Skinny Dipping [drishtiXfranziska]
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Jael she / her
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 16
Pronouns: she / her

(This post was last modified: November 20, 2018, 01:59:45 PM by Jael.)

It had been some time since Drishti had washed the grime off her fur. In some places there were matts and other places just plain dirt. It was unlike her to let her coat get to this mess, but there has been plenty to distract her from keeping up her appearance. She had just come back from a long patrol. It rained the majority of the time and resulted in her covered with mud. Her deep red color with lighter tones muddied and tangled. She never knew her parents and wondered if they had the task of keeping up with long hair. Long hair was a rarity and over time she learned how to care for it.

Stepping into the nearby pond, her large paws seeped mud in the clean water. The temperature, briskly cool, as she walked further into the water her hair soaked up the liquid and passed through to her secondary coat. It flowed with movement as she trudged deeper now soaked up to her neck, she dog paddled in a calm manner to keep from sinking under. Swimming in water was one of the few joys in life that she found lifted her spirits. Staying clean gave her more confidence, helped her feel better about herself. Plus swimming was fun, especially in the night under the moon. 

Crickets and night creatures sang their songs while the stars lit up the sky and moon overhead. Fireflies were illuminating the pond and she watched as the light flickered.  Assuming she was alone, she began to hum a lyrical tune that mimicked the crickets call, "Mmm-mm mmmm mm m mmm."

[an attempt]
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