Open Wonderings [Open] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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she, her
The Wraith
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The wolf really had no idea where she was going to go now, that she had found herself out of the dark and back into the light that was Alteron. But Alteron was not really a light, no was it? It was still a dark, shadow place that others often feared to tread. Kokipa did not find anything familiar to her, besides the den she had left when she had disappeared. She did not sense Ackid or Kiakime, or any of the wolves that she had known when she had been a lonely serf then Sentry of the woods. In a way, Kokipa just wanted to find the two wolves who had influenced her the most. But she had yet to find them and she did not hold out hope that they would remember the black wraith with the rose eyes. If anything, the lack of finding them had hurt her more than the possibility of finding them did. But she did not hold any hope to not finding them either. There was always a chance she could stumble upon them.
But the wolf had taken up her old ways, wondering around the lands with some aimless intent. She was a ghost, something of the past that had no real say in the future pack of Alteron. It had changed so much, gone were the tyrants of old and in where the tyrants of new, though different in the political manner in which they shifted. Like snakes. The black wraith could speak in their tounges but she really had no heart for doing such a thing. She was just a old creature of habit, one who wondered and watched and didn't speak. Even now her voice was raspy as ever, like a crone who hadn't spoken in centuries. She was a skinny rail who slipped beneath the trees and bushes. She watched with bright eyes that countered her dark pelt. She was a wanderer now, a wolf who had no real thing to do. And maybe there were others who wondered too. |
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![]() ![]() actions - “speech” - thoughts
_______________________ Rosalind took so much of the world in with every passing day, absorbing information like a sponge. She was curious about everyone and everything. Who is that? What do they bring to Alteron? Who are their parents? And theirs? The ancestry was extremely intriguing to her, as she's been finding that she has... a lot of relatives. In fact, she hasn't met anyone yet that she isn't related to. She's learning that she has quite the large family. Lately, she has found the courage to venture further away from the comfort of her den and family. Quickly growing tired of the same routine of eat, play, sleep, repeat (later in life, she will likely regret not taking advantage of the times she was able to be so carefree.) She was eager to meet someone new with new stories. Clearly she had to go far beyond her den to find that. The new days journey has brought new findings, and so quickly... Just when she had lost the scent of her Ma and her siblings, did she see the skinny dark female's shadow. Little Rosalind stopped in her tracks, taken off guard by how quickly she'd crossed paths with the stranger. A new stranger. And this one didn't smell like family. She quickly analyzed the stature of the female, assuming that there was no need to feel threatened or in danger. The lady seemed lost, actually. “Heya. D'ya know where ya goin'?” Her sweet southern voice echoed gently, still not feeling entirely comfortable with getting too close. Little bit was familiar with stranger danger, after all. “Are ya lost? Who are ya? What's ya name?” Perhaps Rosalind could offer her royal assistance.
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![]() The forest was once her playground where she would explore and enjoy the outtings she had alone. Now she was always alone, hanging around the Rosebush and creating perfumes in order to use on her own pelt. She had disconnected for a while, only reconnecting once she learned of her grandmother having a litter of new aunts and uncles, ones younger than Sarissa which gave a very odd air about it. Even so, the girl was feeling protective of them, like she had been protective of Sikre. Hercules had never been a favorite of hers and Oleander was much too independent for Sarissa to care.
Unknown to the young aunt, Sarissa followed the light colored girl until she stopped in her tracks and inquired a dark colored stranger. They wore a coat of black with sharp magenta eyes, ones that Sarissa found beautiful and she felt envious. She wanted those eyes, wanted to pluck them out and make them her own. Instead, she walked until she stood directly over Rosalind, sitting down in a noble display. She hummed for a moment before she finally spoke. “Yes, who are you? Never seen you around~” Never seen those beautiful eyes and I wouldn’t mind drowning in them or perhaps taking them. Sarissa tilted her head for a moment, glancing down to the girl between her legs. “Not wise to wander around, boogeymen could get you!” she cooed only to click her teeth together to emphasize. Dangers always lurked around the forest, and there could be plenty to harm a girl with royal status. Kokipa might not be one of those dangers, but Sarissa knew all too well how easy it was now that she had grown up some. War had given her a new perspective. “But you’re lucky your niece Sari was here to protect you.” Eyes glanced up to the stranger now, waiting for them to answer the child’s questions as she too was curious. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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she, her
The Wraith
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All those who wonder are not lost…
[OOC: If anyone else wants to join, they can] The dire didn’t actually feel lost. More like a wonderer, which was different was wonderers were looking for something while those who were lost had strayed off the path they had found. Kokipa had strayed and then abandoned her post., she was once lost. She had found home again in Alteron despite this place being a bane for her. She was still partially the dark creature that she was, but no longer strictly in the dark. The black dire was still wondering, making her way through the forest when a voice jerked her out of her wonderings. Heya. D’ya know where ya goin’? Are ya lost? Who are ya? What’s ya name? the little pup asked. At first it was startling to her that someone would let a little pup wonder around lost. KOkipa was always aware of that fact, when pups were around she was a maternal being. When they weren’t she was back to her ways. Uncaring and cold. But the pups assessment of her being non-threatening was wrong. And her accent was unfamiliar to her, as not many in the Alteron she remembered had it. But before she could answer, Kokipa noticed another wolf stepping out of the darkness. This one was probably the pups watcher, the one protecting her. Kokipa knew this wolf would be dangerous. Yes, nwho are you? Never seen you around- And then turned her voice towards the pups, asking her questions. She sounded…not balanced. Way to sugary for this land. Like a simpleton to Kokipa. But this wolf was watching a pup, so she did not underestimate her in anyway. She waited until the black and white wolf was done talking, before she ventured to speak herself. ”I know where I am going.” her eyes blank, not giving respect they were due because of their station. Kokipa was ignorant of the political goings of the pack and she did not care if they were correct or not. Kokipa treated them like any wolf would treat anyone. Kokipa had grown from a serf, was now a civilian technically but the skills she had learned had not died away. She gave respect to those who deserved it. ”Kokipa is my name. Now what is yours?” She did not answer all of their questions. But perhaps in time she would. |
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![]() ![]() actions - “speech” - thoughts "response"
_______________________ Rosalind felt herself jump when the shadow of her niece fell over her, but instantly feeling a sense of relief when she looked above to see her beautiful relative. She was envious of Sarissa's charisma and charm, she carried herself with such admirable confidence. Rosie often found herself looking up to her. "Yes, who are you? Never seen you around." The smug smile grew twice the size once she realized she had the support of her elder niece. She watched for the reaction of the stranger, but was extremely underwhelmed when she didn't catch one. In an attempt to get what she wanted (some look of fear or shame) she added to Sarissa's reaction, “Yeah! I've never seen ya around, either!” She mimicked the accusing tone she once heard her mother use, feeling very intimidating in her little body. “Not wise to wander around, boogeymen could get you! But you’re lucky your niece Sari was here to protect you.” Rosalind could feel herself blushing underneath her thick coat, glancing up at the red eyes staring back. “Don't tell ma.” In the way which she responded came out to be more of a demand than a question, but instantly remembering the nature of Sarissa, she thought it may be wise to add... “Please?” and que the pearly smile. The last thing Rosalind wanted was to be caught doing anything Ma disapproved of. Disappearing all on her own is most likely on the list of things she shouldn't be doing. “I know where I am going.” Again, she felt underwhelmed at the response of the strange female with the pretty eyes. She didn't seem very threatened or fearful of her odds in this situation. “Kokipa is my name. Now what is yours?” And now, she felt nearly insulted. How dare she not know who she was!! She was A PRINCESS afterall! “Well, KOKIPA! Since you don't already know who your QUEEN'S!!! children are... Allow me to introduce myself.” She strutted several steps closer to Kokipa, but still kept a safe distance (stranger danger), she spun swiftly and sat in the same noble stance that Sarissa sported. “I am Rosalind, daughter of The Dragon.”
she, her
The Wraith
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![]() Red eyes glanced into magenta as the black wolf stayed silent for a while, perhaps trying to gauge who they were. Sarissa kept her smile, but her eyes hardened into something deadly, the woman testing her patience as Kokipa didn’t answer either of the girls, only barking back that she knew where she was going. The noble girl would’ve been amused at her aunt’s mimicking as many children did this — Sarissa had when she was but a pup, but this black wolf was treading on thin ice.
Kokipa was lucky Rosalind was here. Her attention was pulled down to her aunt as Rosie begged her niece not to tell Azuhel. She wondered how many times she asked her father or grandmother the same questions, not wanting her parents to find out all of the dangerous situations she had put herself in only because she was naïve but also too confidant in herself. She had survived meeting a false God after all, Azuhel explaining the dangers Sarissa and Maera had gotten themselves into and were lucky to be alive. So, she smiled and shook her head slightly. “No, darling, I won’t tell your ma. I promise.” She winked. Kokipa once again drew their attention, finally introducing herself and then demanding the names of the two girls. Sarissa watched as the young girl spat at the woman, mimicking again her niece’s pose and attitude. She giggled then, amused as all hell that Rosie could be so sassy in the face of danger, knowing that she would be a handful when she grew larger. Sarissa was excited now, wanting to keep this one close and to teach her things as her aunt grew. Opportunity did not sit before her often, and this was too easy to snatch. She supposed it was her turn now for introductions, so Sarissa held a paw up to her chest. “My name is Sarissa, daughter of the Commandant and Granddaughter of the Dragon.” she said, but knew that titles would possibly mean nothing to this woman. Such a shame, as titles were everything in Alteron. Nobility was important and the blood that ran through her veins could set fires. “So, dear Kokipa, what are you searching for?” ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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she, her
Almost Sparkles
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To hunt successfully, you must know your ground, your pack and your quarry.
- KJ Parker The wraith was not intimidated by those who were now in front of her. She looked like a plebeian, looked like an easy target but she was anything put. She was feirce, a fighter. Not a pampered little snot that hadn't done anything to earn the right to think that she would talk to anyone in any tone. Kokipa was not one to lay down and just take hits, she would wait and bide her time. But she did not know who these wolves where, and she did not think it amusing when the little pale pup decided to act up. [/i]“Well, KOKIPA! Since you don't already know who your QUEEN'S!!! children are... Allow me to introduce myself.”[/i] she said, strutting up before sitting back down, her voice indignant to Kokipa's ears. She tried to make a regal appearance, but it didn't quiet make it. “I am Rosalind, daughter of The Dragon.” Her own voice was venom, not taking anything from this child. She let nothing show on her face, knowing that The Dragon was someone she had noticed had taken power here in Alteron. Gone were the days of Blade, Rapier and Scimitar. She was now in the land of a wolf who called herself the dragon. Still, the black wolf said nothing, even as the Rapier look a like spoke, “My name is Sarissa, daughter of the Commandant and Granddaughter of the Dragon.” Both of them announced themselves with titles, something that Kokipa was not used to giving. Kokipa was a wraith, a sword to the ones who needed it or provided her a purpose to be one. Kokipa did not bow, did not give an indication that their name or ranks meant anything to her. She gave respect to those who earned it and something about them did not make her sit and be respectful. [/i]“So, dear Kokipa, what are you searching for?”[/i] Sarissa asked, Kokipa herself turning a arched brow at that. Kokipa was looking for a purpose. The wraith spoke, her voice a harsh rasp. "I'm not your dear. And who says I search for anything? Perhaps I wonder just to wonder." [OOC:Sorry it took my so long to reply! I went on vacation and just got back. ![]() |
Almost Sparkles
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December 07, 2017, 02:34:01 PM
(This post was last modified: July 12, 2018, 09:42:02 PM by Amdusias.)
Amdusias smelled a smell.. a smelly-smell that smelled.. smelly.
Pointy little nose practically dug up the earth like a trowel as the youth sped through the forest, following the stranger's scent like a bloodhound. Her curiosity had been piqued - which at that stage in Amma's life was not a difficult thing to accomplish. The Phalanx-daughter had questions; who was the stranger, why hadn't she smelled their scent before? Amdusias didn't recognize it. It made her suspicious - what if it was a monster!!! The child gulped, but kept going. It would take more than that to scare her off (or at least that's what she told herself). Ahead there were voices, and the scent of the stranger was getting stronger. Two other scents crossed her nose, making Amdusias pause. One of them smelled like her grandma, but different. This only proved to be fuel for the girl, who pressed forward on giddy, nervous paws. “Well, KOKIPA! Since you don't already know who your QUEEN'S!!! children are... Allow me to introduce myself. I am Rosalind, daughter of The Dragon.” “My name is Sarissa, daughter of the Commandant and Granddaughter of the Dragon. So, dear Kokipa, what are you searching for?” Kokipa? Rosalind?? Daughter of the Dragon???? Sarissa, granddaughter of the Dragon?!? These girls were family! For whatever reason, that knowledge emboldened Amdusias, who strutted closer confidently with her little head held high. She recognized Sarissa vaguely, a face in the crowd when Grandmother had seized the crown. Rosalind seemed a little familiar, too, but she couldn't exactly pinpoint why. Maybe she just had one of those faces. "I'm not your dear. And who says I search for anything? Perhaps I wonder just to wonder." Kokipa's response to her relative's question was.. less than ideal for Amdusias. The youth's crocodile grin spread wide and she locked her charcoal eyes on Kokipa's pink ones, little tail wagging behind her furiously. "Oh my god, its like she thinks she has a choice!" Amma giggled wildly after finishing, her eyes rolling over to Sarissa and Rosalind. Oh yes, if Sarissa wanted Kokipa to be her dear, well, that is what Kokipa would be! "My name is Amdusias, daughter of the Bone Court." A toothy grin punctuated her introduction. Amdusias let her dark gaze drift over the other two girls before landing on Kokipa once more. She didn't trust this pink-eyed woman yet, this stranger who could be up to who knew what. Technically Rosalind and Sarissa were strangers, too, but they were also family, which changed things in Amdusias' mind. "Where'd you come from? Don't you have a job?" She didn't mean it as a direct insult (not entirely, anyway) but it probably came off that way. Wandering just to wander, wondering just to wonder -- didn't most adults have, like, ranks and shit to occupy their time with? Amdusias was curious as to what Kokipa spent all her time doing, and if she did have a job, what did the shadowy pink-eyed stranger do? What had she ever done? Why hadn't she seen her before? Amdusias had so many questions! |
she, her
Almost Sparkles
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