Open  Reflections of the Gems Above And Water Below.
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Erysichthon He/him
*pooto face*
Posts: 19
Pronouns: He/him

All Accounts Posts: 19

It had been a day since pledging himself to Ares and the male spent most of his time within a few football fields away, smelling, watching, and searching. Between hunting, patrolling, and lazing about the male was rather 'busy' for once. Erysichthonn found it nice to be a part of a cause again and perhaps this one would not fall so easily. The sun had fallen which brought forth the night, yet within the shaded thicket of this forest he could hardly even see the setting sky. The male was a bit of a night owl, having only awoken a few hours ago he was rather refreshed and ready to venture on into the evening.

Ery soon found himself lingering along the river that separated the shrine and the forest. His demonic form crept along the tree line with a look of mild curiosity. Thoughts of fishing crossed into his mind but he did not act on them just yet. Erysicthon was far too full from his meal before bed this morning to eat anymore protein. Thus, the beast merely stood at the shore of the river looking downward at the flowing water below. His mismatched eyes feasted upon the rippled reflection of his own unique form before it got a tad bit too dark to recognize. Ery lowered himself onto his rump and took in the gentle sounds of wildlife and rushing water. Thoughts of what Ares “mouse” might look like rushed into his head, and a low growl escaped from muzzle. A buzz filled his ears, and his eyes shot open. He stood up, and shook his head vigorously. The creature caught site of something dull black and metallic. Labradorite! It was a small gem he had been searching for, for many many moons. Erysicthon had finally found it, a large toothy, crooked smile ripped at his face.

He jumped over to the gem, he picked it up in his jaws and carried it over to the near by cave he had been staying at. Tons of gems just like the one in his mouth lye on the floor, dazzaling and sparkling. The buzz filled his ear again, Ery did what he could to block out the sound. The animal tripped over the pile of string he had stripped from a deer he had hunted down a moon ago, it’s dry fur felt odd against his feet. The gem fell out of his mouth, and tumbled to the back of the cave. Erysicthon growled in annoyance, why did this happen today... things were going great. But now, not so much. The creature got the rock from the back of the cave, and started to try to tie it with the string. When he had all the rocks strung, he would hang the from ledges, crevices, and stalactites. But he wasn’t even close to hanging them yet. 
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