Private Roleplay Ein Jäger aus Kurpfalz [Border visit - Alexander] | |||||||||||||||||||||
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my veins drip golden
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September 24, 2017, 12:54:10 PM
(This post was last modified: October 02, 2017, 11:40:24 PM by Uri.)
![]() There were many plans to be made, many things to do.
He and his small gathering of relatives and other were camped nearby, far enough to not cause worry but close enough that if he needed, he could call for assistance. He knew very well that packs could have violent responses to visitors on their shores - quite literally here as he stood at the edge of a moat. There was a bridge nearby, two more also, but he wouldn't cross unless requested to by the inhabitants of this territory. He had heard many a rumor about the stronghold of pirates living here, though what they were called was a matter of debate - some called them monsters, some called them simply powerful, intelligent traders. Some called them Tortuga, so that was what he assumed their name was, but still, he would not assume. Here he stood, at the edge of the territory, ears perked ahead and eyes scanning for movement. Once he saw someone, he turned to look at them. A male of flashy golds set into blacks and reds was there and immediately Rainer noticed the great curving horns that pulled out behind the stranger's head. He admired them from afar, before golden eyes sank to blue. Hail! I am Rainer - may I ask what iz zis place? He indicated to the beautiful (in his opinion) bridges that crossed the moat and whatever other fanciful things he might see from his vantage point. |
Tortuga was still recovering post-Hurricane, and Alexander was helping where he could. They were spread thin--bodies unaccounted for, houses destroyed, slaves escaped. It was a small wonder that the ones he'd seen were mostly unscathed; entire trees had been uprooted and flung around like they were nothing. Of course, most of the damage had hit the shore, the inland damage minimized to some flooding which had now gone down, but, regardless, it had hit Tortuga hard.
Today, he patrolled the borders. He was mostly looking to stop anyone else from leaving, but coming across some new faces wouldn't be that bad; he needed to know the watchman, anyway. He'd met so few of his packmates, it was hard for him to really tell who was who. Raikov's line had some pretty unique pelts, at least. Alexander wasn't quite sure what he'd gotten himself into, to be honest. He didn't consider himself a pirate, had never considered it, but their easy camaraderie and close bonds had drawn him in. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had something like that; had he ever, honestly? There was a stranger across the mote, though, so he'd have to reflect on that some other time. "Hail! I am Rainer - may I ask what iz zis place?" Bright blue-orange eyes blinked at the man, recognizing the accent. It was thick, rough, but it was clear that this stranger knew English as well as the other. "You've come to Tortuga's borders," He called back, his own Russian accent only bleeding through the slightest bit. He knew many languages, but his mother tongue was still the one he preferred. "My name is Alexander. How can I help you, Rainer?" He took steps towards him, paws resting on top of the bridge but not making a move to cross it. He was no watchman, and if Rainer wanted acceptance, Alexander would have to fetch someone else; there was no point in making the perilous trip twice. |
my veins drip golden
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![]() It seemed that everyone was facing natural disasters and huge changes lately - he'd heard from his brother that Nardir had faced an earthquake quite recently as well. Rainer could see the damage but was glad to see that there was still a strong border and a presence in the border patrols. Here came someone, with sweeping horns that immediately caught the bacchus dire's eyes. He admired the horns for a moment as the other approached, before turning his gaze to span over the coat of the stranger, noticing the reds and blacks with the sweeping golds. He knew there were wolves with fancy coat markings like this, but there had been few fanciful golds in the Motherland.
"You've come to Tortuga's borders," Tortuga, ah so it was called that. He noted the accent in the voice, pleased as punch to hear another whose voice was different from the norm of these lands. "My name is Alexander. How can I help you, Rainer?" Pleased to meet you, Alexander. The other came to stop at the far edge of the bridge, so Rainer strode over to stand at the mouth of the bridge, so that the moat separated them but there was no awkward diagonal speaking across land. My people und I arre on a quest for knowledge. He gave a pleasant smile, his dimples clear against the black of his face. Vee are Bacchus - vee camp nearby but are only passing through und I vished to meet the pack vho live here. He looked towards the territory, appreciative of it while not showing any indication of any ill will towards it. Vhat I see is impressive! He then looked back at Alexander. I have heard bits und pieces of Tortuga but do not know truth from fiction. |
kissed by the moon
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