Acceptance thread Acantha? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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Tall mountains and orders lay infront of the hellion. Even from here, beyond the border of the notorious Tortuga lands she could still smell the sea. It called to her. She dug her claws into the damp earth, hearing a satisfying crinkle as her paws crushed a few fallen leaves. She looked ahead as the wind rustled the trees, as if they were waving goodbye to her. Hopefully it would be a long time before she saw this forest again. A home. A pack to belong to. Isn't this what every wolf wants? Her heart drummed faster just thinking about it. No matter. Even if she didn't get accepted to this clan there would be others. She shoved her excitement down and hid it with a grumpy frown as she looked on at the pristine mountains ahead of her.
A deep breath then a sigh. It was time to get to work. The red lady took her first step of many forward. She would have to make the perilous climb over the mountain before she would be at Tortuga's border. With grace and a bit of luck, Acantha made her way to the peak of the mountain. The journey spanned several days. After a scare at the begininning of her journey where she nearly slid off her foothold she decided to take this slow. Climbing mountains weren't her forté after all. The view at the top stole her breath away. The sun glistened off the distant ocean waves and the sandy white beaches were all too alluring. It took every inch of her being to keep herself from running down the mountain side. Even from her perch she knew that the tortuga territory was still some days away. She made her way down the mountain. It was a long trek to the fringes of the Tortuga border but she was here and she didn't dare step another foot forward. She knew better. She let out a howl, hoping anyone nearby would hear her, "I wish to join the clan of Tortuga!" She felt silly, yelling into a forest with seemingly nobody else around. But surely someone would come. No sensible clan would leave their borders unguarded. |
Old wounds needed time to heal, and Adder had given his more than enough time to do so--his scars no longer looked fresh, but faded. Badges of honor is what they were, really--he'd gained them while fighting for Tortuga, for Raikov, for the land that had then been decimated by a hurricane.
They were strong, though. They would rebuild. Some had gone missing in the chaos, some had undoubtedly fled for more easygoing packs, and some had lost their lives in the chaos. He'd been in the thick of it himself, toting as many to safety as he could amongst the stringing rains and falling debris. He'd nearly been crushed by a tree again. He had an affinity for high places, but he'd be staying on the ground for the next few weeks, at least. He kept busy to keep his thoughts at bay. Addereon was no stranger to being his own worst enemy--he was well aware that though he preferred his solitude, it was when his mind festered the most. Luckily enough, he wouldn't be alone for long. He headed in the direction of the girl's call, thoughts focused on the potential member and thinking of nothing else. "Is that so?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he came across the girl. He was twice her size, at least. The horns were impressive, though. "And why should I let you?" |
Almost Sparkles
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She paced back and forth while waiting for a sentry to show up, her steps light enough to preserve the leaves under her feet. Her body was agitated and restless, with anxiety gnawing at her stomach. She tried to will it away but it wasn't working. Joining a pack- or getting rejected from one depending on the circumstance- was a hefty order on her heart. It brought back memories of the old days. When she was a pup. Acantha shakes her head- now wasn't the time for reminiscing. She was here to form a new family and it was time she let the old one die and be forgotten.
The forest was quiet, with nothing but the wind in the leaves and the cicadas in the grass- that is until she heard the thundering footsteps of a creature much larger than herself. As the lion stepped before her she took a deep breath and steeled her wits. If he had seen her anxious pacing he'll notice her face and her body language both stiffened. Her eyelids dropped into a bored expression- a facade that was easy for her to wear regardless of what she was feeling. It's easier to pretend that nothing is happening on the inside when the outside reflects that, as well. "Is that so? And why should I let you." She has to look up at the lion as he speaks. "I grew up in the desolace an' I've traveled a very long way to get 'ere. If ya've ever heard about the place then ya'd know what a shit hole it is. I've got nothing. No family an' no home. I hear Tortuga is big on loyalty, an' I've heard Tortuga's got real meat an' not that carrion shit that us hellions in the desolace are so fond a' eatin'... course that's 'cause there's not anythin' else to eat." Her brows furrow, she's clearly getting off track so she pauses to gather up her thoughts again, "Point is, Any work you have will be loads better than where I was before. I'm fast, quiet an' got great endurance. I don't much care where you put me though, long as I'm part of the pack." |
"I grew up in the desolace an' I've traveled a very long way to get 'ere. If ya've ever heard about the place then ya'd know what a shit hole it is. I've got nothing. No family an' no home. I hear Tortuga is big on loyalty, an' I've heard Tortuga's got real meat an' not that carrion shit that us hellions in the desolace are so fond a' eatin'... course that's 'cause there's not anythin' else to eat."
The Desolace, hm? "I've been there. To what remained of Tjenu, after they disbanded." It had been a long journey, yes, but nothing the feline hadn't done before. The Fringe had been a terrible place to grow up. "If you're looking to join a pack for abundant food, there are much nicer packs to join." Inaria, Nardir, Gemini. Tortuga was an odd place to choose because of an affinity for seafood. He didn't count her out just yet, though. "Point is, Any work you have will be loads better than where I was before. I'm fast, quiet an' got great endurance. I don't much care where you put me though, long as I'm part of the pack." "I'm not putting you anywhere just yet, lil' hellion." He gave her another once-over, wondering what she would be suited to. "Tell me why Tortuga. What is it that you've heard that makes you want to join our crew over the other packs in the straits?" A brief pause, then, "Then show me just how fast you are." The Crow was of a smaller stature, too, and Hebe hadn't been anything more than capable the few time Adder had met him. The Bombadier, even, was a tiny thing. Good things came in small packages; Acantha just needed to show she could be one of those good things. "And tell me your name, spitfire." |
Almost Sparkles
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October 05, 2017, 12:53:36 AM
(This post was last modified: October 05, 2017, 10:23:32 AM by Acantha.)
"If you're looking to join a pack for abundant food, there are much nicer packs to join." This made her pause. He wasn't wrong, although the comparison had never crossed her mind. She takes a moment to contemplate this, but it didn't change her opinions at all.
"As nice as it would be to sit around an' eat all day without a care in the world I ain't suited to that kinda livin'." She nods to herself, "Boredom'll cause the mind to fester. An' happy packs with no problems got lot's of boredom to go around. So I suppose that food ain't the only thing that's important when choosin' a pack." "Tell me why Tortuga. What is it that you've heard that makes you want to join our crew over the other packs in the straits?" Her mind flashes to the tales that she's heard of daring pirates and grand tales of treasure and conquest. She shoves the thought down though, those were just stories. She wasn't a kit anymore, and knew that the actual pack was probably much different than the bedtime stories she was told. Although, Acantha had other reasons. "Truth be told. I love the ocean. Ever since I first caught site of it. It's stupid but when you've been livin' in a desert your whole life ya come to appreciate water a bit more 'n others." Crystal clear waters to wash away the sand of an old life. "Not only that but, I'd like to be livin' a meaningful life. One where ya get what ya earn. Ain't nothin' free in this life, I've found out. Hard work in the right pack an' maybe one day I'll be somebody worth mentionin'. Like your alpha, Raikov innit? From what I've heard- which ain't much but still- he's a wolf worth lookin' up to." She could ramble on but soon the lion speaks up again. "Then show me just how fast you are, and tell me your name, spitfire." She looks kind of perplexed, "The names' Acantha. And what do ya wanna race? Or just watch me run around?" Judging from the size difference she thinks she could probably hold speed with him, although she wasn't sure. She's never raced against a lion before, just other hellion and wolves out in the fringe. Most of them were trying to eat her at the time though. |
speech ♚ thoughts
"As nice as it would be to sit around an' eat all day without a care in the world I ain't suited to that kinda livin'."
Good, he thought. Tortuga didn't need another lay about. "Boredom'll cause the mind to fester. An' happy packs with no problems got lot's of boredom to go around. So I suppose that food ain't the only thing that's important when choosin' a pack." At least they were on the same page. Boredom did cause the mind to fester, and Adder knew it better than anyone. He was good at tasking himself, keeping busy, though, and he had the scars to prove it. Any excursion the Tortugans went on, Adder wanted to be there, and any war they fought in he intended to be on the front line. The quiet life was never one that would've suited him. In response to her, he offered a nod--she hadn't answered his question just yet. "Truth be told. I love the ocean. Ever since I first caught site of it. It's stupid but when you've been livin' in a desert your whole life ya come to appreciate water a bit more 'n others." "Aye, the ocean is a sight." He agreed, not mentioning that he lived in one of Tortuga's many coves because he loved the view. She would find that out eventually, if he let her in. No point spoiling the surprise now. "Not only that but, I'd like to be livin' a meaningful life. One where ya get what ya earn. Ain't nothin' free in this life, I've found out. Hard work in the right pack an' maybe one day I'll be somebody worth mentionin'. Like your alpha, Raikov innit? From what I've heard- which ain't much but still- he's a wolf worth lookin' up to." His ears perked and his eyes narrowed, briefly. Was she fishing for information on his Captain? No, maybe not. Regardless, all she got from him was, "He is." Before he moved on. Addereon had a great deal of respect for Raikov, but he wouldn't boast for him on the borders. If she got accepted, she would see for herself. "The names' Acantha. And what do ya wanna race? Or just watch me run around?" A sharp bark of a laugh left him before he could stop it. "I look fast to you? 'Cause I'm not." He was made for brute strength, ambush attacks. He couldn't outrun his prey, but he could chase them until they were too tired to go on. He jerked his head toward a palm tree in the distance. "Run there and back as fast as you can, Acantha. I'll time you." And judge your worth. |
Almost Sparkles
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October 05, 2017, 12:58:33 PM
(This post was last modified: October 05, 2017, 12:58:56 PM by Acantha.)
When she spoke of Raikov all he responded with was "He is." She could tell from the way his eyes narrowed and his body tensed that he may have gotten the wrong idea. She wasn't afraid of this though, she wasn't fishing for anything so she had nothing to fear. The mood soon lightened though as the conversation continued on.
"I look fast to you? 'Cause I'm not." She couldn't help but also let out a small chuckle as he does. His build was more suited to power and force than grace and agility, now that she thought about it. Acantha shakes her head, "Fast? No I suppose not. But your legs are longer n' mine which I'd be guessin' has its advantages. Same as anythin' else." "Run there and back as fast as you can, Acantha. I'll time you." Her head swivels to where he pointed. A palm tree in the distance. Maybe five miles away? Her lips pull up into a grin, for someone used to running across the barren wasteland of the fringe on a daily basis five miles shouldn't make her break a sweat. She crouches some, readying herself to take off. She glances over at him, making sure he was ready to start as well. Once he gives her the signal to go she kicks off with her hind legs and bolts to the palm tree. The average red fox has a maximum speed of thirty-one miles per hour, but she's a bit larger than the typical red fox due to being a hellion. If lions and wolves and foxes had speedometers she'd be going at about thirty-nine miles per hour. But they don't have such accurate measures of speed so saying she's fast will have to do. Just a streak of red against the sandy white beach. Surprisingly she barely kicks up any sand as she runs. Instead of stopping and turning, which would slow her down she makes a wide curve around the tree and comes barreling back towards him. It wasn't the fastest she had ever run, but being chased by hungry creatures bigger than herself gives her a certain will to run faster than a simple relay does. She slows to a stop once she gets back to him, "Not my cleanest run ever, but was it good enough for ya?" |
speech ♚ thoughts
"Fast? No I suppose not. But your legs are longer n' mine which I'd be guessin' has its advantages. Same as anythin' else."
"Eh," He shrugged, stretching his paw out in front of him and observing that it was nearly as long as she was. "Guess you've got me there." He sits down and waits patiently as she takes off, sea blue eyes following her the whole way even as she became little more than a speck on the horizon. She was making good time, he had to admit; she hadn't been kidding about being a fast little thing. Good; at least she was honest. Pirates didn't need a whole lot of honesty for the rest of the world, but being straight with each other was important. They were crewmates; pack; family. Eventually she makes her way back, and he's impressed to find she's hardly panting at all. An everyday run in the sun for her, as it were. "It was good." He confirmed, nodding. He stood and gestured over to the bridge they would need to cross to get into the main part of the territory. "You can join us," He told her, but his eyes were sharp, scrutinizing. "But I'll give you one final warning before that. Tortuga takes care of it's own, but we suffer no prisoners to those that betray us or break our laws. Mind authority, and watch out for those bearing scars and tattoos." Not him, though. He was just a watchman. He took a few steps onto the rickety bridge, then turned blue eyes back to her. "If you're comin', c'mon. I'll tell you the rules." ooc: You can post again if you want, but feel free to consider her accepted and begin roleplaying in Tortuga! c: You can assume Adder fills her in on all her need-to-know info, so she's not missing out on anything and walking in blind.