to make sure she was okay, but Crocuta was still talking.

"Whats your name, sweet-star? I'm called Crocuta, for the sounds I can make."

Sweetstar? Cardinal felt sick, looking back at Crocuta with narrowed eyes. She stepped close to Nova and pressed her shoulder into her sister's ribcage, keeping her eyes on Crocuta suspiciously. She'd seemed nice enough on the trip in, but the girl hadn't had much time to learn about their new family. She hadn't had time to trust any of them yet, but she knew that hopefully these wolves that looked like them would be safe home for her sister and herself.
dialogue - profile - code by URI

[Image: ych6_by_dayne_doe-dbyn8cf.png]

Nova rp She/Her
Posts: 8
Pronouns: She/Her

All Accounts Posts: 346
(This post was last modified: October 12, 2017, 12:07:14 PM by Nova rp.)

This was the glowing lady from the tunnel, right? She has to be a good person if she's here. She would of attacked everyone if she wasn't, right? Nova's bright blue eyes looked at the glowing lady with interest as she rolled over onto her stomach. Her ears flittering back ever so slightly as she wasn't used to being so close to anyone but her mother or sister. "That's a lot of stuffs." Nova said quietly, after listening to the glowing lady.

Bright blue eyes looked up, widely at the shock of the size difference between the glowing lady and herself when she was sitting up. Nova remembered her being tall, but being so close was a little bit of a shock and it still made her feel a little bit nervous. Still though, she tried to not let it show. She was a big girl, she shouldn't let everything scare her. She couldn't let Cardinal be the brave one looking over her all the time, right?
"That sounds like a lot of work. And gross." Nova mumbled, her nose wrinkling at the idea of fungus. "What's fungus?" She asked, blinking at the lady. "And what's paint?" The young pup asked, watching as the woman came back down to her height.

Hearing fast moving footsteps, Nova couldn't help but to jump a little as she looked to her side. More then a little surprised to see her sister. The blue eyed pup had snuck off to explore while her sister slept, wanting her to rest but it seemed that she was found. Giving her a small nervous smile, Nova looked back towards the glowing lady, ignoring her sister pressing against her. "I'm Nova, and this is my sissy Cardinal." Nova introduced the both of them, giving her sister one of her innocent smiles. She was sure her sister was going to be annoyed with her later.

Then, Nova looked back towards Croctuta, her head tilted towards the side a little bit. "What's the sound you can make?" Nova asked, curious and interest showing in her wide eyes.

Crocuta She/her
Posts: 26
Pronouns: She/her
Location [IC]: Bacchus
Rank [IC]: Citizen
Played By: Stone

All Accounts Posts: 179

speech [Image: D4u2ToI.png]  Profile
"That's a lot of stuffs."

Crocuta chuckled, "It is." She'd nod, but rolled her shoulders back in a shrug, "But, even if its a lot, it must be done to keep pups like you safe and well-fed." She'd lower head head to rest it on her paws. "That sounds like a lot of work. And gross."   Crocuta grinned, clearly amused, as the pup spoke of work and her paint, "What's fungus? And what's paint?"

"Fungus are things like mushrooms, for a easy example." She'd smiled softly, about to explain when another pup suddenly appeared. Crocuta blinked in surprise as the pup sprinted up to Nova; although, she'd nod affectionately at the new-arrival, as best as she could with her head being down, and offered a gentle smile. "I'm Nova, and this is my sissy Cardinal."

"Its great to meet you two face-to-face for a change. I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier than this." Crocuta murmured, "Ah, you may call me Croc if you wish--it may be easier on the tongue; however, some people have called me Mama as well, despite not being their mother."

"What's the sound you can make?"

"The sound? Ahh..." Crocuta sat up and stretched her neck a few times, "Its a fun sound to make and theres no good way for me to explain it--I'll show you instead." The black bacchus offered, her tail wagging happily. At first she'd lower her head, almost tucking her chin to her throat before letting out a long, deep and guttural "ooooohp" which as she lifted her head, quickly rose to a higher tone with an almost "puff" noise at the end of the call.

Soldier keep on marchin' on
Head down til the work is done
Waitin' on that morning sun
Soldier keep on marchin' on

Played by Stone
[Image: D4u2ToI.png]
[Image: KmDiBlR.png]

You wanna take a drink of that promise land
You gotta wipe the dirt off of your hands
Careful son, you got dreamer's plans
But it gets hard to stand
Cardinal She
Posts: 8
Pronouns: She
Location [IC]: Bacchus
Rank [IC]: Whelp
Played By: Uri

All Accounts Posts: 655

Cardinal found herself beside her smaller sister, feeling the other pup jump in surprise at her sudden entrance. The girl felt no need to apologize, instead focusing her full attention on the grown-up who was standing far too close for comfort. To be honest, almost anything would be too close for Cardinal's comfort.

"I'm Nova, and this is my sissy Cardinal."

Cardinal tossed a glare her way, thinking don't tell them my name! but quickly returned to looking at Crocuta, side pressing hard against Nova's, though she was sure not to press against the smaller pup too hard. After all, she didn't want to push her over or hurt her.

"Its great to meet you two face-to-face for a change. I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier than this."

Card squinted at the adult, not trusting her but knowing her sister wanted to learn more. She supposed it was important that they get to know their new packmates, after all they were supposed to be their family now. The little bacchus pup grunted in response, cautious but letting her own curiosity get the better of her.

"Ah, you may call me Croc if you wish--it may be easier on the tongue; however, some people have called me Mama as well, despite not being their mother."

Croc, like the crocodile. The green-eyed girl made the connection between the name and the green glow and the green dangerous animals they'd seen in the neutrals. Cardinal found herself thinking negatively of the adult by simple force of habit - she didn't trust anyone yet. It would take time and effort, but eventually she would grow as a wolf and would learn to trust, even maybe one day to love. For now, she would be a tough egg to crack.

It helped that Nova was much more friendly and wanted to learn about others. Card assumed that was because she hadn't been targeted quite as much. The still-scabbed scar where her tail once was stung and she pulled it close to her body. She was glad Croc hadn't noticed the blood, either fresh or old.

"What's the sound you can make?"
"The sound? Ahh... Its a fun sound to make and theres no good way for me to explain it--I'll show you instead."

The sound caused Cardinal's eyes to widen and hackles to raise, her head pushing back against her shoulders. A look of concern and confusion flashed in her eyes until she realized that the adult was in fact not choking to death, but had made the sound by choice. Why? she asked, tilting her head and frowning. She didn't understand the purpose of the noise so different from normal wolf sound. It wasn't loud enough to be a howl, it wasn't angry enough to be a warning.

dialogue - profile - code by URI

[Image: ych6_by_dayne_doe-dbyn8cf.png]

Stone He, she, him, her, they, them
Rock Solid
Posts: 130
Pronouns: He, she, him, her, they, them

All Accounts Posts: 179

(Bumping this)

         [Image: crocuta_by_preimpression-dbukcul.png]ArtCharacters
Evil is fun better light the fuse and run
Evil is fun Evil is fun
Evil is fun until you kill everyone

vixxie's codes

Nova rp She/Her
Posts: 8
Pronouns: She/Her

All Accounts Posts: 346

The large dark furred lady was interesting. She had so much knowledge and interesting facts that she could share with her and Card. Nova's bright eyes looked up innocently as she listened, wanting to soak up every little detail that she was being given about the questions that she had asked.
The presence of her sister was relaxing, although worrisome at first as Nova felt like she was going to be chastised. Not even a few second later though, Nova found her comfort instead. Leaning against Card as the black wolf in front of them made a strange noise. Her bright blue eyes widening as she stared wide eyed at the female. She had no idea what to make of the noise. It was scary, loud, yet cool.

"Wow." Was all Nova managed to breath out after a couple of moments. Her one word reply to the shocking noise, leaving her mouth only seconds after her sisters responce to the strange noise. "Why'd you learn to do that?"

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