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the brave
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December 13, 2018, 08:10:39 PM
(This post was last modified: December 13, 2018, 08:12:32 PM by Sveyn.)
s v e y n
Traveling home lacked the excitement that his exploration sent him off with. While he was leaving Bacchus, a feeling of remorse quickly dispersed as he anticipated the cultures and diverse creatures he’d meet. He wasn’t disappointed, either, having met many new comrades during his journeys. As well as an adoration that he wasn’t sure how he’d ever get over. Which contributed to the feeling of the time dragging, being lost in his thoughts. Thankfully, Reath was able to provide opportune distractions. His subtle inquiries about Bacchus and what to expect upon their arrival was gradually inviting the feeling of homesickness again. But something was unfamiliar about their trek back, something Sveyn could not quite recall. This road they travelled was not one that he had taken when leaving Bacchus. It wasn’t until they began to pass over a bridge that Sveyn grew restlessly paranoid over what was yet to come. The smells were unsettling, the aura of the environment unwelcoming. Looking to Reath – small, frail, and completely incapable of defending himself – immediately led Sveyn to nose him fiercely in the side, pushing him towards the opposite end of the bridge. Whispering, demanding, “Run, RUN. Do not come back. No matter what you hear. Back to Gemini…” He wouldn't allow the boy to deny or oblige. Blue eyes would watch steadily as the boy disappeared, alleviating his heaviest worry, but still his muscles tensed as he turned to face the oncoming snickers and sneers. Several footsteps were approaching, more prominent than they had been before. Unlike those that ushered him in Inaria and then in Gemini, Sveyn assumed these greetings would be less than welcoming. o o c hello!!!! reath is NOT present in this RP and your character may not smell him/suspect he's around/go after him/etc. ENJOY. |
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![]() Atlas had been gone for quite some time — months, even if it felt like years. Even so, there was a tugging at her to walk along in her old foot steps, ones that her father takes daily. She was a sword, after all. Not a border guard, but similar. She wondered if she would make her grandmother happy, knowing she was taking strides to uphold the kingdom, whatever that entailed.
The looming loneliness had shoved her out into the forest, setting her on a path she had walked ever since she could. She sought, though never found. Bodies she grew warm against could not be found. Sarissa was growing irritated and uneasy, but she calmed herself, enjoying the walk alone. As she rounded the corner, the creak of the bridge caught her immediate attention. A white figure stood close to the inside of Alteron already, no signs of a Page or her father anywhere. Fire seemed to ignite in her blood, she could feel it spread between her toes and up her legs to flare against her breast, and before she knew it, she was bolting toward the bridge. In a flurry of motion, Sarissa's jaw unhinged and snapped at the Bacchus' head, teeth aiming for the crown of his skull. If she latched on, she'd pull back and onto Alteron dirt. If she managed to miss, the wolf leaning back, she'd stumble forward into a gnarl of root and moss, feet scrambling to keep her balanced. The bridges were narrow and she could easily throw both of them into the moat. Sarissa didn't need a broken leg. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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Page of Alteron
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![]() Connor trotted happily toward the bridge. The Page followed his route religiously. He took comfort in knowing the border was well looked after. It also gave him time to take note of any environmental changes - a new root or a fallen tree might save his life if a fighter came along. He froze at the tree line - there was a stranger almost to their side of the bridge! The white stranger didn't seem like the regular acceptance seekers. The minute it came into view the giant seemed defensive, almost as though he wanted nothing to do with Alteron. Then why would such a creature venture so close to their borders? Connor cocked his head slightly to the side from his vantage point. If it wasn't seeking acceptance this outsider was clearly either lacking in brains or lacking in a will to survive. What could be so important that an outsider needed to trespass? There was little warning for what happened next - a black and white flash of aggression hurtling toward the intruder. This wolf he knew. He had seen her around Alteron. She clearly knew something he didn't - the giant was an enemy. Breaking free of the undergrowth Connor raced after Sarissa. Where she leaped straight for the giant's face Connor sidestepped from behind her, using his smaller stature to lunge quickly and snap at the white wolf's front legs. Hopefully this would destabilize the heavier wolf. Such a large creature could badly hurt either himself or Sarissa if they didn't take control of the situation. Still, they had a higher rate of success if they worked together to bring this stranger down. |
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You will have your titles soon enough.
Falco's words echoed in her head as she stalked the edges of Alteron. As a pup Aves knew her status, her title. Daughter of a god. But even back then she knew that couldn't be all she was. She would have had to work in the valley, maybe not as hard as others, but work still. The Fringe believed she was still entitled to old respects, her brother being the Magus and all, but she wandered this day looking for ways to prove herself. Head shot up and ears came forward at the sound of a scuffle and she immediately started towards it. Soon enough the display came into view, and an excited smile spread on her face. Seems opportunity had gift wrapped this for her. Aves needed no context, she didn't care why her fellows were attacking this stranger, she only knew they could use another set of jaws against the deformed giant. The crested wolf charged onto the bridge, now rather full but not precariously so, or so she hoped. The two were doing a fine job distracting him from the front so Aves would take a gamble. Whether the intruder was being dragged by now or fought against his attackers she slowed in a stutter step to run past the small male to get behind the fiasco. With the erratic movement there was a moment one of her paws slid, and unless the unfortunate stranger was alert enough to take advantage of the second of weakness she would make her way behind. If he did, well, she would be the unfortunate one now. If luck smiled on Aves she would turn her attention and teeth to his hind leg, giving it a solid crunch and shake. If the target was still up, perhaps this would aid in Connor's attempt to fell the beast. If he was already down, perhaps it would keep him there. |
the brave
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s v e y n
The foot steps followed the form of black and white rage personified. She was quick, leaving no time for cordial introductions or explanations. The female plowed toward him and lunged without warning but reflexes allowed for Sveyn to rear upward in an attempt to avoid the clutches of her jaws on his head. However, as timely as his instincts were, he could hear the tear of his flesh and a sting could be felt in his ear. He had little time to react to her attack, trying to regain his balance on all fours when he noticed another machine-like figure tumbling towards them. This one went for his front legs and managed a strong, bear-trap clamp on his left. Sveyn, with his right leg, attempted a vigorous swipe at Connor, bringing his skull down violently towards the male who had a tight grip on his foreleg. Preoccupied with removing the vermin made it possible for Aves to secure her hold on his back leg, causing Sveyn to buckle his backend, roaring in frustration and pain. He did not understand their justification for attacking so violently, so forcefully, with no mercy. He noticed his fur turning red, knowing for certain that it was his, but was it his alone? He shook his leg that Connor had in hand, trying to twist and dismantle him and look back behind him, wondering what the rate of success would be if he ran. o o c poke me on discord if this was confusing in any way! i tried to keep it short and easy to read since there's so much going on! |
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![]() He was quick, moving back as she had suspected he would do, but her teeth caught something regardless. An ear, she thought. Sarissa was not done yet, and as she grounded herself against the gnarled roots and vines of the bridge, she heard others approach. Damn. She would not have any solo glory in this affair, but no matter. Although this massive Bacchus outweighed and towered a few inches over her, Sarissa was confident in herself to take this brute down, or at least drag him in. If worst came to worst, she would've tried to shove him into the moat. That's what it was for, after all.
Connor was successful in grabbing the stranger's leg, though she was surprised he did not try to use his teeth in this matter. It wasn't until Sarissa stood fully again that she noticed the Page wasn't the only one trying to subdue this giant. A swirl of black and white caught his back end, making him buckle down. Now was her chance. The sword lunged once more, this time at his nape, biting with little mercy if she were to grab him at all. It would be the final step into fully gaining control of the situation. Checkmate. Sarissa had been in the midst of war, however. Many did not just belly up and give up. It would've been easier for Sveyn that way, Alteron was full of wolves like the Chariot's daughter. One raised with violence in their blood. If she had indeed secured a good hold on the Bacchus, she would pull violently toward land. If he had protested, she would twist her head, shaking to remind him just how close she was to his spine. If he had still managed to evade her, Sarissa's ire would start to grow, her teeth snapping at his face, if she was lucky she'd puncture his eye. Connor and Aves gave him little room after all. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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Page of Alteron
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I am having a really hard time writing for this - just say Connor got whacked by Sveyn and let go, and has stumbled back to see if anyone needs help since he's slightly concussed.
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The fates smiled upon Aves today. Not only did she not manage to dive into the moat below, but also land a blow to buckle the beast. His frustrated roar fueled her, tail sent wagging. She had only a moment to plan her next move. The business end was facing the other two but Aves knew this could change. It seemed the smaller Alteronian had backed off for reasons she was unsure of. But the other persisted. In truth Aves didn't know the story behind this attack, or the lack thereof in this case. Were they trying to kill this monster? If they were she could go for the other leg in an attempt to prevent any sort of escape. His blood could drain into the moat from here, a macabre cascade. But what if this beast had value? Perhaps he could be harnessed. A slave with two injured legs would be of little use. But one broken one? That was workable. Aves would continue her grip, grinding and shaking for maximum damage.
the brave
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the brave
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s v e y n
How did he get here? Where did he make his first mistake? As he was being mauled, these were his final thoughts. His consciousness allowed for this, trying to consider which path he’d chosen upon arriving here. It seemed silly that he was debating such a miniscule thing with himself, but maybe that’s what shock did to protect you from pain and lethal suffering. So, where did his regret begin? He thought of Harriette, how he may not be living this nightmare had he not devoted spending more time with her. His plan was to leave after declaring a proposal to Akira, though he chose to stay months afterwards. Harriette's easy and comforting bi-colored eyes flashed in his memory. Was the mistake leaving Gemini, should he have stayed? If he did, he’d have her still. Her eyes would not just be a memory and soothing thought in this time of despair. They would be his constant. If he didn’t leave, he wouldn’t be fighting death. Would he die here, now? After all he’d endured he’d die for crossing the wrong bridge? He declined to believe this was his fate, this was not what was meant to happen. Sveyn wouldn’t die this way. But he would. Sarissa’s tight jaws found the side of his head, and in that moment Aves’ focus and determination on his hindleg had paid off. He struggled to stay on his front legs, but Sarissa’s relentless pulling cause him to succumb to her yanking in a desperate attempt to end the pain. Make it stop. His large body commenced to the tugging, falling hard onto the earth towards the black and white soldier. Head crash landing onto a boulder. He no longer had to wait for the end, then. He’d made it. The last of the light disappeared and blackness comforted him. The pain was gone. But he wasn’t alone, at least. Two eyes, blue and red, returned to him. o o c poke me on discord if this was confusing in any way! |