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To birds on a wire
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December 02, 2018, 01:16:50 AM
(This post was last modified: December 03, 2018, 08:34:40 AM by WishingWind.)
Wishingwind would be soon entering her second winter as an adult, and she strived to do better this time then she had the last. She had been utterly unprepared, her herb supplies had dwindled, and she had struggled to make up for what she lacked. She would do better this time, she would gather the herbs she needed and painstakingly dry them. She had already done so over Autumn , but now, with Winter approaching, the need was only more true.
She had a mental list on the items she needed to store up - things like Boneset, and Yarrow to fight the winter fevers. Another wolf had told her that Yarrow was common in a territory to the North, so despite her dislike to the cold she would find herself travelling there now. The journey was a long one, but she stocked up on other herbs she found on the way. The journey got rougher as she hit the rocky terrain, and would slow as she took more caution on her steps. It wasn’t immediate that she would realise she wasn’t the only wolf travelling this territory, a hint of scent thrown her way on an errant breeze clued her in. Her eyes would drift across the lush meadow, slightly surprised, and pleased that what she had heard had been correct. It did appear to be a good place for herb gathering. She might need to work out a temporary bag to take away all that she would wish to. There was, after all, much preparation to be made for winter. WhishingWind eyed the fallen tree with a critical eye. Its upturned roots lay nearly bare thanks to the merciless northern winds and its massive trunk was smashed and broken from its fall onto the ice. But at its base was a dark and promising hollow that Valkyrie thought would make a decent resting place. She poked her head inside and, finding it acceptable, began to dig out the debris that had collected in there. It was strange to think back to where she'd been about this time last year. She'd been a child then; warm and safe in her grandfather's care. Wishingwind liked to think she was much changed since then. While she still had a lot to learn and couldn't claim a large advance in wisdom, she was far from the dependent whelp she'd been then. While she'd yet made her mark on any piece of land, Wishingwind plans were coming together nicely. |