Acceptance thread Whispers in The Night | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Mad Hatter
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October 31, 2017, 11:31:46 PM
(This post was last modified: December 09, 2017, 11:04:29 AM by Razi.)
「R a z i 」
Emerald colored eyes shifted themselves as the head they belonged too swiveled left and right. Enormous paws flexed in the dirt as the form of a dire wolf with fur the color of blood takes in her surroundings. Lightning cascades across the darkness of the sky, illuminating the shines of her eyes. She looked lost in thought, ears erected high but mind seemed distance. The blood colored she wolf stood there in a long silence as she contemplated her next steps, calculating her next thoughts. A low growl emitted softly from the back of her throat, slipping through fanged lips as they dripped from her muzzle. The dire quickly shut her eyes tightly, emerald eyes no longer visible, ears still high up against her skull.
The wolf with fur the color of blood stood there for what seemed like eons before she finally opened her eyes. The she wolf turned her head to the side as eyes expressed hollowness, blankness in the depths of shadows. It had been awhile since she had been in a place claimed by others. Hell, it had been awhile since she had been around others. Many barely understood the complicity of her mind, the shadows of her thoughts. It was just easier to travel a lonely road than to explain her very existence to a simple mind. It was also easier not to feed into the darkness that sweeps around the essence of her mind. Not that the red she wolf had any issues feeding the whispers that dominated her thoughts. The Mad Hatter heard of these lands and the many whispers that surrounded it. It was intriguing enough to capture her attention. The dire wolf with fur the color of blood wanted to investigate it, and perhaps eventually call it home. Even the maddest of maddest get lonely at times. Razi shifted her weight as she lifted her muzzle to the heavens, lightning cracking against the darkness as a howl erupted from the depths of her throat. The howl was melodic and beautiful. It was almost hard to believe that it belonged to a wolf so mad. She slowly dropped her muzzle once her song was finished, emerald eyes turned themselves as she watched and waited.
ooc: Bare with me, it's been awhile since I've RPed :x so a wee bit rusty. |
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November 06, 2017, 04:41:09 PM
(This post was last modified: November 06, 2017, 04:41:33 PM by Echo.)
God he hated nights like this. It was dark, cold, and lighting streaked across the sky. It had not started to rain yet, but by the humidity in the air, and the amount of lightning that was happening all around, he was sure it would be soon that it would come cascading down. He didn't mind the rain, in fact he quite enjoyed it- when it was warm- in the summer- when the sun was out. Another crack of thunder roared across the sky, and with it the first drop of rain fell. Echo groaned inwardly, he did wish he knew where Aela was, the blue green wolf used to take all these damn patrols, but with her gone- Echo felt that maybe the job fell to him. He was a Vanguard, and had his duty to Serrate and guarding their wonderful, (read: stinky) guest, but felt he needed to do more.
Maybe it was the lack of sleep he'd gotten or maybe he was hearing things, but he could have sworn he heard a summons from the border a couple miles up. So he made his way in that direction, rain drops beginning to fall more rapidly now, not so much as heavily, but enough to be a mild inconvenience. A few more strikes of INCONVENIENT LIGHTINING lit up the sky and in doing so, lit up the silhouette of the stranger on the border. Walking through the rain towards he figure, calling out as he walked towards the stranger, "Welcome, stranger, to our borders, what can I do for you today?" His demeanor was friendly and welcoming, but he held caution to the stranger as he did with everyone who came to the borders. He would not let anything happen to those that resided within- especially those who did not need to see loss anymore. "Are you visiting or-..?" |
The Mad Hatter
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November 08, 2017, 12:39:03 PM
(This post was last modified: December 09, 2017, 11:05:44 AM by Razi.)
「R a z i 」
When her song had finished, it was then the first drops of rain began to engulf her. Emerald eyes turned themselves as she studied each little droplet as they cascaded all around the red she wolf. It was intriguing if one could say so. It was always said that the first sign of rain was always the first sign of a new beginning. It was rather fitting to say the least since the Mad Hatter was making her way onto new lands. Oh, this was definitely a new beginning and one she was not too sure was positive; yet she had doubts that it would be negative. Then again with the rumors of this those rumors could not be negative at all. With the given that she herself would probably fair better than most with the state of mind she was currently living in.
Welcome, stranger, to our borders, what can I do for you today? He seemed welcoming..but he was boy. Are you visiting or..? The dire wolf with fur the color of blood craned her head towards the stranger. His scent was filled heavily with the lands before him and a crooked grin slipped along her lips. She shoved her ears forward and stared at him for a brief moment, studying him as if he was next on the menu. Yet, emerald colored eyes seemed transfixed, blank, almost as if she was somewhere else at the moment. The red she wolf's thoughts rolled over and over in her mind as she was in a constant battle with her inner demons. Oh, but they weren't her inner demons. They were her friends. Right? The Mad Hatter supposed they understood her more than her own parents did. The dire wolf was jerked from her thoughts as she twisted her gaze to glare at him for a brief moment before her features softened. A slight chuckle muffled from her muzzle as she turned her gaze towards the darkening skies. Razi heaved her shoulders into a slight shrug as she half glanced at him. "You could say either or," She paused for a brief moment as she turned her full attention on him. The red dire wolf shoved herself forward to stand closer to him. "I heard rumors of these lands and its inhabitants and I am tired of wandering alone. So I figured I'd see what this place had to offer." The Mad Hatter shifted her weight, "You can call me Razi."
ooc: |
The Mad Hatter
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[ooc: @Gyr FYI I'll be leaving the night of 11/17 to Florida for a seven day cruise ^.^]
Almost Sparkles
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[Ah gotcha! Sorry it’s taking me a bit to reply. I’ll get to this soon I promise. ]
The Mad Hatter
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She seemed normal enough, smelling him, checking out the surrounding, sizing him up. It happened, and he knew it did, but it didn't mean he had to like it.Things have been a little more on edge around the borders since- everything that had happened. Echo was not a ranger- but they were few and far between these days, and his responsibility was to the people of Gemini so, he'd do what he could. And if it meant being sized up on the border- he'd endure.
"You could say either or-" He took a deep breath in. If she was only visiting, he'd rather not waste time here playing games, while he could move on to another who actually wanted acceptance. Still- he would endure. If she was here for acceptance though, he would take the time to vet her, as he did every other person he'd met on the border. She didn't seem the usual acceptance though, she seemed a bit distant not fully involved, but he could say it was nerves perhaps. "Well then- either or- how long are you planning on staying?" Perhaps this would narrow it down a bit further, assuming she'd answer with a straight answer and not dance around it. He had felt wary when this acceptance first began, but as she moved closer to him, the wariness spiked, and crossed over to caution. "I heard rumors of these lands and its inhabitants and I am tired of wandering alone. So I figured I'd see what this place had to offer. You can call me Razi." "You've... heard rumors?" Echo asked. What rumors and from who? The questions engulfed him, but he refrained from asking them for the moment. Perhaps she'd run into the wayward sons of Gemini and learned from them, but then again those wouldn't be rumor, they'd be fact. He did not move away from her, but he did not step towards her either. She wanted to know what Gemini had to offer, had those rumors not offered her an answer for that as well? "Well Razi- usually its the other way around, and we ask what you can provide for the pack.." Not what it can do for you, that seemed- unethical. "However, this place- it offers quite a lot. A place to rest, as you said you were tired of wandering alone, would be one thing it could offer." But until he said anything else about Gemini, he had to know what she could offer, it was only fair. "I'm a bit more interested though, Razi, in what you could offer for us? Do you have any skills that could be useful to us?" She didn't look like the healing type, so he wouldn't ask that. |
The Mad Hatter
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November 30, 2017, 10:35:20 AM
(This post was last modified: December 09, 2017, 11:08:33 AM by Razi.)
「R a z i 」
The red dire wolf shifted her weight as she turned her ears up to listen to the male wolf. He seemed maybe skeptical? The mad hatter was unsure of how he was feeling. It was not like she was a mind reader anyways. Though, she had enough voices in her head that she really would hate to have to listen to the whole world. The only thing she could really bother reading was his body language. Every creature had a way of showing their emotions through their body. At times it was body language that gave one away; but generally it was the tone that was one's down fall.
The red she wolf cleared her throat and dipped her head, "Apologies, where are my manners?" She paused for a brief moment, turning her gaze to fully focus on him as the chatter in her head got louder. "Excuse me a moment as I have a echo in my head I need to take care of," She shook her head vigorously before focusing on him again. "Quiet down you, I am trying to talk to this lovely male," She took a long pause and slunked to her haunches. "I'm a hunter mostly, but I am a quick learner and can probably situate myself in other things if need be," A slight smile spread across her muzzle as she watched him for a brief moment. Emerald colored eyes turned themselves slightly as she craned her head sideways before straightening up. "I would like to try this pack life stuff once wasn't for me in the beginning; but one can only take so much loneliness before they are driven mad," She looked away for a brief moment, "After all wolves are meant to be together, never alone." Razi slowly looked back to him. "I am not crazy by the way..I was just born with company.." Her expression twisted a little as she looked away. She seemed distraught, lost.
ooc: Sorry it's a bit meh, don't feel well lol. |
The Mad Hatter
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OOC: My conversation with Gyr is below:
Gyr Wrote:Razi Wrote:Is it okay to say Echo accepted Razi into the pack, so that I can move forward to getting her active and rp her more?Yes def. sorry I’m holding it up. This thread is considered closed now. Acceptance done. |