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poltergeist she/her
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(This post was last modified: December 16, 2017, 03:57:07 AM by poltergeist.)

[Image: ears_ring_by_dayne_doe-dbwutn3.png]
nearly almost dead but not quite!
Poltergeist had no idea where she was going.

One of the two nice(?) girls who had helped her had pointed her in this direction. Told her they could help. The pessimistic minded woman sincerely doubted, but figured it was worth a shot anyway. At this point, what was the worst that could happen, she ended up in one of Saboro's enemies and was killed on the spot? Boo fucking hoo. Sounded great to her.

Well, it could be the reanimated corpses of Thresher and Knife. That would be pretty horrific.

The chances of that though were slim. Zombies didn't exist. A doctor like herself knew well and fucking good that when something was dead, it usually stayed dead, especially when it's ripped apart. Good fucking riddance too, honestly. Not that she couldn't shoot a few sour glares at Shadon occassionally when he had begun befriending the flame-wolf. What an idiot. Oh well! At least she didn't have to worry about it now!

So the three-legged, tired, wishing-she-were-dead ghostly gal hobbled her way along. The terrain had grown rocky and colder, but she was thickly furred so it struck her odd that her fur stood on end. She took the temperature drops to just be the change in altitude from a jungle to a plain, or whatever this was. Nevermind that it kept fluctuating.

What she didn't expect to wander into was... a wall. A tall, very high wall. It struck her in the face like an arrow point blank. Whoever lived here wanted no one getting out, why hadn't Saboro built a wall? She gritted her teeth at the thought, and immediately tensed upon sensing someone patrolling.

"Hey." she called. There was no turning back now, for better or for worse. "Do you know Saboro?"

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poltergeist she/her
Posts: 11
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Location: neutrals


Amen Wrote:They were at the wall. All this banter and scurrying, it was short lived once they made it to the wall. The structure that made her cower with uncertainty, and look towards Gemini with curiosity. Was it necessary?


She knew that.

Amen frowned as she recalled Tauro, but let the look linger only for a few extra moments before putting on a smile. She had to let go, but it was so fucking hard. It clung to her like a hoard of ticks, sucking away her life's joy, the essence of what made her.. her.

'Hey' came a voice, something soft from the other side. 'Do you know Saboro?' it replied to itself, and she felt her blood run cold. "Zeke!" came her own voice, terror striking her face. "Zeke!!" but no other word could come forth, and all she could do was run.

Right along the wall until she could reach the outside, only to run some more on the other side until she came across.. "It's.. it's you," she gasps, her heavy ears perking as much as they could, her gangly smile coming through. "We.. my brother and I.. we were.. coming to look for you," her tail begins to wag something furious.

"Grandpa hasn't found you yet," she breathes a sigh of relief, but remains on guard and moves herself behind Poltergeist, as if to stand guard from the open wilderness she'd been carried through. "We know about Saboro, our papas are from there. I know about you, miss.. grandma," she glances back, nervous at the name. It didn't occur to her.. at all.. that this demure, smol wolf wasn't.. in fact.. her grandma.. but..

"You're really pretty. He never said that, he never said how pretty you were," she babbles, bashfully.. her ears now pinned back and her tail low, tucking almost between her legs. "We'll escort you in, we'll.. keep you safe, okay? You don't want to go back, right? I won't let them take you back, I promise," but sometimes, you can't keep those promises.

It would hurt someday, but she would learn.
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poltergeist she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her
Location: neutrals

(This post was last modified: October 03, 2017, 12:17:35 PM by poltergeist.)

They were at the wall. His pulse started to increase as they neared the entrance, the thought of exploring beyond the confines of Gemini was such a delicious temptation.

Zeke hated the wall, hated the blatant display of cowardice they'd chosen to portray to the outside world. The towering figure stank of fear and paranoia, a neon sign pointing to a group of traitors hiding behind a shield who hoped they wouldn't have to use it one day.

Tauro's death had set into motion a series of events that Zeke was forced to tolerate. Rules were added, security was increased, people had become paranoid. Even so, it irked him like a thorn in his side and he tried his best to ignore it. Sharp golden eyes spotted his sisters frown and he wondered if the sight of the wall made her think of the fallen prince as well. Zeke's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a soft, feminine voice calling from outside.  'Do you know Saboro?' Amen squeaked at him and his brows rose in surprise as he watches how excited she becomes.

How frightened.

Zeke wasn't frightened or excited like his sister, merely curious and at the same time vastly disappointed that their little impromptu road-trip had been cancelled. He'd been looking forward to escaping Gemini for a few days. The dark boy followed his sister at a much slower pace, steps unhurried as he shuffles along sullenly behind Amen. He arrived just in time to hear his sister saying,  "We'll escort you in, we'll.. keep you safe, okay? You don't want to go back, right? I won't let them take you back, I promise." Zeke tilted his head slightly as his molten gaze scrutinized the fragile female figure before them.

He was utterly unimpressed.

What a disappointment. He didn't know what he'd been expecting honestly, but it certainly hadn't been this tiny waif of a thing. She was thin and unkempt, her eyes tired and her body sagging with exhaustion. This was the woman his grandfather had chosen as mate? Thank god Zeke had better taste. "Not so fast, sis." He cautioned, narrowing his eyes suspiciously on the white and orange female, the woman he assumed to be his grandmother. "What'cha running from Saboro for? Is anyone following you?" Grandpa Shadon perhaps?

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poltergeist she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her
Location: neutrals

(This post was last modified: December 16, 2017, 03:58:08 AM by poltergeist.)

[Image: ears_ring_by_dayne_doe-dbwutn3.png]
nearly almost dead but not quite!
What she certainly didn't expect was an excited welcoming party.

A young wolf, grey, purple and white came running up to her. She looked exhausted. Her eyes would squint at the scraggly teeth, but not too much. Suspicion crawled across her skin like fleas at a blood feast.

"It's.. it's you, we.. my brother and I.. we were.. coming to look for you,"

Her eyes narrowed again, her body tensing with a sudden flight or fight urge- and yet, this girl's disposition was not... threatening. She seemed excited. Why would a search party be excited to find her? Wouldn't they be ready to drag her back to hell and rip her to shreds for her betrayal? Those were the stories she'd always heard, witnessed. Saboro was not excited to see you back once you were out.

"Grandpa hasn't found you yet. We know about Saboro, our papas are from there. I know about you, miss.. grandma,"

Grandpa? Papas? ...Grandma? Her head was spinning. Maybe Amen could tell from the way her expression blanked that she was clearly trying to connect everything in her mind right at that moment. She wasn't a grandma yet, was she? She couldn't recall any of her children taking mates, also... why would they be here? Who could it be? Loa? Pyx? Red? No... they had clearly said Papas. Were any of her sons missing? She couldn't recall. What a horrible mother. Her mind whirled a million miles a minute and after a moment of dumbstruck silence she spoke quickly, "Who are your fathers? How- how do you know who I am?" She, of course, had no idea Shadon had left in search of her. She would skin him alive if she knew. He should know DAMN WELL BETTER then to leave his family and come search for her might-as-well-be-dead ass.

"You're really pretty. He never said that, he never said how pretty you were, we'll escort you in, we'll.. keep you safe, okay? You don't want to go back, right? I won't let them take you back, I promise,"

The little girl babbles almost absently, and as tense, wary, and strung out as the little woman was she couldn't help but feel a pang of something heartwarming- something seeing her own children gave her. This little girl was so brave to face a stranger, to come running up and spilling everything. It was cute. It was endearing. The words she spoke though, God, she couldn't be farther from the truth. Polt closed her eyes for a moment, and let out a deep sigh. She opened them with a glowing warmth in the normally cold, empty eyes she held. "I have to go back." she said softly, a tinge of sadness in her voice, "My children, my family, I can't just--" She was interrupted by the arrival of another, one who looked eerily similar to the girl before her. This one, though, she saw those nubbish horns, that long wispy tail, and it took her breath almost completely away. Those grays, those traits, grandmother? Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother, she had no wandering sons, did she? Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother, had he been unfaithful? Grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, grandfather, no. Her brain swelled with confusion that manifested in a quickly forming headache, as the tip of her tongue seemed to almost solve it for her.

"Akki," she whispered under her breath.

"Not so fast, sis."

This one seemed more cautious. She also recognized that gaze of his- a familiar gaze she earned from members of Saboro. Doubt. False expectations. What a pitiful Crane. What a pitiful mother. Failure, failure, failure, FAILURE it yelled in her ear. Shut up, she snapped back, I know.

"What'cha running from Saboro for? Is anyone following you?"

"I'm not running," she replied, "I'm lost." a simple answer for a simple question. "I was almost killed, and unconscious. I met two wolves in the forest. One told me to come here for help. I need to get home, to my children, they aren't safe." Was anyone following her? Not to her knowledge, she thought, but it was possible, "I don't know. I don't know if anyone cares enough." Her family, maybe, but God how she hoped they wouldn't be that stupid.

Please don't disappoint mommy.
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poltergeist she/her
Posts: 11
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Location: neutrals

(This post was last modified: October 03, 2017, 12:46:49 AM by poltergeist.)

Amen Wrote:'Who are your fathers? How- how do you know who I am?' the words of the smol gal brought Amen back down from a very worrisome headspace, and once again she offers a smile. This time, it was less toothy. 'I have to go back.' the woman says, and Amen feels her heart drop. 'My children, my family, I can't just--'


She hears a name, but can't place it- did grandma just say Akki? Was he here? Frantically, she looks around and turns to see.. Zeke.. and his looks given to Polt were regarded with a huff. 'Not so fast, sis,' only made her fur stand on end. Did he not hear her earlier? Did he not recognize that they found what they were looking for? This was a joyous, if not cautious, occassion, but he looked downright.. annoyed. 'What'cha running from Saboro for? Is anyone following you?'

"Zeke!!" Amen snorts, stomping a foot and bristling more. "You can't just ask people why they ran, and I don't smell anyone else out there right now, use your damn head," but if he was sincere about wanting to know if someone was following.. he could've.. No.

This was part of her shennanigans, he was only being dragged along, and it was her responsibility to secure the area. He didn't ask for any duties. With a sigh, she takes a few more steps away and begins looking out over the area, raising her ears once more to listen for any steps closer, but what was the use?

Someone like Akki could slip in undetected, and for the most part, so could Zeke and herself.. she almost expected Shadon to be just as light on his feet as the rest of her family. Her blessing was such a damn curse, too!!

'I'm not running, I'm lost.'

Something about that statement struck her. Hard. Amen recalls her crazy desire to get as far from Gemini as possible, to avoid seeing her sister, her family, the pack itself after loss.. and how she didn't want to admit she was running, how she wouldn't admit her plan to go sniff out Grandma wasn't a plan to run, too. "I guess we're all a little lost," her voice softens to a whisper and her ears droop.

Poltergeist continues with a story, one that stirs more then just sadness within her heart. 'I don't know if anyone cares enough.'

"I care," Amen had taken a deep breath before speaking, exhaling with confidence and her head raised. "I care. You're family. You're our family, and if.. if you're saying we got a lot more family still needing help.." could she do this? Could she face Saboro itself?

"I'll help you get them back, but please.. please stay at least.. a day.. you need to rest, miss, you can't keep wandering. We know where Saboro is-" or the general direction, at least- "I don't know about Zeke here, but.. I'll go with you to get 'em. As long as you promise.. you.. have to promise you're not.. a bad one, like.. him, or.. the others.." and another curse, how she could trust the word of strangers despite all that had been taken by them.

"I'm Amen, this is.. Zeke, our fathers are Akki and Kol Nidre, and you're safe here. We have a lot of siblings, though admittedly.. I haven't seen them in a bit.. I'm a pretty bad sister, but I love them, okay?" she feels herself wanting to break down. "I love them, and they're all good. All of 'em, they're all good in their own way and they'll be so happy to see you, I promise." her gaze fardes to the wall, a stare so full of sadness it trailed into her voice, shaky and solemn. "My word is good, miss.. you're family, and that's all that matters. I won't let 'em take anything else from you."
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poltergeist she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her
Location: neutrals

(This post was last modified: October 03, 2017, 12:20:04 PM by poltergeist.)

"Zeke!!" Amen snorted, stomping her foot and bristling. "You can't just ask people why they ran, and I don't smell anyone else out there right now, use your damn head," Golden eyes flashed with barely restrained ire as he gave Amen a dark look. "Oh, I'm sorry, did you want to get murdered by a random stranger?" He lifts a paw to gesture blatantly at the white and orange female, who was- for all intents and purposes -still a complete and total stranger to them, "Just because she looks harmless doesn't mean anything." Harmless was the polite term for what he thought of the frail little woman in front of him. Pathetic would have been closer to the truth but he didn't want to start a fight right now. The only thing they knew about her was that she was from Saboro and that Shadon was looking for her.

"I'm not running," she replied, "I'm lost." Zeke makes a small noise in the back of his throat, a low hum as he considers her answer. "I was almost killed, and unconscious. I met two wolves in the forest. One told me to come here for help. I need to get home, to my children, they aren't safe." There were so many unanswered questions, so many things burning on the tip of his tongue and racing through his mind. Almost killed by who? Shadon? Someone else? What two wolves in the forest had told her to come here? "I guess we're all a little lost," Were there others out there who'd left Gemini, knowing its secrets and its location? If that information fell into the wrong hands.. If Saboro ever found out where they were.. "I don't know. I don't know if anyone cares enough." According to Amen their grandfather Shadon seemed to care a whole lot and Zeke couldn't help but wonder who else might come looking for the little lady.

"I care. You're family. You're our family, and if.. if you're saying we got a lot more family still needing help.." Golden eyes glance back to his sister. Don't, he thinks to himself, don't do it sis. Don't go against Saboro, they'll crush you. "I'll help you get them back," Shit, "but please.. please stay at least.. a day.. you need to rest, miss, you can't keep wandering. We know where Saboro is. I don't know about Zeke here," For once the usually mouthy boy was silent as he stared into the abyss, wondering how on earth he'd ended up in this situation. Amen was talking about going to Saboro, just, walking in and taking people. Relatives or not it was fucking insane, a suicide mission. Did she think that the Saboroans would just let them waltz in? "but.. I'll go with you to get 'em. As long as you promise.. you.. have to promise you're not.. a bad one, like.. him, or.. the others.." Zeke heaves a heavy, audible sigh. "Cause if ya are, we'd have to kill ya." He grins playfully but his eyes tell them he's not joking one bit.

He'd do anything to protect what little family he had left in Gemini, even if it meant sacrificing some relatives he didn't even know. Couldn't miss what you've never had, right? "I'm Amen, this is.. Zeke, our fathers are Akki and Kol Nidre, and you're safe here." Yes, Amen, lets just give this random person we've never met our entire family history while we're at it shall we? He bit his tongue to keep himself from saying anything as he listened to his sister babble on. "I love them, and they're all good. All of 'em, they're all good in their own way and they'll be so happy to see you, I promise." Well not all of them were good. Corrosion was still a bastard. "My word is good, miss.. you're family, and that's all that matters. I won't let 'em take anything else from you." Zeke couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes. Amen was just so soft. she was utterly naive and it was her childlike trust for others was that drove him to protect her. But it was hard to protect her when he wanted to throttle her.

"Amen.." He said quietly, after she finally shut up, "We don't even know her name. The only thing we know about her is that she's from Saboro. She could be anybody. She could be a spy come to find out our secrets and weaknesses to report back to Saboro. And even if she's not a spy, what's to stop her from spilling the beans if she goes back to that place and someone threatens her?" His sisters reckless attitude aggravated him to no end(lol what a hypocrite).

"You can't just let people walk in."[/b]

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Akki He
There was snow. White snow.
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Dreaming of the jungle was a bad omen, and he'd been dreaming about it often. Too many things were reminding him of home lately. He didn't know what it meant, but it made him nervous. It was easier to feel nervous about Saboro than other things bothering him. It was more familiar. It was more encompassing. It was, in its own horrible way, nostalgic.

It was this nagging, redirected paranoia that led him to the wall's choke that day. He hoped he wouldn't see anyone, but if he did... may it be someone he could bite.

It was not. A flash of grey, a streak of purple, a chattering voice, a complete and total sass bastard; it was his darling offspring!! One does not just bite offspring, SHADON. We're CIVILIZED HERE, DAD. Stupid Shadon. Thank the holy wolfgod he was a thousand miles away and would never enter Akki's life ever again. That would be impossible and terrible.

Seeing his son and daughter—which daughter, specifically—should have given him a spark of joyful reassurance. And it did for a moment. She was home! She was fine! It's alright! He opened his mouth to yip a greeting when he noticed she and Zeke were talking to someone. Intensely talking to someone. Amen's passionate speech did not go unheard, and as Akki arrived behind them he felt like his blood pressure could have shot him to the moon, over it, through space, and into the next several dimensions.

" We don't even know her name. The only thing we know about her is that she's from Saboro. She could be anybody. She could be a spy come to find out our secrets and weaknesses to report back to Saboro. And even if she's not a spy, what's to stop her from spilling the beans if she goes back to that place and someone threatens her? You can't just let people walk in."

"Her name is Poltergeist," said Akki.

He stared at the little she-wolf that so many people underestimated. He had seen her wrapped in thorns and soaked with poison. Saboro forgets the deadly small. But not him.

"Don't touch her."

Trying to circle in front of his children, he regarded her and her wounds. An ear twitched, once. Listening for the crunch of bone. Smelling for dead wolf caked in to the fur of a cannibal. The twitching ear became a twitching eye.

Oh my God my dad is here probably

"...Where is Shadon?"

[Image: 413729_3DnABUmwRTQCNTL.png?1450923785]
All this bad blood here
Won’t you let it dry?
It’s been cold for years
Won’t you let it lie?
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poltergeist she/her
Posts: 11
Pronouns: she/her
Location: neutrals

(This post was last modified: December 16, 2017, 03:59:03 AM by poltergeist.)

[Image: ears_ring_by_dayne_doe-dbwutn3.png]
nearly almost dead but not quite!
"You can't just ask people why they ran, and I don't smell anyone else out there right now, use your damn head," "Oh, I'm sorry, did you want to get murdered by a random stranger?" "Just because she looks harmless doesn't mean anything."

They began to bicker. She is hit with a moment of tenderness- her mind flickering to visions of her own children while young, arguing among each other for their own reasons. A small smile cracks the edge of her lips,
but it doesn't last too long. She interrupts, "He's doing a good job," she starts, her eyes scanning over the two of them before landing back on Amen, "You shouldn't trust anyone you've just met, blood or not. Keep your own safe before you worry for others. You don't know what monsters lurk nearby." A bit cryptic maybe, but her vision hazed towards blood she remembered from borders of Saboro. She had seen a lot. Maybe they had seen a lot, she wasn't sure. She knew nothing of them. She hoped Akki had been keeping them safe. The girl's attitude was hopeful, at least.

She listens to Amen, who seems a bit somber by her reply, but also seems to not fully grasp it. Maybe Polt was lost in more ways then one, maybe she had been for a long time. However, right now, her heart ached and screamed for her children who were left alone in the maws of Saboro. She couldn't leave them, she-- she couldn't bear to the thought they might think she forgot them. Her mind falters, but snaps back when Amen exclaims that she cares. That they're family. She's almost too sad to break it to her that they were not blood related at all-- Poltergeist was a total stranger. She shared no blood with these children. She couldn't do it  though, couldn't bring herself to speak it.

"I'll help you get them back, but please.. please stay at least.. a day.. you need to rest, miss, you can't keep wandering. We know where Saboro is- I don't know about Zeke here, but.. I'll go with you to get 'em. As long as you promise.. you.. have to promise you're not.. a bad one, like.. him, or.. the others.." "Cause if ya are, we'd have to kill ya."

"No." she says quickly, her tone suddenly harsh and reprimanding, "You will not. I will not throw you to the crocodiles, I will not let the thorns strangle you. You will not go near Saboro." Her voice sounds dead and harsh, her eyes reflect her tone as she stares them both down. The air chills. "I can't promise you that. You can do with me what you will. We're all bad, you have to be," she says, but cuts herself off. To protect what you love she continues in her mind. It wasn't important. There was no excuse for these two. She was not a good person, and she most likely never would be. She steels herself for some sort of attack from the boy.

"I'm Amen, this is.. Zeke, our fathers are Akki and Kol Nidre, and you're safe here. We have a lot of siblings, though admittedly.. I haven't seen them in a bit.. I'm a pretty bad sister, but I love them, okay? I love them, and they're all good. All of 'em, they're all good in their own way and they'll be so happy to see you, I promise. My word is good, miss.. you're family, and that's all that matters. I won't let 'em take anything else from you." "Amen.. We don't even know her name. The only thing we know about her is that she's from Saboro. She could be anybody. She could be a spy come to find out our secrets and weaknesses to report back to Saboro. And even if she's not a spy, what's to stop her from spilling the beans if she goes back to that place and someone threatens her? You can't just let people walk in."

He was a smart boy, as to be expected from Akki. Akki knew the dangers of the jungle, and he would be nothing but wary with his own children. "Akki is a good boy," she begins, and she wants to continue, to tell Amen how sweet she is, and to tell Zeke how smart he is, but then--

"Her name is Poltergeist,"

She hadn't noticed the ghost approach. Appropriate, maybe, quiet as ever. The wind blowing over the rolling hills. Her eyes locked onto his wispy frame and she smiled warmly, but she made no movement towards him.

"Don't touch her."

She chuckles. Her laugh is rough and rarely used, but he gets a reaction. "I'm safe." Maybe not mentally, but her fur was free and washed. "If I wasn't, I would have died already." Her wound would have suffered greatly, and she wouldn't have survived long. Not that he had to trust her, of course.

"...Where is Shadon?"

It was such an odd question to her, in fact, it caught her off guard so much her head tilted completely to the side. Her brows furrowed, "What do you mean?" she asks, "Home." Of course he was home.
How would he know where she was? He had better be home. He had better not left his children unattended. He would know there would be hell to pay.

He knew Satan himself would descend the throne to meet him at the gates.

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Amen she
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 5
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Played By: Blondie

(This post was last modified: October 22, 2017, 11:02:07 AM by Amen.)

'Do you want to get murdered by a random stranger? Just because she looks harmless doesn't mean anything."

"She's not a random stranger, Zeke," although the feisty girl knew better than to continuously argue with her brother, she couldn't help it. Not where family was involved.

But it wasn't long after her defenses were set up that Poltergeist began to reaffirm her angrier sibling, began to shift sides metaphorically with him, and Amen's ears fell back against her head. She felt like she was being scolded, and in truth, she was, but she survived out in the wilds without any of them. She is told to not go to Saboro, that the little ghost wouldn't let her go, but ah..

"I'll go where I please, when I please, and none of you will stop me," although this was always known, it was never spoken aloud, it was never more real than when heard. "And you're only bad if you let yourself become bad," she feels defeated, but there will always be a spark, right? Always that light of good in the dark, right?

"You can't stop me from going, nor can you, and neither can-"

'Her name is Poltergeist, don't touch her.' Akki, her father commands, and although defiance ran rampant in her blood, she obeyed, backing off from the little wolf and edging away from the wall. 'Where is Shadon?' he asks his not-mother, now completely obvious to the girl, who felt humiliated and foolish all at once.

Her once-upon-a-time Grandmother had no idea, and confirmed such by replying that Shadon was.. 'Home'.

"No he's not," Amen scowled, holding her head up. "He's here. How else did you think I knew who you were?" she turns her icy gaze to Poltergeist, huffing. "I told him where we were. I was going to find you before he did, so he couldn't take you back to Saboro," and here they were. She made good on her self-promises.

She doesn't feel remorse or guilt, she can't afford to anymore. There is no looking back, there is no 'wishing I-' this or 'wishing we-' that. "If you'll excuse me, I haven't slept since I've been back," she speaks stiffly, formal, as if building her own wall from malevolent intruders, all of whom appeared to her as family. "it was.. nice.. meeting you, Poltergeist," perhaps she meant it, but her forced gaze towards The Lands Inbetween is all she can offer.

Amen refuses to see Akki or Zeke now, rounding them towards where they'd all come from initially. She doesn't expect a peaceful retreat, but hopes she's afforded one, for now.[/color]

[Image: woofer_by_bigredtruck-dbs4xes.png]
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Witch. She
Take a glorious bite out of the whole world
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(Sorry friend; we’ll continue this but you can rp polt in the pack. Akki was going to escort her to the living tree so her injuries could be looked at and also probably put her on surveillance.

He is also going to tell zeke to watch the border for Shadon)

Remember your name.
Do not lose hope — what you seek will be found.
Trust ghosts. Trust those that you have helped
to help you in their turn.
Trust dreams.
Trust your heart, and trust your story.
When you come back, return the way you came.
Favors will be returned, debts will be repaid.
Do not forget your manners.
Do not look back.

- Neil Gaiman, Instructions

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Zeke He/Him
Poisoned Youth
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"I can't promise you that. You can do with me what you will. We're all bad, you have to be," Her voice was flat and dead yet Zeke still sneered as she pretty much admitted she couldn't be trusted and he gave Amen a look that said told-you-so. Saboroans were nothing but trouble, flooding Gemini with their filth, stinking of fear and paranoia. How long would they keep poking the hornets' nest until the hive began to swarm? Zeke liked living as dangerously as the next badass but this was just stupid. Zeke was so lost in his thoughts he didn't hear Amens speech nor his father's arrival.

"Akki is a good boy-"

"Her name is Poltergeist," Like a wraith, his father slipped onto the scene, silent as ever. A single large, dark ear twitched once in annoyance at the interruption. Now he had to behave himself and be polite. Ugh. Akki was looking at Poltergeist with a weird expression that made Zeke narrow his eyes in suspicion. "Don't touch her." Uhm? Golden eyes flicked towards Amen in confusion before bouncing between Poltergeist and his father. "Why not?" What the hell did he know that Zeke didn't?

"I'm safe. If I wasn't, I would have died already." Or ignore me. That works too, Zeke thought venomously, tail coiling in frustration. He growled lowly, hating that he didn't know what the two were talking about even though they were talking right in front of him. "...Where is Shadon?" Poltergeist looked confused, tilting her head to the side and scrunching up her face. "What do you mean? Home." Zeke snorted, smirking because he finally knew something that they didn't know. "No, he's not," Amen grumbled, "He's here. How else did you think I knew who you were?" She huffed angrily and Zeke's smirk grew wider, "I told him where we were." Idiot. "I was going to find you before he did, so he couldn't take you back to Saboro." Zeke sighed loudly, looking put upon and defeated he shook his head slowly.

"I tried to tell her it was a stupid idea," He lied smoothly, purposely antagonizing Amen who seemed particularly on edge. Unfortunately, it seemed as if his dear sister had reached her limit with him and took her leave from the group with a few abrupt parting words. If Akki gives him a look he'd shrug his shoulders innocently and hold up is paws as if it to say 'was it something I said?'. Finally, Zeke turns his attention back to Poltergeist. "I don't trust you." He looks at Akki, "And I really don't think this is a good idea, dad, her being here and all. It's just gonna bring Saboro right to us."

we drink the 
poison our minds
pour for us 
and wonder why
we feel so sick
pinterest〉 ┇ 〈art〉 ┇ ⇢ Played by BB ⇠ ┇ #FCCE03
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