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Karasu He/Him
Posts: 12
Pronouns: He/Him
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: karasutitle_by_lunecy-dbohv6h.png]
Estranged. That's all he was and ever would be. Cast out of a family of his own volition. The heaviness of death, the guilt of powerlessness and the pain of knowing that it was all bullshit. Zeke had been such an angry boy, quick to use his own family as a scapegoat in the light of their father's death, and the only thing Karasu felt was to leave. To the betterment of his family, unable to completely cope with the fact that he could never touch his father ever again. Could never sit in silence within his presence or feel comfort in the advice he provided.

Even now, in the middle of nowhere, the full moon rising above the trees as her hollow gaze laid upon a boy who was so far from home. No longer remembered by those he called family. No longer part of a religious cult that would have eventually killed him. The woman that took care of him had all but vanished, and at last. He was estranged yet again.

Alone in his pain.

For months now, the agony he endured increased with each night. Even now, he dragged his paws as he walked, jaw slack with nose tilted to the Earth. Silver strings of saliva trailed behind him and even glinted against his legs. Mind was clouded with the onslaught of violent spasms, of something worming under the skin, aching to escape. Skin split and cracked on his forehead, caking fluid pulling at whatever was trying to squirm out. A parasite? Perhaps, but Karasu could not think coherently. All he could do was walk, unable to find anything to soothe this ache. Occasionally the pain washed over him like a wave colliding with rocks, he would grunt loudly and groan along with his stride.

And even now, at the crescendo of his torment, paw caught the edge of a rock, sending the hulking beast to the ground. He could only give a heaving breath, hot air escaping his nose. Body quaked in intervals, thick fur haphazardly swaying with each quiver.

It wanted out.

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦

[Image: flying_crow_divider_f2u_by_yukidecors-dbcb9ad.png]

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse

[Image: maia_by_lunecy-dbo8cru.png] [Image: maia_by_lunecy-dbo8cpo.png] [Image: maia_by_lunecy-dbo8csf.png]

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