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Countless moons have passed since the fall of the clans. They are spoken of only in legend and barely remembered by the oldest of elders. A new set of clans has risen but the warrior Code does not always hold true. How can these clans struggle to reconcile their own desires with the ways of the Warrior Code? Where once it was DuskClan, StreamClan, BoulderClan and LightningClan, only three clans remain. United under Heronstar, ThistleClan arose from the remnants of BoulderClan and LightningClan. DuskClan and StreamClan live in fear of the day Heronstar sets his sights on uniting the Clans under one name and one leader. 

Meanwhile, a new group has been discovered. They are the Cats of Kindred Spirit, commonly called the Kindred. Similar to Tribes, these are not like the clans. They live a free life focused on one specialized skills, Hunting, Fighting, Digging, Healing, or Scouting. They are led by a council of Advisors, one from each specialty, and a Spiritwalker. The Kindred choose their Spiritwalker by democracy and the Advisors through contest. They are welcoming of strangers and they are not hostile to Twolegs but do not accept the lives of a Kittypet. The Clans face the threat of losing their warriors to this more freeing lifestyle as many who have rejected part of the Warrior Code flee to the Kindred for refuge.

Come join our friendly and welcoming community and take part in roleplaying a cat in one of the clans or our unique group of the Kindred, or enjoy roleplaying a Non-Clan character! We are a semi-literate roleplay site requiring 100 word minimum posts and we strive for realistic characters. We are very welcoming, even if you are only here to chat. So feel free to come check us out and make some awesome new friends!

friendly staff - liquid time - high ranks available

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