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Fuck Life
Posts: 16
Location: in the shitiest world ever

All Accounts Posts: 16

Further west he went until the lands appeared to get drier and drier. Zephis moved under the cover of night today after he had learned how hot the western lands got during the summer. He flicked his ears as he heard the distant and low rumble of thunder in the far off distance, but he doubted it would reach this far west. Paws kissed the dusty ground, sending little puffs of dirt and dust up around his feet as Zephis walked. The bundle of herbs he had carried with him since the lake were held gently and securely in his jaws, determined to bring them back home if he didn't spitthem all out before then. Tonight, however, he was looking for something a little more...rare. .Devil’s Claw. 
It was used in fevers and he knew someone who need this herb.. He was a healer, yes. Well, a healer in training.  But poisons were more his thing and zephis hadn't been very successful finding it near the lake, he found yarrow there.. Since the plains seemed rich in herbs already, he figured he might as well try and find it on this side of the land bridge and hopefully get lucky. With the light of the moon, he began his search. The wolf moving carefully across the dry, cracked grounds.
Another day of monotony was upon him but Zephis was determined to somehow break through the boredom and enjoy himself. He'd already eaten, and chased off a mangy looking feline that was about half his height but ten times more easily perturbed. The cat was trying to steal his yarrow, and he didn’t allow that.Sporting some pretty good scratches across the right side of his face and a few more down his right shoulder and front leg, he was debating who to seek out to get this tended to while also trying to figure out some kind of adventure to go on.

Settling in the center of the tree trunk, Zephis huffed and licked carefully at the still bleeding welts on his leg. Note to self: Maybe be a bit smarter about how to start a fight with a cat. Also, he should probably learn how to treat his own scratches so he didn't have to pester anyone or risk infection.
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