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Illidan He/Him
Posts: 24
Pronouns: He/Him
Location [IC]: El Dorado
Rank [IC]: Sparrow
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: bleedingheart_by_lunecy-dcsezjg.png]
The days slowly became shorter, the darkness encroaching more and more. Illidan had yet to experience his first winter, but he was old enough to realize these things and explore them on his own now. Little by little they all fled the confines of their willow tree, curious and eager to learn about the world. Maeva, Bean and Ahi all went on their ways. The boy still wondered where they could've gone, where the wind took them. As curious as he was, Illidan wasn't all too sure how far he could go. A few steps? A few miles? To the ends of the World?

He shivered slightly thinking about it.

There was mostly the heavy weight of guilt on his heart if he left his mother and father behind. Still, the boy yearned to be adventurous like his siblings. The nipping wind reminded him he should get home soon, to curl up in the warmth while being lulled to sleep by rain and song. Leaves dancing in tune with the gusts blowing in from the frigid north. Nose pointed skyward as Illidan noticed clouds rolling in, curdled dark gray and black. Menacing in a lot of aspects, but the boy wasn't afraid.

Storms often calmed him.

What plucked on his nerves were the shrill screams echoing through the forest in the later hours and the occasional stench of rot wafting through. At this time he'd be heading home, but something told him he wouldn't make it very far before he got caught up in that storm. He would have to hide himself somewhere for the night and wait until daybreak. Sighing, he turned and wandered off into the forest to find somewhere to stay. Perhaps he could find some company along the way.

"Is anyone out there?"

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦

open to two or three!
[Image: cherry_blossom_divider_by_ksanya-d8lh8yw.png]

さくら さくら
のやま も さと も
みわたす かぎり
かすみ か くも か
あさひ に におう

[Image: profilebutton_by_lunecy-dbw2y58.png] [Image: gallerybutton_by_lunecy-dbw2y5c.png] [Image: pinterestbutton_by_lunecy-dbw2y54.png]

[-] Likes: Bloodbird, DustyForgotten, Emily., ilunga, waka
WishingWind her/she
To birds on a wire
Posts: 122
Pronouns: her/she

All Accounts Posts: 122
(This post was last modified: December 03, 2018, 11:24:54 AM by WishingWind.)

With long, purposeful strides Wishingwind crossed into the northernmost point of the mountains. This, she knew instinctively, was the land her grandfather had told her about. He'd compared it to an old cow elk lagging behind the herd. The right hunters would bring it down with ease. With ease she'd take what Zephis needed. What did he need? Bone marrow from the cow elk, Yarrow, and lavender.

She paused beside a snow dotted caribou carcass. Valkyrie hadn't killed it, but now, with no other creature in sight, it was hers. She'd make a meal of it tonight and then be on her way. The journey had been long and hard, and she was more than happy to take shortcuts whenever possible. She looked around. Yarrow! She rushed over to the white flowers, ripe for picking. Wishingwind plucked the plant from ins roots and in seconds drift flung everywhere.

"[b]Is anyone out there?"[/b]

She paused, dirt in her face and eyes widening. Someone else was here, and someone else just saw here fling dirt around like a child.
“Shit.” Wishingwind thought.
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