Private Roleplay  Sup? Ya called? (Kyra)
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Sycon He/Him
Posts: 8
Pronouns: He/Him

All Accounts Posts: 193


And when you die
I won't be at your wake
No eulogy from me
Just a smile on my face

actions - “speech” - thoughts

Blah, blah, blah, blahddy fuckin blah blah....


All he wanted ta do was keep his head down and just wander the borders and freak people out with his size, maybe bug Akutan and Ticon some but noooooooooooooooooooooo..... Some crazy fuckin Crimson Demon was the Big Boss Bitch now and well... She wanted to talk to the massive mutt. Bah! Whatever.

So there he was, minding his own business, just kind making his way down from the more harsh terrain of the borders, lazily moving back toward the heart of Nardir.... Except....

“Fuckin hell, I gotta pee....”

He made his way over to a nice looking tree and sniffed it up like the good tree it was. He leaned away some, hiking his legs and....

“Fuuuuuuuck yeeeeeeah.....”

He sighed out with a grin and just look of hazy relief as he emptied his bladder upon the poor tree.... This was his tree now... Yup. He took a half hop forward, stretching out that leg that had been hiked then the one that had supported a bit of his weight, in turn his back and.... Oh yeah, that shake-out felt hella good, sent a bit of dust off his thick coat too!

“Now if I was the Big Boss Bitch-Bear where th'fuck would I be chillin?”

He said to himself, jaws parting in a lazy yawn as he wandered about. Should he try calling the fire-crotch like a cat? Might be worth a shot? Maybe. Fuck. How was a bright-ass red wolf so fuckin hard to find??

Sycon made it to Moonstone lake and well.... He took a galloping start, leaping into the water with a huge S P L A S H!!! Sycon stayed under for a good bit before surfacing with a big ol gulp of air, splash swimming about now to kill some extra energy. Yup.... Big ol puppy playin in the water.... Wait... What was he supposed to be doing again?


coding © vixxie's codes

[Image: wFLSFrk.png]
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Charley She/Her
Posts: 369
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: in the woods

All Accounts Posts: 409

((I'm so sorry I let this go for so long. Let me know when your back and I can pick this up!! <3 ))

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