Private Roleplay Now your life has begun. ((Illidan)) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Stunning Treasure Maker
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The pair lead her through a series of tunnels, dark enough to have a difficult time seeing, they smelled musty and wet. As if having recently being full of water, and when the scent of clean tropical air hit her nose she sped her pace to step into the sunlight squinting. What a beautiful secret El Dorado was, Brielle tossed her head upward to breathe deeply, feeling the sunlight wrapping around her beautiful features. Course Pearle, and whatshisname, were welcome to follow her along as she tugged the sled forward after the moment's break. A week later, Brie had managed to find herself a lovely monster of a tree by a body of water, a clearing to it's right. Mountains climbing around the area, it reminded her of her very first homemade den. Thus she began to recreate it, digging downward through the tough soil so the roots and tree would linger above her head. The first few days had been messy, dirt up to her shoulders, in her hair, along her back as she dipped in and out of the hole. Until when slipped inside it was a medium sized den. Her belongings and supplies tucked away into little shelves made into the walls, a rack to hang her bags on was taking shape to the left of the entrance. A warm nest of pelts, grasses, and pulled cattails opposite to the far back right. She's somehow shoved the small sled in here, and it would likely be a wrestle to get it back out. She didn't need to anyways. Today, she woke slowly in the warm bed she'd made, with a smile on her face despite a tug of soreness in her chest. It had been a rough little while waking up alone, Pan had been by her side for so long... The den had been dug out a bit larger than she intended for one. Just... More space to work. Brielle stretched from bed, and found her way outside where she moved to lay over a warm patch of grass in the dappled sunlight. Humming as she sprawled out, what she was going to do today... she had no idea... but surely there were some lucky folks who have a gorgeous new neighbour to meet. |
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![]() A new day had started, the fairy prince waking up around mid-morning. He always felt so comfortable under the giant elephant ears that grew around the area. The trickle of a nearby creek was also comforting to hear and had lulled him to sleep the previous night. Illidan yawned, stretching his stiff muscles from his slumber and then stood, shaking out his pelt. Today was a new day, one where he would continue to explore. He had been assigned a teacher now, the woman he had met about a week prior who plucked berries around orchids. He was eager to learn, but wasn’t sure how to start either.
Perhaps he would search for her this morning. Following the creek trail, he would weave through the vine and fern, eyes searching around for anything that would pique his interest. Illidan was still much a child in that he had a strong sense of curiosity. When his nose caught the scent of fresh soil, he paused, looking at his surroundings. He didn’t find anything out of the ordinary, but it was certainly odd to find fresh dug earth. It took a few minutes, but he finally found the entrance of the den, the smell of fresh soil permeating around the massive tree. In the clearing in the lacing sunlight there was a body on the ground. They seemed to be relaxing rather than hurt, but still, he could feel his heart pounding against his chest. What if they were hurt or sick? “Uhm… hello?” he called out carefully. This stranger wore such odd trinkets and jewelry, the boy almost dazzled. They had very few feathers on them, though wondered if it was part of their anatomy like the avari or if it was decoration and they were bare of feathers. “Sorry for intruding, but… are you okay?” he asked, brows knitted together, giving away his worry. He didn’t want to get too close though if he was unwelcome, so he stood a few feet toward her front just in case. He wanted to make sure she could see him just so she didn’t have to move if she didn’t have to. If she couldn’t. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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Stunning Treasure Maker
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Eyes lazily shut, as her head dipped down to lay on her creamy feet. Sun baking her into a relaxed, dreamy, state. With the rustle of the trees, trickle of water, and songs of birds she'd never heard before... Brielle could almost pretend she was back in Tortuga before all hell broke loose around them. When she had the world in the palm of her hand. Could picture the bonfires, and how they flickered sparkes into the night sky. The stories told around them, the faces of her Sisters before one by one they all disappeared to Tortuga and the elements. It was sad really, they'd been good company. Her mind trailed off to the pack after her blood family was gone, the kids she helped, the trinkets she crafted. The itch to weave, or craft something caused her eyes to open. Just as a voice came along “Uhm… hello?” A golden dappled boy approached from the front, and the delight popped into life in her sweet smile as Brielle rolled back onto her belly. Head rising to glance up at him “Sorry for intruding, but… are you okay?” A musical giggle, tilting her head as her eyes flickered over this new face. "Hello~" her voice low and flirty "You're not intruding, just enjoying this sunshine... But it seems you've brought me a bit more." Eyebrows rose as she grinned, admiring the cascading dark hair the stranger had. He was easy on the eyes, a young thing by the looks of him. It wasn't as if she was all that old. Let's be real, she didn't give a shit. Taking her sweet time to move from her belly to stretch upward, she sat pretty, tail wrapping around her scarred toes. "I'm Brielle, and you are...?" |
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![]() As Illidan approached, the woman rolled onto her stomach. A sigh of relief rattled him as he realized she was just fine. It was warm out after all and the sun dappled across her speckled body, finally realizing she was just lounging in the warmth. The boy felt a little silly for thinking something could be wrong, but it was always better safe than sorry.
The fairy prince tilted his head some, not exactly registering that she was flirting with him. He was young, not entirely picking up vibes of that sort of thing just yet. Even Pearle had tried, but Illidan figured it was a form of kindness and perhaps playfulness. His normal smile lifted onto his features as he approached a little closer before sitting down. "Company is always nice." he says, crystal blue eyes glancing to her den. So that was the source of the scent of fresh soil. She must be new here. Illidan glanced back to Brielle as she sat up fully and introduced herself. The boy nodded slightly, smiling further. "Ah, I'm Illidan. You're no avari I see, but you have some interesting accessories." He saw a few avari wear trinkets, but not to this excess. He was even a little curious about the second tail. "Are you new here?" he inquires, curious. There weren't many non-avari that he knew of besides his own sister and Crocodile who had let him in. He wondered why he felt relief that there was another normal wolf around. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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Stunning Treasure Maker
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Handsome drifted closer, his smile sweet and innocent. Her chest fluttered with glee, merely taking him all in for a few moments as he breathed what seemed to be relief. Of course, he'd just stumbled upon something wonderful. "Company is always nice." She noticed his gaze lingering on her fresh den. She didn't follow his eyeline, but admired those light blue eyes "Ah, I'm Illidan. You're no avari I see, but you have some interesting accessories." A sweet smile of her own, as her deeper blue eyes fluttered over the golden spotting on his coat. "Nice to meet you Illidan. I'm Brielle, and nah. I'm no fancy breed, just my fancy self." A moment to gather to her feet, and do a slow spin for him. Giggling as she stopped back facing him, "Would you like to see them closer...?" Brie asked softly, puffing her chest and posture out, welcoming him to admire her wonderful trinkets and tattoos (but actually her hot self) "Are you new here?" A nod, if he'd approached she'd lean to glance at his lovely hair. Leaning back again to look over his face, eyes half-lidded to watch his lips move as he spoke to her, before fluttering back up with that honey smile and head tilt. "I've only been here for a few days, and you?" She had half a mind to invite him back into her den since he seemed to curious, but, maybe on the third date. Wink wink. |
Kay ✨
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