Challenging for rank, land, etc.  its a coup, literally
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Loose the hounds.

The pointless violence played itself out while Crow observed with a sort of indifference no healthy creature should have to someone in pain. Miasma was seeing this all for the first time and her enraptured expression was a little funny. He had always liked her, pretty little toy she was... much better off with him for sure than some heathen mother, whatever her name had been.

Something caught his attention, like movement to the viper. He looked hard at the young boy trying to pry the star of the show out from under the bear’s bulk. Pale yellow toes flexed and tapped spasmodically. Tarun was trying to grab and tear the slender throat. How he thought he’d accomplish that with Rooter right there was a mystery, but...

The black wolf moved. In three seconds, he was at the other wolf’s side, and in half that time, his long plaquey teeth were flashing out to seize the stupid fuck by his face and drag him bodily away from the bear and the keystone. It wasn’t that he cared whether Anya lived or died. It wasn’t that he thought he had a real part in this coup. It was because of her. The Dragon. He’d disobeyed her orders.

And Crow thought an introduction was far overdue, anyway. They all needed to know who he was. They all needed to remember. He was used to a certain kind of lifestyle, you know.

If he was successful, he’d force Tarun to the ground, and the teeth holding him would start to maul with startling, disproportionate violence, like an officer beating a civilian bloody and unconscious. His cheeks, his brows, his lips, his nose, his ears and eyes — Crow aimed to rip and lacerate anything he could take before finally letting him go, offering no mercy, no quarter, no explanation that was not terribly obvious.

If not successful, if Tarun tried to run or dodge or retaliate, Crow would snarl “MIASMA,” calling his weapon, his dog, and the situation would escalate.

How strange, that a boy exiled from Alteron for plotting regicide with a has-been king grew into a man who inadvertently saved a fallen queen’s life.
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Umbra ☾ she
Dust and Shadow
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From the shade, she spied her mother in the crowd. Proud mother, kind mother, standing beside two of her brothers, Zach and either Aspen or Adder (she could never tell them apart from the back; what did that say about her?). Umbra could not get to Anya, but maybe she could get to her mother.

Paws tore wounds in the earth and sprayed the air in mud. Snarling, screaming, desperate clambering climbers struggling for footholds in Miss Azuhel's cliff. Bodies surged in the torrent, and she locked her eye on her mother's back, like a beacon shining from the shore. It was steady. It made sense. Cuff would know what to do.

Then, she saw her mother's back shrink. She pulled away from her brothers and joined the wave, a black and silver streak in the forest, and Umbra felt her heart quake. This was her gallant mother who could stand no more, ready to fight for Miss Anya, ready to forge a path where there was none, and oh, she was so afraid, because she did not want to die, but she would always follow her mother.

Umbra took a step. She tried to remember what she thought heroes should do. She had many stories, but the paled in comparison to the real knight, the wayfarer, the Mother. She was afraid, but she would fight too, because Cuff was her beacon, and this is where she bid her.

Drawing a sharp breath, she readied herself, and— Cuff struck Anya across the muzzle. She saw her Lady tear her maw from her mother's fangs and from the shade the light caught the blood drops as they fell to the dirt the earth the dead dead leaves. Umbra stood, her ears flat against her head and watched the world split down its center.

She found herself beside Aspen (she was sure now, which one he was), though she didn't remember getting there. Waves crashed. Storms surged. The grey churning sky blotted out the light from the shore, and they were lost out in sea. But not as lost as Anya and Gideon and Lynx, who had lost blood, now sticking to Cuff's teeth.

She saw Azuhel, standing at the peak. Azuhel had told her once, maybe you'll do something for me sometime. Umbra did not understand, but she still trusted her mother.

"My Lady!" cried the girl from the crowd, eyes on Azuhel. She did not mean Anya, and that, oh, that felt like its own knife. "Please!"

Spare my lady.

[Image: 1405317_o7a4FvdM7ZyF4h6.png]
Tell me the story
About how the sun loved the moon so much
That she died every night
Just to let him breathe.
[-] Likes: Blondie, DustyForgotten, Huckle
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[Image: plague_by_cookietsune-dafvev6.gif]
He always had been prone to tunnel vision. Easily swept up in how he was feeling in the moment, seldom thinking about the dangers that came with what he wanted when the image of the objective outshined everything else.

It was like that when he brandished his teeth at any sibling daring to look upon his meal. Had been that way when his half-brother snooped around where he wasn’t wanted, or when the cat interrupted his challenge to them, and of course, when he’d been attacked by that deranged uncle of his.

His rage and gluttony combined made for a blinding force. An all-consuming thing that came over him like a veil. Would anyone believe it if he told them after the fact that he hadn’t even so much as noticed the bear pinning poor any down? Or the mob pursuing the former matriarch's son? Or whatever else was happening...

Well, as unbelievable as it might seem, the lot of them might as well have been nothing more than background noise as the young wolf sped past it all. He neither cared for their antics, or plight, nor did he spare the goings on so much as a fleeting glance. It was all predetermined anyway. The woman and her puppet... it seemed they had Azuhel's benevolence on their side for more reasons that Ollie cared to put much thought into. A few cuts and bruises. A few tears maybe. Maybe not. However, they'd taste freedom through exile and that would probably be good enough.

For them.

Oleander aimed for the creature who's fate hovered in limbo. Colliding with the feline after she swung at Warsaw, he made a quick note of how its body flexed and sprinted away after he'd sent her tottering off. If there was any sort of deliberate aim to coax him after her it went unnoticed but was wholly unnecessary in the first place. It wasn't as if he'd be losing interest in the leopard anytime soon after all. Of the three, of anything in a forest of this nature, such a creature stuck out like a sore thumb even more so than the huge bear. The black and white wolf wasn't the only one who Lynx call the attention of in fact. There was a canine similar in color to Azuhel that jetted over to the feline too, and she managed to intercept them, even if it gave the cat some advantage.

Caesar latched onto the side of the animal and was brought down with it. The cat's intention becoming clear as it coiled around her and attacked from multiple angles. Forepaws attempting to hook Caesar into place, hindlegs aiming to kick and rip, and those jaws surely going for whatever they could get between them. What they caught, of course, depending on where exactly Caesar had grabbed and probably if she'd stayed holding on, in the same place, despite being yanked around. Regardless, all any of this did was open a door for Oleander, and that was all he gave a fuck about.

Leopards and dire wolves (even a dire mix in this case), stripped down they had some similarities at least he supposed. It wasn't as if they're bite wasn't something to fear as well. A thing that could crack bone open with ease so that they could feast on the marrow. A set of teeth containing ones sharp enough to shred through the hide of large pray like it were butter.  

It was just a matter of who got which teeth where, and Ollie was aiming for Lynx's neck from behind just as her shorter body lifted up to clamp onto her captive. In the seconds that followed him closing the distance between them, Oleander cocked his head, jaws parting and then closing down harshly, hopefully on some part of her neck. Ripping through the skin and into the thick muscle. Tearing the vessels along the way. Yanking her around with his own strength, perhaps giving Caesar leeway in the feline's hold, although not focused on whether he did or didn't accomplish that.

On his mind was the flow of blood that would leak from her profusely if he managed to land the strike. The thick strip of formerly untasted leopard flesh that might be pulled off is she was to wrestle away from both assailants. The feeling of what was left of that life steadily pooling at his feet either way.

- got the go-ahead to post again in Alteron chat.
- Ollie's aiming for any part of her neck. He's coming in from behind Lynx as she moving to bite wherever on Caesar.
- He's gonna just bite down hard and start playing tug-o-war pretty much. His intent is to do as much shredding damage as possible.
- Any issues? Says something so I can fix it. Otherwise, I won't know.
- That should be it tho.]

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Caesar She/her
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(This post was last modified: November 29, 2017, 05:41:05 PM by Caesar.)

Coups were messy, jumbled things. When she had time to reflect perhaps she would chastise herself for getting herself involved in the pandemonium. Sometimes she could be such a fool. Only fools would manage to get themselves trapped in the claws of a dirty little cat. Anya's leech attached itself to Caesar with savage force, sinking those curved talons deep in search of blood. Again, again, again the feline raked her claws down Caesars back, tufts of hair flying into from her body.

Lynx's sharp claws left crimson gouges beneath her fur that burned like ice and fire but the damage was superficial. The fangs aimed for her throat would do much more damage. Unaware of her comrades' attempts to rescue her and desperate to escape she tries the only thing she can think of. Sacrificing a little flesh to stay alive was nothing to her; the skin would grow back after all and the wounds would heal. With a violent jerk, Caesar would rip herself free, leaving bits of herself beneath the leopards' claws. It burns, her back screams in agony but she still manages to grin despite the pain. She would make sure to memorize the sight of this cats face when it inevitably died. They were far out numbered after all. Resistance was useless.

Even now the trio was being swarmed with Azuhel's loyal followers. Taking advantage of Oleanders distraction Caesar attempts to slip around to the backside of the feline to sink her teeth into the gastrocnemius. If she fails, Caesar quickly ducks her head to dodge any blows directed at her head and tries to move out of range so that she can circle the leopard. Getting in close had been a mistake she wasn't looking to make again and as long as she and Ollie could keep the cat occupied then it wouldn't have time to help Anya or the other boy.

she's got fire in her veins,
smoke on her lips,
and blood staining her fists.
but her mind is wrapped in chains,
and scars mark her hips;

sometimes she forgets she even exists.  
pinterest〉 ┇ 〈art〉 ┇ ⇢ Played by BB ⇠ ┇ #E67E22
Kookamunga she/he/they/kook/kookself
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(This post was last modified: December 08, 2017, 02:39:25 PM by Kookamunga.)

OOC: Hello there! It's your friendly neighborhood alpha here with some friendly reminders to be friendly. I understand it's a thread that can very easily by the nature of it get very carried away, but I want to remind everyone that it's important that we all are still having a good time with some hints from someone who has a really bad headache.
  • Write your attacks as attempts. If something is not written as an attempt, then you will probably receive a private PM from me telling you to fix it ASAP. Please fix it lol and please don't get angry with me over it. Nine times outta ten it might be me misunderstanding the way something is written, so please be nice to me and reword it.
  • Be reasonable with your character's movements and do not teleport/attack/teleport like you are a DBZ character as an example. Remember we are at the Acropolis and remember the terrain.
  • Do not attack a million times in a post or account for every single little scenario we are real life sparkle dogs here with sparkle limits
  • Do not attack a person for a second time if they have not replied to your first attempt
  • Do not maim Gideon (pinning/beating up is fine but no taking body parts). Do not kill either Gideon or Anya.

If there are any questions about anything I've listed above, shoot me a PM or a message on Discord. Also for those of you confused about the attacks that have happened and who they have happened to, I've made a chart! I did not decide if they were successful or not, whether an attack is listed as successful/unsuccessful is based on whoever is being attacked's reply. Pending means they have not addressed the attack or posted yet. If your attack is not listed here then again send me a message because I might have missed it. There are three (now four!) simultaneous fights happening:

Attack on Lynx  Attack on Anya  Attack on Gideon
Lynx attacks Warsaw (pending)
Oleander attacks anywhere(successful - Lynx is knocked away))
Caesar grabs tail base (unsuccessful)
Caesar attacks anywhere (successful - Lynx's side gets hit)
Lynx grabs Caesar (successful)
Lynx claws/kicks/bites Caesar (successful - claws up side/back)
Oleander attacks back of neck (pending)
Caesar escapes hold and attacks leg (pending)
 Orcrist pins at neck (unsuccessful)
Rooter body pins (successful - only Anya's face sticks out)
Crisis holds leg (unsuccessful - Rooter's pin successful)
Cuff attacks muzzle (successful)
Anya pinned by Rooter with only face sticking out
Tarun attacks neck possibly trying to kill (pending)
 Warsaw attacks face (pending)
Sarissa grabs leg (pending)
Anteaus pins head (pending)
Crisis attacks anything (pending)
Levi body pins (pending)
Shatter attacks neck (pending)
Attack on Tarun
Crow maims for trying to attack/kill pinned Anya (pending)

If you're attacking Gideon, please let him post next for the love of wolfgod. But I hope this clears some things up for at least someone out there lol shoot me a message if you have any questions!


[Image: 0Ijt81Y.png]
Sunblink Wrote:gothy: i have faith in kook
kook: i got my dick caught in the ceiling fan
Incubus He/Him
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(This post was last modified: December 11, 2017, 11:45:37 PM by Kookamunga.)

[will expand on this later since I think people are waiting on me lol but Incubus is going to say how what Tarun's doing is unacceptable and btw Alteron go ahead and maul/have at him for being a butt so you can go ahead and continue!

edit: have at him does not mean kill him!]

[Image: 3KyUANp.png]
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