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Nivis Nix He/him
I live, I die, I live again!
Posts: 2
Pronouns: He/him

All Accounts Posts: 385

       The cheetah padded through the snow, his fur fluffed up to protect him from the cold. He was fairly tall for a cheetah due to his mixed blood and his mane was spiked up. His fur was as white as the snow he walked upon and his spots were nearly indiscernible from his base pelt. His muzzle and his chest was painted in silver and his tail and paws were dipped in ebony that also circled his eyes.

      Nivis woke up with dreams about his mouth being sewn shut, though he casually dismissed it because it wasn't the first time. He didn't bother dwelling on those things; he had more things to do. He had the feeling that he had to do something, though whenever he thought of it, his head hurt. The red-furred angel of mercy had told him that he should survive and he followed those words. They were the only ones that he remembered clearly.

      The cheetah missed the feeling of thrill, he hadn't felt it for a week. He was bored. There had been little for him as he was new to these lands; he hadn't seen anyone. He pushed himself into a lope, his satchel bumping against his side and the objects within announcing his presence with the noise.

Tabitha She/her
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 8
Pronouns: She/her

All Accounts Posts: 8

Her paws padded lightly over the soil path, gradated eyes scanning and shifting across the plains as she made her way along the wall, before slipping up a ramp to trot along the top of the stone boundary that blocked the pack-lands from intruders in all but the open areas left to allow prey and wolves to pass by under the careful watch of sentries. But it didn’t much matter, because she was a rogue
She’d been watching the prey move through, and had noticed that, while they had been initially nervous even when she’d been old enough to observe them without supervision by her father, they had begun to move past without worry, since they hadn’t been harassed by the watchful wolves that could be at the top of the wall at any given hour.

The she-cat stopped and turned her head to scan slowly over the lands beyond the wall, letting her eyes drift over without focusing too hard on any one point—she knew that any unnatural movements would catch her eye better if she wasn’t focusing intently on things.

All was clear, save for a few deer feeding well out, almost at the edge of her range of sight—she caught the flicker of a tan and gold creature run by. She thought, perhaps, that it was a doe and her half-grown fawns. Turning, Tabitha leapt lithely from the stone wall, landing with a soft thump of paws and trotting toward the plains towards the creature.
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