Acceptance thread No matter where I sleep, you are haunting me | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Morrigan Rhiannon
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March 24, 2019, 09:47:52 PM
(This post was last modified: March 24, 2019, 09:49:45 PM by Morrigan Rhiannon.)
The darkness that surrounded the kingdom was something that the she-beast did not anticipate when she arrived. She was a regal sight to be behold with her golden collar and strong form. The rest of her belongings were stored away in a large bag tossed over her shoulder. Every muscle in her body was tensed and all of her senses were on alert. Who knew what could be hiding in these forests? A soldier was rarely at rest and never in unfamiliar, unknown territory. Her dark and dust form padded stopped at what appeared to be a moat and gazed off into the trees before her. She had seen much in her long life and her extensive military career but the mists of this land and the darkness within was new. How fitting was it for the soldier darkness had taken over to decide to try to call this place home? Morrigan remembered her platoon, a pang of regret mixed with anger as she recalled the events that led to her being here. But she had had enough of war with enemies that would keep coming until their life blood was gushing from their neck, from enemies that in retrospect, were no different from herself. She knew nothing but war with blessed moments of peace that seemed too short to be real. She wanted peace but every bone in her body was ever-prepared for war. The commander lifted her head and let out a howl, a deep dog-like howl. OOC: This takes place a week or so before the WOS plot
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A howl echoed in the mist, raising the hackles on Franzi's aching spine. It was there and then it was gone, a shallow huff rattling in her chest. She stood there with jaws parted and breathing heavily as she watched the tail end of a rabbit disappear into the undergrowth. Another meal's escape. She was beginning to grow tired and unwell, consequences for refusing to care for her body. She'd get her touch back soon enough. She had to deal with some shit first.
The bone-weary Page craned her head towards the moat, her stomach turning with her gaze. She had been lingering at the moat for days, staring longingly out over the horizon and watching Alteron's land change with the lights and the colors. Was it really so hard to believe that this place was sanctuary for her on good days? Bleary-eyed, Franzi made her way down to the water's edge, looking up to see the bridge only a few hundred feet away and... the stark outline of a hefty figure. The Page slowed in her steps then quickly picked up the pace, a slow trot progressing into a hurried bound. She halted across from them and bared her teeth as her claws skidded and tossed mud into the moat below. "This better be worth my fucking time. You just cost me dinner." |
Morrigan Rhiannon
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Lacrimosa dies illa, qua resurget ex favilla. iudicandus homo reus: huic ergo parce Deus.
Morrigan waited, outwardly calm but inwardly she tried to calm her nerves. The ever-present paranoia in unknown lands was at its strongest when she knew that it was occupied. Her fur lay flat but she scanned her surroundings. She could see an oak tree, a moat of water, a large rock, a birch tree, and mist. She could touch the ground below her feet, the bark of the tree, the grass under her paws, and the air in front of her. She could smell the scent of the packlands that lay before her and the forest of oak and birch behind her. She could almost taste the breeze. That grounded the wolfdog and she could focus. The commander saw a figure coming towards them from the lands she stood across of. The form was of a large canine - a wolf - with a woodsy-colored pelt and a pair of blue eyes. She challenged the female in size and looked unfriendly to say the least. It was only thanks to the painstakingly-earned control that the soldier possessed that she didn't return the display in kind. Instead, she gave a regal dip of her head. OOC: OOC here |
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April 22, 2019, 01:03:20 PM
(This post was last modified: April 22, 2019, 01:04:04 PM by Franziska.)
Her muzzle wrinkled as her tongue swiped over her teeth, barely showing any interest in the wolfdog's intent. Her hunt was cut short for this? She supposed Alteron had a shortage of strong females who could put up a fight if necessary. Franzi's eyes flicked up and down, scanning the strange woman's body. She was muscular and heavy, probably equal to her own strength. Her appearance alone made her fancy a little brawl. The bag and collar that adorned her definitely put her off. If she had come from a place of luxury and domestication, she would quickly be eaten alive here. But she would save those questions for later. There was always more to everyone's story, but it wouldn't stop the Page from using it against her should the opportunity arise.
"Ohh yeah, please come in, make yourself right at home! We have so many mouths to feed as it is, but what's one more eh?" She stood, pacing back and forth at the edge of the moat with her eyes locked on to her's. She hoped she spoke sarcasm. After several moments, Franzi stopped with a stomp and her blue gaze bore into the newcomer, as if to say that was a fucking joke. "What makes you think you deserve a place here, uhh--" A paw lifted and wagged expectantly at her, a crude gesture for the stranger to insert her name. Not that she really cared what her name was, she'd soon forget it in a few minutes. "-- yeah, whatever. It works like this, see. I decide who comes in or out. And I don't know you or what you have to offer. So? Tell me why I should just let you join." She didn't have a knack for sharing. Living in these packlands was hard, and arguably harder than surviving alone. She needed to know if this oversized lapdog was ready for that life. Only then would she be put to the test. |
Morrigan Rhiannon
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Lacrimosa dies illa, qua resurget ex favilla. iudicandus homo reus: huic ergo parce Deus.
Morrigan had been a soldier, a commanding officer and she knew how the younger ones could be. Their language was often vulgar and they could be rowdy if not sarcastic. She would have snarked back but felt it was unwise to do so in this situation. She knew not to judge based on how they treated newcomers since she knew that fresh blood would be put through trials of some sort. She had been both the receiver and the giver of such trials. Her face showed little emotion. The ex-commander felt a flame of indignation. What kind of idiot did this woman think she was? However, she kept that off of her face and her body language stayed neutral. She had endured much worse under drill sergeants. She took a second to catalog all of her skills and what she could offer. She didn't want to sound like she was bragging but she had had an extensive military career. OOC: Long post go! |
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Franzi took a seat, giving the chance to let her say her piece. From what she could gather, she was a trained soldier, but from... where again? The more she spoke, the more her eyes gradually narrowed in confusion. Although, she naturally picked and chose which words to give meaning to thanks to her language barrier and cynicism. By now, her head was tilting to the left and both brows were raised. Being trained to fight was one thing. Fighting a war was another. She had no knowledge of Alteron's alliances or enemies, but there was always room for warriors here in her book. If she were pinned against a wall by a bear, Franzi would definitely rather have this fresh meat in the forefront beside rather than someone like, say, Set or Connor. They just had to hold their own in a place littered with death, decay, and rotting corpses. Pretty simple.
She was finished speaking for a few seconds, but Franzi found herself still staring at her impatiently. Finally, she scoffed. "So what you mean to tell me is... You were hot shit. Buuuut at the end... you failed. And now you're here." Her lips pursed, her head tilting the opposite way. She tried so hard to hold it in, but she couldn't help it anymore. The bitch started busting out laughing. Her paw lifted to hold her chest in an attempt to contain herself, but she was unsuccessful. It was so rude, she knew, but she had to find at least some humor in times like this. "Hooo boy, I'm sorry. I just-- Hahaahahah. Ahhhh. Whooo. Oh, man. That's some shit." She swiped at her cheekbone, the only time a tear would ever threaten to drip past her eyelids. Releasing a satisfied sigh now that she had a good chuckle, she rose from her haunches and nodded her head in the direction of the bridge. "Walk that way with me." Without waiting, she began to stroll beside the moat's edge. She took her time, fangs still poking out of her cheeky shit-eating grin. Oh, how she loved her job sometimes. She'd make this one entertaining for sure. "Sooo, what was it, Margaret? What if I told you once you join, you can never leave unless given explicit permission to do so?" The cocky female eyed the other not-so-humorous one. How ironic would it be if a war broke out in Alteron with you right in the middle of it? |
Morrigan Rhiannon
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Lacrimosa dies illa, qua resurget ex favilla. iudicandus homo reus: huic ergo parce Deus.
Morrigan figured out quickly enough that her history wouldn't be taken as seriously if she told it to this woman. She accepted that outcome the second she began her story and she prepared for that. She continued to stand even as her counterpart sat, her body held rigid and as close to "at attention" as one could get. The commander was not disappointed by the reaction from the female. The only expression that dare to present itself on her stone-faced look was something unreadable. She had spared the woman of much of her history, the brothers and sisters in arms that had been killed right before her eyes, the bodies she found, the young faces that were taken too soon. But she held her tongue, quelled the fiery indignation inside of her. There was a reason she had managed to work her way up to Commander and she knew to hold her temper. When the she-wolf finally got herself together, the Rhiannon walked with her like she requested. She stayed at her side, not ahead and not too far behind. It seemed like she had been accepted into the pack, for now. What other trial awaited her? The dusk and brown figure made no attempt to correct the woman. She wasn't much different from the drill sergeants that tried to get a rise out of her. 'Don't give them the satisfaction.' The question the female posed was one that the ex-soldier did not spend too much time mulling over. OOC: okay this took a lot of brainsmarts |
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April 23, 2019, 07:01:13 PM
(This post was last modified: April 23, 2019, 07:06:14 PM by Franziska.)
Ears pricked at the wardog as the two padded along opposite sides of the moat, Franzi's gaze fixated on the bridge ahead gradually becoming closer into view through the thick fog. It seemed as though this woman was more concerned about causing external conflict and having it follow her here rather than her own personal wellbeing... The Page typically would think that it was senseless to consider these notions, but part of her knew she was right. Everyone was different, and just because she was egocentric didn't mean everyone in Alteron had to be as well. She smirked. Strong, heavy build, combat training, and self aware? Oh, she'd find a flaw in her yet. And when she does, it'll be fun to play with.
"Right. And I'm not saying Alteron is prone to declare wars left and right, but... Should that ever happen, how will you react knowing that it's the very thing you came here to escape?" Her eyes darted to glare at her mischievously, teeth glinting in her sly smile. "How much are you willing to risk for the pack, hmm? Heheh. Just some food for thought." she chimed, gulping as her stomach growled at the word 'food'. She let silence fall between the pair as they continued strolling, her mind beginning to wander, smile slowly fading into a brooding scowl. She didn't worry herself over petty wars or pack politics. At the very heart of it all, she didn't truly believe she was a pack wolf and sometimes wished she had the chance to turn away from Alteron's borders and test the waters out in the wild, completely on her own. But she knew her pride wouldn't allow her to. She joined this pack, she made that choice, and now she must stick with it. She wouldn't be able to live without praise, without recognition, without attention from others. But she certainly wished she could have a vacation away from here once in awhile. She would never admit it, but she didn't trust a single soul in this place. It didn't matter to her what kind of wolves lived here so long as they respected her. And she would not stop until she gained the right amount of respect that she deserved, whatever it took. Her deep thoughts were interrupted as they came ever closer to the bridge, and Franziska came to a full sudden stop. She stared ahead, gaze unbroken. What did it matter to her that this broad could fight? Franzi could fight. And she hadn't had a good ole tussle in ages. Sure, she could provoke this lady into wrestling with her, but she could give less of a shit if she could or couldn't hold her own in battle. But in her mind, she definitely seemed like she could. So, what was she really looking for in this acceptance. She decided she'd take a slightly different approach. Her head turned to gaze at her for several seconds, then she nodded her head at the satchel this woman carried, nearly forgetting it was even there. "You're gonna have to empty that once we reach the bridge," she murmured, then began walking again. Finally, she reached the bridge that served as an entrance into Alteron's territory. She halted on the side opposite of Morrigan and waited for her to catch up, holding up a paw to motion to her to await further instructions. She lowered the paw slowly, eyes staring into her's. She offered no corny jokes or smiles this time. Now, she was serious. Her chin raised, gazing down her muzzle at the wolfdog who waited to set foot in her new home. Don't get ahead of yourself now. It won't be that easy, lapochka. She stomped her foot twice and jerked her head at her. "Come halfway through the bridge and then stop and empty your belongings for me to see. All of them." She froze, a moment passing before she spoke again. "And if you try anything, maybe I smash your face in. Maybe." |
Morrigan Rhiannon
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Lacrimosa dies illa, qua resurget ex favilla. iudicandus homo reus: huic ergo parce Deus.
The woman posed a fair question considering Morrigan's history. She took a moment to collect her thoughts. Her life had been devoted to war and military for far too long and she no longer wished to have it devoted to war and only war. But she had been shaped into a weapon by her training and her career. She was named for the triad of goddesses of war and death. She would honor her namesake in war. When the woman ordered her to empty her bag, the wolfdog asked, Leather armor with some metal pieces attached were in a bundle. There were a few books, most of them bound with leather and smaller-sized. A rosary with a cross and a crow pendant. And a wooden box that Morrigan slowly opened to reveal pieces of metal rounded and attached to cloth; medals. OOC: I'm not sure where I was going with this but here it is. And I have no idea what Morrigan's armor looks like exactly. |
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May 04, 2019, 01:33:58 PM
(This post was last modified: May 04, 2019, 01:34:39 PM by Franziska.)
Franziska hummed as she listened and walked, ears perked backwards. Mostly, she was tuning out and picking up the pace so they'd get there faster. Maybe she'd move her legs as fast as she moved her mouth. Seeing a newcomer across the borders had been somewhat exciting at first, but it was slowly becoming tiresome and at this point she wanted it over with. Perhaps she'd make Morrigan hunt for her later, just to make up for lost time. But she'd burn that bridge when she gets to it. Hah. Bridge puns.
Her head snapped towards the wolfdog with a glare, billows of hot white air fuming out as she huffed at her. "I ask questions. You empty bag," she declared in a stiff monotone voice. She wouldn't go as far to steal her things or destroy the bag, but she sure as hell wanted to be sure that she wasn't carrying anything lethal. Franzi was a wrestler, fighter, and at time a bully, but she was incompetent when it came down to tools. And she wasn't quite sure what Madeline here was capable of quite yet. She'd find out soon enough. She watched intently, her muscles tense, but soon relaxed as she realized that all this woman had was just memorabilia and things that held sentimental value. How sad. Franzi's eyes darted from one item to another, almost curling her lip in sympathy. She was too tired and impatient to show it, but she did feel for her. Maybe after she forgives her for what she's about to do, the Page would offer her a drink. Finally, after several moments of silence, Franzi stood and approached her until she came side to side with her. She turned her gaze to her, falling face to face with the soldier at an uncomfortably short distance apart. Another few seconds staring into her eyes before she cracked a smile and began chuckling. She almost felt bad for how bad her breath must have smelled. "I hand it to you, Meredith, you pluck at my heartstrings. I think you fit just fine here. No doubt, you've lived through many things. But, by the looks of it, you were not alone." Smirking, she let that last word out with a heavy breath. She lifted a paw to pat her hard on her shoulders, a friendly and firm gesture. Until it wasn't. "Let's see how well you do, solo." In one sharp, swift moment, Franzi curled her body under Morrigan's belly and lifted her up, tossing her over the bridge's edge and into the moat. She was heavy as shit and it took a great deal of pushing for sure, but Franzi was sturdy and matched in strength. Her paws skidded over, sending flakes of rock and dirt into the water after the wolfdog. She regained her balance after a minute, laughing at herself. Close call. Staring down into the moat, she panted and felt a deep amused growl rising in her throat. "I want to see you fight for yourself, razvaluha!! I'll sit here all night if I have to! There is no end to the war inside your mind! So push through the current, and ride the waves! EARN YOUR PEACE. Do skoroy vstrechi!!! AHAHAHAHA!" |